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Grey's blog: "Random Stuff"

created on 01/06/2007  |  http://fubar.com/random-stuff/b41548
Five Norwegians gave a prize to Al Gore, and all the world is supposed to heed his counsel henceforth. No, thanks. Alfred Nobel felt horrible about the uses to which his invention -- dynamite -- was put. So he endowed the Nobel Peace Prize and instructed that it go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Al Gore has done exactly none of those things. Gore, however, did write a book and make a film about global warming. He has become the second environmental activist to win the peace prize in the past four years. Wangari Muta Maathai won it in 2004 for planting trees. Thus we have indisputable confirmation that the Nobel Peace Prize is no longer a serious international award. In 1994 the five Norwegian politicians who award the prize gave it to the murdering thug Yasser Arafat. Two years before that they gave it to literary fraud Rigoberta Menchu, whose autobiography was largely fabricated. (An example: The brother she supposedly watched die of malnutrition was later found by a New York Times reporter to be very much alive and well.) On Friday the prize was given to Al Gore and the International Panel on Climate Change. Two days before, a British judge ruled that Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth," contained so many errors (read: lies) that it could be shown in British public schools only if accompanied by a fact sheet correcting the errors. The Nobel Peace Prize is worse than a joke. It's a fraud. It is such a transparent fraud that the five Norwegian politicians who award it have been reduced to defending their decision by concocting elaborate rationalizations. This year they laughably claimed that Gore deserves the prize because, well, global climate change" may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the Earth's resources," and "there may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars." (Emphasis ours.) And Islamic terrorists may give up jihad and sing Kumbaya after listening to old Cat Stevens records. But that's no basis for distributing the world's formerly most prestigious prize. If winning this useless medal prompts Al Gore to get into the presidential race, which we doubt, the irony will be that the American people will turn a more skeptical eye to His Smugness than the Nobel committee did. The American public won't accept at face value Gore's self-righteous proclamations or his self-serving predictions of looming global catastrophe. And Gore has to know that, which is why he will almost certainly stick to the world of make-believe -- Hollywood and International Do-Goodery -- where he can pretend to be the great sage and savior he wishes he really were and left-wing Europeans and thespians try to convince us he is.


Had a surprise last weekend... One of the tanks I had filled with water and was cycling to get ready for some Angelfish suddenly had baby fish appear in it. I have no idea what kind they are or where they came from. I suspect they maybe baby Buenos Aires babies because I "seeded" the tank with water from a tank that had those in them. The eggs must have been in the gravel I vacuumed while transferring the water. Then I had a snail appear in an established tank that has never had anything but the fish that I originally put in several months ago. That one is a real mystery to me. Although I have nearly 20 different species of fish, I have been concentrating on Angelfish. Perhaps I should call my hobby "Immaculate Conception Fishery."

Sturgis Trip

I really had not planned to attend the Sturgis Bike Rally this year, but after my friend arranged for me to catch a ride out to the Buffalo Chip on a plane taking Dale Jr to Sturgis, I just could not pass up the opportunity to see some old friends and tip a few brews. Arrived early Wednesday morning and borrowed a ride from a friend in Rapid City to make a ride through the Black Hills, through Spearfish Canyon, over to Devil's Tower. I rode through the Bear Lodge hitting all the little activities in Hulett WY, Beulah WY, Alladin Wy and especially my favorite hangout in the Hills, the Moonshine Gulch Bar in Mystic SD. After spending a few hours at Gunner's in downtown Sturgis, I arrived at the Buffalo Chip for some serious partying. The main band was Velvet Revolver and the whiskey was flowing freely. I managed to last til 6:30 am and hit the sheets for a few hours of nap before heading back out to the RC Regional Airport for the flight back to Hickory NC. Damn I must be getting old... takes two days rest to recover from one day of hard partying... oh well... that's what life is all about.

