I like sailing, camping, science fiction & dogs. I tinker with computers. I chat with friends and the frequently mindless.
Video Games
The fubar IS my video game. I have a photo folder titled "u have been violated". While cruising the fubar, I look for pictures of fu's that are lets say unusual in a sexy, funny or bizarre way. I will procure these photos unknown to the owner, modify them and upload them to my "u have been violated" folder. I then notify the fu that they have been violated. I do this in good fun. If I violate you and you are upset in any way, just let me know and I will gladly remove the photo.
So you want the distinguished honor of being violated. The only way to be violated is for me to randomly find a photo that I find suitable. If you interact with me your chances of being violated are increased.
So you just can't wait to be violated. You can bribe you way into my "u have been violated Vol. 2." I do not solicit bribes, when offered they are either accepted or ignored. I am the final word with how i choose to violate your photo! If you don't like how your photo is violated, your only recourse is to ask me to remove it. Any bribes that were paid will not be returned!