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CookiesAndMilf's blog: "Survey"

created on 01/24/2007  |  http://fubar.com/survey/b48269

and another one

whats your name spelt backwards? Enilorak The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? A game I think. Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Nope Last time you swam in a pool? Couple years ago, I don't like the chlorine. What are you wearing? Jammy pants and a pink tank top. How many cars have you owned? 4 or 5? Type of music you dislike most? Screamo Are you registered to vote? Sure am Do you have cable? Satellite What kind of computer do you use? HP Ever made a prank phone call? Back before caller ID and *69 lol You like anyone right now? I love him. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Nope Furthest place you ever traveled? Jamaica, Brazil, Hawaii.. What's your favorite comic strip? I don't read them any more. Do u know all the words to the national anthem? I do Shower, morning or night? Both Best movie you've seen in the past month? I am legend Favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni and mushrooms Chips or popcorn? Depends on the chips. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Nope Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Wet t-shirt contest count? Orange Juice or apple? Cran-grape please. Who were the last people you sat at lunch with? Sean favorite chocolate bar? Anything dark Who is your longest friend and how long? I've known a few people since middle school. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? 2 summers ago when Denis grew too many. Have you ever won a trophy? Yes. Favorite arcade game? Pinball Ever ordered from an infomercial? Yes Sprite or 7-UP? Sprite Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? Work, yes. Last thing you bought at Walgreens? Incense Ever thrown up in public? Yes Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love? I have the love.. I'll take the money now. Do you believe in love at first sight? No Did you have long hair as a young kid? Yes, some of the time. What message is on your voicemail machine? N/A Where would you like to go right now? On an all expenses paid all inclusive tropical vacation!! Whats the name of your pet? If you know me, you already know. What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it? I don't What do you think about most? Bills

Q&A time kiddos

what do you check out first when you check someone out? Their eyes and smile.. I check for tattoos. lol what is the least favorite part of your body? The results of having children. dolly or loretta? Dolly fo sho 3 things you envy from the opposite sex? Paying less for dry cleaning, car repairs and pretty much everything else... Higher pay for equal work.. Blow jobs.. lol 3 things you really don't envy from the opposite sex. Balls.. lol They're just icky.. Beer bellies.. The Captain Stubing balding. which one of the 7 deadly sins do you practice the most? Lust have you ever had an eating disorder? Yes when I was much much younger. when was the last time you made out with a stranger? I don't make out with strangers. are you gonna call him/her? Who? is he/she gonna call you? Who?!?!? what kind of drunk are you? I'm flirty usually. have you ever had a drug problem? if yes , what drug(s)? Nope.. Never done anything but smoke pot. how long have you gone without having sex? Months actually. without eating? Couple days.. 3 I think. without sleeping? 2 days when was the last time you did cocaine? Never when was the last time you smoked weed? Daily what does your hair look like now? Long and blonde 3 articles of clothing that will never go out of style. Flip flops, cute capris pants.. I dunno what else. would you ever have cosmetic surgery? sure... you paying? when was the last time you stole something? When I was a kid. do you think girls deserve more respect just cause they are girls? I think you wouldn't be here if not for a woman choosing to bring you into this world and there should be some respect given to all women for that. what is your favorite night to go out? Sat. do you wanna be rich and/or famous? Just rich.. I don't need the stalkerazzi following me around. who is your hero/role model? All of our military, fire fighters and EMT's..Single moms who still know what family means. whats the most grotesque part of the human body? The ball sack. have you ever found it fun to sniff on your dirty underwear? Uh no. do you pee in the shower? If I have to go, yes. do you pick your nose? Yes, with a tissue of course. why do men get skid marks? Because their freaking balls are in the way!! I'm telling you, they're evil! if you are a man, have you ever tucked your weenie and looked at it in the mirror? I'm not a man.. and I've seen it done. Grosses me out. when was your last queef? Uh.. Couldn't tell you. have you ever been to an orgy? Hahaha yes. 3 way? Yes how do you know the person who posted this? I don't.. I found it online. what nationality would you preffer the mother/father of your children to be? If we were to have children it would be with Sean... And he's Sicilian. what would you name your kids? I already have the kids I'm going to have.. And I'm not telling you. name 3 things you cant stand from people? Liars, disrespect, judgement. what are you doing tonight? You're looking at it!

