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What are you waiting for?

I read this vix sins whatever's blog and de-friended her, but also have seen numerous pagess, folders, and blogs that have some sort of greedy stupid notice about seeing the dirty pics or being in the fam or whatever, you gotta use your REAL LIFE money to get creds and you get some kinda temp or perm access. But seriously, how stupid, how pathetic, how sorry must you be that you will basically take the food off of your REAL LIFE families table, gas out of your car, or let the power go out in your home for some pics of a chick you will most likely NEVER meet?!?!?!


Ever consider that the "Real Life" money you are demanding be used on you should be spent on something important like rent, mortgages, baby formula, gas for a car, insurance, medications, utility bills? Why would people pay creds to be in the fam of someone for most likely, NSFW pics of a person they will most likely NEVER have when they can see vids and pics on the internet for free?


The fact of the matter is simple, you go online to redtube, pornhub, fallen tube, etc, and you can see all the dirty nasty perv vids you want!! 9 out of 10 times, they are far more attractive chicks anyways and it cost you nothing!!! That's right, zero, nadda, nothing!!! Meaning your family can eat that day.  

The audacity that these whores and asses have to demand such donations for nothing really in return is so stupid, that it boggles the mind. I personally find it amusing how pathetic you women are, but even more pathetic are those who actually will payt for creds to see your junk which would be as far as it goes? I mean seriously. you can go to any strip club with $20 and get a hot, live, real woman 6 inches in front of you butt ass naked and grinding on you, a few drinks and still have some change left over. How blind are the users and members on here who don't realize that when you spend your money on these people, your throwing it away. I mean, if your really that cool with dumping cash, give it to the homeless or something. At least they are real. 

I like metal, and one band I really enjoy is Motorhead. Well their new album, "The World Is Yours", has a kickass song, "Get Back In Line"


Well these are lines from the son, inorder, just from different parts and they make sense to me. 


‎"All things come to he who waits, but the waiting never ends..." 
"All things come to he who waits, but today most things suck..." 
"All things come to he who waits, but all things come too late..." 


Just something funny

Can you spare just $2.00? Ranji is a 9yr old boy living in Namibia. He has only 1 leg, 1 arm and 1 eye. Each day he has to ride 7 miles to school along a narrow road on a rusty bike with bent wheels, no brakes and only 1 pedal. If you send us just $2, we will send you the video – its fucking hilarious.

So wrong isn't it? :P

So I have been talking to my neurologist recently and have determined that I have a bit of a problem. For years now I have always been ready to go when a lady demands it, ready to be that steam engine the ladies love. However, I have been kinda, on the bench for almost 2 years now. Now, I have had this really bad state of depression, and at first, my friends were all like, dude your just being lonely. "Cheer up, smile, just a good time and enjoy being single" is what they say. Well lately I have been having a lot of issues. Really bad breakouts of crying, unusual feelings and urges for self injury (no I didn't become suicidal or a cutter), and most creepy of all, I have noticed that I am not getting orgasms anymore, porn and thoughts of sex are not getting me going. In fact, I feel bad because I no longer have a real outlet. Now getting a hooker is not an option, watching porn doesn't work, and I am trying my damned best to meet a nice woman, but nothing works. :-(

So I recently saw the doc, explained the situation. At first, I originally though I was hypersexual, a nympho, just always ready to do it (like Quagmire from Family Guy). But the results came back and after they scanned my head and stuff, my doc told me I have Hypersexual Disorder - HSD, which is different. I need sexual activity and relations regularly, or I suffer from a very bad depression.

So I am worried, I want to be happy, but I could really use some help with this. So friends, ladies, if you all could take like 10 minutes to talk to me, here my situation, offer some aid, that would be great. thanks!

Two rednecks decided that they weren't going anywhere in life and thought they should go to college to get ahead. The first goes in to see the counselor, who tells him to take Math, History, and Logic.

"What's logic?" the first redneck asks.

The professor answers by saying, "Let me give you an example. Do you own a weedwacker?"

"I sure do."

"Then I can assume, using logic, that you have a yard, " replied the professor.

"That's real good!" says the redneck.

The professor continues, "Logic will also tell me that since you have a yard, you also own a house."

Impressed, the redneck says, "Amazin!"

"And since you own a house, logic dictates that you have a wife."

"That's Betty Mae! This is incredible!"

The redneck is obviously catching on.

"Finally, since you have a wife, logically I can assume that you are heterosexual, " said the professor.

"You're absolutely right! Why that's the most fascinatin' thing I ever heard! I cain't wait to take that logic class!!"

The redneck, proud of the new world opening up to him, walks back into the hallway where his friend is still waiting. "So what classes are ya takin'?" asks the friend.

"Math, History, and Logic!" replies the first redneck.

"What in tarnation is logic???" asked his friend.

"Let me give you an example. Do ya own a weedwacker?" asked the first redneck.

"No," his friend replied.

"You's queer, ain't ya?"

So life has taken a turn for the worse for me.

Recently I have just been totally lonely. I mean I have friends. But only if I do the driving, pay for the gas, buy the booze and smokes, and do what they want. So I guess I am getting used, but hey, I am acustomed to it thanks to all the abuse the so many have dropped on me.

There is supposed to be somone special in my life, but recently she is not around much (do to circumstances beyond my control) and when she is, she usually gets mad at me. So I have been failing horribly there also.

I am stuck here in my grandmother's home, which though I am greatful having a place to live, has destroyed much of my self confidence, my faith in myself, my happy go lucky and cheerful spirit. My Life is just miserable here. And personally the sight of seeing her trashed every signle night after she downs like 8 manhattens just really makes me feel bad. I mean, I drink and do some stuff on my Friday's and Saturday nights, but she does it EVERY DAY at 5:00pm sharp! So if I did want someone to come and chill with me for a DVD or on the patio, they have to deal with that.

