The Day At The Mall
by Sweet as can be BBW
My girlfriends and I had had been wandering around the mall all day. We loved to just hang out and watch the guys, not the boys. We were all more into the guys in their mid to late twenties. They were always much more handsome and of course more knowledgeable in the art of sex.
Although I was the only girl in our group that had never had real sex, just with the dildo that one of the girls had gotten me for Christmas last year. I loved that thing; I had managed my first orgasm with it, but had never been interested enough in a guy I had dated to let him in my pants. I refused to just fuck some guy, not that I was all into being in love. I just know that I could never just throw my sweet pussy into just any bodies lap; I am worth more than that.
So anyway, we were hanging in the mall, laughing and having a great time in the food court, when we saw the most intensely magnificent man, he looked like a Greek god; Adonis perhaps. He had a very tan complexion and darks thick hair, his smile melted me, and his arms and chest were so enormous and firm. I can say that although the security guard uniform that he wore was ugly as hell, his ass was so tight and sexy in those pants I wanted to run up and grab it.
He strolled with an air of great assuredness, his chest pushed out, his head held high and a smile that seemed almost arrogant. He twirled his keys that were hooked to his belt by a retractable line, he had them pulled out and whirled them in the air at his side, he wore heavy combat looking boots, and had a can of mace on his side were a cop would have a gun.
I was in awe at his appearance, and I began to feel very damp in the panties, I could not stop staring at him, I was almost totally frozen in his sexy posture. He was walking by our table, and I was staring when I realized he was looking right at me, and had a very intense look on his face, he glared at me as if in anger, and almost made me feel as if he was burning a hole right through me. I looked away quickly and the girls and I giggled as the teenagers we are ran off to another store.
This is where the real trouble began, my friend Katie decide that she was bored, and broke and wanted to have some fun.
"OK girl lets have contest, lets all agree to go our separate ways, meet back here in thirty minutes and who ever has lifted the most expensive item between us gets all of the items."
"Katie do you think that is a good Idea?" I asked, with an edge of fear in my voice.
"Oh come on Patty we wont get caught we never do, and it will be fun. You can steel whatever you want, just try to make it expensive," Katie chimed.
Melissa and Lisa just grinned, nodded and agreed and before I knew it, we were all off in different directions to get our items. I was smart enough to head to the end of the mall opposite of where that guy in the uniform was headed. Sure, he was hot, but he scared me too, I wanted to remain as far away from him as possible.
I picked out an expensive chain store that was very packed, figuring I could find a small pricey item here and have a chance to lift it with all the employees busy. I wondered around a bit, and as I walked past the jewelry counter there it was, I had to have that locket in the case.
There were four people working the counter a younger lady, two older ladies and a very young geeky looking man. I decided to try to get the man to help me, as I knew I could fluster him enough that he would not see me lift the item.
"Excuse me will you help me? I would love to see a few items sir," I tried to sound very polite and well mannered, and a little on the weak blonde side. Guys fall for that shit all the time.
The youngest man approached me; his nametag read Thad, "Sure miss what can I help you with today, a gift for you perhaps?"
I grinned and batted my eyelashes, tugged at the bottom front edge of the low cut blouse I was wearing so it would slide lower showing my great tits.
"Oh no it is my mothers birthday and I have to get her something awesome, I have about 150$ and I like that charm bracelet and that locket."
Thad took the items out of the case and placed them on a black velvet pad for me to examine, I continued to flirt and smile, and made sure he could see down the front of my blouse.
Actually, he was not that bad looking, and I liked flirting with him, he had a nice voice and smile, and was not as awkward as I had imagined. However, I knew I could pull this off; I really did have some money, and moms Birthday was coming up so I figured I would kill to birds with one stone.
The locket was rose gold, with a small angel on the front, and it was oval shaped, I loved it, I decided I would get mom a small anklet bracelet with a little charm hanging from it that said "#1 MOM", it was sterling silver and so mom, I knew she would love it.
Thad continued to show me every item I asked to see, and I continued bending over onto the glass letting my firm, sexy 38 C, tits pout out the top of my blouse, and my short mini skirt scooted up almost baring my ass.