All about Sean...

Can you answer 51 questions about the 1st person on your top friends list? Don’t change your top friend. 1) What’s their name? Sean 2) Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yep, it's me! 3)Do you get along with this person all the time? Almost always. 4) How old is the person? He's 35. 5) Has he/she ever cooked for you? All the time! He's Sicilian. 6) Is this person older than you? Only by a couple years. 7) Have you ever kissed this person? oh yes. with tongue even! 8) Have you ever seen this person cry? When his grandfather passed away. And then when our Puddy passed away. He's not heartless! 9) Are you related to this person? No, that would be icky. 10) Are you really close to him/her? The closest. 11)Nickname? Not really. If I call him anything other than his name it's usually babe or baby. 12) Do you trust this person? With my life, my heart, my children, my everything. 13) How many times do you talk to this person in a week? about a million times 14) Do you think they will repost this? No, he doesn't do surveys. 15) Could you live with this person? I do live with him. 16)Why is this person your number 1? Because he's my #1 in life. 17) What is a personal joke that you have? Haha I'm not sharing those. 18) How long have you known this person?? 7 years almost. 19)Have you ever been to the mall with this person? yup. 20)Have you ever had a sleepover with this person? every night 21)If you ever moved away would you miss this person? I wouldn't move away from him. 22) How often do you see each other? daily 23) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person? We like to travel at a high rate of speed. hahaha 24)Do you know everything about this person? Not everything I'm sure. But all of the important things, yes. 25) What is your favorite thing about this person? So many things.. Just him in general. 26) Have you ever made something with this person? Yes, many things. 27) Do you think this person is good looking? he's gorgeous 28) What is the last thing you said to this person? I laughed when he said something funny. 29) Have you gone skinny dipping with this person? We've taken a shower together.. Does that count? 30) What is the funniest memory that you have together? The "golf" incident stands out.. lol 31) Is your #1 on drugs? Uh, could you be more specific? Medication, yes. lol 32) Where did you meet? Seaworld pet center. He came in when I was working. 33) Have you ever worn this person’s clothes? yes. 34) Have you and your #1 person made up a hand shake? nope. 35) If it was “freaky friday” would you switch bodies ​with this person? Maybe! I never thought about it. 36)Have you heard this person sing? Yep 37) Have you ever seen each other naked? Of course. 38) Would you have this person in your wedding? He would kind of need to be there.. on account of he'd be the GROOM. But I don't do marriage so this is kind of a moot point. 39)Do you know this person myspace password? No need to. 40) When is this next time you will see this person? I see him now. 41) Have you and this person gotten into a fight that lasted longer than 2 months? Nope 42) If you were crying could they cheer you up? he does most of the time 43) Have you ever dated the same person? uh, no. 44) Have you and this person gone clubbing? Yes, but not since last year. 45)Do you know how to make this person feel happy? Yes.. 46) Do you and this person talk alot? Yes 47) Do you like this person? Of course 48) Has this person yelled at you? Yes, when we're arguing. 49) Have you and this person got into a fist fight? Nope 50) Do you want to go out with this person? We try to go out on the weekends if we don't have the kids. 51)Do you want to be friends with them forever? for a billion lifetimes Now, repost this with information from your #1 top friend. That way everyone gets a chance.

