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Nude Camping Trip

I was cuddled up tight against Tess's back spoon fashion with my arm around her waist. Bobby was spooned up tightly against my back, her big breasts, and hard nipples moving as she breathed. I'd never been sandwiched between two women before and found it stimulating to say the least. My manhood slowly hardened and moved across the smooth cheek of Tess's butt. She shifted slightly and I was wedged in the warm crack of her ass. Bobby had her hand on my thigh and let it slip over to explore the junction between Tess and me. At the same time, she pressed her hot sex against the cheek of my ass. I moved my hand up to brush my fingers along the side of Tess's breast. Out of the dark, Martha's voice said. "Will you sex fiends be still before I fall off this little mattress." I felt Tess's arm move toward Martha. "Here I'll hold you from falling off." I could feel her arm moving from time to time. "You sure picked a hell of a time to get frisky." I heard Martha mumble softly. "If you don't quit that I won't get any sleep and I won't be responsible if you get raped." Bobby whispered in my ear. "You can't rape the willing. Even if you did it wouldn't be rape, would it?" "If you girls don't behave I'm going to take my sleeping bag and go sleep by the fire." I said. "Not without me you're not. I'd be lunch before you got settled." Tess said. "Anyway that would be real cozy." "Hey, if we're not getting any, neither are you." Bobby said. Tess laughed. "Oops, too late. You let us go to the store together remember." "Bitch!" Martha said. Slowly we drifted off to sleep. I awoke to a wet dream shortly after daylight. Tess was cuddled up tightly to my left side with her head on my shoulder. I could make out Martha spooned in behind her with her hand on Tess's left breast. So the lips wrapped around my throbbing shaft must belong to Bobby. That's about as far as my brain got before it fogged as the impending climax started to build deep in my balls. What Bobby lacked in tongue action was more than made up by suction and depth. Her head was bobbing up and down at a slow steady rate as she swallowed nearly all of me. Her lips moved from the tip to near the base and back, her tongue kept the sensitive head pressed against the roof of her mouth. I felt my hips lifting slowly off the mattress as I neared climax. Sensing this, Bobby increased the speed and pressure. My hips jerked and I moaned as the first jet of sperm shot into the warm working mouth. Bobby's head stopped moving as her mouth sucked greedily at the spurting head until I was drained. As my manhood slowly shrank back to normal, Bobby continued to nurse on it. Finally, she released it from her mouth and rolled slowly off the airbed. She was wrapped up in the extra blanket and had a big grin on her face. She gave me a big wink before she turned and unzipped the tent door. At the sound of the course zipper Tess stirred and opened her eyes. I smiled and kissed her on the forehead before easing out of the bed myself. Outside, I hurried to the table, grabbed a pair of sweat pants, and climbed into them. I was starting the fire for coffee when Bobby appeared out of the woods; she also had on sweat pants. I guess it was first come, first serve this morning. When she walked up, I asked if she had any opinions about breakfast. With a broad smile, she answered. "I've already had mine, thanks. I love cream of man on sausage served hot and fresh in the morning." I slowly shook my head and smiled. I got the coffee going and was starting on frying bacon, when Tess ran up grabbed the last pair of sweat pants and climbed into them as she hopped toward the woods. "Good Morning to you too." I said with a chuckle. She waved over her shoulder as she disappeared behind some bushes. Something's can't and shouldn't wait. She was smiling as she hotfooted it back toward the fire. Rubbing her hands together over the fire, she nodded to Bobby and me and said. "Now it's a better morning. Coffee and bacon aren't we industrious this early in the day. Where are the eggs, I get them started. Bobby, why don't you toast some bread?" Bobby looked at the open fire and the grate sitting on top of it and cocked her head to one side. "Just how the hell do you do that without a toaster?" I chuckled and handed her a long handled fork, like you use on a barbecue pit. "Stab the bread edgewise and hold it close to the fire, kind of like a marshmallow. Just be careful not to light it or your blanket on fire." I was scrambling the eggs, the bacon was done, and so was the toast. Bobby did a good job for a beginner. As we ate, we talked about the sleeping arrangements. I figured that two or even three would not be bad on that air mattress, but four was just too many. Tess chuckled and said. "If you and your sister had normal sized boobs there would be plenty of room. I woke up around daylight and poor Bobby was mostly off the bed wrapped up in a blanket. I just haven't figured out why her feet were on the pillow?" Bobby didn't say anything, but she didn't have to, the big shit-eating grin on her face told enough of the story. Tess looked hard at her, then at me. I shrugged and said. "What can I say; I thought I was having one hell of a dream. When I woke up it wasn't a dream and it was far too late to stop anything." Tess shook her head and turned to Bobby. "You're a real bitch, sometimes, do you know that?" Bobby looked hurt and replied. "What pot is calling whose kettle black? You're the one that took firsty's yesterday, and in a truck to boot. Anyway, I woke up cold and uncomfortable, so I grabbed the other blanket and turned around to have more room for my boobs, as you so delicately put it. I can't help it if there was a tent pole holding up that side of the sleeping bag. I was curious so I went to investigate, it looked so deliciously inviting I couldn't resist." Martha laughed. "That's my sister, she loves nothing better than something to suck on, be it nipple, dick, or clit. She'll even settle for a finger or toe if she can't get to anything else. Tess, from what I hear you really don't have much room to talk, even if you do limit yourself to dicks." I grinned at Tess and said. "You did mention an oral fetish yesterday, didn't you?" She stuck her tongue out at me then giggled. "Ok, I know when I'm busted. I kind of considered you as private stock, so to speak. Bobby and Martha were pretty much wrapped up in each other, and then there was you. Sorry Bobby, I guess I was out of line." "Everything is fair in love, war, and sex. Especially sex." Bobby paused a second