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Okay, that is what I am feeling right now...YIKES!!! At work, my average handle time is not getting any better. The calls are getting worse and I can not seem to fix this. But it's hard you know when you have to work with the business accounts that have like 20 or more lines and you get a user that calls in about all of the lines....Sheesh. Well, there are three steps to getting fired in this place; kind of like three strikes and you are out process. I have to be on my third step now due to average handle times on the phone...otherwise my attendance is great and everything else that goes with it. So I am kind of scared at this point....I may need to start looking for another job or something. Then this week has nothing been more and more drama in my life in regards to my ex and his new wife. Supposedly, my ex husband and father of my kids is in training and has been gone for like two months. I just got a new cell phone since I lost service on my home phone, so I gave him my number and asked something simple....like for the kids sake why can't you start calling and let everything go from the past.....I got a call from him last Sunday but missed the call, however. So I called him at home later that night and got his wife at home. All was fine talking to her at first till she had to state that I am using the kids as pawn in a game of chess; she is still believing that I am telling the kids that their father does not love them. So naturally the conversation did not last very long, but I kind of figured that she would do that though. I was hoping to have a pleasant conversation with her about things that were important but not with this woman. Anyhow, I also have reason to believe that my ex is going overseas next year, and his miss high and mighty wife loves to only think that "Yes, now we can get away from the ex wife for a chance". Now, I don't know about you but a good mother would look at what is important with the kids in this case. Besides, all I have wanted to do at all was for my kids to be involved with their father; I can't really help what happend back in January though, my ex did that to himself as well as his wifey. And now they blame that time on me and so they do not trust me. All I can say is that if you are a father at all to your children, you do not give up just because the kids do not want to talk to you on the phone and wait till they want to call and talk to their father....the father is responsible for staying in contact with the kids and you DONT put that kind of responsibility on the kids themselves. Oh, but all I can do now is just wait and see what happens. Maybe something will wake up in my ex's mind and realize that these kids are just as important as the kids he gets to see everyday.

Interpol/ Lottery Scams

This is what my friend sent me, when she contacted the international police department and I just want everyone to know that this is very real and my friend was very scared about what would happen next. If any of you know what happens in cases like this please let me know so that I can help my friend out as much as possible. Thanks. Amanda Z. Dear Sir or Maam, My name is **********. My father recieved a letter from the International Claims unit that had a $3900 check written out to my dad. According to the letter, he was suppose to put $2800 away for insurence for the lottery amount $250,000 and $1100 was to go for miscillanius taxes thru the government. He was suppose to do this thru moneygram/western union. My mother, who works at a bank, called the bank that this check was made out thru and found that the check was good and had money in it but she went thru an automated system to find that out though; she did not speak to a real person. And so seeing that this check was possibly good, my dad cashed the check and sent a money gram/western union to Ontario Canada. The man that my dad had business relations with was the man that went by the name of attorney Ron Clark and his number is 1-613-262-8146. Mr. Clark had a french accent actually and I guess he resides in Canada/Niagra Falls area. Gradually, this man got more and more money out of my dad claiming that in order to insure this great amount of winning money, my dad would need to pay for these fees in order to get the money. On top of that, this letter claimed that my dad needed to claim his winnings by August 20th or else his winnings will be returned back to the sweepstakes account. My father is a gambler at heart and he was sooo blinded by the fact that this was real that he would not listen to me and my mother. He had an idea of what he wanted to do with his winnings and they were all very real and good things. But just today (08/09/07), my dad recieved a phone call from his bank and was told that the $3900 check was a counterfeit and all that my mom and dad had saved up for is gone due to a good man that is a gambler at heart. My dad called Mr. Ronald Clark back and told him the situation and the man made up more lies and just said "Well, let me talk to my assistant and get back to you on that". The man never called my dad back though and I doubt we will never hear from him again. So what I want to know is this....what happens next? What will happen to my father at this point now that that check has been cashed and came up as a counterfeit? My dad still has this letter though from the so called "International Claims Unit". I know that without this letter he may face time behind bars if found guilty. I am just a concerned daughter at this point and would like to know how you guys are dealing with issues such as this. Thank you for your time.