Montana Home Invasion

Gun needed for protection Shotgun preteen vs.. illegal alien Home Invaders NRA files Butte Montana November 5, 2006 Home invasion gone wrong for criminals. Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez 23 and Enrico Garza 26, probably believed they would easily overpower a home alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two story home. It seems the two crooks never learned two things, they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay shooting champion since she was nine. Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun. Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near point blank blast of buck shot from the 11 year olds knee crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals. When Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could arrive. It was found out later that Resindez was armed with a stolen 45 caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. The victim, 50 year old David Burien, was not so lucky as he died from stab wounds to the chest. Had this happened in CA, the ACLU would be out in force suing the 11 year old girl. Not to mention the LaRaza groups claiming she was discriminating.) Nice Shootin', Patricia!

Tax Time...

Be sure all of you working folks throughout America get your #$%^*&^ taxes paid on time. There are 12 million Hispanics (that we know of), not to mention all other cultures that are here illegally. Many hospitals especially the one specializing in birth in Tucson are running out of money delivering the babies of ILLEGAL aliens. In October it was a record month. There were 800+ babies born at the Tucson hospital and only 46 of these babies were born to American citizens. So continue to bust your butt working and paying taxes because the Democratic party is already planning to raise our taxes to cover this rather than make these people go back to Mexico and come in legally. How do you like that? We elect these morons to uphold the laws of the land and uphold the sovereignity of the United States of America and they are not going to do it! The next election vote them out of office. All of them who are not enforcing our laws. I don't care if they are Independent, Republican or Democrat. The Democratic majority party is behind this NO LAW ENFORCEMENT of illegals. This is the issue that will break the economy of this great country. We are based and structured on the majority working and paying taxes. These illegals are taking work from American Citizens so neither are paying taxes. The illegals send the money home to Mexico and have not paid one penny of taxes on it. More jobs are going south literally. Only those left working will be taxed... and taxed heavily to take up the slack. How's that for smart thinking? Maybe we need to not give foreign aid to all of the countries that hate us in NATO. That would be enough money to handle all the starving, the uneducated, the homeless and any other major problems this country has. If the elected officials don't do that then it is up to you taxpayers to pick it up... Get them #$%^&*&^%$ taxes in you slackers! Send your money in NOW. You're not doing your part. Question - When you apply for Welfare in Mexico what does the Government give you? Answer - A map of the United States