then said. "Speaking of sex, do you know how horny sucking a fat dick makes me?" Tess and Martha laughed and then Martha asked. "What doesn't make you horny, dear sister? I think just being you, makes you that way." Bobby tossed her head and stood up. "All these compliments will give a girl the big head, Oh, I've already had that." She stripped off the sweat suit and dropped one part on Martha's head and the other on Tess's head. Tess got the pants; she held them by the legs and brought the crotch close to her nose. She jerked her head back and made a terrible face. "Yep, we have a winner here. She's in heat and in a bad way. Everybody had better sit down, cross their legs, and shut up if they don't want to get molested." Bobby used her foot to shove Tess over backward and quickly moved to sit on her face. Tess rolled over and low crawled backwards out from under her. Tess was up on her knees as Bobby started to turn around, Tess swung her right hand and slapped Bobby hard on the left ass cheek. At the stinging blow, Bobby jumped forward and yelled. "Hey, that hurt." Her foot got caught under my leg and she began to fall, Tess made a grab for her arm. I sat up to help as Bobby piled on top of Martha, dragging Tess along with her. Martha made an attempt to break her sisters' fall, but got pushed over into my lap for her trouble. Tess ended up on top of everyone. While we were getting untangled, Tess got both nipples tweaked and pinched on the ass several time. She also had to shove a hand out from between her legs, I'm not sure whose it was, I know it wasn't mine. The wrestling match ended up on top of me for a while and I was busy getting Martha's hand out of my pants. Since Martha wasn't wearing pants and distracted by me, Bobby ended up with her head between her legs. Needless to say, this got Martha's undivided attention, long enough for Tess and me to get free. We both sat on the edge of the blanket breathing hard. Martha was breathing hard also but I don't think it had anything to do with the wrestling match. Bobby's mouth and tongue were working expertly on Martha's sex. She had a hold of Bobby's head but I couldn't tell if she was pushing or pulling on it. All I know is that I was getting horny myself. I looked over at Tess; she was removing the sweat suit shirt slowly, never taking her eyes off Bobby's head. I leaned over, sucked her right nipple into my mouth, and swirled my tongue around the hard bud. Her hands went to the back of my head and lightly held me there. After about two minutes of sucking, licking, and gently chewing on that nipple, she forced my head over to the other. There was no problem from my point of view as her back arced in response to my touch and forced more breast into my mouth. Pulling back slightly, she pressed my head down. I proceeded to lick and kiss my way across her abdomen and ended up at a belly button. She lay back to rest on her elbows so she could still see Bobby and Martha. I glanced over as Martha raised her ass completely off the blanket and moaned. Turning back to Tess I reached out, grabbed the waistband of the sweat pants, and wiggled them down over her hips. She lifted her butt to make it easier to get them off. Once I had them off, she lay there with her knees raised and parted. I started to kiss the inside of one knee and worked my way toward her sex. Before I reached it, I switched thighs and worked back toward the knee. Her hands shot out, grabbed my hair, and pulled my face tightly into her dripping opening. "Damn, enough fore play already." She whispered. I stuck out my tongue and slowly explored the hot, wet depth of her. Her sweet pungent odor and taste were a treat from heaven. You see I have an oral fetish myself. My tongue is not long but it is thick, strong, and wide and I know how to use it. As I moved upward to lightly circle the tip of my tongue around Tess's clit, her ass rose to add more pressure to the contact. The soft moan that escaped from her lips was almost drowned out by Martha's scream of delight as she came hard around Bobby's tongue. I licked harder at Tess's clit, slipped my hands under her ass cheeks, and squeezed. The moan became deeper and louder as her thighs slowly closed over the sides of my head and her back arched, pressing her sex tightly against my lips. I could feel her body tremble and jerk as she came with a rush. I went back to gently circling her clit until her hand pushed on the top of my head. Releasing the bud, I moved my attention back lower to lick at the trickle of sweet fluid running down the crack of her ass. I followed it upward to the source and did my best to clean up the mess we had made. Dipping my tongue deeply inside her seemed to make matters worse instead of better but who was I to argue. After a few moments, her hips started to work against my probing tongue in a rhythm of their own. She lifted her left leg and wrapped it tightly around my shoulders as she began to make more and louder noises than Martha had earlier. She was coming with nearly every thrust of my tongue and her hips. This went on for nearly a minute before she collapsed back down onto the blanket. I continued to lick at the throbbing opening to her sex until her leg moved off my shoulders and returned to the blanket. I sat up slowly eyeing Tess's beautiful sprawled out body. She lay there with her legs spread wide and her hand folded across her stomach as she took in deep fast breathes. Her eyes were shut and a smile played at her lips. A movement out of the corner of my eye attracted my attention to Martha and Bobby who were just sitting there side by side staring at Tess much as I was. Bobby glanced from Tess to me and back again as she said. "Damn I wish that had been me." Martha looked over at her sister and asked. "Which one, him, or her?" Bobby blinked several times and answered. "Either one." To which Martha only nodded and smiled. That was nine years ago. Tess and I are married, she finished college, and now I'm going part time. Martha and Bobby still hang out at our place and still go camping with us, but now they have their own tent. Their passes at Tess are a thing of the past and they know I'm off limits. Tess's parents were not real happy that she married a guy twice her age but they are coming around. They see how much in love and how happy we are. Tess wasn't pregnant, much to their relief and still isn't. We are still talking that issue over. sence this story we have had a boy and devorced

Nude Camping Trip