Well, as of today, me and the kids have managed to make it thru this month afterall, financially. I just recieved the paperwork for the change of child support situation and will be sending out the paperwork ASAP so that there will be some results in this matter, and changes to be made. Was informed by the CS department though that it may or may not be that I would get the support back or anything...so I do not know in this matter. It is final though, the father of my kids and my ex husband, claims that he will actually wait to see if the kids will welcome him into their lives when they get old enough to understand that they actually have a father. He claims that he will have no contact with them just because of me...he just wants to act babyish and see if the kids will accept him when they are old enough to figure things out for themselves. Our oldest is four and youngest is just two so it will be a few years away for them to understand what is going on...so it is up to me to just tell them about their daddy. It will probably be just story time for them anyhow or so it will seem. I asked him about sending out cards and stuff to the kids on special days such as their birthdays and holidays. I even asked that he would send out a most recent photo too. And then I also gave him an idea that maybe, he should make a video of himself for the kids so that they can see him even on video and such since he does not want to have any contact with them at all...maybe that would be a good idea. But it seems that nothing I tell him anymore matters because then I will know of his address and such and....THAT is a bad thing? Most of you that know me on a personal note, know that I have stood my ground and was not going to try and get full custody of my children...at this moment I do have joint custody with my ex husband only because I felt that he deserved custody just as much as I did. Well, just because my ex seems to think that it is best this way to just have no contact at all with the kids and wait for the kids to decide for themselves...I am deciding to just change my mind about the whole thing. These kids do not need a father that wants to act like a baby just because his children do not like to talk to him on the phone. And that is where all of this comes about...the kids do not like to talk on the phone most of the time and most importantly with their own father. Our daughter is just two and in her whole life, she has only spent three times with her father; she had one week with him at birth((he decided to just go home to MA to spend time with his reg family and not spend time with his two children as much as he would have liked; granted he was set to be getting deployed in June/July05 and sammy was just born in NOV04)), she spent almost a whole month in April with him...along with JJ....in 06, then she and her brother spent not even a whole month with him in DEC06 to JAN07; and that was when the tables turned for a lot of things. JJ however spent a majority of the first year of his life as an infant with me since we were waiting on orders to get us to "this military man's" place of duty in Italy((I can say though, that one thing, however is that he was there for JJ's birth and got to stay for one month...he was still stationed in Italy at the time)). When we had finally gotten to Italy it was like JUNE03 and jj was like 8/9 months old then. We stayed in Italy till MAR04 and that was when me and my ex were separated...well, we were married then. But after I found out I was pregnant a second time that was when the truth came out and such and then I was left to just go back home and go on with my life as it was. But in MAR04, that was the last time he , my ex, got to see his son before his daughter was to be born...in NOV04. The kids father did call and send cards and gifts and such for a time...but even then, JJ who was still at the begining of his toddler days was not interested in talking on the phone and he is the same way even now. Granted, the kids do know of their father and they have seen some pictures of him online and such but that is all that they will see I guess of him. As of now, my ex has blocked me completely from seeing his page on this site. And his wife is very upset that I know that she is pregnant at this point and was complaining at work for standing too long on her feet and therefore she decided to up and quit her job just like that and get put on bed rest because of these issues. Now, I know I should not be meddling in this life as it is and for all I know his wife may really need some kind of help because she gets sickly all of the time when she gets pregnant anda all....but first of all, when my ex, who lives 17 hours from me, a few months ago complained that he can not afford to take care of these two kids, and the other four members of his family and himself, and then I hear that his wife is pregnant again then I just sit here and laugh and just think that he is just finding ways to coming up with more excuses to get away with not wanting the kids to come and visit at times...because he is allowed visitations and such and when I have finally thought that "OK it has been a few months since he has seen his kids so I think it would be a good thing to see if he would like to spend some more time with them"...I thought I was doing a good thing by this and not a bad thing. His wifey posted all of my emails I sent to her hubby on her blogs because she felt that she should show everyone what they have to deal with after what happend in JAN of this year. She even copied and pasted anything I put up in a blog and reposted that to her own blogs... When it all comes down to it...she and her hubby should have just stayed on Myspace and should not have opened thier page back up because everything was better when she was not on this site...I did not have to hear anything from her or her friends that seem to want to take her side for everything that goes on. But none of her friends will get that I had to deal with this "woman" in particular when my ex and I were trying to get our divorce finalized. And others got to see first hand and not just me what kind of a woman , she calls herself, she was. In the fist place, I was nice enough to pay for a motel room for them so that they did not have to go back