takin my quad to the headgates, tearin up my pickups and constantly swappin shit out, gambling, tryin to get away with risky shit, camping, fishing-when im drinkin or catching something, tearin up the river-or tryin not to lose my cooler when we're tubin or tankin lol, my life rocks-most of the time.
warm weather so i can do the shit i love. guys that are hard to get. tools, pricks, and assholes. I love goin for drives in BFE. deer huntin makes a great date. farmers tans. guys that got the guts to keep up with me.
i hate winter...under all circumstances! clingy fuckers that have no life and blow up my damn phone. i got my own way of doin things especially when it comes to workin on my trucks and if a guy thinks hes guna change that then he can kiss my ass on the way out.
Josh Turner, Buckcherry, Theory of a Deadman, Dylan & the Dirt Road Detour, Brad Paisley, Staind, Joan Jett, G&R, Norah Jones, Lil Wayne, The JV Allstars, mostly country music, and rock, and a lil hip-hop.