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WooooHoooo! Yup, you read it right... My divorce was approved and finalized today... January 24th!!!! I didn't think this day would ever come! I'm so happy!!! Life is good... Full of Happiness...

Hey Guys!

Hey all!! I know it's been forever since I logged on! Sorry to all my friends who've missed me... Thanks for all the birthday wishes... Ok, so to update you all on my life. Divorce is still pending... hold up being child support issue. (waiting on paperwork from state... could take forever) Me and Steve still together (unofficially) long story with the unofficial status.... (rolls eyes, I had to find a guy with morals.... not a bad thing though) We moved into our own house... Found out my so called best friend (ambra) slept with my soon to be ex husband... ofcourse I find this out after we're seperated... did it happen before or after the seperation... your guess is as good as mine on that one. But,oh well. Shit happens... life goes on. I do have a different job now. :) more fast paced but less stressful than where I was. anyways... luv, peace and all that bologna!


Ok Ok OK... I'll post an update on my lil ole life. Well, I'm about 2 months into my divorce process.... meaning 1 more month and it's all final. Said and done, that's all she wrote!!!! I'll be free from ties that bind. Still, I don't regret the past due to the fact it brought me here to the future. and to the people I know now. I love them all. Besides that. Work is going great. Kids are doing good. Still in need of a car.... blah. But Life is good. Life is SWEET.... DUDE...... SWEET! sorry lol Fish are friends not food! lmao. Stevie u crack me up babe! Anyways... I'll post more at a later date. luv all, Amy

life experiences: 105

Level 1 ()I had an asthma attack (x )Smoked A Cigarette ()Smoked A Cigar ( )Smoked Weed (x)Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex (x)Drank Alcohol (x)Been In Love (x)Been Dumped (x )Been Fired (x)Been In A Fist Fight (x)Snuck Out Of A Parent's House total so far: 8 Level 2 (x)Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back (x)Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested ()Made Out With A Stranger ()Gone Out On A Blind Date (x)Had A Crush On An Older Person (X)Skipped School ( )Slept With A Co-worker (x)Seen Someone / Something Die total so far: 13 Level 3 ()Been On A Plane (x)Thrown Up From Drinking ( )eaten sushi ( ) been snowboarding (x )Met Someone BECAUSE of the internet ( )Been Mosh Pitting (x)Taken Pain Killers (x)Love(d)or Lust(d) Someone Who You Can't Have (x)Been in a BAD relationship total so far: 18 Level 4 (x) laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By (x) Made A Snow Angel (x ) Had A Tea Party (x) Flown A Kite (x) Built A Sand Castle (x) Gone Puddle Jumping (x) Played Dress Up (x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves (x) Gone Sledding (x) Cheated While Playing A Game total so far: 28 Level 5 (x)Been Lonely (x)Fallen Asleep At Work / School ( )Used A Fake / Someone Else's ID (x)Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise ()Felt An Earthquake (x )Kissed A Snake (x)Been Tickled ( )Been Robbed / Vandalized ( ) robbed someone (x)Been Misunderstood total so far: 34 Level 6 ( x)Pet A Deer (x)Won A Contest (x)Been Suspended (x)had Detention (x)Been In A Car/ Motorcycle Accident ( )Had / Have Braces (x )Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (x)Had deja vu (x)Danced in the moonlight (x) hated the way you looked total so far: 43 Level 7 (x) Witnessed A Crime (x) Questioned Your Heart ( x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes (x ) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud (x) Been Lost ( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World () Swam In The Ocean (x) Felt Like You Were Dying (x) Cried Yourself To Sleep total: 50 Level 8 (x) Played Cops And Robbers(HA HA) ( x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers () Sang Karaoke (x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't (x ) made a prank phone call (x ) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose (x) Kissed In The Rain (x) Written A Letter To Santa Claus (x) been kissed under mistletoe total: 58 Level 9 (x) Watched The Sun Set With Someone You Care / Cared About (x) Blown Bubbles ( x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach ( ) Crashed A Party (X ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People (x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading (x) Had A Wish Come True : ) ( ) Been Humped By A Monkey (x) Worn Pearls ( x) Jumped Off A Bridge total: 66 Level 10 ( ) Screamed "Penis" In Class/Work ( ) Swam With Dolphins (x ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole / Freezer/Ice Cube (x ) Kissed A Fish (X) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes (x ) Sat On A Roof Top (x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs (x ) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel (x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours (x) stayed Up All Night total: 74 Level 11 (x) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree (x) Climbed A Tree (x ) Had / Been In A Tree House () Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone (x ) Seen a Ghost ()Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops (x )gone streaking ()Been to/Visited Someone At Jail (x)Played Chicken ( x)Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On total: 82 Level 12 (x) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger ( ) Broken A Bone (x) Been Easily Amused (x) Caught A Fish (x) Caught A Butterfly (x) Laughed So Hard You Cried (X) Cried So Hard You Laughed (x ) Mooned / Flashed Someone (x) Had someone Moon / Flash You total: 90 Level 13 () Cheated On A Test (x) Forgotten Someone's Name (x)Slept Naked (x) French braided someones hair (x) Gone Skinny dipping In A pool ( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House. (x) Rode A Roller Coaster ( ) Went Scuba-Diving / Snorkeling (x) Had A Cavity total: 96 Level 14 (x) Been Used (x) Fell Going Up The Stairs ( x) Licked A Cat... (x ) Bitten Someone (x) Licked Someone ( x) Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun ( x) Had sex in a field/garden ( ) Flattened someone's tires (x) Drove in a car until the gas light came on (x) Had five dollars or less and bought something. total: 105