"Well Thad, I think I like the bracelet, can I get that gift wrapped if I buy it today?"
Thad smiled, "Well let me go ask the department manger real fast, I will be right back."
As Thad turned his back, I looked around me, still bent over onto the glass; I slipped the locket into the cleavage of my breasts, and wiggled just enough to get it to settle into the gap of my bra.
I remained in that position, and when Thad returned he smiled he said, "Sure the boss said we can wrap that miss, for no extra charge as well."
"Well thank you Thad, and please call me Patty. You have been so much help I should take you to get you some lunch as a thank you," I smiled my sexiest manipulative smile that I could, and stood up making sure my tits pushed out a bit.
Thad's eyes were glued to my tits, "That is not necessary miss, I mean Patty, I am just doing my job is all."
I handed him 65.00 dollars and, in when he returned he handed me my change and the small neatly wrapped box, he smiled sweetly and said, "Have a great day Patty."
"Thanks Thad you too, and I know my mother will love this."
As I walked away I was sure I could see the edges of a huge rock hard cock in his pants, man maybe I should come back and talk to him again sometime I thought to myself, I felt my pussy tingle a little at the thought of a huge dick being slammed into it.
I slowly wandered the store as I meandered toward the exit that led back into the mall, I did not want to seem in a hurry. I could feel the coldness of the gold chain and locket, it was nestled between my tits, and my heart was pounding at the excitement of pulling this off.
I was almost to the exit that led into the mall when I felt a strong hand grab my arm, and a deep voice address me, "Excuse me."
The voice was so baritone, very commanding. My hairs on my body stood up on end, and I spun to see whom it was.
My chin hit the floor I know it did, it was the guard, and the one I had lusted after only 20 minutes ago. He was standing there with a look of fierce anger, glaring at me as if he were about to shoot first and ask questions later. I could not speak I was petrified with trepidation.
His height must have been 6'6", he towered above my 5'2", he was a giant next to me, and I could feel anger and strength in the grip that he had on my arm. His chest was bigger than my waist was, he name tag read Anthony. His eyes glowered at me and I felt fear encase me as he glared at me from his towering stature.
"You need to come with me now," was all he said in his deep gruff voice, I felt my heart skip a beat and my pulse raced.
"Sir, is there a problem?" I tried to stay calm but even I could hear the fear rattle through my vocal cords as I tried to get the words out through the cotton mouth I was experiencing. My hands began to shake, and my knees buckled a tad, a small bead of sweat formed on my brow and I felt ill to my stomach.
"Just come with me, we both know why."
He dragged me out the door of the store into the mall, down to a side hall and into a small room.
The room was small, but had a large table with four chairs; a mirror covered most of one wall and a window on the other wall. A small water cooler was in the corner, and a audio tape machine on a small desk in the corner, the light was weak in the room and my eyes had to readjust to be able to focus on the giant man holding me captive.
"I.D. Please," He said to me as he shoved me into the chair, and sat on the edge of the table almost right on to of me.
"I .. I ..Don't have any with me."
My god I was trembling, I was not sure what I was going to say or do but I had to get myself out of trouble.
He stood, and asked me my name and age, this time he put a foot in the seat of the other chair and leaned in onto his leg, staring me down hard.
"Patty Christianson Sir, and 18, 19 next week."
I could hardly speak, my voice squeaked with terror, my body was shivering, and I was wringing my hands in panic.
He stood again walked around the table several times just staring at me, making me even more uncomfortable. I realized then he had to be in his early twenties, and damn he really was hot.
He cleared his throat, and then stood behind me; he leaned in very close to my ear and began to speak softly, but with enormous authority.
"So tell me, is the necklace in your pockets, or maybe down your panties under your skirt?"
"I don't know what you’re talking about Sir; you must have the wrong girl Sir."
He leaned in further and let his mouth gently touch my ear: "Oh I have the right bitch alright; You took the locket thing from the jewelry counter and almost caused my friend Thad to lose his job. Now you have a choice, I can search for it myself then we can talk about it when I find it; Or, I can call the cops let them find it and take your ass to jail."
