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I'm Free

I’m Free

  Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free,
I’m following the path God laid for me.
I took His hand when I heard him call,
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day,
to laugh, to love, to work or play;
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah yes, these things too I will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life’s been full, I’ve savored much.
Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and share with me,
I’m with God now, I’ve been set free.

Mustard uhh behold
A story that I rather not have told
Of a mustard mayhem!

I’m riding and I'm running in my sleep
From mustard man
He chases me ‘til the last sunrise
And fucks me in his mom’s mini van

Mustard man whoa, whoa bow down
I must serve you
I am on the ground
Bowing to your mustard shit
Lick your ass at the end of it
I will march for you mustard man; ill stay true

Wu, Wu when I shit, when I try to run away, mustard man whipped me with his mustard chain,
And his mustard seeds pissed in my face
And I bleed; Mustard… disease!

You think it's hot, but try on theese jeans made of whicker,
And they've got horse fleas,
Mustard in my dreams. Whoa!

Mustard god I’m on my knees bowing for you it’s hot
I feel pleasure, won't you please serve me twice tonight I need
Wu, Wu
Mustard seeds like I set up in my head
Jam them with some sugarcane, pleasured so good and I feel the pain

Wu Wu mustard makes me cry, I hate it.

I'd rather die then eat mustard flies, in a bowl of shit stains, snot and die
You don’t know how it feels to have a girl break my heart.
And rip it out, into mustard
She’d rather fuck mustard, never!

Mustard God, don’t take away from me, the pleasure of a young girl,
Who I’m gonna marry

I’ve got a broken heart from a mustard girl
She rocks my world, and now I’m allergic and on my knees and perverted

Mustard down loads in my wrong, I need a piece of shit
A log can feel my hands with mustard,
Wu, Wu, I don’t need that I like custard, um

Marching for Mr. Mustard

Urh, uh, oh, oh yeah…

Well I Left The House...

Hey what sup? So yesterday I was called by my Mom and she said I had a dentist appointment which of course spooked me the FUCK out cause I haven't left the house in 31/2 years.... well this all changed! So I was on drugs yes but it was the first time in 3 1/2 years that I felt 100% like everyone else... First FUCKING TIME... can you dig it? I was put on Xanax... which was normal cause I'm on that anywho for panic attacks! But this drug WOW! starts with a T I'mma have to go look but it was like nothing ever happen and when I sat in the chair to get a wisdom tooth pulled and stitched up and 4 other fillings... I was hallucinationing on some clouds on the ceiling... lmmfaoooooo!!! Anywho... I'm a go to the doc and get somem ore of these pills and just stay on them for life! Cause for once I felt I could do anything... no stress, depression! It was amazing! But umm let me see they were called Triazolam! So I really need to Thank God and the people that prayed for me! Hopefully now I won't be afraid no more!!!

A Safe City - By C51

I once lived in a city. It was a strong, safe city. It had high walls around it built in earlier times to fend off frequent attackers. The walls were strong ones and I maintained them in order to keep myself safe from hurtful things. I can't say I felt safe in my strong city but it was as close as I could get. But I was alone in my city. My city had become a prison for me. The same walls which I had built to keep out pain had also kept out good things. The things that make life worth living. While I was relatively safe in my city, I was besieged in a prison of my own making. Yet I continued maintenance on my walls. I chose the safety of a prison rather than face the dangers that lay on the outside. Even after there were no more attacks, no more attackers, I kept up my city's walls. Then one day I heard of another city. A traveler from another city had gained my trust and I gave her admittance to my city. It was the first real company I had had in a very long time. Time after time my traveler friend returned. I soon began to lose interest in my walls. It's amazing how fast they fell when I forgot about them. I don't know if my traveler friend thought it strange to find the walls around my city coming down. I myself did not notice. I enjoyed her company so much that my walls did not even cross my mind. I wondered what sort of city it was that my traveler friend hailed from. It was then that I realized that my walls had come completely down. They were beyond repair and I did not wish to build them up again. So I left my once strong city and set out to find that other city from where my traveler friend had come. The place where I for some reason had begun to believe I could be safe and yet not alone. It was not a long journey. I soon reached the city I was looking for. I don't know what I expected to see when I reached that city. But what a sinking feeling I had when I stood before the city and found it surrounded by high walls probably as strong and solid as mine had been. I could not get in. I can not go back, for the old city cannot ever be home again. So I wander outside the other city. I still talk to my traveler friend and I try to glean from the things she says a picture of what the city must be like. But how I long to be in that city. To have the walls open their gates for me. To have a city to be at home in once more. And hopefully to be better off than I was before. I know what I left behind and I do not miss it nor do I feel the least bit of longing to return. So I wait on the outside of this other city praying that some day I can win admittance. I fear I may have to wait forever.
All the small foods, that tast so good! I'll take one bite, it tastes so right. Chew it, Swallow it in my tummy... its a good thing. Eat it, then shit, better than, eating clit. Say it ain't so, I will not starve. Turn the oven on, make muffins in my thong *CHORUS* (repeat x2) Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nuffins! Mu, mu, mu, mu, mu, mu, mu, mu, muffins! Late night, so stoned. Work succed, you know. She left me muffins. by the stairs. Surprises let me know she cares! Say it ain't so, I will not starve! Turn the oven on, make muffins in my car. (*CHORUS*) *BRIDGE* Say it ain't so, I will not starve. Make some good muffins, standing in my lawn. Keep your mouth chewin' At the dining room table. And eat muffins, all day long!!! (*CHORUS* & *BRIDGE*)- (Repeats & Overlaps)