Foreign Commercials

I received an email today from an old friend that had an attachment. After viewing it, I mused about why we don't see commercials like that in the USA. We obviously are being protected from life's realities and ourselves by someone. Who decides what is appropriate for me to view? I for one, would rather make my own choices. Here's what the commercial is:
Something I read online today brought a memory from about 25 years ago and I thought I would share it with you... Back in 1981 I was lucky enough to spend an early afternoon drinking beer and shooting the breeze with a friend in his Dad's bar/pool parlor. Mike needed to talk with his dad about something, and although the bar really was not opening until 6PM, we went inside. The small name local band who was to play that night was rehearsing their gig for that evening and there was one guy shooting some pool on one of the tables near the back. While waiting for Mike while he met with his dad in the office, I idled my time by helping myself to a glass of tap a beer and shooting a few racks of 9 Ball while the band played in the background. After a few minutes, the guy who had been shooting in the back came up to the bar and thinking I was the bartender,asked me for a beer. I told him I didn't work here, that Gary (Mike's dad) was in a meeting in the office. He looked sorta familiar to me like someone I had seen before so I told him to just help yourself I guess. He watched me shoot as he nursed his beer and then asked if I wanted to shoot a few. After probably 2 games, of which we each won one, Gary and Mike came out of the office. The guy went to the bar to settle up for his beer while I reracked. I could see that he was talking with Mike and Gary and was not in a hurry to get back to the table so I walked up to the bar too. Gary said "Hi... see you already met George." I explained that we just shot a few games of pool and although he looked familiar, but I didn't really meet him. He said "Grey... this is George Thorogood. He is on his 50 Days 50 States tour and would like to warm up with the guys in the band." The rest of the afternoon Mike, Gary and I shared beers and conversation with George Thorogood. He played probably 6 or 8 songs with the band. Here's what brought back that memory... By Deanna Dowlin, Journal Staff Writer, Rapid City Journal As one might expect, George Thorogood is definitely bad to the bone, just as his music proclaims. But what you might not expect is his softer side — a charming, compassionate, low-tech, rebel-with-a-cause — and the man is also incredibly funny. This self-proclaimed, glorified-bar-band player has been generating loud, angry blues-rock more than 30 years and is best known for his seductive slide guitar and growling vocals. His band, the Destroyers, has Jim Suhler on guitar, Buddy Leach on saxophone, Billy Blough on bass and Jeff Simon on drums. Their "Greatest Hits: 30 Years of Rock" album was named the No. 1-selling blues album of 2005, after running 50 weeks at the top of the charts. Personally, you'll find songs by George Thorogood and the Destroyers in my workout playlist and of course, my Harley cruisin' playlist. Nothing goes together better than a little testosterone-fueled music and a Harley ride through the Black Hills. George Thorogood and the Destroyers will be rocking the Buffalo Chip on Monday, Aug. 7, with honky-tonk band Montgomery Gentry opening. Thorogood has performed at the rally only once before, two years ago, but he has been to the Black Hills several times, including at Saloon No. 10 for a Badlands benefit in 1989 and at Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in 1981 during his 50 states in 50 days tour. "I love the Black Hills," Thorogood said. "If you made it through Sturgis once, you're a vet." Thorogood even remembered that the 1981 show fell on Halloween night, which tells me that it must have been one heck of a show. I would imagine a tour that covers 50 states in 50 days — a feat that has yet to be duplicated — would become one big blur. He also confessed that he and the band read up on the history of the Black Hills before visiting and still remembers their visit to the graves of Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok on Mount Moriah. "You don't even have to do the sightseeing," he said. "The whole area is so historic." Thorogood doesn't ride a motorcycle — he claims that he's waiting for Harley-Davidson to donate one — but he does appreciate them. "My brother is a big biker," Thorogood said. "He used to have an Indian 61 Triumph with a teardrop gas tank. Man, that sucker could really fly." Thorogood is on a tour to promote his new album "The Hard Stuff" that's reminiscent of the passionate and angry Thorogood of the glory days. The album includes the gritty, rumbling title track "Hard Stuff" that leaves your ears ringing no matter how loud you play it; a Fats Domino cover of "Hello Josephine" that is Thorogood gone zydeco; a John Lee Hooker cover of "Huckle Up Baby" that you can't help groovin' to; a Johnny Shines cover of "Dynaflow Blues" that showcases Thorogood's signature slide guitar; and a different flavor of Thorogood in his almost-latin cover of Bob Dylan's "Drifter's Tale." "Hello Josephine" is dedicated to the people of New Orleans and their "undying spirit" in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. "Hurricane Katrina was a really bad thing," Thorogood said, "and I said to myself, who would be a better ambassador for New Orleans than Fats Domino?" Thorogood donated the proceeds from two concerts last fall to the Red Cross Katrina relief fund and Communities in Schools, which delivers all donations to schools, students and educational systems in the affected states. "New Orleans didn't get much help from the government," he said. "In this world, it sounds kind of corny, but you can't rely on outside sources all the time. We're going to have to help each other. ... We need to look to each other for support." Thorogood revealed his compassionate side again while discussing an issue closer to home — the Bear Butte protest at this year's rally. "My heart belongs to the Native Americans," Thorogood said. "They were here first. It should not be ignored. ... They've got a legitimate point. Bear Butte has been there for thousands of years, and that should be respected." Thorogood has a considerable fan base of American Indians and has even dedicated his song "American Made" to them. "I don't want to interfere with anyone's religious belief," Thorogood said. "Bear Butte is cherished by these people. .. If