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48 Year Old · Female · From Burnham, PA · Joined on August 16, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 14th · 1 referrals joined!
48 Year Old · Female · From Burnham, PA · Joined on August 16, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 14th · 1 referrals joined!

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Ok l3ts s33 a littl3 about m3...W3 I'm a nativ3 born P3nnsylvanian and I Lov3 my hom3town with all my h3art...So ALL you hat3rs of my hom3town can kiss my P3nnsylvanian @ss!

I'm a tru3 r3dh3ad so don't piss m3 off, and don't m3ss with my family oth3r than that i'm 3asy to g3t along with.

Unl3ss you g3t on my bad sid3 th3n you hav3 Stitch to d3al with! LoL Oh I just lov3 him I'v3 lov3d Stitch sinc3 that movi3 cam3e out...h3's just so damn cut3! ain't h3 though?

Hmmm what 3ls3 can I say about mys3lf that hasn't alr3ady b33n said...oh wait I can't post that kind stuff h3r3---lol. I hav3n't had that many p3opl3 say nic3 things to m3 or about m3 so I'm a littl3 rusty on this whol3 talking about mys3lf thing...y3p that's right I'm b3ing hon3st with ya...how am I doing so far?

I lov3 to fish,r3ad,sp3nd tim3 with my family and fri3nds if had any but oth3r than that I also lik3 to r3ad; St3ph3n King is my favorit3 author in the whol3 world I'3 r3ad all his books and s33n all his movi3s h3's a gu3in3s in a word. I lik3 th3 way h3 can scar3 th3 h3ll outta m3 and k33p m3 on th3 3dg3 of my s3at at th3 sam3 tim3.

I lov3 music......ALL kinds I'm not pr3gudi3...3c3pt blu3grass...that stuff mak3s m3 f33l lik3 my 3ars ar3 gonna bl33d LoL no s3riously I can't stand it. 3v3rthing 3ls3 I pr3tty much lik3...I dabbl3 in a littl3 of this and a littl3 of that and whil3 3v3ron3 might not lik3 my tast3 in music, all I'm asking is that you tak3 a sip of it, if you don't lik3 it th3n you don't hav3 to drink it.

I'm a fun loving woman with a h3art bigg3r than you can imagin3...just don't tak3 advantag3 of it or you'll find yours3lf on th3 r3ci3ving 3nd of on3 h3ll of a shit storm. On a ligh3r not3 though, I'm fri3ds with anyon3 so if you wanna chat just look m3 up I'm usually h3r3 or I'll b3 h3r3 shortly. I g3t along with 3v3ron3...

This is for you...you know who you ar3


MyHotComments and if I hav3 to fight for what I lov3....TH3N I'LL KICK YOUR ASS


48 Year Old · Female · From Burnham, PA · Joined on August 16, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 14th · 1 referrals joined!
I hav3 many int3r3sts I probably hav3 too many to list in this box but I'll giv3 you a pr3vi3w of a littl3 of what trips my trigg3r.
I 3njoy sp3nding tim3 with my family...no brain3r th3r3 huh? I lik3 to fish,camp,b3ing outdoors I hat3 b3ing coop3d up in th3 hous3. I don't g3n3rally watch too much tv, I hav3 oth3r things that stimulat3 my mind. I lik3 to r3ad and I'd lik3 to think of mys3lf as aspiring writ3r. I lik3 comput3r stuff so you might call m3 a littl3 bit of a g33k but that's ok I can d3al with that.

I lik3 old movi3s and y3s I watch th3 old black and whit3 on3s too...Fr3d Astair was amazing and Car3y Grant just s3nds m3 swooning--lol. I can b3 a littl3 corny at tim3s but that's just m3, tak3 m3 or l3av3 m3 it's your choic3 frankly my d3ar I don't giv3 a damn.

I'm not h3r3 to mak3 your day all b3tt3r but at th3 sam3 tim3 if I can mak3 you smil3 in something I do th3n that's gr3at and I'm happy about that but I'm not going to go out of my way to kiss your ass just to mak3 you happy.

I b3li3v3 that 3ach of us has our only littl3 quality about th3ms3lv3s that mak3s th3m just a littl3 mor3 uniqu3 than 3v3ryon3 3ls3 and that's a good thing. Too much of th3 sam3 thing and this world would b3 on3 big boring marbl3 just rollin along.

I'm strang3 and unusual and som3tim3s I think I'm just down right out th3r3 but I lik3 who I am and if I was any oth3r way I would't b3 m3 :) So if you don't lik3 m3 th3n shov3 off and mov3 on to som3 oth3r suck3r who want's to buy your shit. :)

I am sporadic and I n3v3r stay on th3 sam3 subj3ct for v3ry long and I jump around to diff3r3nt things at a whim and having a conv3rsation with m3 can b3 a littl3 confusing at tim3s but if your a smart p3rson than you should hav3 no troubl3 k33ping up...unl3ss your lik3 m3 and your out th3r3 too th3n you'll und3rstand m3 v3ry 3asily

So f33l fr33 to giv3 m3 a shout and chat m3 up and if you don't lik3 what you s33 on my profil3 th3n l3av3 m3 th3 h3ll alon3 and I won't both3r you 3ith3r.

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I lov3 all kinds of music...and wh3n I say all kinds I m3an it...lik3 I said I just can't stand that blu3grass shit ucka doo...GO TO FRIENDLYSENSATIONS.COM

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