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Rob's blog: "Rob's life"

created on 02/23/2007  |  http://fubar.com/rob-s-life/b58396

I have a dream............

I have decided that cherrytap needs sorting out a bit, so i have decided i want to become a bouncer, i think i have all the skills needed, so i have contacted the management to offer my "skills" however, i feel i need support to assure my rise to power, so i am starting a campaign. The campaign will be called CUNT's, not reason for these letters, i just want to be able to say support CUNT's, if however you can think up some smart ass meaning for the letters, please let me know, as you clearly have far to much time on your hands i have lot's of stuff you can be doing, like cleaning out my goats. So till then i would just like to say thanks for the support i know i will get, and just remember, a vote for Rob, is a vote for CUNT's, thank you and good night.
They're hilarious (There hilarious) thanks to Sugar for correcting my crappy spelling - you grammar Nazi women you
My blast has attracted some of the more "interesting" characters on cherrytap, read from the bottom. Please note this is a "real chat" lol, sorry for the typos, but it's hard to type when you are laughing so much.......... wayne 22: that is a lie i check you out you are not even on a leval of tret wayne 22: you went to school why would you want to hert people ->wayne 22: i am, i know Osarma, he is using my loo as we speak, to tell you the truth i could do without him here, he has very smelly shit, you cannot go for 3 hours after, something about the diet of donkeys he eats wayne 22: THE GOV KNOWS OF JIHAD THAY ARE NO TRET wayne 22: look i know that you are no part ov terist group why do you make it sound like you do ->wayne 22: you know jihad ? ->wayne 22: i do, i seek 50 virgins through jihad wayne 22: onley in arkansaw lol ->wayne 22: i have heard the people of the south have sex with there sisters and mothers, and sometimes even there fathers wayne 22: but you are not a terist ->wayne 22: i hate all Americans, they live in a lond of prostitution, filth, unprotected animal sex and twinkies ->wayne 22: are you some kind of retard or maybe a negro ? your English is very bad wayne 22: you live in africa why do you hate us wayne 22: onley thing i need you to do is tretin the usa and i got you ->wayne 22: good bye to you also kind sir, may the virgins of allah sing you sweet songs and your goats become more attractive wayne 22: IAM DONE WITH THIS CODE NAME VIPER CIA WILL FIND YOU GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!! ->wayne 22: i have heard the goats of America are very unattractive and not great for sex ->wayne 22: i have a great life, 4 wifes and 23 goats, some are very attractive to, how many goats do you have, not more than 10 i bet wayne 22: I HOPE YOURE LIFE WAS WORTH IT wayne 22: IF YOU ARE IN A TERIST GROUP THIN YOU HAVE HEARD OF THE BIG BROTHER ->wayne 22: i have heard you can buy 1 night of sex with these Marines for only $3 is this true ? wayne 22: WARNING I TOLD YOU ->wayne 22: you like Marines, are these the gay prostitutes we are told about ? wayne 22: ME USA MARINES ->wayne 22: i can tell from your words you are a man of power in your Government, i have heard your leader Bush speak like this also, is it a sign of high rank ? wayne 22: THAY ARE USA MILATARY AND GOV ->wayne 22: who are these FBI and CIA you talk of, are they gay rights groups or are they groups interested in jihad ? wayne 22: I HOPE YOU LIKE THE CIA FINDING YOURE FAMILY I HOPE IT IS WORTH IT ->wayne 22: i need to ask Osama, give me a moment, he is just recording some tapes wayne 22: IT IS CALLED A PORT IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT BIG BROTHER IS YOU MIGHT WANT TO ASK YOURE FRIENDS ->wayne 22: i am searching paradice through jihad, what is the music you have on your page, is it a form of Americam torture ? wayne 22: WE CAN TRACK YOU ON THE INTERNET ->wayne 22: you have a big brother, does he want my ass also ? i think you must be very homosexual to want both our ass ->wayne 22: yes, we have many caves here, they have been very good up till now wayne 22: BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU I HOPE THAY TEACH YOU HOW TO HIDE ->wayne 22: is it a gay rights group ? ->wayne 22: what is this FBI you speak of ? ->wayne 22: you want my ass, i have heard story of American men and the homosexual way, i see it is true wayne 22: iam reporting you to the fbi dum fuck wayne 22: bring youre ass to the usa and see who dies wayne 22: well thin i want to kill all youre people to now you know why we hate rag heads ->wayne 22: alli akbar alli akbar alli akbar ->wayne 22: i hate infidels, death to american, it is a pit of snakes wayne 22: ok do you like the usa ->wayne 22: i have never heard of binlotan lol wayne 22: he has killed a lot of americans do you like th usa ->wayne 22: binlotan ? wayne 22: ok are you for binlotan or do you like the usa ->wayne 22: why wayne 22: were do you live ->wayne 22: no wayne 22: usa ->wayne 22: i can see you are an educated guy wayne 22: you in the us ? wayne 22: rag head image.php?u=709512&i=3771390103&tn=1 http://www.cherrytap.com/user/709512 age 23 ?
There are times when even i am shocked, stunned and amazed by how stupid can be, take for example the person who left these comments.......... how we are rolling on the floor laughing in Africa tonight, these have to be by far the best comments i have ever recived, all i can say is thanks honey, and good luck with the CAM modeling, i think you are cut out for it. alright, now pleqase don't take my comment the wrong way. I'm not trying to insult you or argue with oyu or anything....BUT I have to wonder. Is this really you? Some people have claimed that you are fake. So my question is, WHY WOULD SUCH AN IMPORTANT FIGURE JOIN A SOCIAL SITE LIKE THIS??? It would be like if George Bush joined here...why? Aren't you too busy? Do you really have time with all that you do and have accomplished to sit at the computer and tlak with people on a picture rating adult site? I mean, WHAT does this site do for your country? I grew up in South Africa, so I feel a closeness to you, if it is really you..... you know, just from reading the captions you wrote on your pics...I have concluded that you are in fact impersonating him...after all, why would a political leader take the time to write embarassing things about himself having to pee, eating baked beans, etc? ...... No actual politician would take the time to post pics of themselves and all that you have done on a social rating site such as this...I'm sorry, but you disappoint me.
image.php?u=707688&i=4280303221&tn=1 aged 28 BTW