For years now, it had been my habit to spend the first two weeks of April hiking the National forest not too far from my home. This year was no exception; only I was two weeks late. The last assignment on my job had run into problems and I couldn't get away. I guess it's better late than never as the old saying goes. I had set up camp near the end of an old abandon logging road. At one time, it had been a five-way intersection deep in the woods. This is not a normal camping area by any means, but it is an area that I truly love. The large pines and thin underbrush allow sunlight to filter in throughout the area. Along the low creek bottoms, thick stands of oak form large shaded areas that are nearly bare of underbrush. Five old partially overgrown roads wander throughout the area. I've only saw one other four-wheel truck in this area, never have I seen anyone on foot. There was one guy on a mountain bike and two older women on a four-wheeler, but that's not bad considering the amount of time I have spent here over the years. I like the privacy as I do most of my hiking in the nude. It's a great way to get exercise and a nice start on a tan. Over the winter, I always seem to put on extra weight and turn a terrible pasty white. This year was even worse than most as it had rained a lot and been terribly cold for long stretches. Spring had finally sprung, I had my time off, and here I was deep in the woods. A great way to rest and relax. I had set my camp up on the backside of a ridge in a large stand of cedar trees. The center of the stand was open with short thick grass growing over most of it. An eight by eight tent was set up between two large bushy cedar trees with the door facing east and the main clearing. To the right of the tent were two small but tall slender oaks. Between them, a cable was stretched tightly, with a small canvas tarp stretched across the cable. Under the tarp, I had placed a table, two chairs; several ice chests, and most of the other stuff that make camp life more comfortable. Without leaving the confines of my thicket, I had a good view of the two main roads into the area and several square miles of the surrounding woods. My truck was hidden in another cedar thicket across the main road. I had arrived around mid afternoon on Friday and proceeded to get the camp set up. By the time, I was finished the sun was close to setting and I was hot and sweaty. There is a small clear creek at the bottom of the hill that I had taken the time several years before to dam up. It makes a nice secluded swimming and bathing pool close to camp. After a refreshing and quite cold dip to clean up, it was time for supper and an early bedtime. As darkness settled in, I could hear the queen-sized air mattress and my sleeping bags calling my name. It had been a long, tiring day and I wanted an early start tomorrow. The sunlight streaming through the trees woke me early. The early morning was chilly and damp with the dew as I crawled out of my sleeping bag and dressed. Coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast over an open fire should be the start to every morning the way I see it. After cleaning up from breakfast, I moved the lounge chair out from under the tarp and set it up in a sunny spot. The dew was burning off and the sunshine was warm. Another advantage of the cedar thicket was that it was a fine windbreak. With a fresh cup of coffee, I returned to the lounge chair and stripped off my sweatshirt and Levies. Nude, I sat down, soaking in the warm sunlight as I sipped my coffee, and relaxed. When I had finished the coffee, I lowered the seat back and rolled over to toast my other side. The sound of the wind through the treetops and the warm sun made me drowsy. From time to time, I would swap sides so I wouldn't burn. An hour or so later, I decided I'd better get my tanning oil before I did burn. I went to the tent and rummaged through my bag looking for it. Then I remembered I'd left it in the truck, along with my binoculars and several new pairs of shorts. I headed for the top of the ridge; at the edge of the trees, I angled right toward the end of the ridge. From the outer edge of the thick cedars, I could see for nearly a mile down both of the main dirt roads that went toward the highway. I waited and watched for a few minutes then headed down the hill toward the road. At the road, I turned right and walked about two hundred yards then turned left into a faint track of another road. Another hundred yards put me at the thicket where I'd left the truck. After retrieving the forgotten articles, I headed back the way I'd come. As I reached the tree line back on the camp side of the road, I thought I heard a vehicle approaching from the north. The road in from the highway on that side is fair. A car can negotiate it easily if the driver is careful and experienced. There are several large water puddles that look bad but have a hard sand bottom. They keep most people at bay and out of my area. I went on into camp, put the shorts in the tent, and hung the binoculars on the lounge chair. Seated on the end of the chair, I applied the tanning oil liberally too as much of my body as I could reach. I could faintly hear the car getting closer. I had decided that it wasn't a truck. Curious as to whom it was, I grabbed the binoculars and headed for the edge of the cedars. There's a spot at the north end of the thicket, a large bush between two small cedars that makes a safe, comfortable observation point. I had rolled a large rock into position for a seat. Sitting on the rock, I watched the road where it made a curve just past one of the water holes. The engine noise was louder here. An older model silver Camero came into view and slowed to a stop at the water hole. The passenger door opened and a blonde young lady got out. She was standing behind the door and looking all around. I moved slightly left into the shade of the cedar and lifted the binoculars to my eyes. "My, oh my." I thought. A very nice looking young lady and topless to boot. Her tits were high and widely separated, although small, they were upturned and pointy. There was no sign of a tan line to mar their beauty. When she didn't see any sign of other people, she stepped out from behind the door. "Wow!" She's totally nude, right down to her cleanly shaved little muff. Again, there were no tan lines. I watched the lips of her sex work against each other as she walked toward the puddle. Another girl climbs out of the car and walks after the first. She's topless and wearing a tiny g-string bottom. The blonde had a nice pert set of tits, but this dark haired lass was packing a pair of thirty-eight's and maybe a gun. Her nipples were very large and erect, almost as big as my fingertip and