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49 Year Old · Male · From Decatur, IN · Joined on May 29, 2007 · Born on October 8th · 1 referrals joined!
49 Year Old · Male · From Decatur, IN · Joined on May 29, 2007 · Born on October 8th · 1 referrals joined!

Well I guess you could say I'm a fuck up(with a potty mouth) trying to erase my past. Well not erase it but I'm trying to be a better person. I don't do alot of things I used to do, and because of that I don't have as many friends as I used to, cause there still doing the same old stupid shit. One thing about me is I do try to learn from my mistakes. Sometimes I repeat most of the time I don't. I'm getting ready to go back to school for what I don't know maybe accounting, maybe journalism. I love to write poetry, stories, general views of the world. I love to listen to music, great for making feel better. Not sure what else to say. Oh I'm also a take no shit off of nobody kind of guy, maybe a downfall sometimes, but my pride is something I protect.

49 Year Old · Male · From Decatur, IN · Joined on May 29, 2007 · Born on October 8th · 1 referrals joined!
Lets see I love to read(Stephen King, autobiographies are great too, i'll read just about anything actually) Like going camping, playing texas hold em hate the donkeys though (you poker players know what I mean) Hanging with my friends, talking about deep philosophical stuff(which I don't get to do much of due to mostly everyone don't give a shit) Most of all spending time with my son Nevin(coolest six year old pimp in all the land LOL) seriously he started a pimp club at the boys and girls club. I feel sorry for all the ladies when he comes of age. But for now he's my Nevi Wevi and I'm his Daddy Waddy(He made that up not me LOL) Love that boy with all my heart. I also love to try new things unless it involves butt beads then I would have to pass LOL. Oh yeah love Nascar (Go Mark Martin, to bad he's retiring).
I love all kinds of music except for rap and country, I just won't tolerate it. I listen to Sublime, Floyd(Wish you were here my favorite), Weezer, Blind Melon, Bob Marley, Flogging Molly, Stuff I can't remember the name of. Most classic Rock, Love the Blues anyone ever hear a song called Heroin Blues(Don't get the wrong idea, no heroin for me just a little weed, For my cataracts!)Perfect Circle and TooL, Ok I'm done

Video Games
Don't play much video games anymore not since I was a kid. I do love my PsP though but it got broke. Anyone want to send me a new one? Thats what I thought so piss off. LOL

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