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43 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 16, 2012 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on April 25th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
43 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 16, 2012 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on April 25th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

*It was time to update my profile*

Hallo!! and thank you for coming to visit my profile, no fillers here just all natural ME! I don't fake it for no one, I love myself above all else. I'm 32 from south jersey and engaged to a very sweet and sexy woman who I love very much, I am NOT here to meet no one or to play around with cyber sex! MEN please do not ask for webcam, voice, or naked pictures.. OR to have cyber sex.. cause the answer is no no and NO :D I love music, movies and hangin out with my friends on the weekends, I spend a lot of time with my son who has aspergers syndrome, and my family as well. I'm loyal and real fierce for certain not a force to be provoked. My spirit guide is a wolf, there fore and am very much a "pack" person, the ones I make ties with are like minded and and we follow each other as such and stick together like glue.. I'm also a wicked clown lover don't like my choice in music? fuck off no one asked you :) I also am a metal head, rock baby and do sometimes enjoy SOME very selected few genres.. so all in all this is me and believe it or not as long as you come correct I'm easy as pie to get along with and sweet as a peach in summer time :)

Rose and Candle
imikimi - sharing creativity

Familiar Taste Of Poison - Halestorm

43 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 16, 2012 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on April 25th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I have a few interest some of which include music, dancing, crafting and caring for others... I love to meet new and exciting people mostly people with a past, gives us more to talk about. I love deep conversations and conversations about just nothing at all.. I do party on the weekends, so getting fucked up I guess falls under this category as well.. oh yeah and I love to read with the exception that the book has got to catch my eye and sorta call to me from the shelf..
Chaz Bono: An amazing man who through everything still stood up for himself and said this is ME, take it or leave it. I admire someone who can stand in the spotlight in today's judgemental society with all of the hate and ignorance around us and say I won't change for anyone but me..

My late best friend Lenny: Angels are real, (I could talk about him for hours) this man touched many people and when you were around him you just felt like he was your friend even if you didn't know him yet, He had the ability to smile through his own pain and bullshit and brave face for the world his friends and his family. You wouldn't have known his suffering unless he told you himself and even then he was hard to believe because his aura was so pure. He is and will always be my best and loving friend, he is a prime example of how HATE and ignorance hurts teens growing up, even adults. He was never my gay friend Lenny he was just always my friend and I loved him so much, he was taken from the world to soon and deserved the life that was robbed of him. I don't blame him, or God or anyone else anymore for his passing I only smile when I look up to heaven knowing that my angel watches over me.

Mikal Chall: Another amazing and strong man who stood up for his own and others rights for GLBT civil rights and walked from san francisco Ca, to DC all for the right to NOT be second hand citizens.. I admire his beauty from when we first met and how we instantly became friends and confidants, I could listen to him all night on his key board playing me journey songs and him snapping my picture every chance he got when I wasn't expecting it, Id gladly be back in his basement having a blast then in any 5 star hotel in the world..

My grandparents: for basically raising me and my mammy who spent almost all of her free time with me as a kid, I love her with so much more then my heart and deeper then my soul, I could have never asked for or been blessed with a better mammy and poppy..

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