Shit! I wanted to keep the cops out of this as long as possible, the necklace was over 150 bucks, and I knew that was going to be some jail time even at 18. I would be 19 in a week, and they would treat me as an adult and make sure I learned a lesson. What was I going to do? I would never get into a decent collage with an arrest record.
I decided to hope he wouldn't find it, I mean he would never have the balls to look in my bra, then he would get arrested.
"Sure ok search me, I am telling you I don't have anything except this ankle bracelet that I bought for my mother.
Anthony grabbed me by the shirt, and yanked me out of the chair, pushed me against the wall, "Spread em," He grunted.
I turned my head to look at him, I wasn't sure what he wanted, then I felt his foot hit my inner right arch of my shoe and knock it out making my legs spread wide. He shoved the upper half of my body against the wall my cheek roughly smashed into the brick.
"We will see what you do and don't have, and when I prove you stole it, you will pay bitch."
He stood so close to my back I could feel his muscular chest against the back of my head, his six pack stomach against my back and I couldn't stop shaking in complete and total fear.
I could feel his heart pounding and his breathing was deep and concentrated. He squatted to the floor and ran his hands up the outer portion of my legs, as if I were wearing slacks and he here feeling for something that may be hidden beneath them, I suddenly had goose bumps, the hair on my neck stood on end and even my nipples became hard.
Slowly he stood as he began to drag his hand across my flesh, then he slid his hands to the inner portion of my thighs and headed back down, a queer sensation over came me as I trembled. What was going on, would I be able to pull this off? I was so going to kill the other girls for getting me into this!
"Well, seems to be clean there. Where else can I look?"
He stood erect again and this time his hands slid up my sides and across my back feeling for what he was looking for, across my stomach, then the shoulders.
"Well bitch there seems to be nowhere else to look; I guess you were right I have the wrong girl."
He backed up a bit, and I felt my heart slow down and I was able to breathe again. Shit, I am going to pull this off!
Then when I we relaxed and least expected it his hands attacked my tits, he squeezed hard and then he shoved his hand into my bra, I tried to pull away, to stop him but it was no good.
He yanked the locket and chain from inside of my bra and spun me around causing me to fall face down over the edge of the table where I froze in total and absolute fear.
"So what do we have here, seems to be the missing piece of jewelry. What do you make of this you lying little bitch?"
I did not say a word I just sat very still and I squinted my eyes tight.
Anthony again took stance behind me, placed a hand on my back and made sure I could not move from my current position. He leaned over me and said; "Now it is time to call the cops"
I whined lightly at the thought of going to jail, damn what the hell I was thinking! Why did I do this!
Anthony bent over me and whispered in my ear, "Then again I don't think I will, I have better plans for this little thieving cunt."
Under most circumstances I would have felt better but the evil tone in his voice, the wicked giggle caused me to feel the police would be the better option at this point.
Before I could ask, Anthony had his hand shoving my skirt up over my ass, causing the only my G-string to be the only cover left there. His one hand held me to the table; the other hand fondled my ass.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing," I screamed without a second thought.
"Well from my point of view what ever the fuck I want you trashy little thief, it is your word against mine and Thad's, and you are the thief."
Anthony made an awful resonating guttural sound that echoed in my ears. Fear filled every part of me, I so knew I was in trouble. What was I going to do?
"Please don't do this to me, I don't deserve to be raped," I pleaded through the tearful gasps in my breathing.
"Please rape, any bitch that wears a thong and mini skirt like to the mall is just begging to get fucked."
Anthony ripped away the g-string as if it were tissue paper, and then gave my ass a fast smack, "I am not sure what I want first, what do you think I should do?"
I remained silent, and tried to pull my legs closer together, and then I felt two full large fingers cram inside my cunt, I screamed in pain and in shock. The fingers filled me and stretched me as I had not expected, oddly enough I was damp, and they entered rather smoothly.
"Please stop, please I will do anything just stop!"
"Oh you will do anything anyway bitch, but you may as well shut that fucking trap, cause this room here is sound proof, and you are mine until I am done."
