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emotionalbypass's blog: "sugarsweet"

created on 12/17/2006  |  http://fubar.com/sugarsweet/b35402

Know It Was Meant To Be

She cries but no one hears here. She cries but no one sees the tears. She has many secrets that only she knows about. She may have some she don't know about yet. She screams and no one hears here. She is nice to all that deserve it. She takes revenge on those that don't. She lives in a peaceful world during the day. But as night falls she remembers just how dark her world is. She never likes to stay in one place to long. She is always on the prowl. She is always looking and lurking. She always holds here enemies closer than here friends. She wonders if friends are really real. She often wonders what family is for. So it seems they only want one thing when they come around. Many people don't understand her, for the simple fact they don't take the time to get to know her. She walks on the outside looking in. Wondering or not if she wants to join in. She holds her dreams close to her heart. She is often a disturbed individual who is always searching for something She Knows she has a soul of her own and wonders how many other souls she holds. She likes all but not all like her. She loves like no other, but many are to scared to realize it. The next time you run into her don't think it was by chance, But know that it was meant to be. Written by Sugarsweetsara
Cancer it is an evil thing to have to have. Doctor's say the biggest cause of it is smoking, But what about the people that have never smoked in their lives? What about the Children that get it? You look cancer up in the dictionary and the definition is " a malignant growth that tends to spread. A spreading of evil" And that is exactly what cancer is. There is nothing sweet about it nor good about it. It don't only affect the one who has it but it affects the whole entire family, friends, co_workers and people you never knew cared. It is one of the devils ways to play with someone's life. He spreads evil slowly through your body. And you might get lucky and the treatments might work and you might go into remission, Which means the devil just neglected you for awhile. But the evil never leaves your body. It just stops spreading for awhile. The Doctor's say they are trying to find a cure, and they want you to donate money to help find a cure. But are they really trying? I mean come on let's face reality, now, they aren't trying to find a cure as hard as they could or should, if there trying at all, and besides they make money off of us buying the medicine and taking the treatments, If they find a cure they are taking away there paychecks. That's why we have so many people in America taking medications, Some doctor somewhere told them they needed them. But anyway cancer the evil disease the devil uses to take so many away from loved ones, friends, co_workers and makes them distant from everyone. But how are you suppose to feel. Knowing you have something that no one knows for sure how to cure it and get rid of it. Knowing that one day your going to die(which yes, we all know) but our days and nights are much more important when someone puts a time frame on your life and says "you only have this long" And you start to feel your body acting as an exhibit as it starts to show more and more of your ill will. P.S. I wrote this in inspiration of my dad who has cancer and was told that he only had three years to live Which was 4 years ago. I am happy to say that he is still with us and proving the doctor's wrong.
I am a Mother I am a wife I am a sister I am a neice I am a daughter I am a cousin I am a aunt There For...... I am a Cook I am a Maid I am Sweet I am Caring I am Kind I am loving I am Inspirational I am one willing to share what I have if you need it I am a listener I am a talker I am a walker I am a friend I am an acquantance I am a enemy I am a lover I am saint I am a bitch I am an angel I am a joker I am human I am a reader I am an animal lover I am strong I am couragous I am a fighter I am me and that is the way I plan to be. You like me for me or you don't like me at all. Either way I don't give a damn. I don't change for no one, no how, no way. Not any given day. P.S. I know I am a lot but it is boring in life to just be one thing. And don't get me wrong I can be weak at times when times are hard. But for the most part I am Just As I am Like it or Leave it I don't give a Damn.
Sometimes we go through things in life that we may not understand, or know why we have to go through them, But there are reasons for everything that happens in life. weather we will ever know why we have to go through them or not. The important thing is to live life to it's fullest and enjoy life while we can. Life is easy and fun sometimes and other times we need a friend to lean on cuz it is difficult and hard. But we can make it by keeping our heads held high and a smile on our face. And if we just look up and praise God for all the things that are good in our life and ask him to help and guide us and lead us the way he will show us the way we just have to believe in him and let him do his work in our life. He is the greatest friend we have and he will always be there for us when we need a friend in the middle of the night to call on. Our friends are sometimes the most important people in our lives and they are the ones that can influence us and change us. I am glad to know that I have made some friends on the net and on this earth and I am glad that you all have helped me through my tough times and also were able to laugh and have a good time with me. The good times and the conversations we have had are all important to me and knowing that I have made a infliuence on your life I hope for the good and not the worst I am glad I was able to do that also. The truth of the matter is though in life we meet people for all different reasons and we may not know why and sometimes we may know. But each person we meet can either make us stronger or weaker it is up to us to decidwe whi8ch it will be. Our tough times can take a toll on our lives so much that we forget we have friends to lean on and if they are true frineds and they truely care they will be for there for us no matter what. Everyone needs someone to lean on and everyone needs someone to talk to. And I know that you were there when I was doing good and when I was not and down and out. Life is one big school that we all have to go to and learn together. And everyday there are lessons to be learn and some we will learn and others will keep going through untill we do learn them. And when we invite the Lord into our lives and we decide to get on the right track with him it is like we are computers and we need to download all the information that we have been living without for so long. But in the end it is all worth it. And together we can make that change an enjoyable one and enjoy life even more. I plan on making my place in heaven and hope to see all of you there with me. We may not have all the answers in life and we may never have them all and I am not so sure we were ever meant to know all the answers in life But we can make it even if we don't have all the answers.