very long. The dark circles behind the nipples were small, very small for the size of the breasts. The ends of a beaded string were tied to each nipple and the middle hung down almost to her navel. It swung and swayed as she moved and walked, I thought it was very sexy. The blonde spent a few minutes wading around in the water hole and then waved the car forward. The brunette got back into the car and closed the door as the car moved into and then through the water. The blonde walked up the road toward me a short ways looking at the soft sand surface. She gave the driver a thumb's up, climbed up on the hood of the car, and lay down. All I could think of was why I didn't have my camera. The road is in good shape from there to the intersection so they made good time. I had come in the long way and cut across a clear cut so I wouldn't leave any tracks near camp. When they were passed me, I moved back into the thick cedars and headed toward the south point. Half way there, I made a detour through camp and picked up my camera. Near the edge of the tree,'s I got down low and moved under the cedar limbs until I could see the roads below me. The car had just stopped in a grassy spot twenty yards passed the intersection. The road was badly washed out beyond that point. The blonde was still draped across the hood but was hid by the roofline. The brunette got out again, and was looking around as she stretched. The driver's door opened and a slightly older version of the brunette climbed out. She was still fully dressed but was unbuttoning her shirt as she looked around. I brought my camera up, focused on the brunette, and snapped a couple of shots as she stretched her arms over her head. Her large breasts moving and rolling on her chest, causing the nipple jewelry to dance. I moved the lens over to the older brunette and snapped a series of shots of her. She removed the shirt and her bra, laying them on the top of the car. She rubbed and massaged her ample breasts for a moment before stretching her arms high above her head. Her breasts were larger than the first brunette, but not much. The difference was in the dark area under the nipples. Were the first girls were very small; these were super large, covering most of the front of each breast. They were also very, very dark in color. The nipples were of the same size and length as the first girl's and were also adorned with jewelry. These looked like dangly earrings made from feathers and beads. The blonde had climbed off the hood and was walking around to stand beside the young brunette. I snapped several shots of her as she did so. In the back of my mind, I tried to remember how much film I had brought with me and where it was. There had been a sale on film at the store where I'd bought supplies and I had stocked up. It was in my bag in the tent. I normally don't take that many photos unless I come across an interesting animal or two. Well, here were three very interesting animals and all Doe's to boot. All three ladies had moved to the back of the car and had the trunk open. I watched them through the zoom lens of the camera as the older girl finished disrobing to display as good a body as either of the other two. The other two girls had unloaded a small ice chest, and a picnic hamper, along with a couple of blankets. I could faintly hear the sound of their voices as they talked but couldn't make out the words. The blonde retrieved some clothes from inside the car and placed them and the older girl's clothes in a bag. Closing up the car, they picked up their stuff and headed off to my right. I had a fair idea where they were going, a small clearing about a hundred yards father down that side road. There were two creeks that crossed that road and they were both washed out pretty badly. The clearing was off to the right between the two creeks and just off the roadside. There was a small screen of brush between it and the road and it had good sun most of the day. As they reached the first creek, I moved back toward camp and retrieved more film and a large green towel. That creek is where my swimming hole is located. I crossed the creek and moved to my left a little ways before starting up the hill. This put me above them at the side of the hill. There was a small stand of young pine there that was quite thick. Spending so much time here was paying off, as I knew of several deer trails that cut through the pines. When I reached the edge of the thicket, I found a shaded spot behind a small cedar that gave me a good view of the whole clearing. The women were spreading out the blankets about twenty yards from me. I took several photos of the process, especially when the blonde was bending over to straighten the blanket. Her beautiful bare ass was pointed straight at me; the zoom lens was strong enough for me to see the tight pucker of her brown asshole and the light pink of her pussy. All three of them stretched out on the blankets to get some sun. They were close enough for me to catch most of their conversation from time to time. The older brunette was Martha and the younger was Bobby, they were sisters. The blonde was Tess. The three girls were home for spring break from college, they'd had other plans, but bad grades had put an end to them. I got a nice set of pictures as they oiled themselves and each other up with sun tan oil. Once they were back lying down, the only action happened when they rolled over. After a while, I got bored and started to ease my way back into the thicket. I had only moved a few steps farther back into the screening trees when I heard Tess ask. "Did you guys hear something? I thought I did, over there in those thick little trees." I froze and squatted down. Neither of the other two had heard anything, Tess said. "I guess it was my imagination or maybe a small animal. I'm just so tense I can't relax. School is driving me nuts and now there's no spring break partying." I had moved very slowly back to my observation point, I spread out a green towel and sat down on it. I was in position as Bobby and Martha rolled over to either side of Tess who was lying on her stomach, and sat up. Bobby was facing me and Martha had her back to me. Bobby grinned over at Martha and winked. Both girls started to rub Tess's back and shoulder. Martha said softly. "We know how to relax you." As she let her hands wander down to massage the blonde girl's ass cheeks and the backs of her thighs. Tess wiggled but didn't say anything until one of Martha's hands slipped down into the crack in that lovely tanned ass. Tess jerked and started to sit up saying. "Hey, watch the hands, you know my gate