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40 Year Old · Female · From Monroe Charter Township, MI · Joined on January 4, 2006 · Born on January 8th
40 Year Old · Female · From Monroe Charter Township, MI · Joined on January 4, 2006 · Born on January 8th

My name is Misty and im 22.....and yeah, im one hot bitch, lol, j/k. I love sports, and hockey is my favorite of them all! I love to party, go clubbin, and cause trouble, lol! if you feel the need to know more, then feel free to send me one!

40 Year Old · Female · From Monroe Charter Township, MI · Joined on January 4, 2006 · Born on January 8th
Well, like i said before....i love sports!! When i aint working, im hangin with the girls. When im not with the girls, im watching sports! Body{background-color:000000;background-position:Top Left;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;}body, div, p, strong, td, .text, .blacktext10, .blacktext12, a.searchlinkSmall, a.searchlinkSmall:link, a.searchlinkSmall:visited{color:FF3399;font-family:Comic Sans MS;}a, a:link, a:visited, a.navbar, a.navbar:link, a.navbar:visited, a.man, a.man:link, a.man:visited{color:FF6699;font-size:10pt;font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode;}a:hover, a:active, a.navbar:hover, a.navbar:active, a.man:hover, a.man:active, a.searchlinkSmall:hover, a.searchlinkSmall:active{color:0066FF;}body{scrollbar-track-color:FF6699;scrollbar-highlight-color:FF6699;scrollbar-base-color:FF6699;scrollbar-DarkShadow-color:FF6699;scrollbar-Shadow-color:FF6699;}This profile was edited with Groovy Machine Myspace Editor
I listen to alot of diffrent types of music except for rap and country! my fav has to be alternative rock and underground techno
I do indeed watch all types of movies, but my favorite type to watch is comedy.....though some of my favorites are not comedy!! they include final destination, swim fan, wedding crashers, just married, me myself and I, hitch, cheaper by the dozen (dont laugh), and sudden death because it partains to hockey!

Activity Feed

  • Someone ⇒ BeaTinG HeArT BabY

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ BeaTinG HeArT BabY

    15 years ago · Reply
  • 15 years ago · Reply
  • CherryPoppinsBeaTinG HeArT BabY
    __$$$$__$$$$$________________$$$$$__$$$$$$______________$$$$$$___$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$____________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ok This Is The Sex BunnyIf You Receive This BunnyThat Means Your Fucking SexyPass This Bunny On To 10 PEOPLEIf You Get This BackThat Means Your Even Sexier

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ BeaTinG HeArT BabY
    hey whatsup....come talk to me sometime

    17 years ago · Reply
  • EMUNEBeaTinG HeArT BabY

    Add a myspace jukebox to your profile.WHAT U THINK OF SONGS $ LEAVE A COMMENT $ COME B MY FRIEND

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ BeaTinG HeArT BabY
    Its Saturday sooooooo.....
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • gretchenBeaTinG HeArT BabY
    _________________________s$__________ ____s _________________.s$$_________ ____s$ ________________s$$$?______s__ ___s$³ ______________.s$$$_____.s$, ___s$$³ _____________s$$$$³______.s$__ _.$$³ ________, ____$$$$$.______s$³__ __³$ ________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³___ __³, _______s$___³$$$$$$$s___$$$, ` ____.. _______$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s__ ___, , ________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_ ___________`$$.____³$$$$$$$_$$$$___s³ ________³$$s____³$$$$$$s$$$³__s$³ _________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$__ s$$ ______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s $$³__ ______$$_s$$$$..s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³__ ______s$.s$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_ _____s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³ ____s$$$ssss$$$$$$$$$$ssss$$$s ___$$s§§§§§§§§§s$$$$s§§§§§§§§§$$ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§§§s$s§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ___§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§ HEAVY §§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____³§§§§§§§§§ MELODIC §§§§§§§§§§§³ _____³§§§§§§ HAPPY GOTHIC §§§§§§§³ ______³§§§§§§§§ CHICK §§§§§§§§§³ ________³§§§§§§ ROCK §§§§§§§§³ __________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____________³§§§§§§§§§§§³ _______________³§§§§§³ _________________³§³ Thanks for rolling with Gretchen!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Cajun CherryBeaTinG HeArT BabY
    stop by to say hi

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Lee the untouch...BeaTinG HeArT BabY
    Most of you People in Charleston have probably Heard about the Contest by Rock 105 for local bands to submit their performance videos to be voted on to see who will open for God Smack at the Municipal Auditorium.If you have a few minutes of your time i would ask you to go on their site and please sign up and vote for The Ghosts of Now.Rock 105.1 Godsmack Competition.Oh and add them too if you haven't!k tnx :P

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ BeaTinG HeArT BabY
    hello, how ya doing?

    17 years ago · Reply
    just saying and rackin up a few points is all..have a great nite

    17 years ago · Reply
  • dogmoozBeaTinG HeArT BabY
    Leaving a 10 for you, have a good one and stop by my page sometime. Feel free to add me.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ BeaTinG HeArT BabY
    i was just droppin bye to say hi

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ BeaTinG HeArT BabY
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    17 years ago · Reply
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