32 Year Old
From Phoenix, AZ·
Joined on May 5, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 15th
I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
32 Year Old
From Phoenix, AZ·
Joined on May 5, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 15th
I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
Name:JaNa AqE0NT W0RRY B0UT iT CAkEDaY: dECEMbER 15,**** L0CAti0N: WHERE DA BUllEtS FLY DAt EVil EASt SidE PH0ENiX SiZE: 5'3 SiGN: SAqitARiUS FaV C0l0RS: BlAk, WHitE, PiNk, BLuE, GReY FaV MuSiC: ChiCAN0 RAp, tECHn0, DRAkE, GuCCi, AnD G0T T0 lUB DAt TRaP MuSik Sp0RtS: f00tbAll
N0 PiC N0 Add, 0VeR DeeH AqE 0f 24 KiK R0kS, l00KiN f0R SEx M0vE 0N CaUSe U AiNt GEttiNG iT fR0M MeeH!! L00kiNG F0R dEM qUyS dAt SH0w ReSPeCT ANd kN0W h0W T0 TrEaT A LAdiiE! D0nT bE ShY AnD Hit Me UHp
32 Year Old
From Phoenix, AZ·
Joined on May 5, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 15th
I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
Latest Status
MiSSqREENiiS how do i post musik to this thinq?? not just 1 sonq tho like a playlist?
Welcome to Fubar!Come join me @ Gods Forsaken Radio , Where you'll find all kinds of friendly staff and live 24/7 metal Dj Shows!Just copy/paste this link into your browser > http://fubar.com/lounge/godsforsakenradioHope to see you soon!!
Hey Welcome to Fubar if you wanna meet awesome people and listen to the best tunes come on in and check us out copy and paste the link http://fubar.com/lounge/70052 Crypt's Asylum Radio don't let the name scare ya we're a lil off but we're cool
HEY...Welcome to FUBARCome Rawk with the Best Fam and Friends around! UnHoLy PaRaNoia,Have some drinks and Join in the FUN!!****HIRING STAFF****http://www.fubar.com/lounge/clubwickedparanoiaCopy and paste the link and join the insanity!! Hope to see you there!
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