don't swing that way. You two can do what you like to each other but leave me out of it. I do dick, not pussy." Bobby laughed. "I've got a strap on in my bag, should I get it?" Martha laughed at her sister's remark but Tess didn't find it funny. "I don't think so. I like mine alive and strapped to a man, Ok. I sometimes wonder why I put up with you two lesbo bitches." The sisters laughed and Martha said. "I keep telling you we're not lesbians, we're bisexual. It triples the number of likely people we can have for sex partners. There are twice as many women as there are men and an orgasm feels the same with both. Try it, you will like it." Tess just shook her head with a grin. "How many times have we had this conversation? It always ends the same way, with you two sixty nineing and me watching and masturbating. It's been that way since we were kids." "We keep hoping you'll wake up and join us one of these days. Sooner or later it will happen, trust me, I know." Bobby said with a big grin as she leaned around Tess to kiss her sister. Still kissing, both girls reach over and tweaked each of Tess's nipples. She slapped at their hands as she rolled away. They broke the kiss and laughed as they dove on top of Tess and started to tickle her. They rolled and wrestled until they were out of breath. I clicked photo after photo throughout. All three girls were lying on their backs, Bobby had her head resting on Tess's thigh, and Martha's head was resting on Bobby's stomach. When they had their breath back, Martha sat up and looked around. "I'm hungry, where's that picnic basket?" Tess giggled as Bobby raised her legs high in the air and pointed with both hands to the vee between her legs. Martha looked to see what was going on behind her back and laughed at what she saw. "You silly bitch, I'm looking for a meal not a little snack." Bobby sat up suddenly, grabbed Martha's head with both hands, and rolled backwards. Martha was caught off balance and went face first into the before indicated vee. Martha tried to raise her head but Bobby pulled it firmly back into place. I heard Martha's muffled voice say. "Oh hell, why not?" As she applied her tongue to the sweet dessert right against her nose. Bobby was moaning and rolling her head back and forth after only a few minutes. Tess rose up on her elbow to watch as her right hand slowly stroked and rubbed at her own sex. I took a couple more pictures. As my hand brushed against my ridged manhood when I lowered the camera, I jumped. My left hand grasped and slowly rubbed up and down the length of the hard member. My own orgasm was building fast, so I released myself before it got to the point of no return. I picked up the camera to get a shot of Bobby's arched back as she pressed her sex tightly against Martha's face. Tess had two fingers moving quickly in and out of her wet vagina, her thumb rubbing against her clit on each stroke. Tess's body tensed as a soft groan escaped her lips. The two fingers were jammed deep into her cunt. Slowly she relaxed and withdrew the fingers. Smiling and looking straight at Martha, she moved the fingers up to her nose and sniffed. Moving her hand down, she licked teasingly at the fingers. Earlier Martha had wiggled around so that one of her hands could tease and play with her own slippery sex. Seeing Tess licking at her wet fingers caused Martha to groan into Bobby's pussy. Bobby opened her mouth in a loud groan of her own. Tess grinned and jammed the two fingers into the opening. Bobby was startled for a second until the flavor she tasted broke through her climax. She sucked greedily on the fingers and came harder. Wishing I had three hands, I lowered the camera and grabbed my throbbing dick. I just held it, knowing that if I moved my hand up or down I would explode. My eyes slowly closed as I slowly wiggled my fingers. I was getting closer and closer to climax with every passing second. I must have groaned or something because I heard Martha's voice through the hazy of my impending explosion. "Hey, I heard something or someone, that time. It came from over there." I released my manhood and opened my eyes. All three girls were up and walking in my direction. I had nowhere to go and no time to get there. Slowly I stood up and stepped out of the trees, it was the only option I had. The girls froze except for their eyes which I could almost feel running over my body. All three sets of eyes ended up at the same place, a very ridged and throbbing piece of my anatomy. Something happened then, that had never happened before; I began to spurt long and hard streams. My knees got weak and began to shake. The girls just stood there with their mouths open but not an eye left my dick. After the last spurt was through, I placed my hands on the tops of my thighs and leaned forward trying to support myself. I had my eyes shut and was in my own little world until I heard someone say. "Damn!" I opened my eyes and looked toward the three ladies. Tess had the nipple of her left breast clamped between two fingers and was rolling it around. Her other hand was between her legs rubbing at a slow pace. The other two girls were still frozen with their mouths open. Bobby snapped out of it and whispered. "Did you see that?" to no one in particular. Martha's eyes snapped up to my face and blinked several times rapidly. "Ok, now that, that is over. Who the hell are you and what the hell do you think you're doing." Bobby laughed and answered. "That's pretty obvious, Sis. He's coming all over the grass." Tess laughed as Martha looked over at her sister. "Smart ass! That's not what I mean and you know it." I had no idea of what to say so I kept my mouth shut. My mind wasn't working at any speed other than stop and dead slow. "Hey, guess what, it's my wish come true." Tess said. "Remember I only wanted a live one attached to a man. Well, I'll guarantee that one's alive and it works, boy, does it ever." Tess started to walk toward me but Bobby caught her arm as she went past. "Whoa, where do you think you're going? We still don't know who he is or what the fuck he's doing here spying on us." At the sharp words, my brain snapped back into gear. "Oh, hi. I'm David Wright the local peeping tom and satyr of these woods." I said with a smile. All three girls looked at me for a long moment. Tess begin to laugh, the other two just stared for a moment more before a faint smile played across first one then both of their faces. Seizing the opportunity that humor had provided, I continued. "Seriously though, I should apologize. Spying on you, beautiful lady's was not right but I just couldn't help myself. I have