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Male · Joined on February 18, 2007 · Born on February 21st · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Male · Joined on February 18, 2007 · Born on February 21st · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Hello there my friend, i would like to extend a hand of friendship and wish you the very warmest of African welcomes to both you and your family. First let me tell you a little about myself, i was born at Kutama Mission, Zvimba District, north-west of Harare and educated at Jesuit schools. I qualified as a teacher at age 17, but left to study at Fort Hare in South Africa, (a notable university at the time), graduating in 1951, i then study further at Driefontein in 1952, Salisbury (1953), Gwelo (1954), and Tanzania (1955–1957). I hold an amazing 8 university degrees and holds several honorary degrees and doctorates from various international Universities. BA (Educ) Fort Hare;BSc(Econ) Fort Hare;BSc (Econ) University of London, by distance learning;BEd University of London, by distance learning;LLB University of London, by distance learning;BAdm University of South Africa, by distance learning;LL.M University of London, by distance learning; andMSc (Econ) University of London, by distance learningIn the 1960's i decided to get into politics, and after 30 years of scheming, mass murder and oppression i have managed to secure the top job, this is the African way.My record in power speaks for itself, below you can find some of the high lights from my 30 glorious years in power .1) I have managed to increase unemployment for a pathetic 8% in 1982 to a fantastic 80% in 2006, no other country in the world can boast such a fantastic sustaned level of growth.2) I have managed to reduce the life expectancy from a crazy 62 years in 1988 to a more respectable 38 years in 2006, the shortest life expectancy in the world. 3) Using advanced techniques in financial mismanagement i have given my country the world’s highest inflation rate, currently its running at 45.4% a month (annual rate of 1,593.6%) but i am hoping to crack the magic 2000% by the end of the year.4) I have solved my country's urban slums problem by simply forcibly clearing them, Operation Murambatsvina (or Operation "Drive Out Trash") has been a great victory, now we have just have 2 kinds of people rich and homeless.5) Getting suspended from the the Commonwealth of Nations, something only Apartheid era South Africa had managed before me6) I have pursued a "moral campaign" against homosexuals making "unnatural sex acts" illegal with a penalty of up to 10 years in prison. Where i live(The above map is Africa for those who do not travel much or Americans)Wall of shame 2Messages/comments I have received from fellow CherryTappers"MR TERRORIST. I have had psycholgy education in college and you register as a terrorist and in that case you should be wiped off the face of the earth like somebody taking a shit and discarding you as toilet paper".http://cherrytap.com/user/675783Reply - well you would think with a "psycholgy" college education the first thing they would have done is teach you how to spell it. As for been a terrorist 1 man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist, however i do feel a little aggrieved that you view me as terrorist as you come from a country that does not class the Taliban as such, i bet they are wondering quite what you have to do to get on the list, its just unlucky for them that there country conquered does not have any oil, that would get them on the list quick sharp."so then in short mr scientific smart mouth explain the " IN GOD WE TRUST" that is a totally based on faith, no on questions it, no one doubts it yet we use it each and everyday, or maybe not in africa cause all we care about in africa is death diease and destruction. kinda makes you think huh.let me ask you something, do you beleive in angels?"http://cherrytap.com/user/519986Reply - An incise, concise and clear reply to a question i made regarding whether a Christian god existed - with people making a case as strongly as this how can i not drop my apathetic stance and take to the "good" book. As for the Angels well........... take a guess. "get the hell off my mumm n use your shout box that is what its for u dumd azz"http://www.cherrytap.com/user/512321Relpy - Whats a "dumd azz" (this was regarding my critical remarks on the spelling, grammar and education level of the above mumm poster"rob ur fake too yarly nice pic of a Ga civil rights worker from 1969 u n00b" http://www.cherrytap.com/user/68184Reply - How can i reply to a creepy moron who pretends to be a stuffed owl or a girl and does not even know who "Rob" is ?"Youve already been proven a fake , what more do you want??"http://cherrytap.com/user/337196Reply - I do not have words fit to reply to this this keen eyed mummer. She also had the cheek to question my educational level - bitch can you not read ?.

Male · Joined on February 18, 2007 · Born on February 21st · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Nice to see another country where freedom of expression is repressed
Myspace Layouts :: Funny Videos :: Music Video Codes I like nothing better to chill out and listen to the finest ever white artist, Vanilla Ice, the boy can sure cut tunes.
I do enjoy watching the gangster and action films of Hollywood, however i have found the levels of violence and corruption quite disturbing, if this an accurate depiction of your society how does it run a with such low levels, i have had to remake most of them so as not to shock the population over here.
I know my choice of Idol might surprise some but i have long been a admirer of the plucky Brit Peter Tatchell, his attempts to make a citizens arrest on me for human rights offences has long been a valuable source of amusement to me and my fellow members of my country's social elite.
Video Games
I am currently designing a Sim game, its still in development but it will be packed full of real life features. The idea is to take a prosperous and respected county and turn it into a bankrupt and p state. You will be able to - Get IMF loans and then refuse to pay them back resulting in the suspension of any fiscal help and aid from the rest of the developed world. Hold without trail political opponents and dissidents, extracting confessions using torture and "reducation" Build a huge personal fortune and become one of the richest men in Africa while your country desends into poverty Enter into crippling forgen invastions to secure diamond and cadmium concessions to your cronies. Hire North-Korean military experts to train your own private army and dispatch them to surpress politacal freedom before elections. Ban all election spending by other than your own political party, and then force all teachers, doctors, army and civil servants to join it. Keep your very young and avaricious wife busy by sending her on shopping trips to Europe on private jets. Launch a vendetta against gays, and the gay conspiracy that includes Tony Blair and "the gay government of the gay United gay Kingdom."

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