it was a Jewish temple or a Catholic cathedral, it would be the same thing. ... On the other hand, for other Americans, their religion is Harley-Davidson." When asked if he had any other current causes, Thorogood named simply the general human condition. "We need to try to get everyone on the planet living as healthy and as long as they can. ... We are all part of the general human condition, Native Americans or Katrina victims, it should be all one common cause." Thorogood is well known for being a low-tech kind of guy. He had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned my iPod playlist. "I'm not good with stuff," Thorogood said. "Don't give me stuff. Give me a funny story. If I can't eat it, drink it or smoke it, I'm not interested. Will it help me write the next ‘Jumping Jack Flash?' No." In fact, Thorogood has played for most of his career on a Gibson ES-125, which is set up like an acoustic or semi-electric guitar. When his favorite guitar pick was discontinued, he bought the machine that makes them. You have to admit, there is a certain charm about his theory. "All that time on the computer could be time spent with my daughter or my friends or doing something else that I can't mention today, if you know what I mean. I am a heterosexual male." Thorogood may be showing more of his softer side, but his bad-boy core is as vibrant as ever. When I asked Thorogood what he attributes his musical success to, he said, "the fantastic, loyal fan support. The people make you, and the people break you, so it's all about the people. "I had a cat come up to me once. I used to open for him, and now he opens for me. He asked me, ‘How did you get there? How did I get here? How did you do it?' I said, ‘I'll give you three reasons that I'm here and you're there: One, bourbon, one, scotch, and one, beer,' ‘Bad to the Bone' and ‘Move It On Over.' You've got to have a song. Would B.B. King be B.B. King without ‘The Thrill is Gone?' You've got to have the tunes." Thorogood is a bit too modest if you ask me, but he's not wrong. "If you have a song, you got a job," he said. "If you have three songs, you're a legend." I asked Thorogood what's next for him, and he quipped, "I'd like to try ventriloquism." Comedian, perhaps? "I'm waiting for Dennis Leary to retire," he said. "I can be obnoxiously funny, too, you know." The man does not lie. The legendary Thorogood signed off our interview with quintessential cool, "Keep it down. Keep it cool. I'll see you at the rall
Congress gets Hustler magazine, even if it is unwanted Filling up the trash: Some have sued to make it stop, only to lose over the public's right to seek redress from Congress By Thomas Burr The Salt Lake Tribune WASHINGTON - The porn magazine arrives every month at your congressman's office. Tucked in a conservative-looking manila envelope, the latest edition of Hustler goes to all 535 members of Congress. Free of charge. Not that most members want it. It usually gets thrown in the circular file marked “trash.” But like clockwork, it keeps coming, despite efforts to have it stop. The spokesman for Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, recently tried to halt the mailing. Nope. Several members of Congress have sued to make it stop, only to lose. Something about the public being able to seek redress from Congress means they have to take it, apparently. But that doesn't mean they have to be happy about it. “It's a disgusting abuse of the system,” Cannon says. “It's a nasty, tricky little thing to do by a person with no conscience.” The magazines have been coming for more than a decade at least. Publisher Larry Flynt says he started sending them as soon as his magazine began publication in 1974, but an Associated Press story from 1983 has Flynt initiating the mailings that year. Either way, he's not going to stop mailing Congress. “I felt that they should be informed with what's going on in the rest of the world,” Flynt says, deadpanning during an interview: “Some of them didn't appreciate it much. But, I haven't had any plans to quit.” It doesn't surprise him much that some members don't want the Beverly Hills, Calif.-based publication, which he describes as a “humor magazine” and one that deals with “a lot of political and social satire.” “I would never force a subscription on someone who didn't want it,” Flynt says, "except for members of Congress who are public servants." And he doesn't feel bad that the ones who are actually opening the envelopes aren't the members of congress but young interns. “I'm sure the interns are over 18,” Flynt says. “Those guys need some help getting through puberty anyway.” Interns for Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, are trained to distinguish the nudie magazine's envelope from the other mail and throw it away, says Chief of Staff Scott Parker. “So every time we happen to get one, it ends up in the trash instantly,” Parker says. Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, says it is offensive that his staffers have to see the publication when opening the mail. “It's immediately deposited in an outside trash bin, so no one else has to be offended by it,” Matheson says. “It's insulting behavior on the part of the publisher, but not surprising.” Daniel Weiss, a senior analyst for media and sexuality for the conservative religious group Focus on the Family, says that members of Congress who don't want the mailings should work with the Postal Service to make them stop. And if that doesn't work, they should ask the Justice Department to investigate whether the magazine is obscene and have it blocked. “It seems like Flynt's trying to stick it to Congress,” Weiss said. “I don't know what I'd call it. Childish, perhaps.” Others in the sexually oriented business industry, though, think it's a good idea. “I have to respect his tenacity,” says Tom Hymes, a spokesman for the adult industry trade group Free Speech Coalition. “This is vintage Larry Flynt. And he certainly has a flair for publicity.” Plus, Hymes - whose group has sued Utah over an anti-spam child registry law - says that Congress needs to have a mature discussion on sexual issues, such as pornography. "Members of Congress should in fact open [Hustler magazine] and shield their eyes from the pictures and read some more of the commentary because it's not a two-way dialogue going on right now,” Hymes said. For now, it's a standoff: Flynt will dutifully continue to mail the magazine to Congress, and Congress will dutifully continue to trash it. Don't ya just love it when someone sticks it to the members of congress?