been coming up here for many years and you are the first and only people I've seen in this area. With you running around naked and me the same way, it's not like I could just walk up and say hello." I paused a moment. "I didn't mean you any harm and I'm sorry if I scared you. I'll get out of here and leave you alone." I started to turn back to the thicket but Tess said. "Hey don't go just yet. We didn't see another car or any tracks on the road, so where did you come from?" "I'm camped back across the creek above the crossroads. I've been there since yesterday and plan on staying another couple of weeks. I came in a different way than you guys did and was careful not to leave any tracks. This is not a camping area so I usually keep a low profile." "You come camping out in the middle of the woods by yourself? Are you some kind of a loner or something? What do you do here besides spy on people?" Bobby asked. I chuckled. "I like to camp, I'm single and unattached so I'm by myself. I like people as much as the next person but I work in a high-pressure job and this is my vacation away from everything. Kind of a back to nature type deal. Normally there's no one around to spy on. You're my first attempt at being a peeping tom and you saw how big a mess I made of that." "All over the pretty flowers and grass." Tess said. All three girls laughed. "I will say one thing, I've never seen one go off by it's self before. That's what you get for carrying a loaded weapon with the safety off." Martha added and they laughed again. I joined in this time. "I'll get out of here and let you ladies get back to your sunbathing. I won't bother you or spy on you anymore." I turned and headed back into the thicket. I paused long enough to grab the towel and camera before heading through the thick pines back toward camp. I heard Tess call my name once but I kept going. Once in camp I put away the camera and took a cold dip in the creek pool since I didn't have a cold shower handy. I fixed a couple of sandwiches for lunch and washed them down with a beer. Feeling better, I moved the lounge chair into a nice sunny area and lay down to relax and think. I was a little worried that the girls might report a wild naked man running around these woods to the park rangers. I didn't need or want that kind of trouble. There wasn't much I could do about it now, I'd just have to wait and see. I stayed in the sun until I got hot and started to sweat. I got up and moved over into the shade. I used a bottle of creek water to rinse and cool myself off. I was trying to decide where to go take a hike when I heard someone call my name from up the hill toward the road. I turned in time to see Tess walk out of the trees and wave at me. I waved back and stood watching her walk toward me. When she was close, I said. "Hello and welcome to my home away from home." She looked around and smiled. "Not bad for roughing it. How the heck did you get all this stuff up here? I still don't see a truck." I laughed and pointed to a small opening at the back of the clearing. "There's a small overgrown road in there. I brought the truck in here, unloaded, and then moved it to another location. I don't like to park in my living room, so to speak." "This is a much better place than where we are. How did you ever find it? We looked for a long time to find the clearing we're in." "It was an accident. The first time I came into this area I parked about a mile back down the road you guys came in on and was hiking in the nude. I had a pair of shorts with me just in case I heard or saw someone else. About the time I got to the intersection where your car is parked, I heard a truck come up the road. Taking a quick look around this cedar thicket was the only cover available so I ducked into the trees to let them pass. Moving farther back from the road, I found this clearing. For a long time, I used it to hide my truck when I came up for the day. Then I came up and camped for a weekend. Then it became my spring vacation spot. That was about five years ago." While I was telling her this, I moved over to the cooler and grabbed two beers, offering one to her. I offered her the lawn chair next to the table and retrieved the lounge chair. As I sat down, she asked. "Don't you get lonely out here by yourself? I know I would and scared to boot." "I like the peace and quiet, although the right company would be better. I just haven't had time to find it. Most of the women I meet have more head problems than I do. I try to never sleep with anyone crazier than I am." I finished with a laugh. "As for being scared, what's to be afraid of out here? A snake maybe, it's far more dangerous in any town or city. As long as there are no people around it's quite safe." She shook her head in agreement then asked. "What do you do for entertainment? There's no electric for a stereo or TV." I chuckled and said. "Ain't that great? I don't watch TV even when I'm home, there's too much else to do. Out here, I work on my tan, catch up on my reading, and take long hikes through the woods. Mostly it's rest and relaxation. It's better than therapy and a hell of a lot cheaper." "I know what you mean about pressure and the need for therapy. This is my senior year at college and I'm melting under the pressure. I have to take extra hours to get ready for graduation and I'm over loaded. I'd drop out for a semester if I could afford it. You know how it is." "Sorry, I don't. I never went to collage; I learned everything the hard way. When I graduated from high school, I couldn't afford it so I went into the service. Now I don't have the time or the ambition." She laughed and said. "I have the ambition and the time; I just haven't used them well. A little too much partying and not enough studying earlier in my education has put me behind and it's a struggle to catch up." "Sounds like the story of my life." I said with a grin. "But two wives and several assorted girlfriends later, I'm finally getting my act together. A lot of luck figured in there also. If things keep going like they are now, I should be able to retire in another couple of years." She sat forward and looked me up and down closely. "You don't look like someone who is ready for retirement to me. Your either older than you look or a hell of a lot smarter than I first thought." She finished with a grin. I stuck my tongue out at her then said. "I'll be forty seven this fall if you have to know and I am smarter than I acted today, believe me." "There's no way you can be that old. I thought you were maybe, thirty five at the most." I chuckled and said. "I'd show you my driver's license but I