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subAngelmyst's blog: "Personal note"

created on 09/17/2006  |  http://fubar.com/personal-note/b3057

sub drop

D/s is all encompassing in the sense that its not just about scenes, and highs, and fun, and pain, and control, and all the exciting things we do. Its about real people, and their needs, and wants. The intense activities that are part of a D/s or BDSM relationship do sometimes have their downsides as well. This article will deal with one of those downsides. Sub Drop. After all the emotional highs of the elevation of a submissive into subspace, the return to normality can have a profound effect on both Dominant and submissive. Each in their own way has reached a level rarely achieved in daily life, and which, very often, neither is prepared for. Sub drop; the coming down, the return to normality, can happen quickly, or slowly. It can be a nice experience, or a bad one. And the effects, good or bad, can last almost no time at all, or they can go on for hours, even days. As a Dominant, the care of my submissive is paramount, and I am a great believer that I should never lose control of myself at any time, else I am unable to care for my sub. The effects of subdrop ( and its usually referred to as subdrop when they are bad effects) are manifestly similar to a kind of depressive state. Each person will react differently, and I tend to say this a lot, when basing my experience upon those with my sub: she may be different from others in her reaction, but through many conversations and discussions it would seem there are also many similarities too, in the way submissives react. So perhaps this article can be a guide? Although the sub has rested, and very often slept, even after several hours there can be spontaneous outbursts of emotion: which might be tears, irrationality, fear, or any number of things. What the Dominant must do here is recognise these for what they are; a need to be comforted, and looked after, to be held, told how much she is needed, and how important she is. Subs are, in many ways like children. They crave attention, and often the sub psyche feels that they have lost the massive attention which they had before (during the scene) from their Dom/me, and this can cause the unease, and charged emotions that we see in a sub drop situation. Allied to this of course, are the hugely elevated amounts of naturally produced drugs (endorphins, adrenaline etc) that are likely still flowing around the subs body: these may take some time to return to normal levels, and there may well be a withdrawal effect caused by these too. So sub is going through a mental and physical "cold turkey". The total effect of all this can seem to create a totally irrational person; she cries for no reason, you hold her and she pushes you away, you leave her alone and she wants to be held. Well, such is the lot of the Dom/me who is in at least part responsible for getting the sub to this state anyway. We must persevere, and accept that irrationality, and look past it. After care is vital, making the sub feel wanted, safe, secure, and comfortable. These are several of the reasons why I personally do not hold with the idea of public play. In places where there may be little time, or a suitable place to give good aftercare to a sub if subdrop is experienced, it can become far worse than when at home, or in a secure environment, where she feels "safe", and need not worry about other people, and how she may be seen by others. Of course that is my opinion only, and although I do not condone it, many find great pleasure in public play. Of course there are those for whom family life (perhaps those with young children at home, or those who are not in 24/7 relationships) whose circumstances conspire against scening at home, find that public play parties, offering a safe play environment are their only way to enjoy physical aspects of BDSM, and D/s. Then so be it. What works for them is fine. Don't knock it. Everyone in this lifestyle who undertakes any kind of exciting play, whether it be cyber based, physical, mental, or any combination of these can suffer from some form of sub drop. Each participant ought to be aware of this possibility, and ideally, should have talked about it first: its all very well discussing the good stuff, but the bad things need thinking about too, which is why safety issues, and safe words, worst case scenarios for a scene, and all manner of other things should be discussed at length, before and after play by the Dom/me and their sub. Sure, luxuriate in the good things, but be aware of the bad too. Back to sub drop. How do we deal with it? In whatever way works best is the answer; with great patience, and a demonstration of affection and care that not only fulfils the submissives need for attention, but which shows that their well being is important to the Dom; Not just while they are our play partner, but our life partner. Very often the bonding created in aftercare is much stronger than that made out of purely physical attraction and during a scene, or play. To sleep with sub comfortable in ones arms is just as fulfilling in many ways, as the act of taking her to subspace itself. Many Dominants don't see this need, and neglect aftercare. I know of one submissive who was in an hotel room with a Dom, and almost straight after play was sent home, while still in subspace. She drove several miles in a state that was dangerous to both her, and others. Then she had to deal with massive subdrop all alone. Luckily she phoned someone, who understood and they were able to be with her for several hours, to ensure she was ok. What on earth was the so-called Dominant thinking of; only Himself. When that is the case I fail to see how anyone like this can be described as a Dominant. (User may be a better term). A caring Dom/me will always have the best interests of the submissive uppermost in their minds: by all means take pleasure, that's what D/s is about, but don't take and give nothing back. Maybe subdrop can be thought of along similar lines to the effects of shock: treat the sub in similar ways perhaps. Keep them comfortable, watch them for signs of distress, try and understand what they need from you, and provide that. The answers will not always be the same for everyone, but with some practice and a consistent approach, the sub will come to understand that their Dom/me understands what is happening, and is intent on doing all they can to alleviate the situation. Quite often, a sub that has had several bad experiences of subdrop will begin to ask themselves if the highs achieved during subspace are worth the lows of subdrop set against them. If they know that their Dom/me will do all in their power to provide this aftercare then there will rarely be a question about going to subspace. It's all about mutual trust and understanding, and while both parties are charged with trying to understand each other, in this case much of the responsibility lies with the Dom/me to provide the lead, and the consistency which the submissive craves so badly in their life