And with that he withdrew his fingers, grabbed the back of my hair and shoved me to the floor, I was kneeling in front of him and his cock was pointing me directly in the face, It was huge, at least 10 inches long, and I had never seen one so big around.
The veins were very defined and protruding from under the skin. He had massive nuts, and they swayed slightly when he moved and they were swollen and tight.
Anthony took his cock in hand and touched it against my lips, "Lick it bitch now, I want to feel your tongue on my cock now!"
I am not sure why I did as ordered, but I did, I stuck my tongue out and began to lick it. It actually tasted and felt very good. I could taste the pre cum oozing onto my tongue and I could smell his arousal wafting up into my nostrils.
Then he slid his cock hard into my mouth and grabbed my head, moaning aloud he said, "Oh yes bitch now suck me, suck my cock and convince me to let you go."
I hadn't even thought about the trouble I was in for a few moments, his cock amazed me, and I was feeling things I knew that I shouldn't, My cunt was on fire and I didn't understand why. I just started to suck, he fucked my face hard, and his animal grunts made me almost giggle, he seemed so clumsy, almost in experienced.
"Yes bitch you love that cock don't you, suck that cock damn that feels good, I knew you were a real cock sucker the moment I saw those great tits and lips."
I could feel his passion growing and I hated the idea of his cum in my mouth, but I could not stop sucking, damn I was getting hot, I hated that I was horny!
Just as I was ready to really let go and get into this, he pulled hi cock out, he shoved me back onto the table and told me to get on my back. I did as ordered, he pulled my shirt over my head and my tits were pushing into the air, my nipples hard and tingly.
Anthony buried his face between my thighs in a heartbeat, he began licking, sucking and fucking my hole with his soft, firm tongue. He squeezed my perky tits, pulled at the nipples; I was being so turned on by his actions and abuse, what the hell was my problem! This guy was forcing me to have sex and I loved it!
Oh, my god it felt good to have his mouth sucking my cunt, I struggled to hold back the moans and to remain very motionless. I didn't want him to know I was starting to love this, I was getting wet though and I new if he noticed that he would love it, he would love knowing he made me want him.
He sucked my clit, and shoved two fingers deep into my wanting fuck hole, "Damn baby that's tight, very nice, I knew you were going to e a great fuck. Feel good baby, mm does doesn't it?"
He continued to suck me and fuck my cunt with his hand, soon he was cramming in three fingers and I thought that I was going to split down the middle, shit it hurt but I wanted more, I wanted to cum all over this fucking ass holes hand.
"Tell me it feels good bitch tell me now!"
He shoved harder and sucked my clit so hard I thought he would tear it off from where it was connected to my slit.
"Fuck you, prick fuck you!"
I said gasping for breath in between slams of his hand; I was trying hard to mask the delicious feeling I was getting from this fierce fucking.
"I'll show you fuck you, you little ungrateful slut!"
With that he removed his face from my sopping cunt, spun me over with my ass bent across the table.
I felt his cock touch the opening to my cunt, and damn I wanted it inside me, I wanted to have this cock fuck me till I came, but why, why would I want it this way?
Before the next thought could come to my mind I felt his cock slide a little, it went into me just a small amount, then I heard him whistle and pound on the table. I wondered what the hell he was doing.
Then I heard the door open, and I heard someone walk in, then I could see someone standing at the edge of the table next to my face, I recognized the hands right away, it was Thad! What was happening now for god sakes?
"See Tony I told you she would be a great piece off ass to add to our collection. I was right wasn't I?" chattered Thad as he entered the room.
"Fuck yes she is hot and tight, and damn her cunt is the sweetest I have ever had the pleasure to eat, she even sucks cock like no one I have ever face fucked. So you want to eat her before I fuck her?"
I could not believe they were talking about me as if I were not even there, and as if I were a fucking piece of meat at auction.
"No go ahead I have other plans for this piece of ass."
With that, Thad unzipped his slacks and pulled out a cock that was a bit smaller than Anthony's yet just as impressive. Moreover, he did not wait even a second he turned my head closer to face it and shoved it at my mouth; He grabbed my head and held me still, and let the tip of his cock purse against my lips.