3 things.. from Sasquatch

3 names you go by: 1) Karoline 2) Mom 3) Blondie 3 things you are wearing right now: 1) white ankle socks 2) light blue sweater 3) blue and grey yoga pants 3 things you want in a relationship: 1) Respect/trust 2) Attention 3) Passion/great sex 3 of your favorite things to do: 1) Drive aimlessly on warm summer nights.. T-tops off.. radio on.. hand in hand. 2) Photography. Mostly nature pieces.. I'd love to get really good. 3) Be online.. For surveys, ordering free samples, chatting with friends and family.. 3 things you did last night: 1) Made pumpkin bread with my son 2) Watched the newest My name is Earl 3) Mailed out a couple things 3 things you ate today: 1) Iced coffee? 2) 3) 3 people you last talked to: 1) Sean 2) messaged Tiff back 3) messaged Wendy 3 things you're doing tomorrow: 1) Laundry.. when am I not? 2) Hanging out with my kids & Sean 3) gaming? 3 longest car rides: 1) Boston to L.A. 2) Seattle to Florida 3) Seattle to Texas 3 favorite holidays: 1) 4th of July 2) Halloween 3) Memorial Day 3 favorite beverages: 1) Iced coffee 2) Iced tea 3) cran-grape juice 3 jobs I have had in my life: 1) Mom 2) Reptile specialist 3) Owner of Dipped Delights click it: 3 movies I would watch over and over: 1) Gentlemen prefer blondes 2) Dirty Dancing 3) Romancing the stone 3 places I have lived: 1) Tenino, Wa 2) Lawrence, Ma 3) Manchester, NH 3 of my favorite foods: 1) Cheese 2) Almost any fruit 3) Mexican 3 places I'd rather be right now: 1) Sicily visiting Sean's family 2) England visiting Nicky and Mark 3) Seattle visiting my family 3 people I think will repost: 1) Tiff if she's bored at work 2) Susan? If she's on this week lol 3) April

1 from Manda-monium

50 ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you! 1) Do you like blue cheese? Nope. It's one of the few cheeses I dislike. 2) Have you ever smoked heroin? gross 3) Do you own guns? Sean owns them. Can I use them? Wanna find out? lol 4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? Fruit punch 5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes. If you know me, you know why. 6) What do you think of hot dogs? I dig them. covered in chili and cheese.. finely diced onions.. Numma 7) Favorite Christmas song? The one from the Peanuts where they're all ice skating on the pond. 8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Iced coffee 9) Can you do push ups? My boobs are too big for that.. They're already on the down while I'm still on the up. 10) Can you do a chin up? Not even 1. 11) whats your favorite piece of jewelry? My opal ring. 12) Favorite hobby? Photography 13) Ever been in a car wreck? Yes, they all sucked. 15) What's one trait that you hate about yourself? My anxiety can be crippling sometimes, and I can be a bit unmotivated. 16) Middle name? Elizabeth 17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1) This documentary sucks, I'm going to find something else. 2) I'm almost out of butts, so I hope Sean's home soon. 3) Where the hell are we going to put a vinyl plotter and cutter?? 18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday. 1) zig-zag orange 2) money order 3) Stuff for dinner 20) Current worry? 1) Bills, bills, bills 21) Current hate right now? Bill collectors? 23) How did you bring in the New Year? With Sean.. At home. lol Drank some wine and watched the ball drop. 24) Where would you like to go? Lots of places. And I'll get there eventually. 26) Do you own slippers? yes, I have a bunch... Do I wear them? Hardly ever. 27) What shirt are you wearing? Light blue super soft sweater.. Jealous? 28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I slide right off them. But I have the Athena's silky sheets spray and that's better. Just ask Marie! 29) Can you whistle? Barely. lol and only sucking in apparantly. 33) Favorite girl's name? Mine! 34) Favorite boy's name? Sean 35) What's in your pocket? no pockets in my yoga pants 36) Last thing that made you laugh? Something last night.. I forget what, but it was hysterical!! 37) Best bed sheets as a child? My unicorn sheet and comforter set.. Which I've just found out, my mom still has. 38) Worst injury you've ever had? The broken heart feels the worst. 39) Do you love where you live? No 40) How many TVs do you have in your house? 1 41) Who is your loudest friend? Tiffany! lol 42) How many dogs do you have? None, we're waiting until we move for that. 43) Does someone have a crush on you? They've told me they do. lol so I guess so. 45) What is your favorite book? Where the sidewalk ends 47) Favorite Sports Team? None really. 49) What were you doing 12 AM last night? We were watching shows online and gaming like the uberdorks we are. 50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Wonder what time it is... And then I had to pee.