Image Hosted by ImageShack.us FOR SALE "RIGHTEOUS" ASS I have been the owners of this ass for a few months now, but I just do not have the time to enjoy it any more, so I am offering this beauty for sale. It’s 1964 model in gay pink. 1 Careful owner and a few 1000 brothers who were not so careful in the prison showers but it still runs well. Starts every time without fail (press button start) It's a convertible model (not much up top) Looks like new (most of the shit comes out of it's mouth) Full service history (mostly by gays in the local park) I am offering it for sale for $100 cherry bucks. But I am open to offers. image.php?u=260809&i=2078214651&tn=1

Why i love "the south"

Don't you just love the warm welcome you get in the south if you are not the product of a brother sister union?
I am having a contest, it the first to 1 Billion comments, the winner gets a farm (only 1 ex-white owner) $10,000 Zimbabwe dollars and a big pimpin gift of your choice. Just send me the link to your photo, comment bombing is allowed and encouraged, thanks for reading as i figure it will be a long contest, the winners gifts can be passed on the future members of there family, great great grand children etc.
I am looking for entry’s into the leader of the most repressive regime contest, rules are as follows (please repost) 1) You must be the leader of a repressive regime. 2) You must have shown a sustained lack of respect for human rights. 3) You must have been suspended from the UN or other another major international organisation within the last 5 years. 4) You must have at least $1 Billion in personal wealth stashed away in Swiss Bank accounts. 5) You must have total control of all media in your country. It's a rigged contest (to make it normal for the contestants), so any form of voter intimidation, ballot rigging, vote manipulation and general skull dagger are fine. 1st Prize Is a "donated" ex white owned farm of you choice in Zimbabwe 45 minutes with the "Pleasure girls" (contraceptives supplied) A holiday home in Pyongyang with electricity and state run TV. on tap (1.5 hours a day) A all expensive paid shopping trip to Europe with Mrs Mugabes on her private jet A cherrytap big pimpin gift of your choice. And your own personal atomic underground test, and yes you get to press the button ! 2nd Prize Two weeks in a re-education holiday camp in the good old The Democratic People's Republic of Korea. And a cherrytap big pimpin gift of your choice. 3rd Prize Two weeks in a Zimbarbian detention center fighting off the other residents, followed by deportation (good for weight loss) And VIC flashing hearts All entry’s in by the 1st of March Good luck and all have fun, and get those entry’s in, and please repost !. At the moment we only have 2 entry’s - just where are those other despots ! Mr Kim Il Sung representing North Korea
Mr Robert Mugabe representing Zimbabwe
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