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46 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 23, 2010 · Born on January 8th
46 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 23, 2010 · Born on January 8th

Whaddya wanna know?The set-up of this site is good, bad, and ugly -all at the same time it's great and beautiful: Such is this age.Live while you're alive.It may only happen one time.Don't bet on anything else -but no harm in picturing it differently, either, to determine some long term value in life. What works works; the rest never "works" At All.You are who you choose to be, you are the genetic inevitability not even your parents or your grandparents or their great-great grandparents could have chosen to be, and you are some parts random.We choose but not beyond our hardware, more or less.[Call it "Free Thought" or "God" or "the Good Life," if you're so inclined to desire. I call it enough & important.]It's all such a gamble but smile, for the love of folk,because most of what people call karma is cause and effect while the rest is so much code and chaos.You can't be as good as a thinking animal if you don't allow yourself some real passion.May such discoveries be good and fun for all but those who would want to take such from others that would want it so.** This "About Me" says a lot:It all fits together in a total person. And this is part of why I love Me and I speak [M/m]y mind. Whenever and wherever there are People of Like Minds, they love Others or accept Them as readily as They do -just Rebel with Cause.

46 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 23, 2010 · Born on January 8th

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  • Rebel with Cause Can't thank you very originally until I get my papers. [A day or two ... ?] I like to send out little messages or leave viewable comments by photos. Will be adding a salute soon. (A day to a week.)
    14 years ago · Comment

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  • Rebel with Cause
    Visited a lounge. Was surprised by some cool drinks. Got to see some cool photos.All in all, painless and fun.

    14 years ago · Reply
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