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Male · From Middletown, NY · Joined on January 25, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 30th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Hello and welcome.
Please read. (Edit January 30, 2013)

I have been here now just over a year. I came here one day looking for something to do. During this time I have met some nice people. I have even met a couple generous people. They have helped with the leveling game and asked for nothing. Even had one generous lady send some Credits so I could use them where I needed. I told her that I couldn't do the same and she was fine with that. She just wanted to help and she had the means to do that. For her I try to go and rate and like daily, polish the bling she has and from time to time use the shi*face ability. Because that is what I have the ability to do to thank her for that. I don't see her here often now. She has gone on with life in the real world and I applaud her for that. No one should make any online world supercede the real world. I wish her the best of luck.

I try to do the regular things for everyone that helped me. If I miss some I apologize, I am not always online even if it says I am. So unless you leave an inbox note I may not catch that you stopped by and hit the buttons that you did. I read the comments when time permits but there many be days I don't have the time to.

There are not enough points in the abilities to do it for everyone so beware I use them at my discretion. More often than not I WILL NOT use every point on one person just because you hit a couple buttons one day.

That said I have decided to change how I do some things here at Fubar. Of course as with everything this is subject to change for any reason.

I came here and concentrated on the leveling game. I can not go any farther in that game because I am now at the level of needing to by bling. I was against buy the credits before. To a point I still am. I believe the cost is to much for result. That may change in time, or if some extra cash comes my way. Why the change of mind? Well I understand that it takes money to maintain the site and that those that are the owners are in need of money like the rest of us. I just don't think it's fair that it's a requirement to level up that you have to spend real money. But it is their site and their game. They can do as they see fit with either. I in turn will stay at where I am for now in the levels.

Since the leveling game is now on hold for me I have turned to the achievements for something to do here at Fubar. I read a lot of them and most require that you buy bling but there are a few that don't. So yes I will add people as friends. I may even poke a few. Please don't take it the wrong way when I say that there is nothing behind that. Its all for a game and if you think about it, it is that way for most. Perhaps it's not the game of leveling or the game of achievements but still a game. Perhaps you just want to see if you can get more listed friends than someone or that many more fans. That's great. I don't mind that. But don't expect to be added to the family or to get rates and likes or anything just because you decided to play a game. I tried liking and rating everyone in my friends list. The task took over three hours. In fairness I was also trying to comment on all the pages. Still I have time some days to do that. Sometimes I lack the ambition/desire to do that. But then very few here at Fubar do that even once. Again that is what you decide to do you shouldn't expect others to be any different. If you need help ask. The in box is there for other reason than asking for bling.

On that note if you haven't got the message yet, I am not rich. I work for the little money I get and I don't have much of it to throw away on myself. I spend it where I need to, like paying the internet company so I can still make it to Fubar every day. Yes I try to be here every day. So if I can not buy bling for myself what makes you think that I can buy it for you? If bling was available with Fubucks then that would be a different story. But last I checked there wasn't a bling item available to buy with Fubucks. I'm sorry if that means you don't want to press the friend request button or if that makes you remove me or block me or whatever. You do what you need to do. Honestly if that's how you are I rather you didn't request anything of me and that you do block me. You will help us both that way because then if chance happens I won't be asking you either. And no seeing your nude pics isn't sufficient reason to break out into my savings and buy you the 100 credit bling packs or whatever it is. I have seen a number of beautiful women of all ages here. I would be lying to say I wouldn't love to see some of them naked, some more than others. To this date and I hope I never do, I have never asked one of them to see their nude pics. Would I say no if they offer? Odds are against most men from saying no, I am no different. I am human after all. But they are only pictures. I can get pretty nude pictures on any number of free internet sites. So can anyone else. Unless there is a means to say those nudes that are being offered are them they could be anyone. Why pay for the same pictures? I am gullible ladies, but modesty aside I am not stupid. I play video games I don't play head games. I don't fault you for flaunting what you got. I can't say if I had anything worth wild flaunting that I wouldn't do the same. But there are times you have to ask, is it worth it? What am I truly getting here and what is the cost? I may be at the bottom of the barrel when women look for, and have my issues but even I still have enough self respect that I can see that there is a point where it is not worth it. Not even for the most beautiful women on Fubar.

Now that's about it for the moment. Subject to change as are all things in life. I have yet to decide on a lot of what I will be doing different. But one thing is the top of the list. If you become a fan, then you should hit the friend button to. If you're not willing to be a friend, then why are you a fan? Noted some may have done so to help with the leveling game, and thank you but that's done for the moment. You can remove your fan status if you don't wish to be a friend. I am going to try to do the same. So hit the friend request at the same time as the fan. Try not to send blank ones. At least introduce yourself.

Thanks for stopping by and reading as much as you did to get this far. Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night as the case may be.

Male · From Middletown, NY · Joined on January 25, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 30th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
Interests? Good question. Seems that I have little time for interests. at one time I could say riding bicycles, yes two wheels no motor kind, reading photography surfing the net playing video games, hiking, environment, expanding my horizons. There's probble more but probably just dont consider them interests just life. Why say at one time? well sometimes life gets in the way of the fun things. But got to do what you have to do to keep going.
Video Games
Right now I am part of the fuMafia game. Playing for the fun i dont really do much in it yet but if your interested in it can join my mafia by clicking here http://www.fubar.com/mafia/join.php?acceptinv=296169. Again I don't have time to do this game to the extent others do but can always use an increase the number of mafia.

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