hmmmm... 2nd date

Hmmm... I'm still wearing a smile on my face. :) You all can't imagine how much fun I had. Not just with the movie... but because I got to spend time with someone that I care about. Someone that is a true friend... We went and watched GrindHouse... very cool. very gory movie. Right up my alley... full of action and all!!!! Stevie's seen it before but that didn't stop him from coming back to see it again. He knew I wanted to watch it so we did. He'd make little catty comments... lol... had me about rolling in the floor sometimes. He stayed the night. And we did something that couples usually don't do in bed... We actually went to sleep. I know, I know... it's amazing... right, you don't believe me... But we did. We wrestled around, tickled, talked... but none of our clothes were off. promise. We slept cuddled up next to each other. He didn't try anything... although he knew he could probably get me if he wanted to. It's not that either of us hasn't had thoughts about it... But he also knows I want this as a true friendship 1st and foremost. That was my mistake with Marcus. We didn't have time to become friends before falling into the whole relationship/engagement thing. This time will be different. I wanted a guy I could talk to... I have that with Stevie. I wanted someone I could lean on, again.. that's Stevie. Yeah, he's a guy. He thinks about sex. But in his own words, there's more to a relationship than sex. We did discuss this last night... er this mornging... lol. Like I've said, I talk to him about everything. He knows what I have fears about right now. I know what he's scared of. I know some of his likes and dislikes... same as he knows me. I just want happiness. For the 1st time in a long time... I didn't cry on May 25th. Nothing went wrong... I didn't get my feelings smashed and my heart torn in two. I was a little down when Marcus texted me and wished me a happy anniversary. That date is no more than a date on the calendar of my past now. I am not married (in the process, but technically) so therefore the anniversary went away with the marriage. But, I have so many happy thoughts and things to bring a smile to my face that I couldn't be depressed. I had things to look forward to. I had people to see and places to be. Everytime I felt a little sad, I'd think about last weekend... that 1st little kiss... blush and smile. Or I'd think of spending a whole weekend with a man I get along with so very well... his friends accept me. Monday, me and the kids have been invited to a movie with Stevie and his mom. We're gonna go watch pirates of the caribean 3. It amazes me that he cares like he does about me and my kids. He says heavyn lea will be a heart breaker when she grows up and he'll have to have 2 guns to chase guys away from her. I'm glad he likes the kids. I'm glad the kids like him. It wouldnt work out if they didn't like him no matter how much I like him. If we get together or not. He'll always be a part of my life. I can gaurantee that. Oh and for those with curious minds... did I get a 2nd kiss?? maybe... maybe not. Only my friends will find out if I want them to know ;)

9 years, tomorrow (May 25)