Hello all and yes I am still alive! Lost my internet so I have not been able to get on here to often! The great news is I am handling the loss of mom well and only throught the loving suppoert of my new Master!!! yes I did it again, I threw myself in and this time he even got my heart! Not onlky did he manage to collar me but I fell totaly in love as well. Stay in touch and when I can get here I will drop notes, pleaSe do not forget me untill I am able to have full use of my internet..lol love you all!! Master Hawks Angel


Mom Mommy tell me more about when you were young Mommy will you please sing me a song that you sung? Mommy I want to know when you learned to read Mommy will you show me how to plant this seed? Mama will you teach me exactly how to drive Mama will you help me as I learn to survive. Mom will you tell me what to wear to prom Mom when I graduate do you promise to be strong? Mom, guess what, it's time Granddad, walk me down the aisle Mom, the baby's on the way does that look like my first smile? Mom I think you are so brave I'll be right here for you Mom, it's OK, let go now I promise I will be here, and work to make you proud.

My mom

Yesterday at 1:50 PM my mom went to live with the angels. She had OCPD, and smoked for most of her life. She was alert and responsive up until thursday Morning and she knew we were all ther with her. And when I say all, Myself and my 5 kids, my sister nad her three kids and her husband and my sister closest to me in age were all there in and out most of the time. She was not in pain and never once appeared to be affraid. So although I am having a bit of a hard time dealing with her being gone, at least I know she was ready and she is no longer suffering from her illness. I wanted to thank all of you for the messages and emails and even text msge s that I have recieved over the last week. If you feel you need to she will have her service at the Honer Funeral home in Three Rivers Mi, and i am not sure of the day yet we are looking at it possibly being this comming Wednesday. Thank you again and I will be back and be the old me again after the service is done. I love you all angelmyst

Un owned yet again

You know breaking up in any situation is never easy. And one would think when your not inlove it would be easier, but it isn't. My Master broke the cardnal sin of D/s,, he broke the bonds of trust and now I am once again a free agent. I will take sometime off to regroup,for me the hardest part is that deep emotional attachment that I felt we had when we scened together. Well and of course the scenes themselves. He may not have been the worlds most perfect Dom, but he was good enough for me, and I appreciated everything about him. AHHHHH life goes on. So send me some love and help me get over this emotional speed bump. Hugs and kisses, whips and candlewax to you all. angelmyst

Play date

Had a wonderful play date with Master today. Managed to break my own record,, pictures will be added soon to the Masters Handy work file,, feel free to look if you can handle the pain..lol (give me a day or two) love you all.


Today I pierced my right nipple and my hood!!!!!!!! that puts me at four! and wooo hooo talk about a rush and a hot sensation! I so loved it thank you Master!


OK last night I re- pierced my belly button and now I can not wait todo the other nipple and my hood! Although I am strongly leaning to the clit,,,,, sounds erotic but have to know I really trust the guy doing it,,, don't want to lose the ability to climax want it enhanced! Anyway I have planned that back tattoo. will be awesome, some scroll work with the trinity, the Arabic characters for Submissive, and my slave registry numbers! I can not wait to have Masters mark on my back,,!!!!!!! Then I will be his in every way possible. Have I mentioned that I love my Master, he has challenged my mind, heart and limits already and has made me feel more loved, respected and appreciated than anyother man ever in my life short of my father. I wish for every un attached sub or slave out there , that they too will find such a wonderful Dom to take hold of their collars and compleat them! Kisses to all.. MP's tink


Fist home life has been really bad. MY autistic son has had a rough week and it has been xtremely hard on me, the othe half is PMS'ing and my Dom is still in Florida! OMG I need a hot bath and a jug of rum!..Ok I would settle for some warm arms and soft words!


Hello all I have posted two new pics, yesterday I had my belly button and my left nip peirced. It was cool and didn't hurt as bad as I thought that it would. Ok so check out the pics and let me know what you think.. Kisses ~SSS~
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