"I won’t fuck your face; I want you to suck this as an apology for trying to fuck me back there. No one rips me off and gets away with it, especially not some little fucking bitch tease like you. This is to be the lunch that you offered me, now eat it bitch!"
I looked at him, he seemed different now, his hair combed and a more handsome appearance to him, and wow, he was actually somewhat hot.
I did not even try to contemplate what I was doing I just started to suck that great cock that was in my face. In addition, this time I forgot to pretend I did not like it, I was moaning and wiggling like a cat in heat.
I was sucking and slurping, I had his balls in my hand and he held me steady, I was moaning and gurgling deep in my throat. I suddenly felt Anthony's cock drive deep into my cunt, and I felt the muscles deep within me tighten up, Oh I was so hot, I suddenly loved getting filled and fucked by these to great guys. Damn I could not get enough!
'Oh yes that’s it baby suck that cock show me how sorry that you are! Oh damn yes feels so good to have your mouth wrapped around me, damn you can suck!"
I was getting so hot, my cunt was dripping, I wanted to cum so bad. Thad was squeezing my tits, pinching and tugging the nipples hard. Anthony was fucking my cunt and diddling my little clit.
"Damn Tony, She can really suck cock!" Thad gloated as he rotated his hips in approval, pressing his hardness against my mouth as I sucked his full erection into me and was dying for more.
I was so turned on, yet I felt so dirty from the passion I felt this made no sense to me.
The slurping and sucking, and fucking and moans resounded through out the room, I was dying to cum, and the fullness I was feeling in my cunt was amazing. I was trying hard not to show my level of desire, but if these guys had any brains, they would know I loved this, my cunt was drenched.
"Oh fuck bitch your cunt feels so fucking tight!" Anthony bellowed as he drove his rod in and out of my sucking twat.
"Oh I am going to fucking cum, Shit it feels so good, do you want me to pull out Thad so you can have a shot?"
Anthony grunted as he slowed holding off the load he was dying to dump into me.
"No, go ahead," moaned Thad, "I have other ideas, feel free to fill her cunt as full as you can."
Thad was gently grasping my head, directing his juice stick into me, I was sure he was going to make me drink him, I hated that thought. I have never tasted a real load before, only pre cum but I have heard horror stories, and I was none to keen on the idea.
Anthony was fucking me so hard that he was causing me to lunge in Thad's direction causing him to go deeper into me. I was feeling my own wave build and I was really wanting to cum at this point.
I was trying not to moan, and wiggle but I couldn't help it I was so horny, I moaned softly with that cock in my throat, and my ass slammed against Thad's groin causing the cock in my cunt to drive as deep as ever.
"Oh Shit yes you fucking slut, Your going to cum all over his cock aren't you, yes that's it baby suck me and cum all over him!"
I shook my head in disagreement, I was not going to cum for him, and I did not like it. I so hoped that they believed me.
It was not much longer and Thad grabbed my hips harder and shoved four good deep thrust into me, I could feel his load of hot cum fill my cunt.
The grunts were almost a sound of pain, and his fingers dug deep into the flesh of my hips, "Yes oh fuck yes, I am filling her so fucking full, damn best piece of ass I have ever had!"
I refused to let go, I held on to my climax hard and he soon he withdrew from me and stumbled to a chair, panting hard and moaning with gratification. His cock was covered in cum and still and standing as erect and hard as a totem pole.
I was sure that Thad was so close to filling my face, I was dreading it, yet I could not stop sucking that great cock of his.
Then without warning Thad withdrew, he walked to the end of the table where I was still leaning, He grabbed me by the hips and slid me closer to the edge of the table; he pulled my legs tight back against my ears lifting my ass full off the table, only my shoulder and upper back were touching.
He smiled a very evil grin at me, and without a word stuck his cock to my ass hole.
"Oh my, no not my ass hole, fuck not there!"
Thad just let out a roguish chuckle, and smiled and looked fiercely at me as if he were a mad man.
