Invited by: 38929·
Joined on June 16, 2006
Born on January 1st
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
HERE FOR A GOOD TIME NOT A LONG TIME.....BACK OFF to read the whole page first, before adding me...
Invited by: 38929·
Joined on June 16, 2006
Born on January 1st
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I am Male, pretty much only use this account to keep in touch with some people in here .. and to post bulletin's .. this account messed up on me .. lost my pic's, can access them or delete them etc... so moved on .. I will add everyone who sends a request .. even if ya can't read the fact that I am male & and insist on leaving comments on the lady pics I have up thinking that it is me!!! which it is NOT
.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}Smack That Video - Akon lyricsAkon Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCureMyspace Layouts
If a kiss was a raindrop... I'd send you showers. If hugs were a second... I'd send you hours. If smiles were water... I'd send you the sea. If friendship was a person... I'd send you me. If you don't send this to at least 10 people... you will be left with no friends because they won't know that you appreciate them. This poem shows lots of appreciation... so send this to all of your friends and let them know you care!
Hello,i was admiring your profile how nice it's layed out. look's great .Was going to askyou if you would be so kind to accept me as 1 of your friend's..DRIFTER
YOU GET DA SEX BUNNY!!`;;;;;;;;._______________;;;;;;;`;;;;;;;;;;;:_____________, :;;;;;;;;;``:;;;;;;;;;;;`;__________, :;;;;;;;;;;;`_ `:;;;;;;;;;;;`, , _______, :;;;;;;;;;;;`___`:;;;;;;;;;;;;_______, ;;;;;;;;;;;;:____.`:;;;;;;;;;_____;;;;;;;;;;`_______`:;;;;;;_____;;;;;;;:___________`:;;;;., .;;;;;;______.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;____.;;;;;D`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;____`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_____`:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_______`.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;___________.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.____(`*. (`*. .*) .* )Ok This Is The Sex BunnyIf You Recieve This BunnyThat Means Your Fuckin SexyIf You Get This BackThat Means Your Even SexierPass This Bunny On To 10Of Your Friends, If You FailYou Will Be Cursed