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54 Year Old · Female · From Brandon, FL · Joined on June 24, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 15th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
54 Year Old · Female · From Brandon, FL · Joined on June 24, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 15th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!


MySpace Comments - Fetish
MySpace Layouts - Fetish

Myspace Comments - Tiger


Hey y'all :) I'm Kimberly. I'll be 37 in mid March. I am very happily engaged to Matthew & have two great sons..Thadd is in 1st grade (6 yrs old) and Joey is 3.Our sons are spending some time with their Dad until early summer..We can't wait to have them back :D

We have two cats - a Siamese named Lorraine & a long haired orange tabby named Nantan which means Spokesman in Apache.

We enjoy going to church at Baylife, riding our Yamaha Vstar,gaming occasionally(World of Warcraft), watching movies & different tv programs including reality tv shows such as Survivor, getting to know new friends..We enjoy life so much & have such a wide variety of interests that it is impossible to list them all lol.


I am in the years long adventure of growing my hair down to my ass & having it straightened.

I am also embarking on immersing myself in my Apache heritage and plan on learning the Jiricilla Apache language over the next few years - as well as learning the traditional dances. I will be either making or buying a complete Apache Pow Wow regalia for a woman. I attended my first ever Pow Wow last fall here in the Tampa Bay Florida area & danced in my first ever Intertribal.

I have always been drawn to the Native American culture ever since I was a little girl.. wanting to know all that I can and then some. I loved the White Buffalo and didn't know why. Cried when I found out about the Trail of Tears..Ached in my heart when I realized how life on most reservations is even to this day..and then while doing family genealogy of my Dad's side in 2007..found factual documentation proving that I am both Apache and Mexican.

At the Pow Wow I literally felt that I had found a part of me that had been lost all of these years..I felt more complete ..I know I'll probably be either laughing with elation or crying the first time I'm in complete regalia dancing in my Jingle Dress.

One of the most impressive aspects that I observed during my first Pow Wow was that the Native American collective family is extremely patriotic despite the tragic history of having our lands, food,livestock and way of life taken away from us for so long..I think that is great & I think that a lot of young people in our great country who are not taking the time to learn REAL (non revisionist) history could stand to learn from the Native American pride & sense of community. My sons and I will be receiving our official Lipan Apache Tribal Membership cards this year!! I can't wait!



54 Year Old · Female · From Brandon, FL · Joined on June 24, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 15th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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Myspace Comments - Proud to be Together

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@ CherryTAP

Supporting our Troops abroad in harms way & state side as well. My grassroots Supporting our Troops 24/7/365 group has adopted the 2/7 Comanche Company from the 1st Cav Division. Contact me if you wish to help in writing and sending care packages to our deployed heroes so far from home.

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