home so tired, they did not have the funds for a motel room even then; plus me and my ex had to finish up some paperwork for the things that I wanted out of the divorce. And of course they were good enough to come over and watch the kids for us while me and my best friend were at school. Then that same day, my ex's fiance was sitting in my own home eating some food I think from IHOP or something and that was during the time that my ex and I were at the final stages of getting our divorce complete. Her kids were playing and goofing around and such and she could not get up and get to the kids so she told my ex to quiet the kids down....right there tells ya that, yes, since he is going to be apart of this new family, he has every right to help take care of the kids too...yes, this is true...however, it only showed to me and others in the household at the time that she expects too much from her soon to be hubby because while they were in my place that was all that she did was have my ex cater to her every need....lol...little did I know that she was pregnant though too. And then of course...I have said it before....while my ex and I were writing up the list of stuff that was to be sent out to me from the divorce that my ex had and still has in his care...his fiance at the time, decided to put her two cents in just so that I did not get what I wanted from the divorce. Naturally, I felt "Ummm, who was divorcing who here?" Okay so that was in the past and everyone seems to think that I should just let the past go and see a diff side to things. But all of this makes up for what I have seen in this woman...I admit at first I was not very much thrilled to see that my ex was engaged to someone he met online after just two months of chatting and such. I admit to being greatly upset with this woman. But it was indeed at first that I did not give her a chance at much and that I frowned upon and took it upon myself to at least be some kind of an adult and accept who she was and what position she would have in me and my ex's children's lives. But when someone I hardly know tells me what I will be getting out of a divorce that she had NO part in opening her mouth about...then that just made me think what kind of a person she is and will always be. I have given my trust in her far more greater times than anyone has ever known. And the greatest time I gave my trust in her was when my ex had come in DEC06 to get the kids....he was suppose to have the kids for three months but it later turned into just one month because I felt like they were planning on keeping the kids for good. And that was not what me and my ex had made an aggreement upon anyhow...we agreed to just three months since I had been evicted and was living with my parents and I had to look for another job to get back on my feet again. The job thing was not the issue here though, I knew that I could find work just as easily as anyone else that needed a job bad enough((heck, I am still working for the same company that I started working for when my ex had returned the kids back to me))...however, my ex felt that he could better care for the kids in this case when I knew that he was wrong in all matter. But since he had told me that the plans had changed and he was not going to let me have the kids till the summertime... little did I know though that his fiance at the time was trying to get him to get full custody of the kids... I decided to take action. And I did. So my ex ended up giving the kids back to me. And it was because of this the my ex and his new wife do not trust a thing I say anymore. They think that I will do the same thing to them and that was why they kept their distance, till I sent an email to my ex about him spending time with the kids on father's day or something. And they go and tell me that it is too late to make any plans since it would be like almost two months or so till this special day. Basically, they could not afford the trip of him driving back and forth like that. But more importantly, MY ex could not afford to take care of a full household with his two kids and these other two kids and one infant. He even claimed that he could not handle to take care of his son who was uncontrollable at times and he also claims is a bad influence on the other kids in his household. Jake is a great kid though...and I am willing to believe that at times, Jake felt like he did not belong there in that place with his father and that family, though. Basically, three months would have been really bad for Jake because I, his mother, was not there. My ex even told me that "JJ blamed his fiance at the time for the reasons why his mommy and daddy were not together". And then of course my ex had to point fingers at me in all aspect. All I can say in all of that is that Jake may have a lot of things going thru his head and such but this one time he just figured it out for himself. And so it comes down to this...as a mother it is my right to tell the kids about their father and do not with hold anything out about him. Every night when I get a chance to actually speak to the kids about their father before going to bed, I tell them that 'even though their father is not here, does not mean that he does not want to be in your life and does not love you'. I find hard believeing in my words myself these days though but regardless, whatever may happen in all of this, I will continue to say what needs to be said. And just because my ex seems to think that his son does not like talking to him on the phone, does not mean that Jake does not talk about his father at home. Oh, yes, Jake recalls many of times with his father...well the most recent ones that is and he still recalls going to MA in April06. But I guess his father will not understand that and will never know how to look at it. Jake tells me that he would like to see his father again except he would like for me to be with his father when he is spending time with him...in many ways, I hope that one day it will be where we will all just be mutual and come to the right decisions about most things. I would like to honor what jake most wants but for now I can only see problems...since me and his father as well as his father's new wife do not see eye to eye on most things. That will be another day or year or so...I guess.