dis goes out 2 all dem girls dat get da ass beat by durr nigga..You know it makes me unhappy When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy And since we all came from a woman Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman I wonder why we take from our women Why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it's time to kill for our women Time to heal our women, be real to our women And if we don't we'll have a race of babies That will hate the ladies, that make the babies And since a man can't make one He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one So will the real men get up I know you're fed up ladies, but keep your head up..gm
I dont wanna see you cry now i wonder why now you were pushed to the point where you knew you couldent take no more look in my eyes now i wanna show you that i care and i cant stand to see you hurtin i love the way you are i'm not that far away to help you when you need that if you my mother my brother my friend my sister my aunt i wanna wish you a good day... i wanna wish you a good day... Since you were feelin down and lonley I wanna hit you up my good hommie man how long have you known me we strong in this game no one can test us and justify are means and wish us good ridence i cant stand to see you hurting i will help you when you need that... i wanna wish you a good day i dont wanna see you cry no more, i dont... no i dont... i wonder why you were pushed to the point where you could not take it no more i wanna show you that i care i hate it when you are away i wanna wish you a good day... i wanna wish you a good day since you were feeling down and lonley my one tru hommie please hit me up man how long has it been how long have you known me? were lost in this game need to get in the right lane movin crusin in the speed where no one can touch us show um that its just us and its for justace so for truth they have to trust us fucc anyone that cussed us out and knocced us out over this way though the dissmay we caused them was much we are close to the break of genuous and you know i mean this and we the coolest clan so fucc what anybody say and on any givin day i want d'you laughin haha you dont need an asprin you dont need to cap him you dont need to act in any situation we bust them head on stay head strong until i'm dead and gone and im here and i dont wanna see you worry and fear about a moment thats near now do i make myself clear? i dont wanna see you cry now i wonder why now you were pushed to the point where you knew you couldent take no more look in my eyes now i wanna show you that i care and i cant stand to see you hurtin i love the way you are i'm not that far away to help you when you need that if you my mother my brother my friend my sister my aunt i wanna wish you a good day! i see the pain within your face love i know the struggle it takes to give yourself a break is over whelming and though we share love i feel i know you well i can not guess what you do not tell me now we can sail the sea away today i want you navagating close to me thats how its suppose to bke thats what I chose to see to my perefitle vision i'm seeing things between us that keeps you away how much of a little closer can that be like 1 to 12 to reconize I;m trying to be your friend you say your cool though I think you just loosin i use that to build your trust and in the end it will make me the woman of all womans that means were double strong can go long from my visions i feeling how your livin. How you livin? i dont wanna see you cry now i wonder why now you were pushed to the point where you knew you couldent take no more look in my eyes now i wanna show you that i care and i cant stand to see you hurtin i love the way you are i'm not that far away to help you when you need that if you my mother my brother my friend my sister my aunt i wanna wish you a good day!!! Now errything you do you say you are dont cry you know I love you!!! you never give up you always live and play in every way! How can I give bacc all that I know and do I wanna show you to life with no stress sometimes I protest the things you say but hey your always right in the end and in the end of the day you throw it away and you taught me and it got me this far i'm happy I hope you are to we go through hard times i know it scared you I cant imagine like giving birth to an evil dragon and its sad if it was me and i that i could ever be the cause of one teary eye! i dont wanna see you cry now i wonder why now you were pushed to the point where you knew you couldent take no more look in my eyes now i wanna show you that i care and i cant stand to see you hurtin i love the way you are i'm not that far away to help you when you need that if you my mother my brother my friend my sister my aunt i wanna wish you a good day!!! I wanna wish you a good day!!!
