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43 Year Old · Male · From Pickens, SC · Joined on August 10, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 28th

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This is going to be a rather lengthy story, so I will make every effort to be as detailed as possible, at the same time trying not to be overly long and drawn out. I am very appreciative to everyone who has even taken the time to stop by and read my story. I do not wish to abuse anyone's interest or time. I am absolutely willing to provide more in depth information anywhere any reader would like me to.

I also realize that there will be some skeptice who come to the conclusion that I simply trying to take advantage and using a bad situation to do so. Thank you to you all the same as well.

I am providing a little back story as well, but am going to keep that short to kind of jump ahead to the present here. Again, if more detail is wanted somewhere, I am more than happy to provide that.

This part isn't quite as necessary, but it's something I like to spread for awareness reasons every chance I get. My son was a CDH (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia) baby. He truly was our family's miracle, as he only had about a 50% chance to even be born alive, and another small chance of living a life without some major longterm health problems. I say "was" simply because he's been blessed enough to have made a full recovery, and has had no compications to date. I'd ask everyone to take a few minutes and visit this website http://www.cherubs-cdh.org/about/what-is-cdh to learn briefly about the condition. The picture below is just to give you a quick overview of what the condition is. The second picture of him immediately following his sugery....at the age of 3 days. The third is him on this past 4th of July, 2014.


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I am a father in the State of South Carolina, who has gotten put into an almost unthinkable, and certainly unexpected situation. To skip ahead, I was a victim of adultery, an abusive wife, and witness to a child I hold more dear to my heart than anything or anyone, being physically abused.

Despite having about 17-18 months of evidence, doctor's records, recorded visits to specialists, and rather in depth and consistent contact with a court ordered Guardian Ad Litem, my son is soon to be put into the position of an abusove parent having sole custody over him.

Despite this fact, and also plenty of evidence to support adultery on the part of my wife, abuse, and gross mishandling of many factors related to the issues, I was left with nothing. I left with a small bag of clothes, a pair of shoes, and a lost sense of self-worth. It was a deal i was told by several of the legal parties involved to take, and was immediately forced to accept an outcome they assured I would not if I were to give up everything. Thinking I could trust assurances that I would not lose my child, I did not care about any of the other material posessions.

I have now lost two jobs in large part to the temper and manipulative nature of my now ex-wife. I have an injury to my eye that is slowly causing me to lose my vision in my left eye. I have been to 4 different eye doctor's, and they have all given me various reasons why they won't perform lazer surgery until I reach age 40. I am 32 now. One fear, and possibility is that because it is a recurring tear on my eye, that the amount of damage and scaring that has and will take place may be unrepairable after what will be approximatetly 11 years when I reach age 40.

This is what I would like to use part of the money for. Pending my eye being repaired at least gettimg my vision corrected enough to pass an eye exam for federal FRA regulations, I am welcomed back to the first of the two jobs. That is my goal, is to return to that job, as it's my best shot at stabilty, and about the strongest guarantee at a life-long career that our economy is able to offer today.

I have, over the last two years, been desperately seeking help and guidance in regard to re-opening a custody case to try to have him removed. I have gotten almost nowhere to this point. The main reason for this is that I have somply been unable to catch back up from the mountain of legal debt, somewhere today in the 27,000-28,000 dollar range, and I am in desperate need of help. I do not plan on using any funds raised here against that debt. Anything I raise from any of you here is strictly to get me started and keep me going with the current legal process. Those figures are just to help give reason for being unable to afford to continue on my own, and a good portion of the reason why a loan is almost impossible to obtain.

The most obvious place to start would be to seek out a loan. My credit is sufficient to achieve this, but my lack of steady income over the last 6-8 months is not condusive of a bank allowing it.

So to start wrapping this up, these are the area's the money would be used for. Primarily legal matters concerning custody, and a small portion to see about getting my eye repaired, and hopefully vision restored, in order to be able to get back to my normal routine of working as many hours as I possibly can, and getting back on my own two feet. I have a wondeful, very intelligent young man in my life, and I am very motivated to get things back to being stable, secure, and on a self-sustainable right track as quickly as I possibly can.

Also, any of you who happen to be in South Carolina, and may have any type of connections that would help me regarding any of the above mentioned issues would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all very much for your time. I am very thankful to everyone who has taken the time to stop in and read my story. May God bless you all. For those of you who are non-believers, I will say to you may life bring you the best of luck, and good karma be on your side.


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43 Year Old · Male · From Pickens, SC · Joined on August 10, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 28th

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