dont know how much longer i can fake this
because of what you did my heart breaks a
little more each day
you seem close but ur not and it hurts me
every mile
i dont kw how to deal with this your so far
it hurts to breath and i dont even know
how i should feel all i feel is nothing
how come the ones you love, pain is all
they bring?
why is it that when you need someone they
always leave or just stay to say they
haven't left yet
like this is all just a game to them, they
stand on the outside wagering money to
see who leaves first ,who stays and wins
the bet
the fool who believes that anyone truly
cares will go down hard and fast
he will ask but receive no answer to his question about why this pain will forever
he thinks he has what he wants but he has
lost his way and he knows not
all he has done to suceed is all in vein no
matter how hard he has fought
yet again
yet again nothing is goin right
yet again my world has shattered into a million pieces
yet again it ends in a fight
yet again im all alone
yet again im paying retribution for sins for which i didnt atone
what did i ever do to deserve this , why am i the one 2 bear this pain.
i cant go on though this is the only thing that keeps me sane