Unasked questions

I promise there will be questions you've never answered in a survey before. 1) Give me some song lyrics.. and song lyrics. And tell me who they're from. "If you love your gerbil... Don't stick him up your butt. " Stephen lynch 2) Do you have a favorite letter? K 3) Do you prefer lipstick or lip gloss for yourself or your girlfriend? Gloss 4) Las person/thing you took a picture of? My cat looking cute. 5) Air conditioning or fan? The highway at 85 with the t-tops off usually does the trick. 6) What was the last thing you cut? A slice of my pumpkin bread for my son. 7) What's the shiniest thing you see? My ring I suppose. 8) Have you ever had your tarot read? Yes, I do mine all the time. 9) Hey can I have a glue stick? I don't have one, but I can staple something for you. 10) What was the last thing you were nervous about? I can't remember anything specific. 11) Where's your flashlight? One is in the truck, one in the Z, one in the kitchen drawer and I think my son has one. 12) What color is your bathroom mat? Navy blue 13) Do you know someone who's completely inappropriate? Yes. haha many of them. People who fuck up their own lives as well as others and then wonder how it happened. 14) Which accent do you find the most appealing? I like a lot of them. Aussie, Brittish, Italian, Spanish... 15) I say "Ring my bell", you think? Anita Ward... 1979. Thanks, now I have to watch it on youtube. 16) Do you have a favorite houseplant? My big vine in the kitchen. 17) Do you know an American living in another country? Yep, a few! *waves to Nicky* 18) Last thing you microwaved? Nothing recently, although I did use the timer on it last night for the pumpkin bread. 19) What brand of razor do you use? Venus something. 20) Tell me a fond memory from your childhood. Up at Aunt Pam's mom & dad's house.. Riding nugget and playing with their dog.. 21) How did you get the last scar you got? I burned myself on a pan.

Cuz I just love a survey!