Well, Sunday ended up being a great day for me and the kids. We went over to my parents for a cookout and then my dad put up the swimming pool. Unfortunatly, he will have to drain the pool and move it to a different area on his large deck. It will probably take another five hours to fill the pool up and such too but it looks like this pool is a winner with the kids. My dad got in the pool with the kids since it was my time of the month again and I can not sit in the pool and boy was I cramping up. So he got to have fun with them and it was really cute too. They loved to splash him and well, I wasnt really dry either, even though I was not in the pool...lol. They all had a blast with grandpa and it was neat seeing them have a fun time, till they started shivering and I felt it was time for them to get out. I also had to take care of the rest of my laundry too. Luckily, my parents are helping me out with that this month too because I usually have to pay 1.25 per load for each of the washer and dryer. It gets expensive if u have three loads of laundry to do. Anyhow, we were all really tired by the time we left. Jacob wanted to catch some lightning bugs just like he and sammy did a few nights ago but we had to get home as it was already past 9pm. And within just a few min time, Jake was sleeping soundly in the car as we made our way home. I had to carry him to the door of our apartment, too, which was like one flight of stairs to the second floor....Sammy however, was awake because unlike her brother, she did take a nap during the day. She walked up the stairs on her own and such, while I carried Jake to the apartment door. Sammy sat down to color at the little red table, when we got into the apartment and I put jake to bed. Then I went to get Sammy and tuck her into bed. I always have a hard time putting her to bed it seems, though. She would rather get up and play or wander thru the apartment. So I read a book to her from one of the Berenstain Bears books. She likes to point at the pictures in the books and ask "What's that?". Its always so cute. She is very talkative these days for being just two. If there is one thing I have noticed about my kids and what they are good at is that they just love being kids. Jake I believe may be a runner; just like his daddy was and sammy, I think she may be a soccer player actually; she loves to play with play balls and kick them everywhere. And well, they both love to color too and they are getting really good at it. But I will just stay with the fact that they are kids being kids and they enjoy being just that.

In the news....

Well, there was one other thing that I just found out about the Henry Doorly Zoo, when me, my kids and my father, went there on Friday. It goes to tell ya that I need to start watching more of the news and such. I guess in the aquarium, the world's first baby hammer head shark was born to a virgin mother hammer head shark. I guess a security guard walked by one day and saw the baby with his mother and was like "Can that really happen?" Eventually, word got out throughout the zoo that this happend and the director of the zoo himself had to see it, too. Soon there were tests taken to prove that this was so and they had found that the baby was indeed born from a virgin, which I guess is not common among the fish/mammals and such. Check out this report from fox news.... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,275035,00.html
Well, I think it is almost a week away till the College world series and so today, since I had the day off from work, my dad had planned like a week ago to take me and the kids to the Henry Doorly Zoo. A day at the zoo today was probably the best because for one, when the college world series begins, it will be busy everyday; the zoo is the next most popular place to go while u are in Omaha, NE....and, two, it was not so much of a hot day. We usually go in the morning though so it was a little chilly when we went but nothing big at all. Eventually, the sun came out and we were feeling good. I was amazed by how much fun the kids had today though and how very well behaved they were. Sometimes, they were not all that perfect in listening to me but I would have to say that 80-90% of the time they were doing well. We all had fun though. My dad rented a wagon for the day and the kids only sat in it for a few times, however. They felt a need to walk instead, which was good because after the zoo the kids were worn out and ready for naps. Before we left though, we decided to get on the carrasel. It would cost one dollar per token to get on the ride, actually and from what i understand, this money was for some kind of a fund raiser to help the animals of the zoo...maybe pay for more food and assistance for the animals. Anyhow, Jacob road the Ostrich and sammy just road a regular horse. I just stood in the middle of the two as the watcher for sammy...jacob seemed to do very well with his animal. But both had a fun time regardless. And then there was a fun time at the zoo with some young snow leopards. The kids loved to watch the three big cats jump and attack in play with one another...it was really cute to see the cats have fun as well as my kids enjoy a good laugh. Regardless, we did stay at the zoo for just two hours or so because afterwards, my dad had to drive me to go pick up my check from work so that I could go pay rent and such. I can not believe that the management here at my apartment is much more strict than the other place I lived if rent is not paid. Usually I pay rent by the fifth of each month but this time, I could not and will be struggling more this month than I ever have...oh, but that will not happen again, I can tell you that. I got a notice yesturday on my door that I have three days to pay rent or quit...ugh, not another thing like that again. Would have paid it when I got my child support but that will not happen till next month...my ex may have to pay me some sort of a payment plan because he was irresponsible with paying me the support this month...but he does not know that yet. I figure that since I have the proof to show that there was no mistake on the child support arrangment, my ex will probably be getting a phone call from his commander that was informed by his post commander that he needs to pay me the support for this month somehow...and if he lies that he did over pay me then I will have to take this to court with my proof. LOL...and just think