Well, Tomorrow (May 25) would mark my 8 year wedding anniversary. 9 years of being with the same man. Never once did I cheat, never once did I feel the need to even look. I was ok with what I had in life. Granted, times were not always happy. Times weren't always peaceful... "rough spots" were everywhere. But, I can look back and honestly say, I cannot regret any of it. Had I not met Marcus when I did, I wouldn't have my children. I can't regret that, because that would be regreting them... I can't regret staying with him for so long... because without that battle... I wouldn't be as strong as I am now, I wouldn't be able to stand up to a lot of things. Without knowing him, I wouldn't have gotten to know some awesome people. My best friend, Ambra... her husband, Troy.. they're kids. Got to love them! I never would have met Stevie, never would have gotten to know him like I have. I wouldn't have met Jarrod, Justin, Amanda, and Brandy. I adore marcus's family. I'll always think of them as my family still. They're been a part of me for 9 years now... I feel sad... only because there seems to have been alot more that could have been done. But I can't regret any of it at all. I love my family & my friends. I'm honored to know them all. Will I cry tomorrow? I hope not. I'm in the process of planning to go out and make sure my mind stays off of things at hand... May 25 also marks the 30th day since I filed for divorce... meaning I'm 1/3 of the way through the waiting period. It marks the 76th day since he left. Yeah, I'm counting down. I'm tougher than some give me credit for... but more delicate than some could imagine. I'll post an update if I get the date I want out of tomorrow. ;)
Weekends can be fun: Saturday we had pizza and beer. Always an interesting combination! We had family and friends over (Missed ya JB!) Family didn't stay long once they realized not everyone was gonna be there. Stevie and Jarrod came over too... always an interesting nite with those 2 arround... After having more drinks (1 beer, 3 smirnoffs, 1 crown & coke) we decided to go walk around the block... All 4 of us. Then me and Stevie decided to go walking and got lost... (on purpose... sortof) We eneded up walking 3 blocks over, 4 blocks up and then back to the house. We talked about everything from one of his exes to what's going on in my life, to music that he'd just got... I love the fact I can talk to him about anything and everything. No subject is tabu with this guy... I absolutely love it. We headed back to the house finally... lol. had a few more to drink... then decided that we all needed to go to quik trip but none of us could drive so we all walked... never take a "short cut" when a not so sotally tober person suggests it... u'll walk extra and cross a big ditch!! We always have fun though. We had 10 kids here at the house too... all 6 and under. Had a huge wrestling match in the front room... I got belly to belly suplexed (thanks stevie) then he got dog piled (well, I got dog piled since he was still over me) Kids can be quick and they learn to take out the knees early!!! Stevie and Jarrod came back over sunday night too.... no drinks then though. Just a late nite trip to walmart for diapers... There's some uglies that shop there at 1am in the mornings!!! Ambra's dad embarrassed me... thanks dad. Usually dad's threaten guys if they try to kiss their daughters. I have the one dad that is the opposite. He threatened to flatten stevie's tires if stevie didn't give me a kiss. So, as a result of dad's threat (I doubt he would have followed through, but u never know) Stevie and I had our 1st kiss. Not a very romantic one.... very awkward when it's the result of a threat. A later text told me that's not how he wanted the 1st one to turn out... agreed. After dad seen that he kissed me, Stevie was allowed to leave. lol. I won't say I'm in a relationship yet... but, I am having fun now. There's never a dull moment with Mr. Stevie around. Beaner Carlos is cool too... lol.... "Steve no here..." They crack me. McDonald breakfast burritos. La Tacos. Bowling for Beaners. Beaner Hector. Beaner Carlos. Those are things that make perfect sense to me... but won't to you!

for sister (a poem)

for sister (a poem) for sister i shall always be there for her help her up and pull out all the thorns for when she has fallen for sister i be loyal to her and always stand by her side through tragedy and triumph I stay to keep a smile on her face for sister i will always be strong for even though im not there in person i always want to be a huge part of her life for sister i will always be a brother family sticks to togeather by all bounds . David Allen bosley ***************************************** The above poem was written for me by one of my best friends and 'brother'. David, you are and will always be one of my best friends and will always be my brother. He's such a sweetie! And I adore my brother with all my heart! Love ya Bubba!

Vampire Vixen

Into the night cold and dark vampire vixen, to leave her mark she smiles sweetly to the gentleman there he thinks to himself she is so fair little does he know at death won't wait in her embrace she is his fate he comes up behind drawing her near she lets him... she has nothing to fear she lets him play touching here, there she bides her time she hasn't a care they become locked in loves' embrace play time over horror on his face a vampire vixen ready for a feast he's but a man she's a beast. she latches on like a leech, undead. she drains him... until she's well fed. her dark hair shines, her dark eyes gleem. she isn't at all what she may seem. vampire vixen, into the night... blood on her lips, the moon is so bright.

the lady

cemetary, dark and quiet death is waiting near shadows dance with devils the night brings out the fear the devils stop their dance they all stare in awe... the Lady has awakened the only sound a crow's caw she slips between the tombs of love thats gone and dead of memories of her past of the life she loved and led damn them all to hell she screamed in her mind i was never one of them never of their kind through the graves she made her way just as she did every day to a little grave small and unique her daughters grave the one they named monique only and infant, taken away life gone into the ground the mother, gone crazy with sorrow, she drowned now she walks alone this cemetary at night gaurding these stones knowing she's right life is gone, still she mothers the child she never got to hold so now she wonders lonely still this cemetary so cold she would have sold her soul if she would have known that she could have seen that baby fully grown so she walks each night and gaurds her child she's a creature of darkness a creature wild but still a mother she once knew that love soft and tender gentle as a dove but now darkness is her life cemetary quiet, dark and drear the Lady sleeps with her baby near.
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