I wreathed trying to get away, but before I knew what was happening Anthony had taken stance at the head of the table and was holding my legs back, my head was pressed against the tops of his thighs so that I couldn't slide away from Thad.
Thad slid the head of his cock around my cunt dragging the cum from Anthony's load into my ass hole, then slowly he slid the swollen tip into my sphincter, I could not relax and I was so scared shit not there! I knew it was going to hurt so badly.
Anthony had managed to secure my legs with one hand, and was fondling my tits with the other, I was starting to relax a bit, the tip of Thad's cock was slightly inside of me sliding a bit in and out, causing a smidgen of pleasure with pain in that hole.
Thad grasped me harder, and slid another few inches in, I screamed out in pain as I became over come with the fire that filled my ass.
"Fuck that hurts stop, please stop you fucking bastard!"
A fast slap on my ass and a wicked gurgle came from Thad; "Oh she is going to respond openly now, I like that. Relax my little slut, for in a few moments you will feel pleasure that you never have imagined"
With that he slowly slid my ass hole full of his cock; he held it there a moment letting it stretch slowly, then began to drag it in and out unhurriedly at first. I was squealing like a stuck pig, the pain was so intense, I felt as if my ass hole was ripping at the edges.
Then I realized that my ass hole was beginning to get slick as well as relaxed, it was feeling a little better, then fear hit me, was the wetness pre cum or blood from me tearing.
Suddenly it didn't matter, I was feeling pleasure and pain that made me want more, I was really enjoying my ass getting fucked, and he began to pound into me harder and harder. The look on his face was contorted, and he held my thighs tightly in his hands as he pushed them harder toward Anthony, Thad drove his cock into me until his balls slapped my ass.
"OH yes, damn your ass hole feels magnificent, like no other ass I have ever fucked, damn baby I cant wait to cum for you, do you like it does it feel good for you to?"
Still I refused to give theses to idiots satisfaction, I jerked my head side to side and screamed, "Fuck you, Fuck you both I hate you!"
The look on his face became very scary and serious he drove harder and harder, and I was almost standing on my head, His thrusting was very precise and deliberate, and then I could feel it, the heat of his jism.
"OH yes, damn, fuck, shit! Feels so good, god her ass hole is sucking me dry, she does want it, and she wants to fuck my cock dry!"
I was bucking my hips in total involuntary reaction to the fucking, and I began to moan a bit as well, it did feel good, I did want more, and I wanted to have an orgasm as I had never had before.
Thad pulled out of me, and stood there a moment, then looked at Anthony and coaxed him on again, "Damn Tony, your cock is still as hard as ever. You look like you need a bit more, why not take the bitch for another quick ride, and make her cum this time."
Anthony did not need anymore urging, He picked me up off the table and sat down on a chair, he lowered my cunt, and slid his cock in.
He felt as huge as the first time, my lips forced to spread open and when he had lowered me to the base of his cock, I could feel the tip hit my cervix.
He picked me up and lowered me down again repeatedly, until my cunt was well lubed again, then he held me tight against his chest, and grunted an order to me.
"Now you will fuck me, and you will fuck me until your cum pours out over my cock, and if you don't Thad and I will cram your ass full of our cocks both at the same time."
The look of fear must have been a tell tale sign that I was not going to argue, I was facing the mirror and I could see Thad's face, he was grinning like a Cheshire cat, and enjoying what he was seeing.
I began to slowly wiggle my hips, and feel the cock stroking my insides, my clit was on fire and as much as I hated to admit it, it felt great!
Anthony let go of me a bit and I leaned back, placed my feet on the rungs of the chair and began to fuck his cock hard, I was dying to feel the waves of pleasure take me, feel my cum flood his lap.
I was sliding up and down using the chair rungs as advantage to lift and lower my cunt on that fuck pole. My pussy muscles were sucking hard, his cock was tight inside me and I could feel it twitch and throb against my inner sanctum.
Anthony was grunting like an animal, he loved it, and Thad was stroking his cock as he stood near watching me.
"Look Tony the little cunt loves your cock, she loves getting fucked. Tell Tony you love his cock; tell him how bad you want it."
