need to stop
so yeah I'm FORCING myself to walk which may be good or may not be. All I know is now my hip is bothering me as is my back. AHHHH oh well, Rather have physical pain at the moment. Means I have something to keep my mind occupied. So yeah I'm going to bodega tomorrow. Going to hike and then walk on the sand at Doran Beach. awesome place. Best place in the world, Glad its ALL mine and I didn't taint it. Oh yeah before anyone asks I'm going by myself and before you think be careful I will.... if i decided to jump off the cliff I'll make sure I hit a soft patch of water! ha ha ,so yeah.... I do need a hug though, one that would crack my back I think I need it. So anyways just one word of advice to all you who read this.... If you want to end a relationship, have the balls or GROW SOME and do it in person not in a TEXT I mean come on... At least have some respect for the person and give an explanation. (Not dwelling, remembre i only allowed one day and no tears so YAY ME! Just advice!) Otherwise Karma's a bitch.... Damn I'm due for some good Karma.... come on good Karma! Lucky Karma! You can DO IT! Come through for me.... OK enough randomness... Hugs to all and in the words of producer Nick "I hope you all get AIDS!" ha ha not really I wish that on no one. Oh yeah someone send him a pic of your boobs for some reason he wants them