Over 40 and sexy contest part 2
Still room for more.
First one went so well others wanted to join to late.
Contest open to men and women
Lets go for round 2
anyone over 40 can join
you choose picture but no NSFW pics allowed
Prizes to top three and anyone with over 1000 comments
over 8,000 will get a motorcycle
over 15,000 will get a corvette
over 20,000 will get a porsche
Entries so far are::::



a href="http://cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=71689&i=4020656018" target=_blank>

ZEBRAfan & JustAGal

Comment bombing allowed, you can bomb yourself
Contest will start 8 am central wednesday march 14th
Contest will end 8 pm central wednesday march 21st
Come show all that life is just begining at 40
send pm to me with link to pic you want to use
any questions please feel free to ask
Contest will be promoted and results updated twice daily on bulletin
@ CherryTAP
please repost this so others not on my list have the
opportunity to join in.