1 ) Start with your name: Karoline 2) What do you think about smoking weed? I think it should be decriminalized for adults. 3) Whats your favorite drink? Iced coffee, iced tea 4) What do you hear right now? James Dean running on his wheel.. Peeps on t.s. 5) How did you wake up this morning? Gently, when my body was ready. 6) What is something you ask for a lot? Kisses from Sean 7) Do you lead people on a lot? Haha I'm a huge flirt.. But I would never do anything that could be disrespectful to my relationship. 8) Do you believe everything you hear? Not even a little of it. 9) What is the next big decision you have to make in your life? I don't know. 10) Does anyone like you and you don't feel the same way? Yes 11) Do you live near your best friend? I live with my bestest. 12) What are you wearing right now? Nothing but big fluffy pink socks haha. 13) Is there anyone you would die for? absolutely 14) Where were you at 11:45 AM today? Home.. sipping coffee and hanging out with Lise. 15) How many letters are in your last name? 5 16) What did you do last night? Hung out with Sean and Lise mostly.. Watched some stuff online.. gamed.. talked.. It was nice. 17) If you had the choice to change your eye color, would you? No way, I love my big ole baby blues. 18) Where did you get the pants you're wearing right now? Told'ya.. nothing but socks. 19) What was the last beverage you drank? Orange crush 20) Do you listen to your parents? Obv. not lol. 21) How long have you been breathing? 32 and a half years.. But technically I stopped breathing when I drowned and was brought back to life. 22) Who was the last person to lay in bed with you? My kitty.. He looked so cute I had to go in and snuggle him. 23) Would rain actually stop you from going somewhere or ruin your plans? No way! I don't melt.. hair dries. 24) Do you fight with your parents all the time? Not since I went into foster care and didn't see them any more. lol 25) What's currently on your mind? Butts.. or my lack of them. 26) Area code? 603 27) What's something you really want right now, be honest? A house of our own. 28) How long have you known your best friend? I've known him for over 6 years. 29) What's the best eye color for the opposite sex? Usually I'm a sucker for big brown eyes.. Although I have been known to like blue... or green.. or hazel.. Nice eyes are nice eyes.. 30) What song are you currently listening to? no music on 31) How many and what kind of animals do you have? 2 cats, a leopard gecko, a parakeet, a gerbil, an american alligator, a tree frog, some fishies. 32) Have you ever received sexy pics from someone? But of course. 33) Do you bump into someone’s arm if you want to hold their hand? I usually just take their hand in mine. 34) If you could cuddle with anyone right now who would you pick? Hmm I love snuggling with Sean. But we will later. 35) Can you legally drink? Of course. But I don't very often at all. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year. 36) Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? Only if they're completely ogling my boobs. I know they're huge.. I don't need you to stare open mouthed and tell me how large/fabulous/amazing they are captain obvious. 37) Do you like carrots? I'll eat them raw or juiced.. I only like them cooked in a couple things. 38) Are you taller than 5'5"? Negative. 39) Do you prefer an ocean or pool? I prefer to be at the ocean, but swim in a pool. 40) If you're being extremely quiet what’s it mean? Depends. Sometimes means I'm busy.. or concentrating. or angry.. or upset.. How about you just ask me if it comes up.
Did you wake up cranky? Slightly. My kids were being loud when they woke up. If an ex said he hates you, you say?: Get over it and let it go. Would you curse in front of your parents?: I try not to, they're all very religious. What is your current annoyance?: Religion. Bills. Cramps. Nothing sweet. Do you like drama? no What kind of camera do you have? Kodak easy share m753 Last time you were on a boat and where?: When I was in Seattle a couple years ago. Had to take the ferry. What was the last item you bought?: Coffee and cigarettes... oh and donuts. What country has the best food?: Mexico Last time you used a coupon?: Stop and shop yesterday. Are you afraid of roller coasters? I'm afraid of almost all rides. If your best friend told you they were moving, you?: My best friends DID move away.. I just tell them to come home. And it's working, April and Kevin are moving back soon! Would you rather go to a party or out of town?: Out of town on a long drive. Apple Bottom Jeans or Hollister gift card?: Apple Bottom Do you think you're dumb?: No I'm so smart it's scary. Do you wear anything with skulls?: I used to but my skull flip flops died. What is/was your school mascot?: In Tenino it was a Beaver. lmao At what age do you want to be married?: never Is divorce an option?: Sometimes divorce is the ONLY option. What color is your luggage?: Navy blue. Where and when did you last go on vacation?: A real vacation?? Not in over 8 years. Where is your mom right now?: Home probably. What are you supposed to be doing right now?: Nothin. Are you slowly drifting away from someone close? Sure, I suppose the people I don't see regularly. When was the last time you felt unbearably guilty? I don't think I've ever felt that. How is life going for you right now? Better. When was the last time you held someone’s hand? Last night in bed. Who can you tell everything to? My cats. Who was the last person you talked to on AIM? N/A Last words you spoke? I don't remember. Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a C? Yes Can you play guitar hero? Never tried. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? warm Is any part of your body sore? Stomach is all crampy, shoulder blades hurt.. I need a massage! Any takers.. ahem.. Lilith!! lol What is the last movie you watched in theaters? N/A What do you currently hear right now? Sean talking.. scratch that.. bitching at everyone for being such nubs.
So, what will we call you? Karoline Where were you at 3:02 AM this morning? Falling asleep What was the first thing you thought this morning? My cat needs to stop scratching at the door. Talked to an ex from the past lately? Just the one I have to talk to.. On account of we have children together. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Yes Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it? Every time I have ever said it I meant it. How's your heart lately? Shattered and bruised, but being held together with duct tape. What were you doing this morning at 7am? Sleeping What were you doing this afternoon at 12pm? That's half an hour ago, I was playing with Rex, the leopard gecko and taking his pics. What was the reason you last cried? Frustration and hurt. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? I have. What was your favorite grade? All of my elementary years. When was the last time you were given roses? Not in awhile, I prefer a living plant. Is there anything that you are craving for right now? Not really. Where did your last hug take place? Here. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name? Yes, daily. When was the last time you saw a cop? Yesterday at 7-11 Who sleeps in the same house as you? There's 3 apartments of people in this house, I don't even know them all. What would you do if a teacher of the opposite sex hit on you? I'm not in school and I'm not single, so I would say thanks but no thanks. Right now do you prefer a Strawberry Milkshake or a Banana Cupcake? Strawberry banana frappe from Cremeland. Is your phone within a meter radius of you? yes Wait, are you a guy or a chick? chick What are you wearing? gold shirt, blue fleece pants. What color is the thing you are sitting on right now? black. What season is it right now? Do you like it? It's supposed to be Spring, but it doesn't feel like it yet. I'll betcha you miss someone right now? I am always missing someone Can you type over 60 words per minute? Yes Are you high? nope What's something that's bothering you right now? Liars, manipulators, bill collectors How smart do you think you are? Smarter than the average bear. Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films? Yes, they give me nightmares, so I don't watch most of them. If you were given $100, would you spend it, or save it? I'd buy groceries. Does your mobile phone slide or flip? N/A What do you wear to bed? Nada Would you ever become a vegetarian or even vegan? I was for several years and never felt more unhealthy in my whole life. Can you swim well? very well Do you shop for clothes? How else would I get them? Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris? Paris Who else is in the room with you? Sean, Frog, James Dean. In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies? HOODIES