left it in my other birthday suit." She laughed and started to say something but was interrupted by someone yelling her name. It sounded like Martha. She stood up and yelled "Over here" then started to walk toward the top of the hill. I followed her enjoying the view of her swaying hips. She was enjoyable company I'd found out during our brief conversation. I hoped that she now had a better impression of me. Reaching the edge of the trees, she called out "Martha! Bobby! Where are you?" One of them replied. "Down at the car, get your little skinny butt down here." We walked through the trees and down to the road. Martha and Bobby were waiting for us by the car. Martha looked hard at me and asked. "Did you let the air out of our tire?" I looked past her to see the right rear tire flat. "No, I haven't been anywhere near this car. You probably picked up a nail somewhere. If you'll open the trunk I'll help you change it." She still looked at me hard but turned and opened the trunk without saying anything. I removed the spare and dropped it to the ground where it landed with a thud. It was as flat as the other one. We all stood looking at the spare until Bobby said. "Shit. I forgot to get it fixed after the last time we had a flat, Sis." I was getting out the jack and lug wrench as Martha answered. "That's just great, one maniac that lets the air out of one tire and an air head that doesn't fix the other. Now what are we going to do?" I didn't say a word; I just went about the business of removing the flat. When I had it off, I rolled it slowly while I inspected the tread. Sure enough, there was a large screw sticking out of it. "Well, it isn't a nail, you were screwed." Everyone but Martha laughed. Slowly she cleared her throat and said. "I guess I owe you an apology." She stuck out her hand and said. "Shall we call it even and start fresh?" I took her hand and shook it. "Sounds like a plan to me. Speaking of which, let me grab some clothes and keys and we'll load these tires up into my truck and go get them fixed." "Is there some place around here that fixes flats?" Tess asked. "Across the Dam there is an old store and service station that has a tire machine; or at least it did several years ago." I looked at my watch it was after four. "I don't know how late they are open, so we better get a move on. Who's going and who's staying?" I asked. Tess said she'd go before the others had a chance to blink. Bobby giggled and said. "I guess we'll stay." I suggested that they stay at my camp, as it was more comfortable and private than the middle of this road. Bobby and Martha followed me back to camp. I gave them a hand with the small cooler and picnic basket. They carried the blankets and their bag. Once they were there, they loved it. I grabbed a pair of shorts, a shirt, and a pair of sandals, along with my keys and wallet. When I returned with the truck to load the tires, Tess was waiting for me wearing a short yellow sundress. I loaded the tires and we headed for the main road. My truck made better time than their car had so we were on asphalt shortly. The back roads here are crooked and rough, it took all of my attention to keep the truck on the road. Once on the main highway I could relax and I glanced over at Tess. She was curled up on the seat facing me; the hem of that dress was well up her thighs. The top four buttons were open allowing me a view of one breast. She was far sexier with that dress on than totally bare. I told her as much, to which she laughed and slid over next to me. She slipped one arm around my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. My left hand dropped from the steering wheel to rest lightly on her bare thigh just below the hem of the dress. She didn't say anything so I left it there. We continued our conversation from earlier all the way to the service station. We had the tires fixed while I picked up some things I needed from the store. On the way back, we stopped at the liquor store and picked up some more beer and ice. When I turned off the main road onto the small back road, Tess moved away from me and grinned. She reached down, grabbed the hem of the dress, and slipped it up and off. Tossing it onto the dash, she slid over next to me and cuddled up. I slowed the truck and placed my arm around her shoulders, my hand coming to rest on her right breast. It was warm and firm but soft and silky at the same time. I rubbed my fingertip around and over the small nipple feeling it harden. Her right hand which had been resting on my thigh slipped up and rubbed softly at the growing bulge in the front of my shorts. She told me. "Today is the first time I have ever ridden in a car nude and I find it exhilarating." I had to admit to her that I had seen her earlier when she was draped across the hood of the car and that I wished that I'd had my camera. She grinned up at me and said. "Be careful what you wish for you might just get the opportunity." I slowed the truck more to turn into the narrow dirt road leading to camp. A short ways along the road I stopped and removed the tee shirt and shorts I was wearing, placing them on the dash with her dress. When I started the truck moving again, she didn't move over to sit next to me, she just sat where she was looking at me with a grin on her face. I glanced at her as I let the truck slowly roll along the rough road. "What?" I asked. She laughed and leaned forward to grasp the hard shaft of my manhood and lick the clear drop of fluid off its very tip. Her tongue was hot and wet as it ran around and over the soft fleshy head of my dick. She parted her lips and sucked about a third of my shaft into her mouth, still swirling her tongue around the head. When I let out a soft groan, she released me from her mouth and said. "Hey, you pay attention to the road. I don't need for you to hit a tree and jam this monster down my throat, which is probably the only way I'd ever fit it in there." I muttered. "Yes Mam." As she took me back into her mouth. My manhood is only a shade over seven inches long but its over six inches around, which does make it a mouth full. I slowed the truck some more and just let it idle along. It was all I could do to keep even part of my mind on the road as her mouth and tongue did marvelous thing to me. The truck hadn't gone far but I was in heaven and about to cum. I told her so as a warning, but she just didn't let up on the wonderful things she was doing. As I approached the point of no return, I groaned again and applied my foot to the brake. The truck stopped and I went, and she kept sucking and licking like there was nothing better in the