These have been merging with the other problems I have been enduring. The difficulties finding a nice place to live with a reasonable price, friends that will actually willing to better themselves, the dead-end of further development at my job, the constant issues with my truck, and of course the most affecting element is the fact that I have been diagnosed with depression caused by being hyper-sexual. So considering that simple fact that I need some every day, and that I have been without any action at all since like, the end of last summer, I have really become worse.

Due to these factors I have been having like crying outbreaks, really hoorible bodys pains and aches, my metabolism has slown down big time, I have put on more weight (weighing 255lbs), really bad issues when I try to sleep, and the fact that I am constantly having visions of my own demise have forced me to see my doctor. I recently was placed on really strong shyte. Anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. I am hoping that these will give me just enough to at least get up, get through my work day, and get me home. I have begone isolating myself and I feel things may get even worse. I just hope it all gets better soon, otherise, I feel I may just end sooner. :'(

Sad but true.

I have come to accept that there is something wrong in my life. The fact is that I am alone. I have a few friends to hang with, bands I work with, and co workers to chat with. But I don't have anyone to spend time with. Every women that I know has betrayed me. They use me, keep me around for a bit, then they get rid of me. Why??? Maybe it's because I care. Maybe because I am tired of searching. Maybe I want to have something special.  All I can say is that in 15 years, just about every woman has used me. I can only think that women just have become heartless and cold. I ask for very little from a woman, and they ask for so much. So I give them what they want, yet I get nothing but a broken heart in return. Why? I don't know. Is there still a woman out there that loves me and won't keep breaking my heart? Well, anyone?

I give up, I don't care anymore. I have been used, abused, and sucked dry.I am sick of this pain, sick of the people around me, I am sick of the life I live everyday knowing that nothign positive comes of it! It is always and only pain everyday. I am tired of it. I have tried to end it several times and for some reason I am still alive!!!!! I have decided this is better left to another to end my pathetic misery and existence. $500 to whomever wants to kill me. Call me for instructions. Fuck the universe and everyone in it.

Hey there Fu-Barians, The Metalhead Lover here with an update for the summer. Yeah, I worked all summer, hung out a bit, saw a few concerts. Those were the high points. I lost a few friends, got led on by a couple of nutball chicks, and just a few days ago, got the message that the one I really liked, doesn't want to communicate with me anymore (she didn't say it directly, I have gotten the message). To top it off I had a few nice ones down here, they were in town for a few weeks or months, and they were pretty much just liars. I really have gotten to the point where I just don't care anymore. I am pretty much just so used up and abused, that I don't care. I am so sick of gold diggers, clingy psychos, arrogant cheaters, and these friggin straight up fakes, pretending like they have a fucking soul & and a decent intellect just to get my damn attention and consideration. They never want to do anything fun, they never have the time to do anything, and they are always like so damn far away, they don't care to even talk. They meet you, use you, and forget about you. That's what I get here. So you know what, just out of smite, I am gonna let them have their way. USE ME, SCREW ME, LIE TO ME, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME, MAKE ME BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY CARE!!! Only thing is, your not gonna get any genuine feelings from me. I will give you anything you want, everything accept my heart. Personally, I am just waiting for that horrific car crash, that friggin hold up, something needs to happen so I can just die. I would rather be selfish and die with the little of my cold black heart I have left, then give it to anyone again. Life is so shitty for The Metalhead Lover. If you or some chicks you know want to just get laid, no strings, or if you willing to kill me quick, just let me know.

Hey there Fu-Barians. The Metalhead Lover here with some more bad news. Well it's been another few weeks of constant disappointment. I should be used to it by now, but I have too many friends who keep trying to  boost my spirit. I got another rejection for a lady, the usual "they stop talking and give you some excuse" kinda bullshyte. Pretty much the story of my life the past few years. They seem so nice and wonderful then they pretty much scan you for the $$$$ signs and when she doesn't see them, they are out!!!! My paycheck thing screwed up. The company paid the big checks in the middle of the month instead of the beginning, so I almost didn't make rent. Then I ran out of veggies and fruits. Then another friend let me down by not calling me about some jam session, so all last week was wasted hoping they would be there to practice. That was a good waste of gas. Then my "so called" friend, tells me I am a total asshole because I expect something positive out of my recent experiences, saying I am selfish not to try something if I get nothing for my time and trouble. Totally off the point on that one. Personally, I think he is a nutball too. I mean explain to me this, 2 single people go on a date, there is chemistry, things are going good. Then you don't hear from them again and they are like, "we should just be friends, you remind me of someone, I prefer being single, my life is really busy". What kinda bull is that?!?! Honestly, how am I wrong to mar these women as mentally disturbed or illogical? It makes no sense to just reject someone without even giving it a chance to work a bit. But hey, I am selfish for thinking that. I am a total asshole to think that stuff can work out if you give a friggin chance. This is the shyte that makes me want to go back to drinking all the time and not want to wake up in the friggin morning. I have a good job, I nice place, a decent car. All I need is to have someone spceial to spend time with, IS THAT SO STARS DAMN WRONG!?!?!?! HONESTLY, WHAT THE FRAG ARE WOMEN SMOKING TODAY?!?! Always some bull excuse, never a real explanation or reason. This is the shyte that pisses me off. On the lighter side, the president's a complete moron. MJ is dead and though a great musician, he was a sicko. Billy mayes, Farah, Karl, Ed, and Steve, you will be missed much more. Transformers 2 plot was pretty crappy, the effects rocked!!! I am in love with the chick from Halestorm and Liv Vicious. And i just finished my supply of Tequila Lime Chicken Wings. Plus my cell phone sucks. That's about it. Later.

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