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Stats for Jul 26

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50 Year Old · Male · From Ephrata, PA · Joined on July 26, 2006 · Born on September 1st · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Ok. Let's change this up a little bit. I haven't read this section in years. And it was pretty sad. So, let's give this another try.

I'm here to help. I don't do credits, but anything else you need, points, rates, likes, comments, drinks, whatever. Let me know and I'll do what I can. I'm very generous and helpful as long as you're not rude or a total douche about what you want. In fact, it's pretty much the only reason I keep coming here. Well, that and keeping in touch with a friend or two. I'm an incredible friend, if you deserve one. Otherwise, I'll tell you so.

Message me anytime. I love chatting with people. As long as you remember two things. 1. I am awesome. And 2. You are not. (at least compared to me) (Not really, I just like sounding puffed up about myself once in a while. I'm sure you're awesome, too. I mean hey, you're reading this, right?)

I'm a vampyr. I leave bite marks. And I see dead people. Wanna see a dead body?
No one crushes on me. Tearful.gif Sadness.

50 Year Old · Male · From Ephrata, PA · Joined on July 26, 2006 · Born on September 1st · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Award winning photographer and poet
Pornography (Making as much as viewing)

Boondock Saints 1 & 2
Transporter 1, 2 & 3
Star Wars (All)
Anything Kevin Smith does
Lost Boys
Video Games

More Games at arcadecabin.com | Cool Generators


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  • Rogue Dominant Of all the people from my past that I miss, most of them come from this website right here. I hope you're all doing well.
    2 years ago · Comment

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