what it is everyone! :D first i have to thank all my supporters, that have been bombing my photo everyday :D im SO in the lead...i havent even added it up. its somewhere over a 13,000 point lead! :D:D i cant describe how great it feels.
well...i think we can pretty much relax on bombing it for now. if by some miracle, robot alien bombers come from mars, and she starts catching up with me...trust me i will holler :D not only because i will need help, but also cause, "oh shit alien robot monsters from mars!" :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O
in case you were wondering, yes! all people from weed are like me :D we're a crazy bunch 8-p8-p
if any of you are feeling kind...i have a friend in the contest :) ive been helping him to get into 3rd place :) if you will, please go rate his photo!! thanks guys here is the link...
click here to vote for bignuts75! (rate and comment)

and in case you havent yet...
click here to vote for j-roxx! (rate and comment)

*****happy hour drinks for all comments on this blog!*****