To all the 13 in counting... I wish that I had been there to hold you when you passed from life to death, but I guess it was ment to be that way... we are always alone. I hope you were not scared. Your in a better place now with the Lord. That you love, and you are whole. I miss you, I'll never forget you. I loved you yesturday, today, and forever. Love alway, CripGirl!!! Now... in'a freestyle fo you cause I know how you loved the rap sceane... iight here I go heres my words from my heart for you!!! Why does God let good people suffer? And bad people prosper? You loved us more then anything on the planet. You let us know it and I think thats why you planned it. The way you lived was just a little bit different now call you crazy, diagnose skitsofrinic, wow! You were loved in your hood for most your life, and when you wasen't you were fuccin' wit somebodys life. But thats ok thats how things are but now your its like your locced up behind closed doors and no one can see you or be with you untill their time. You built me up and let me know it like I needed to. V I learned from you and also how they treated you. The devil pumped you full of drugs like you was a horse, so many drugs that you wern't ever comming home fo sho. I know whats out of sight is out of mind to some people but you will never leave my heart, my soul, my mind cause you were specil to me to all of your hommies. Your body was strong though... you were in it for the long hall. You were waitng for God to call you while the devil was trying to breake you but you never let out. Just resited the Bible till the end you were done. Your life was rough, and your pain was real. You hurt for us... and now I know the deal. You had depression, stress, constant shaccy thoughts, you coulden't fight shyt. 16+ years, these words just arn't enough for what you went through. And what you ment too! Brings me to tears you made me be who I am today. You live inside of me today, I pray... I pray... forgive me I ran away, I know you understand though because we all live for a reason. One of yours was thought... breathe... breathe... My earliest memory of you was when we had plan (you remember) and it made errybody mad but we did it in hopes of helping someone out but made it worse... and the funny things we talked about in are pms made me glad to know I had you as a friend... you lasted long... and fo awile you were the strongest person that I knew and I put nothing above that you see? Growning up thinking I was stuntin erry time I grew. Now I see that you just wanted me to follow through a lesson in life thats more important then to follow you... I remember that time in life where you were all alone and someone came to hurt you and almost took your life you saw pictures of your friends and fam in side your mind the cry you must have gave starrin' down a 12 gage... and for a moment in time they put you in a bird cage... and for that moment in time you didn't have a word to say, laughing in confrences wit you was the funner times and laughing wit you in Japan chat were the funner times too... I will miss you so much you were like a brother to me and it will be harder for Dan and Destiney but soon one day will all see you up in Heaven and have fun not just on yahoo but right next to each other son and laugh about the hard times the good ones and the bad... and thank God above that were all togther again... the love was lost but then was found again I wish you had stayed and now your in Heaven looking down on us with love and grace... blue collar to da bone, spin your days away from home, wish that they would be the ones when you might be with your son, make my way to be the one, make your way untill you done. Life be going tough for real, I want your Dad to know the deal, working your fingers to the bone just to spend a day at home and wont you regreat the way our relationship is played? Across Yahoo and myspace. I spray my love erry time I spray my words across the USA. And whos to say which ways the right way to love the people you love they way you love them? FUCC the money, and the funny situations in the past, father and son love last, you helped me be who I am today, you live in side of my heart, I pray that I can make you understand that I loved you all the way. I loved you, all the way!!! Breathe... Breathe...!!! IIght... well that took me like 4 hours... but its all for you!!! I miss you Cuzz... C40, C51, 3:12, 2:11!!! Love ya, y4hoos_ill3st_cripgirl 420 aka Joanna!!!
OnlineRay Made Me Do It... https://fubar.com/lounge/51385
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