Children Are The Future

Weather we realize it or not our children learn from watching us. Everything that we do they see everything we say they hear. Even when they act like they are not listening they hear us. That is the funny thing about kids we never know what they are actually hearing until it is to late sometimes, and then we wonder why they are growing up so fast. We as parents know are kids more than anyone else and they need to know that we are there for them no matter what and that they can come and talk to us know matter what. We need to be there for our children and love and nurture them and we need to be there best friends. We need to let the children of the world know that they can come to use no matter what there problem is. Even if we do not like what they are going to say we need to stay calm and talk to them. Do we really need to yell at our kids all the time every time they do something that we do not approve of? What are we teaching our children if we yell at them all the time? We are teaching them to yell right back and then we get mad at them for raising there voice, When in all actualality they are just doing what they have seen us do so many times. Weather we realize it or not our children do hear and see what we do and they do learn by watching us. So if we have some things in our life to change we should change them and tell our children why we needed to change them and why we are not doing what we use to do anymore. They need to know that there is love in the home and there will always bne love in the home no matter what. And that they always have someone to talk to. Our children may do things we have never done and we will not know how to deal with the situation But we need to ask us deep down in our hearts have we ever thought about doing it? (whatever it may be that they have done) But either way us as parents need to handle it calmly. Weather we realize it or not our children learn from watching and listening to us. So when we say something and tell our kids something and they say back to us (well you would not do it, so why should I ) Is is really fair to tell our kids to do something that we ourselves would not do? We need to set the example for our children and we need to be good influences on them and we need to teach them while they are young and can be taught. After all they are the future of the world and the universe and someday one of them may be govenor or president and we need to do our best to teach them so they can be prepared. Life is hard enough and mean enough. Children need to know that home is there safty zone and that home is where they can talk about anything and not get judge for it. They are the future. Children are precious and they are a gift from God and we need to raise them the best we can and we need to let them know that they can be safe and that we are there for them.


Some people say that when you make a promise it is meant to be broken, I use to be one of these people that thought that. But I have learned different. If you open up the Bible and read it you will see that God made a lot of promises and he has not till this day broken a one of them that he made. He promises to take care of his children and he does and always will. He promised Noah that he would never flood the earth again and he hasn't. And he promises to come back for his children and he will one of these days. And if you look in the dictionary and look the meaning up you will find that promise means "A declaration assuring that one will or will not do something. Indication of future excellence or success. To pledge assurance. To afford a basis for expecting." So the next time someone tells you that they promise something ask them if they really mean it and are they going to keep it. Because those are the promises worth looking forward too. And the next time you make a promise make sure it is one that your going to keep. Because the promises that we keep are the only ones that matter. And who knows some of them may even change our lives more than we ever know.
Courtesy of MsTags.com
Courtesy of MsTags.com
They give and do so much for all of us the least we can do is keep them in our prayers.
Every year people make New Years Resolutions. Well most people do. but I am one that does not. It's not because I am afraid of breaking them or not following through. But I don't live life for others and I don't make plans. Some people would say that its not right to live life day by day. But I do. Because all we have is today. We are never promised tomorrow. All we know for sure is this moment. The moments to come are not promised to you or me. So I say let's just savor the moments we have. Enjoy life in all we do. And be the best we can be. Go out and see what we can learn. Have fun in what we do. Make life count for us. And I think that would be a great way to start the New Year. Live life so we have no regrets. and make the best of what we have. Happy New Years to all!!!


In this world I feel so small In this world I feel so alone In this world I feel so afraid In this world I feel so alive I'm alive and well cuz I have all these feelings. I am alive and well cuz you gave me breath to breath In this world I know I will not belong In this world I know I'm different In this world I can't make it alone I'm alive because of you I'm alive cuz you gave me life I'm alive cuz your in my life I'm Alive In this world I will not stay In this world I will pray In this world I will shout In this world I will sprout I'm alive because of you I'm alive cuz you gave me life I'm alive cuz your in my life In this world there is hurt In this world there is pain In this world theres no peace In this world there is hunger I'm alive because of you I'm alive cuz you gave me life I'm alive cuz your in my life There will be a day that you come back There will be a day there will be no pain There will be a day I sing praises In this life I live for you In this life I spread your word In this life I have peace I'm alive because of you I'm alive cuz you gave me life I'm alive cuz your in my life. I'm alive
So I woke up this morning and thought that going for a walk to the store in the misty rain would be a good idea. And not to mention a good way to get the kids out of the House for awhile. They absolutely enjoyed it they jumped in the puddles and then we walked by this school with a hill that they just absolutely had to climb up and run and roll down. They got all covered in Georgia's red Clay what they call dirt here. I told them that they were not going to come home with me like that and they said that is okay we have plenty of puddles to clean up in mom. LOL But we got plenty of exercise and it felt good to take them out even if it was in the misty rain. We raced and I found out just how young I am not.LOL My knee that I messed up when I was younger began to give me problems and my son proceeds to tell me that to make my knee feel better I have to run some more. And I wonder where they get that from? LOL I often ask myself why my kids are so competitive all the time and now I have to say after racing with them they get it from me a little bit I think. But I still don't believe that it is a bad thing. Oh and then we walked under the bridge that they love so much to climb underneath it and my son with his crazy mind says that he is going to live under it some day just like the guy that we seen sleeping under it. Boy do I have some lessons to teach them and some things to tell them about life. And to think that all that we have been through this year they would have already gotten some of those lessons into there heads. It was really a beautiful day though and I would not have traded it for the world. It is just some of the fun that I enjoy having with my kids and who says you can't have fun in the misty Rain? You just have to go out and enjoy it. And take it for what it is worth.
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