Cannon Balls

Cannon Balls. We must keep history alive!!!! In the heyday of sailing ships, all war ships and many freighters carried iron cannons. Those cannon fired round iron cannon balls. It was necessary to keep a good supply near the cannon. But how to prevent them from rolling about the deck? The best storage method devised was a square based pyramid with one ball on top, resting on four, resting on nine, which rested on sixteen. Thus, a supply of 30 cannon balls could be stacked in a small area right next to the cannon. There was only one problem... how to prevent the bottom layer from sliding/rolling from under the others. The solution was a metal plate called a "Monkey" with 16 round indentations. But if this plate were made of iron, the iron balls would quickly rust to it. The solution to the rusting problem was to make "Brass Monkeys." Few landlubbers realize that brass contracts much more and much faster than iron when chilled. Consequently, when the temperature dropped too far, the brass indentations would shrink so much that the iron cannon balls would come right off the monkey. Thus, it was quite literally, "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey!" (And all this time, you thought that was an improper expression, didn't you?)

Jim Neugent vs. ABC

Jim Neugent is a coach in Childress, Texas Jim writes: My name is Jim Neugent. I wrote to ABC (on-line) concerning a program called "THE PRACTICE." In last nights episode, one of the lawyer's mothers decided she is gay and wanted her son to go to court and help her get a marriage license so she could marry her 'partner.' I sent the following letter to ABC yesterday and really did not expect a reply, but I did get one. My original message was: ABC is obsessed with the subject of homosexuality. I will no longer watch any of your attempts to convince the world that homosexuality is OK. 'THE PRACTICE' can be a fairly good show, but last night's program was so typical of your agenda. You picked the 'dufus' of the office to be the one who was against the idea of his mother being gay, and made him look like a whiner because he had convictions. This type of mentality calls people like me a "gay basher." Read the first chapter of Romans (that's in the Bible) and see what the apostle Paul had to say about it.... He, God and Jesus were all 'gay bashers'. What if she'd fallen in love with her cocker spaniel? Is that an alternative life style? (By the way, the Bible speaks against that, too.) --Jim Neugent -------------------------------------------------- Here is ABC's reply from the ABC on-line webmaster: How about getting your nose out of the Bible (which is ONLY a book of stories compiled by MANY different writers hundreds of years ago) and read the declaration of independence (what our nation is built on), where it says "All Men are Created equal," and try treating them that way for a change! Or better yet, try thinking for yourself and stop using an archaic book of stories as your lame crutch for your existence. You are in the minority in this country, and your boycott will not affect us at ABC or our freedom of statement. --------------------------------------------------- Jim Neugent's second response to ABC: Thanks for your reply. From your harsh reply, evidently I hit a nerve. I will share it with all with whom I come in contact. Hopefully, the Arkansas Democrat Newspaper will include it in one of their columns and I will be praying for you. - -Jim Neugent --------------------------------------------------- Note: Wouldn't Satan just love it if people stopped using the Bible for a crutch? Please resend this to everyone in your mailbox. Thanks, Jim Neugent I wonder if the person from ABC considered how many people would read this e-mail. This is one we should definitely pass on.
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