63 Year Old
From San Francisco, CA·
Invited by: 179468·
Joined on July 18, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 18th
·1 referrals joined!
63 Year Old
From San Francisco, CA·
Invited by: 179468·
Joined on July 18, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 18th
·1 referrals joined!
Earthy, sassy, fun, and sometimes downright silly/goofy woman in San Francisco. I'm involved with all kinds of delicious arts, dancing, and music events and organizations, hang out mostly in the Mission, and can be found out 3-4 nights a week. I've been going to BurningMan for about 11 years.
I also visit Florida about one week every 4-6 weeks, so if you're near Miami, give me a shout! :)
The pics of me in whiteface are when I'm manifested as one of The Sisters (www.thesisters.org) -- I'm one of only a small percentage of genetic female Sisters. We take vows for life to perform community service, devote ourselves to social activism, and do charity fundraising.
I am also known in OTHER circles as Kegels the Clown. I open beer bottles from between my thighs (there's a bottle opener sewed to my panties). Keeps me off the streets anyway ;)
63 Year Old
From San Francisco, CA·
Invited by: 179468·
Joined on July 18, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 18th
·1 referrals joined!
Hello, Pretty Lady!You have been hit.You have been considered one of the 10 prettiest ladies with a kind, warm and loving heart. Once you have been hit, you have to hit 10 pretty ladies with kind, warm and loving hearts. If you get hit again you know you're really pretty and kind.So hit 10 pretty ladies to let them know they are pretty -- both on theinside and the outside - and that they are loved and cared for.SEND THIS TO PRETTY LADIES, TO BRIGHTEN THEIR DAY, INCLUDING THE ONE WHO SENT IT TO YOU! REMIND LADIES TO BE INFORMED, AWARE AND BE CHECKED FOR THEIR HEALTH'S SAKE. TELL THEM THAT NO ONE WANTS TO LOSE THEM - AFTER ALL, THEY ARE PRETTY LADIES WITH KIND, WARM LOVING HEARTS......All you are asked to do is keep this circulating (even if to one person).In memory of anyone you know that has been struck by cancer.xx