Still playing the injured and abused little girl, I spit at Thad and screamed, "Fuck you prick!"
He slapped my right cheek, and grabbed my hair from behind; he pulled my head back and whispered into my ear the words that again caused fear in me.
"Listen bitch, no little cunt talks to me that way, spits on me, and gets away with it. Now you will fuck his cock, you will cum on him and you will tell him how great it feels and how you love it. If you don't, you won't be leaving here today, is that understood?"
I did not even bother to answer, I just fucked him as hard as I could, and I let the passion and the awesome feeling inside my pussy take over. I forgot the words I just heard, and ran with the fact that I did love this; I loved being fucked and abused by these two great looking well hung jerks, my cunt wanted more.
"Oh god yes Tony your cock feels so good, I want to cum all over you, oh god fuck me baby make it hurt so good!"
My nails dug into his shoulders, and the words came out as natural as my shallow breathe. I was so close to cumin on the great cock, Tony grabbed my tits, squeezed them, and pinched my nipples hard.
"That's is bitch fuck my cock, make me cream your cunt again, I want to feel your cum all over me, harder bitch! You love it don't you, you love two guys fucking your holes, cause you're a real slut isn't that right bitch?"
I couldn't take any more, the wave hit me so hard, I screamed as it approached, and the cum poured out of my pulsing cunt onto his cock and lap, "FUCK YES! It feels so good, I am creaming so hard damn best ever!"
As I let go I looked at Anthony, he had a look of great pleasure on his face and his ass rose up in the chair, he grabbed my hips and his thrusts became hard and deep as he drove into me, his moans and gurgles filled my ears and the room.
"Damn feels good, shit better than be fore,, fucking cumin so hard .. So much."
Just as I was starting to feel his cum fill me, and my own wave diminish, I heard Thad and felt him grab my hair tight again and he jerked my head to look at him. Just as I did I saw his cock, and watched it shoot a huge spooging load all over my face and tits.
His tones were deep and meaningful, and he said words that made my heart jump, "Oh baby yes, feels so good to leave my cum on your pretty little face. Damn I love your face and I want you to be mine always!"
When we had all finished, I lay slumped over Anthony's shoulder, still on his lap his flaccid dick still inside of me. Thad picked me up and carried me to a smaller room connected to the one where we had just been fucking like total animals.
It was a small rest room, there he laid me on an undersized counter, smiled and began to clean me. He was very gentle, and the kindness in his eyes created a feeling that I did not think I was able to feel for the man I despised only a short time ago.
Thad then carried me back to the other room. Anthony had disappeared and without a word, Thad handed me my clothing, and stroked my skin and hair gently as I redressed.
When I had finished redressing, he kissed my forehead, and smiled at me with wonderful green eyes, "Patty I would love to see you again, and may I take you to dinner tonight?"
I wasn't sure why, but I was drawn to him and I returned the smile, "Will it be just us, or your friend as well?"
I entirely grinned a smart-ass grin as I replied to him, and he giggled back.
"No love; just us, from now on just us."
Thad gave me the sweetest most delicious kiss I could imagine. I wrote down my number and address handed it to him, gave him a quick kiss, and headed off to find the girls.
I was not sure how long I had been there in that room, or if the girls would even be waiting. However, I went back to the food court and found them there as we had agreed.
"We had given up on you, thought that you either chickened out or were caught," chimed Katie with a grin of almost definite conquest.
"Well actually I did get caught, and it's a shame I had picked up the cutest most expensive little locket and chain."
Katie and the other girls all laughed, "You want us to believe that, if you had gotten caught you wouldn't be here now."
With that Anthony suddenly appeared, and handed me the locket, he smiled a sweet grin and spoke very softly and respectfully to me, "Patty I forgot to give this back to you, after all you worked hard in so many ways to get it."
As I took it, he grasped my hand and kissed the back of it as if he were a real gentleman, then smiled and said, "Thank you so much I had a great time, and Thad said he will be there at 8 tonight to pick you up."
Then he just walked away, the girls were all so puzzled, and started to ask questions. I simple handed them the locket, and saved the rest of the details for my diary.