what would happen if he still lied in court, hmmmm, I wonder what would happen to a soldier that lies in court? I have been told sooo many times that when my ex had the kids back in Dec06-Jan07, when I WIRED him the support back since he had the kids, that I was not suppose to do that. My lawyer even told me that I should not have done that. And this other lawyer that my friend was telling me about was saying the same thing. In fact, this lawyer, my friend's the client, was saying that the non-custodial parent should never have to say that he/she can not afford his/her children if only the child support is returned, only then they can afford to keep the children in their care. That is a no-no on the non-custodial parent's side by doing this. Yes, we all know that when this divorce was finalized, my ex was still recieving a well enough paycheck by living in Italy but now that he moved back to the states he can not afford much things at all because the child support is wayyyy too high, for him. Oh, but that should not be much of a problem for him since he is an E-6 now. And a canine MP at that. Okay, so I have said enough of this for now but really, my ex does not know what is coming to him. This credit to his account is fraudulent and I have the proof to make it go against my ex. You see if he would have just paid me something instead of waisting the money on a trip to Atlanta, GA then this would not happen. But seeing that my ex seems to think that there is nothing to worry about, I will look on his side of it. He has the money at this time and if he complains that he can not afford to take the kids into his care next time he gets to see the kids...thats if there is a next time...I do not want to hear him complaining; LOL, especially if his wifey is preg with their second child that they will probably not be able to aford either. My ex husband's wife though seems to be doing the complaining for my ex because he does not know what to do in all of this I guess. I guess for once I would like for my ex to tell me everything instead of the whiney brat telling me about everything that is going on. My ex has his visiting rights though and I am concerned that he does not plan on using them for a long time because he can not afford much at all. I just hope that if this does come down that the error was legit with the support, that he would be responsible enough to save the money for important things regarding his two children here with me that he does not get to see very often.
I called the paralegal department on my ex's today. I advised the assistant about how my ex is not paying me my child support this month. Her name was Wakita. She told me that since there is a credit to the account on the child support of Nebraska and since there is a court order for the child support, she can not do anything about the support till the credit is found as fraud. Basically, when the error report is cleared up and is found that there was no error in the first place, I can then call that office to file a complaint against my ex, who's a soldier. She then will get something started where his command will get notified about the issue. And you know, when I called the post operator to be directed to the right personnel, the operator also gave me the number to the MP office before I even told her that my ex is also an MP(Military Policeman)....just sad really that an MP would do this, huh? A SSG at that too...lol. He knows that he did not overpay me and that is just rediculous that he is using this error as an excuse not to pay...well at least the army can do something about it in this case.
Finally, I have come to the conclusion that my ex is nothing but a baby making machine and he will get so far deep in dept with having another baby on the way....I do believe that that is why his stupid blondie wife was trying to see if she can sell her birth control on ebay...lol...its just too damn funny. WOW...and they just had a baby in December too. So here I am, just waiting on my child support to get here and my ex again doesnt have the balls to tell me that I will not be getting any support for the month. So, Im calling the NE Child support Enforcement and the agents right and left were telling me that my ex has a credit to his account, when I know damn well that there is "no" credit...and my stupid ex is livin well now knowing that he doesnt have to support his two children this month. And then I hear that my ex and his family go to Atlanta, GA in their big tahoe vehicle...knowing that they are low on cash these days. It hit me today that, they were spending the child support money for this trip. But little did I know that. Well, I know that there are laws against taking double payments out because of delinquent child support so it appears that at tax time I will just have to bring that up with the consultant when I am going to be claiming me and my children as I will every year at this point on the return. Now, why do I have to be the bitch again? I dont really intend to be in all honesty. But I am dealing with a very un honest father here that is turning into his wife everyday. He will always have an unhonest life about him as it is. Heck, does anybody realize what would happen if his new wife was to divorce his ass? He would have to be paying the lesser of support to her and the more amount of support to me, since my children were the first of his life. And well, we all know that he digs deeper and deeper into this hole...he isnt finding a way to get out, he is just hoping that this is the way out by accepting what he has and being at just that. He use to be a great man once but now, he is just a flat and broke down idiot. Im sorry to say it but he just is not on my good list anymore.


Hey guys and gals....go here to vote and comment for the best children on CT contest! My two kids and my niece are all in the same pic so please send them some luv....here is the link. http://cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=144590&i=3615120430 Here is a link to the best kid on CT contest...my son Jacob, who is four, is featured in this contest... http://cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=144590&albumid=384842&i=396886527# And finally, here is a link to my best friends post in the "sexiest eyes" contest...please show her some luv too... http://cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=144590&i=1911519015
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