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Berry's blog: "People watcher"

created on 08/29/2007  |  http://fubar.com/people-watcher/b122196
The reality of reading someone else's sappy Blogs.... Makes me want to Puke!!! Sorry, for posting all the warm Puke of Late. We have the ability to make choices.. That is 1 fact I try to make clear, to people when I post a comment. If you choose your choice... It is YOUR own PICK!! Please do Not place"BLAME!!!! "Choice: is 1 Freedom we have out of the our own abilities in Life... Everyone has a choice of right or wrong!!!! If you do not like my words.... That is YOUR choice... Do NOT ask for MY comment if YOU DO NOT WANT: my honest OPINION!!! If you you delete them that is YOUR choice... If I make MY comment, it is MY choice... When I make the "WARM PUKE" Comment... Watch out!!! It is MY CHOICE to give you a kick in the Ass from MY POINT OF view!!! Yes, I am Back to my Regular mode once again!! HAVE A BERRY SWEET DAY!!!! P.S. I only wish here I could give you a posa w/pics!!! LOL!1


This is where I spent the day today...My sister Kate talked me into Volunteering once again... She asked 1 time before, & I had done it; because, she had no-one to help her at all. So, to my surprise Kate, asked as Again..LOL!!! I have given up my days of I being 1 of the so called "Do gooders" of the World along time ago... When the reality of the World had set in...I had 1 to many fatalities...I gave up the health care I was doing..I got burnt out. At that time we had no "Debriefing.... "I vowed NEVER to get involved in another volunteer organization.. I would not allow that hurt inside... The helpless feeling of not being to help. When, the small child died in front of me, it was so hard... To face the parent to say... How do you say... What do you say? Their are no words.... Anyway you get the picture..... That's why I would not Volunteer any more...... So, Kate had kind of coerced me into this.. She knows I HATE being home lately. So,she said to me.." What are you doing on Tuesday?" Now, I know something is up when out ofthe blue Kate asks something like this. So, I ask Why?? Then she tells me the same as last time..Only this time she lays it on a little thicker....How can I say NO to her? She gives me the same old Bull-Shit.. That: there is no Aid & she needs Some-one to help.... Would I Please??? So,fool thatI am... I agree.. Then she asks if I will make a chicken,broccoli, mushroom & rice dish for 30-40of the people who will be in Program!!!! Holy-Shit!!! OMG!!!!!!! Now she wants a list of the products she will need to pick up ahead of time. So, I sit down & figure out what she will need to get ahead of time... She assures me it will all be there when I arrive Tuesday Morning around 9:00 am ,to cook it for a 11:30 Dinner.. Sunday comes.. Kate stops by. She reminds me about Camp Q. on Tuesday.. I ask " Do you have everything yet? "Kate says; " I will Do not worry.." OK..She stops by Monday as well... "I will be by in the morning..." Tuesday Morning I call Kate @ 6:45 am "What time you coming by?" Kate "about8:15 OK?" "OK I am going for Coffee with a friend OKAY?" Kate.."OkayI have to pick up some STUFF 1st see ya when I get there OK???" So... I have company.. We have our coffee.. I wait for KATE.... She picks me up... She drops me at Camp Q.. Omg!! The kitchen Is ... I have to wash the Counters & Stove before I can begin.... I get things going. About the time I get everything ready except the rice the 1st group is arriving & Kate is running around likea ban-chi with it's head cut off!!! Her & this Blind man are setting up the tables. He is very sweet chatting all the time, knowing that I am a Red Sox fan & does not stop!!! Then, there is this littlelady who is the Boss heheheee!! Her way or the High way!!She takes the money