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52 Year Old · Female · From Lomita, CA · Invited by: 988241 · Joined on August 1, 2007 · Born on June 11th · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
52 Year Old · Female · From Lomita, CA · Invited by: 988241 · Joined on August 1, 2007 · Born on June 11th · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

I have many names, but the two that I go by are Little Sister or Harley. I am not the youngest of the house, but I am the shortest of those around me. That is how I got Little Sister. Plus I love the song as well.

I am known as the shy and the quiet one of the house, but will let you know when I am not. I am also very vocal and protective of my house members. As it will always be. They are my heart.

Fair warning, I do bore easily. So Please do not let me screen name fool you. I am just me.

But if you wish to know the real me, then ask me. I have nothing to hide, I am very open minded and am not scared to answer. But Like I said I am shy unless I am in one of my moods, and you will know when that happens.

But don't listen to the words of others if you say that you do not judge. Talk to me first. Hear all first, then make up your own mind.

I know there are those who lie and try to ruin other people lives, thinking that no one should be happy but them and this is wrong.

Now Fair warning, if I catch you playing a game, or lie to me in any way, I will call you on it. If I don't right away, then I am just letting it build up till the breaking point. Then all will be called at once. I don't care for those who play games for feel that they have to lie to me. Just be up front, is not hard to ask.

When this is game is played, Karma will steps into play. Those who steal and lie just to make themselves look better, is a game for they are doing dirty to another. This is one way that Karma will come down on them 10 full if not more. This is one game that I refuse to play. Bad Karma is not very good to have.

Reading people is really easy to do if you know how to. Also being able to fool the reader as well can be just as easy. It is when you truly get to know someone, be around them can you see their true colors. This can take a few weeks or for some, even years. But this is when their true colors show, then all can be lost. Leaving you to wonder.

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In my house we live by three rules, they are:::::::::

1) Do Not Lie
2) Do Not Steal
3) Do Not Cheat

These things I hold true to my heart, and will live by them.

Anything else I can think of, I will put here.

52 Year Old · Female · From Lomita, CA · Invited by: 988241 · Joined on August 1, 2007 · Born on June 11th · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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