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46 Year Old · Female · From Owatonna, MN · Joined on June 7, 2006 · Born on November 23rd
46 Year Old · Female · From Owatonna, MN · Joined on June 7, 2006 · Born on November 23rd

I'm a single mother of 3 (Alexandra-8, Isaac-5, and Anakin-2). Currently I'm an LPN at the local hospital- I work in the med/surg, ICU, and mental health departments. I just started classes towards my RN.I don't like motorcycles and don't date smokers. I get a rush from driving with the music turned up LOUD and shifting into higher gears. Windfarms look cool. I should be doing something else right now. I have four pets- two geckos, 1 cat and 1 houserabbit. I'm addicted to iced green tea. I hate a messy house but, I'm not a neat freak. Tool videos rock! Body type doesn't matter to me as long as the guy is healthy/takes care of himself- yes I said guy- I'm straight- as an arrow ;) I'm only looking to meet new people and make friends. So far- it's been a crazy trip and the people I have met are pretty fucking cool!Word of advise: Don't try to control or plan your life so much that you fail to live it. The following is one of my blogs- there are tons more on my myspace pageSaturday, April 22, 2006 Love - Actually? Current mood: good Category: Blogging I did something today Ive been meaning to do for about a year now- I painted my door- I know- big deal- haha - youre right- its not a big deal- but I feel better cuz the rest of my house is a bluish-greyish-purple with blue doors- except for the one I painted- well- now its blue like the rest - but it was a faded maroon- and now its not- When I was done painting I popped in a movie for back round noise so I could get some cleaning done- Its my weekend to work so I dont have my kids and I like to get things done when theyre not here- I chose "Love Actually" - never seen it before- but within the first few minutes Id forgotten all about my cleaning and was plopped on the couch with my legs crossed and a pillow on my lap to rest my hands- Its one of those movies where at the start it sets up a bunch of different characters and through out the film they intercept one another until their relationships form to make the braid of a crazy- fabulous ropeHence the name- it is about love- it reminded me how good it feels to be in love- and be loved back- the feeling of holding hands and knowing that when you look into the other persons eyes- you are all they see- its like being wrapped in a big warm fuzzy blanket on a cold winter night with a snowstorm outside- and you have everything you need - and you dont have to work the next day- or the day after thatI could identify with every character- At one point or another I have felt every emotion portrayed- The most recent being Stoic- in control and not letting myself get emotional- *smile*- but theres always that little tiny bit of light deep inside my heart that knows the truth- the tricks my mind tries to play on it- shhhhh- it just keeps on keeping its secret- things are easier that way sometimesIts so odd how we get to that point- when were young our hearts are worn on our sleeves- oops! Someone hurts us and that poor heart - well- we throw a sweater on over the top of it- Oh no! Bad breakup- better throw a coat on over that sweater- its getting kinda cold- and in what seems like no time at all- weve created a protective shell that keeps us from getting close enough to be hurt again- I wonder if that keeps us from loving fully when it comes back our way? I suppose eventually the coat and sweater come off- but - that all takes time- and since no one knows just how much time they have- should we really be wasting it? I felt so good by the end of the movie- lol- theres a part where this little boy loves a girl at school and shes about to get on an airplane to move away- he runs as fast as he can through the terminal to tell her he loves her- it may not sound like much in writing but it was so heartfelt it made me cry- I was like "You go little man! Go get your girl!" Im watching it again right now- I think Ill prolly just have to buy it- plus its got Hugh Grant who does a....intriguing little dance when he thinks no ones watching.I dont know.......no wait- I do- My rules for love: ~All is fair.....~Know how much of yourself your willing to compromise -Thats a trick rule- if the person loves you for who you are- then you shouldnt have to compromise any of yourself ( I dont mean going for Chinese when you really want Mexican- I mean you should never have to give up a part of your soul- personality- you)~Never fall in love with someone who doesnt respect youLove is a risk- and the consequence is a broken heart- it hurts- it aches- and it makes you want to die- If you know what Im talking about then congratulations- Youve had your ass kicked by love- and if you dont know then I am truly sorry because you have no idea what your missing Currently watching: Love Actually Release date: By 31 January, 2006 11:40 PM - 3 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Check out MYSPACEClick here to check out my Yahoo 360 page and all my pixClick here to see my page at TagWorld Click here to check out Rich Westman's kick ass web pagehttp//:www.myspace.com/pixydustprincess

46 Year Old · Female · From Owatonna, MN · Joined on June 7, 2006 · Born on November 23rd
I enjoy fitness- from free wieghts to Yoga. I used to scrapbook but I don't have time for that right now. Websites like this interest me. I love my iPod. Movies. Shopping. Learning. Fishing. Metaphysics. Your 2005 Song Is Mr. Brightside by The Killers "It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss" Let's just say you're happy to be done with 2005! What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?
I'll watch any kind of movie- until I get more time to update this you can check them all out at myspacewww.myspace.com/pixydustprincess
People who take challenges head on and keep going weather they succeed or not.
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