Yep.. you guessed it!

Have you ever had mono? nope. The last place you were (besides now)? 7-11 What was the last gift you received? Sean just brought me Panera for lunch! Numma How many times a day do you drop your cell phone? N/A Are you still crushing on your ex .. like even a little bit? no. not even a tiny bit Last food you ate? Eating broccoli & cheddar soup with fresh french baguette now. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? Face/eyes/smile first. One of your favorite songs? pretty much anything by nfg The school you attend? N/A Your cell phone provider? N/A Favorite store that's usually in a mall? Hot topic, 20 below... cinnabon. The longest job you had? I've been a hard working mother for 13 years. What do you smell like? Vanilla. The last time you cried was because why, and when? I swallowed something I shouldn't have.. It made my eyes cry. In your opinion, do long distance relationships work? Not for me. I need physical contact. Do you drink coffee? Daily The last person on your missed calls list on your cell phone? N/A Who is the last text message from? N/A How many pillows do you usually sleep with? I have 3, Sean has 1. What are you wearing now? Purple Eeyore jammy pants, t-shirt from Mark's showplace. haha How many pets do you own? 11-ish? What are you doing tomorrow? Besides housework? Nothing. Can you play ping pong? Not very well, but I'll play! Do you like strawberry banana smoothies? I like the strawberry banana frappes at Cremeland. Have you ever attended a themed party? Many times. When did you wake up this morning, and why? 9 something... Because my body said it was time to get up. The best thing about winter? Seeing the blanket of clean white snow covering everything. Last time you were in trouble with the cops? I've never been in trouble with the cops. Who was the last person you fell asleep with? Sean.. Same as every night. What are your plans for next weekend? No clue. Depends on if we're broke or not. How many months is it until your birthday? 6 What do you want to be when you "grow up"? I'm already grown... And I just want to be happy. Are you on a laptop? Nope Are you smiling? nope Do you miss someone right now? yes Are you happy? I'm trying to get better. Have you ever been in the hospital for an emergency? Many many times. Last time you ate chicken? Last week. What jewelery are you wearing? Earrings, opal ring, tongue ring. What are you going to do after this survey? Dunno Song you're listening to? Sweating bullets... Megadeth. Do you like avocado? Yep What color shirt are you wearing? It's white with a Heiny type label, but it says Mark's showplace on it. How long is your hair? Waist length. What's on your mind right now? Same shit. Last show you watched? Celebrity rehab
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