from the rest of the clients to payfor the supplies that they use to make their project of the day!! There is an older gentleman who volunteers there also.. I would think he is Possibly in his late 80's or maybe mid 90's, he just kind of watches everything going on.. There is a Pipe smoking man maybe in his 60's I think he is a client..I am not to sure..LOL!!I did not see him actually smoke it but, it hangs out the side of his mouth all the time..He is also sweet & kind of witty in a weird sort of way... Then, there is Gary he is a Client & I think if anyone out of the whole bunch were to win me over to Volunteering again it would be this SMILING man!!! So, I am doing the people watching as these clients do their thing today it is Making this pumpkin arrangement!! It is so cool to watch them pick out their flowers by touch & feel, or colors, they seem to love the attentionof this type of setting.. I am growing to understand a little more each time I watch this type of person... I do so like to watch & learn from them... "Nestled amongst 25 acres of woodlands Camp Quinebaug is located on Wauregan Reservoir in Killingly, Connecticut. Our waterfront is the only beach on this gorgeous waterway. Fishing, boating and swimming highlight the busy camp schedule. Special needs children and young adults between the ages of 4 and 21 years find a wide range of activities and interests during each two (2) week session. For Camp Alumni over the age of 21 there is now a one (1) week vacation experience. Families and adults also use the facilities on evenings and weekends. The Camp which has been operated by DMR Eastern Region for 25 years is now available for year round use. A full program of summer activities is provided through a four (4) way partnership between the Friends of Camp Quinebaug, local schools, community organizations and DMR Eastern Region. The program staff and volunteers are supervised by the DMR Eastern Region." | Home | About the Camp | Friends of Camp Quinebaug | | Fundraising Events | The Cycling Classic | ©Friends of Camp Quinebaug, all rights reserved Website design by Pomfret Computer Technologies, LLC I Hope you get a chance to view all of this information About camp Q!!!!HAVE A BERRY SWEET DAY!!!
Your Driver's licence in danger !! Urgent A friend sent me this and it is very important, you might be in danger!! Check your Driver's License I definitely removed mine. I suggest you all do the same. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all! Thanks Homeland Security! Go to the web site, and check it out. It's unbelievable!!! Just enter your name, city and state to see if yours is on file. After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove". This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement. Please notify all your friends so they can protect themselves, too. Believe me they will thank you for it. Here is the website: http://www.license.shorturl.com Have A Berry Sweet Day!!!!!
Sep 24, 2007 Your Driver's licence in danger!! Urgent A friend sent me this and it is very important, you might be in danger!! Check your Driver's License I definitely removed mine. I suggest you all do the same. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all! Thanks Homeland Security! Go to the web site, and check it out. It's unbelievable!!! Just enter your name, city and state to see if yours is on file. After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove". This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement. Please notify all your friends so they can protect themselves, too. Believe me they will thank you for it. Here is the website: http://www.license.shorturl.com go directly to this site, or grey it, like you would like when you place a comment then hit navigate instead of copy... Have a Berry Sweet Day!!!!!!!!!!!

