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43 Year Old · Male · From Oxnard, CA · Invited by: 466728 · Joined on December 1, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 11th · 26 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
43 Year Old · Male · From Oxnard, CA · Invited by: 466728 · Joined on December 1, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 11th · 26 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!


Fluoride atrazine water?
Grand Solar minimum
Pole shift? Magnetic pole?
Niburu? Brown Dwarf? Planet X?
Y2K Armageddon? Galaxy Transition?
Annunaki? Gods? False gods? God...
Sumerian? Babylonian?
Great Tartary? Rome? Russia? Japan? Americas......Vatican?
Red shoes? Black Shoes? Pope?
Nostradamus? Biblical Prophesy? Revelations? Fulfillment... Tomorrow?
Sun Simulator? Holographic sky? Matrix? AI......
Vaccine test Results? Big Pharma? Propaganda? GMO?
Jupiter 12 new moons? Saturn's axis Change? Mars active Volcano?
Coronal mass ejection? Planet Earth?

i enjoy having fun! a good weekend is a nice BBQ at home or at the beach! i love the beach! i try to keep myself busy! i attempt my own workout in the mornings. but hardly enough to call it a habit. i would love to meet someone to go hiking with or just out for long walks. along the beach or just around the neighborhood. or a drive to a new place with a nice view! i love nature. i enjoy the ideal of how the earth was created. the natural beauty of life. i listen to mostly old country but also enjoy the new stuff on the radio. im not a so called cowboy but have a country heart. i love animals. mostly cats and fish. but all are equally good. i like the stars! i enjoy the great beyond and what may or may not be waiting for us. well.....thats it for now


43 Year Old · Male · From Oxnard, CA · Invited by: 466728 · Joined on December 1, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 11th · 26 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Movies:im not sure. my fav would be whatever sounds best at the time.

TV:Is brain washing propaganda telling a narrative off false truths... Youtube the enemy yet still valuable source of truth.... Naughty Beaver and the nostradamus prophecies https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGxafoHJvfWrqFpMQ1QwYQ

Books:havent read in long time. i used to read alot of terry goodkind, it has to be some kind of fantasy. i dont like to read a book about a lawyer wearing a brown suit driving a car on the way to the office. i can look outside for that. i need magic and dragons and things of that nature.

Sports:eh. not into sports much. can watch the superbowl and stuff like that and have a good time but im not the kind who pays attention to who is on what team. i did back in the mid 80s when bo jackson played and when joe montana played. dont realy care anymore.

Interests:i have interests. i think. its just hard to show interest in anything when everyone around you could care less about everything.

Best Features:features?? eh just a normal joe. but i have a huge heart and am loyal and honest. and much more but you would have to get to know me to know anymore. Smile2.gif


Music:i listen to country. pretty much all of it. the older the better. sometimes. cant do rap. i tolerate all other types.


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