world. I couldn't have agreed with her more as the great feeling went on and on. With one last long hard slurping suck, she released me and sat up licking her lips. I shivered slightly and looked over at her, she reminded me of a cat that had just lapped up a bowl of cream. Come to think of it, she had, more or less. She grinned at me and said. "I've wanted to do that since I first saw you spurting all over that field. I just wish that it hadn't gone to waste like that." I laughed and reminded her about wishes. She chuckled at that and said. "Wishes, promises, or threats, which shall it be?" I took my foot off the brake and placed it on the gas to resume our trip. Glancing over at her, I replied. "Just remember I get to return the favor. Unlike your two fiends, I'm not bisexual; I'm a lesbian and have been for many, many years." She looked at me funny for a moment, and then laughed as what I'd said broke through. "Oh, you have an oral fetish too. Isn't it great to have something in common with someone? The girls won't like you having your head where they most want theirs. They've been trying to go there for as long as I've known them. It's become a game of sorts, if it hadn't, I would have given in a long time ago. I don't now just to torment them." She finished with a mischievous grin. I stopped the truck next to their car and shut off the motor. Leaning over I kissed her softly and probingly, finding my taste on and in her sweet mouth. I placed one tire on the car and the other along with the jack into the trunk. Tess closed the car up and locked it. I turned the truck around and we drove back to and down the overgrown road leading to camp. When we got there, there was no sign of Bobby or Martha. We were nearly through unloading everything when they came walking up from the direction of the pool. Their hair was wet and they were shivering. Martha made a comment about no hot water as they sat down and wrapped up in the blankets. Tess and I both laughed which got us a pair of dirty looks. The sun was down in the trees and the whole clearing was shaded. The wind was still but the air was cooling as night approached. I moved over to an area between the tent and my tarp covering my table and raked at the dirt with my fingers. In a few seconds, I found what I was looking for, the edge of a piece of plywood. I lifted it up to revile a shallow fire pit lined with rock around the edge. As I'd said earlier, this is not a camping area so I keep things hid as much as possible. Turning to Martha and Bobby, I said. "I don't like to light a big fire during the day as the smoke can be seen by the rangers. They have tendency to frown on fires in their woods unless they start them. If you're sticking around here tonight, we'll need some wood. The exercise will warm you up and get your blood to circulating." Bobby and Martha looked at each other a moment then at Tess. "We were planning on leaving when we found the flat tire." Martha said. "Yea." Bobby put in. "It gets cold out here and we didn't come prepared to spend the night." "Hey guys, where's your adventure spirit? What's a little cold when you can sleep out in the deep woods with a crazy maniac of a guy you've never met before? I'm all for it." Tess said with a wink at me. They looked at Tess as if she had two heads. I laughed and said. "You have a couple of blankets and I have two sleeping bags and a tent. We have plenty of food and beer and I can rustle up enough sweats for everyone to have something warm to wear. A warm fire, something hot to eat, a few beers, and early to bed makes tomorrow come quickly." "We haven't got anything special to do, have we?" Tess asked. "Another day in the sun and the peace and quiet will do us a lot of good." Bobby asked Martha, "What do you think?" Martha shrugged and answered. "If push comes to shove we can always load up and head home. It might be fun; we haven't camped since I don't know when. We used to enjoy it." Bobby chuckled before saying, "You know me, I'll try anything once and the good ones as often as they'll let me." Martha laughed as Tess said to me. "She's not joking one bit. Those are the hornist bitches I've ever seen, except for maybe me." That started a friendly argument over who was the biggest bitch and the hornist most of the time. I don't know who won the argument or if there's a way to win but we did gather some firewood for later. Rummaging through my bag, I came up with three pair of sweat pants and four shirts. I gave everyone a choice of shirts and placed the pants on the table. I buy extra large shirts so the girls looked like they were wearing short dresses. Tess's was extra short I noticed as she bent over to get beers out of the cooler. Martha and Bobby noticed too. I started a small cook fire and browned some chopped up link sausage in a skillet before adding a couple of cans of beans. A little bit of seasoning and shortly dinner was served on paper plates with plastic utensils. There were no complaints and there was nothing left. As it was getting dark, I lit the gas lantern for light and heated water to wash the dishes. Martha said she'd do the dishes if I'd light a fire. By the time, I had the fire going everyone had gathered around and settled down to sip a beer. Martha and Bobby were wrapped up in a blanket each and were arguing over whose blanket Tess was going to share. I solved that problem by go to the tent and getting my oldest sleeping bag. As I sat down Tess cuddled up beside me wrapping the bag around both of us, and then stuck her tongue out at the two sisters. We sat around talking and joking, every once in a while I'd feed the fire and we'd argue over whose turn it was to get out in the cold and make a beer run to the cooler. Tess and I were playing a little slap and tickle under the sleeping bag from time to time. Martha and Bobby had combined the two blankets and were presumably doing the same thing as every once in a while the conversation would lag. I let the fire burn down somewhat and suggested that it was getting on toward bedtime. This brought up a discussion of sleeping arrangements as we adjourned to the tent. There was a queen-sized airbed on the floor, I lowered the pressure in it and covered it with a blanket and the old sleeping bag. Then the scramble began to see who would sleep next to whom. I ended up between Bobby and Tess with Martha on the far side of her. When everyone was settled, I remembered that I had not turned off the lantern. What the heck it wouldn't hurt anything and would provide a little light if someone needed to pee later.
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