Watching Snails

Every now & again I do play........ Yesterday was 1 of those days..... I went to the Wedding.... While there, I was people watching.. Little, did I know I was being observed as well. I was watching some children on a rope swing... When the Host of the Party approached me.. He startled me.. I guess I was too absorbed in watching the children, I did not notice him watching me..... He said.... " Would you like to swing?" yea..right I thought... Then I did not give him a second to re-nigg!!!! heheheee!!!... I said if you push me I will swing!!!! !!!! Next thing I know he is leading me across to the swing....Humm, How do I get myself into these messes!!! I say to him: That's not safe for Me.. It will not hold Me!!! I am too Heavy for that!! It's to low to the ground for me!!! He shakes his head Laughing at me !! & then ties another knot under the swing to bring it up higher..LOL!!! Oh MY GOD....& turns to look at me ... NOW... I have to figure how to get my fat A__!! Up onto the swing..LOL!! {I Take off my shoes,glasses & light jacket..}... I did it!! After 2 tries!!! He begins to push me sooooo High!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!I feel like a little girl again!! SWEET!!!!! The thing, with this swing is there is just a piece of rope in the middle of a piece of board hanging from a tree about 100 ft.+Up to the branch for the swing.. So, you can imagine how high this man had me swinging.... LOL!!!!!! Then, To my unknowing... I witness the photographer from the wedding...gr8!!!!! ( me..barefooted swinging like a kid!!).... So...Today here's what comes to mind it is one of my favorite's ....... How to be an Artist by: Sarks Stay loose.learn to watch snails. plant impossible gardens.invite someone Dangerous to tea.Make little signs that say yes!and post them all over your house.Make friends with freedom & uncertainty.look Forward to dreams.Cry during movies. Swing as high as you can on a swingset, by moonlight. Cultivate Moods.refuse to "Be responsible." Do it for love. Take lots of naps. Give money away. Do it now. the money will follow.Believe in magic. laugh alot.Celebrate every gorgeous moment.Take moonbaths.Have wild imaginings, transformative dreams,and perfect calm.Draw on the Walls.read everyday.imagine yourself Magic.Giggle with children.Listen to old people.Open up.Dive in. Be free. Bless yourself.Drive away Fear.Play with everything.entertain your inner child.You are innocent. Build a Fort with Blankets.Get wet.Hug trees Write love letters. Have A Berry Nice Day!!! Please Take the time to watch the snails.....
Adventure....... This Adventure began with a ride to Willimantic, Ct. "Only to the Dentist........." Be ready for (9:oo am) lol..... " okay" I agreed.. So.... 8:45 the bell was ringing and off we left.. Post Office, then on to pick up my "Coffee".. & on to the Dentist.... Only to arrive 1/2 hour early.... They took her in.We were out in no time at all out before 10:00am (the real appointment time..) So, Off to BJ's to kill some time & do some shopping ( for nothing).... lol After we walked, shopped, & tried out all the free samples... We leave...Still to early for the lunch we had planned.. We go to Home-Depo..... { you do know what they say about that store} heheheheeee....It is sooooooo..... True*** All you have to do is ask a question and they are all over you like flies to S_it!!! I swear to GOD it is true!! I was warned by my friend to be good before entering the store... lol.. I was.. She was the 1 this time... Who asked for help at the service desk.. NOT ME!!! Then, the Man could not help lol..Heheeee.. This is where it gets a little funny, you see..We went looking for this steel bendable stuff she wanted.....With holes in it.. I did not even have a clue as to what I was looking for or what it was.....So, I am looking in hardware, She is looking in hardware... Next thing, I see her with these 2 guys...Oh my GOD!!! {She had told me to behave..lol..} I kept my mouth shut......She asked 1 of them to see if he knew what she wanted & where it might be.. He knew just what it was... & then found it for her.. Just like that!! The kicker was... He did not work there, he was just there to buy some stuff.. Like us..lol.. Just as "Oprah" had said..."The best place to meet MEN".... Woooo Hoooo After our round at Home-Depo.... We set out for lunch... I changed my mind a couple of times and we decided to go to a place in Canterbury,Ct. called Brom's Place.... I had a excellent Turkey grinder, Coffee, & we shared an order of Onion rings....While there we talked and She was kidding me about Blogs... She suggested I do 1 on Onion rings.. So.. here it is... Try them!!!! Have a Berry Sweet Day!!!!!

Out & about

Entry for August 29, 2007 Yes ... I Am A People Watcher... Do you ever just watch People? I do.. Where ever I am, what ever I am doing. I watch People.. I Notice their expressions, eyes, smiles. Tell tale looks of what is going on at that percise moment of time... When, eye contact is made... You can tell truth or lie usally by the look. Unless the person you are watching knows they are being watched.. False pretense is not put into place and the true person shows through. In my experience as a people watcher.. I do like to see how people inter mix. Older with young.Young with Old. Especially little kids.. They have simple answers for every thing..lol.. & complicated questions..ie...Ok "can I play now?" I love to watch the interchange... Today I was out & about with my Sister Kate. We were shopping at a few different shops around Town.. I wathced from the Van, as she went to pump the gas...I happen to notice this guy across the parking lot. He parked his White Van/thing & walked across the parking lot. He stopped in front of the station to open the door to let the Lady coming out of the door out first standing to the side & holding the door for her. I thought this was very nice. Then still waiting as Kate was filling the tank..The Line in the Station was slowly dwindling down. Kate finished up.Heading for the door into the station as well. The same Man Held the door for her as well. I took a look at him. He was just a regular guy. With a Connecticut T-shirt on. Just a Happy go lucky kind of step to him. Possibly in his late 20's maybe early 30's.But, I had noticed him.. I made comment to Kate, when she got back into the van. His "Ma" did a great job raising him. I will make today's blog about being polite.. My thought was this... Today I will POST a blog and Say thank-you to the Man who drove the white van Ct lic.pl TNB who stopped at the Getty gastation on Rte.12 in Wauregan, Ct. today. Your politeness was noticed... Thank-you for the politeness shown... Have A Berry Sweet Day!!!
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