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t to receive the attention it yearned for. After more anticipation than Becca thought she could bear, the hand across her mound twisted slightly until one finger brushed across her clit, making her yelp suddenly in surprised pleasure. As soon as contact was made it was broken and again Becca whimpered, this time in disappointment as she longed for the finger to return on her throbbing nub. Still the hands continued to tease her mound and her pussy, gradually pushing deeper inside her, two fingers slipping inside her tight hole and moving in slow circles in time with the massaging hands all across her body. The pleasure from the two fingers was intensely enjoyable at such a level of arousal but again Becca longed for more attention on her clit, jumping suddenly when two moist fingers slipped across it and began to push it around in slow circles. Becca’s whimpered moans became rhythmic groans of delight as the hands moved across her body, in her hair and across her neck and over her breasts, her clit, inside her sex. She felt her pussy aching inside, just before the two fingers inside slipped deeper into her as if they knew what she felt. They began to move gently around her g-spot, turning her groans to cries as the fingers on her clit increased their pace and the grip around her ankles increased, holding her legs still as she tried to wriggle free under the intense pleasure. A sudden rush of heat from deep between Becca’s legs warmed her entire body and she recognised the sensation immediately: she was on the way to orgasm. Becca’s breath deepened and her hips began to gyrate rhythmically against the hands between them, her cries of pleasure became purposeful and she gave herself in to the ever-ascending waves of delight that would eventually break over her with the sudden release of sexual energy that was her orgasm. Becca counted the encroaching waves, waiting patiently for her release that was coming so quickly now that the hands were blissfully attending her throbbing sex. Loud moans of pleasure echoed around the room as Becca’s hips increased their pace, driving the hands to work her faster, harder, pushing her onwards. Her fingers clenched as she prepared for the sudden wave of orgasm, her hips speeding up again and again as the hands between her legs slowed their pace suddenly, touching her so lightly and gently to keep her right there, right on the brink. She gave a long tortured groan as she felt the rhythm slow, knowing that she was going to be denied her release. No matter how hard she tried to push herself onwards her orgasm just would not break; Becca’s cries became agonised, frustrated as the hands moved away from her sex, back up across her mound and down onto her thighs as her orgasm ebbed away gently, trapped inside her body by the hands that continued to massage her all over. Becca felt an urge to cry wash over her and she followed it, allowing tears to roll down her cheeks as she sobbed to the room, her sex crying with her as the skilled fingers moved so close to it, tormenting her, making her want them but not giving her what she wanted. Becca’s blood boiled inside her and she felt the hot stickiness of her arousal turn somewhere between rage and fear as she wondered if the pleasurable hands would return their attention to the seething nexus between her legs. Two moist fingers began to encroach on Becca’s sex again as she sobbed, turning her quiet cries into moans of pleasure when they found her enraged lips and continued their delightful massaging. As Becca’s arousal crept up again inside her the fingers pushed into her pussy, once again releasing a wave of moisture from her hot tormented insides. Two fingers found her clit again and began to push the throbbing nub round and round, and again Becca felt herself rapidly approaching orgasm. Her build was quicker than the last, rising up through her chest with a heat that stifled her heart and threatened to overwhelm her laboured breaths; again she was climbing higher and higher, her rhythm increasing with the volume of her cries. Again the fingers found her g-spot and toyed with it, beckoned at it as if beckoning her to come, and despite her fear she obeyed, losing herself to the sensation as she felt herself beginning to come again. Again, the fingers slowed to hold her still, hold her at the very point of orgasm, and as it began to subside they slipped away from her, leaving her gasping and shivering as her tensed muscles quivered in frustration. No sooner had Becca’s orgasm receded to a background heat inside her the fingers pushed into her again, joined by those on her clit, making her cry out in agony and ecstasy. Quickly her third attempt at an orgasm built inside her and she felt her abdominal muscles clenching hard, as if trying to force out the sexual tension trapped between her legs. Her hips felt heavy and full as the beckoning fingers worked quickly inside her and Becca could not help but clench all the muscles in her body as her orgasm prepared to break inside her. Becca cried out loud in agonised frustration as the hands pulled away from her sex yet again, not even slowing to hold her at the gateway to ecstasy so that she could gaze at what lay beyond. Quickly the heat of her building orgasm was swept away by the rage in her chest and Becca growled fiercely at the room, shaking her hips violently as she struggled with the turmoil in her mind. Again and again the roaming hands took Becca almost to orgasm then let her drop, over and over and over until she shivered and snarled and whimpered, her sex almost painfully sensitive, her belly cramped with spasmodic contractions. Sweat covered her skin despite the chilly air of the room and her breath was light and fitful in between frustrated screams. Becca quickly forgot how many times she had been taken up the quick path to orgasm and then left twitching at its gates, begging in her screams to be let through. Sometimes the hands held her there with agonisingly slow movements, sometimes they stopped their stimulation entirely, save the delicate massages across her belly and legs and arms, which seemed to stir up the trapped heat in her body until she felt as if her skin was melting. After a longer time than she could count only one thing remained in Becca’s mind: orgasm. Blissful, delightful release, the sudden snap of sexual tension that would set her free, but no matter how badly she wanted it, no matter how hard she begged when the hands stopped their motion, release never came for her. Becca’s moans turned to angry snarls as the fingers returned to her sex once again, pushing her onwards again as her belly contracted hard around her insides. Heat once again rose inside her spine and she became certain again that she was going to come, despite what her memory told her. Sticky fire burned in a line that ran from Becca’s pussy lips, deep into her sex and all the way up through her belly to her chest as the fingers worked their magic inside her. The intensity of the heat increased steadily as the rhythm slowed across her entire body, slowing right down until her orgasmic build became a pain inside her and she screamed out loud, begging for release as the restraining hands held her down. Fingers rolled inside her, gently touching her g-spot, pushing her onwards but slowly, so slowly, so agonisingly that Becca’s throat hurt with her screams. Becca felt Elly move behind her, shifting her head around; she felt her hair drape across her breasts, disturbing the hands that worked slowly there. As her belly began to contract again she felt Elly’s lips close on her exposed neck and the sharp points of her sabre teeth touch her milky skin. Her belly was contracting rhythmically, even harder than it had before, but following the slower rhythm of the hands that still moved all over her body, sending her higher and higher through the stages of arousal. She recognised the contractions in her belly when they began to descend into her pussy and her thighs and slowly across her entire body, until every muscle from her toes to her eyes contracted with the tortuously lazy rhythm of her arousal. The contractions were growing harder and harder as she felt the heat of impending orgasm burn deep inside her pussy where two fingers worked slowly back and forth; they became painful as they rose in strength, threatening to tear her muscles in two as her body struggled for the release it craved. Heat travelled up her spine as her body twisted and her moans became high-pitched strangled grunts, she was well on the way to orgasm and she knew inside that this one was unstoppable. She was definitely going to come, nothing now could prevent it, even though the pain of each contraction made her feel as if that release was still some way off. Shivered whimpers of lust and torment grew in between each squeaked grunt and Becca’s mind swam in agony, she wanted to come, she wanted the pain to stop, she wanted the wandering hands to move faster and finish her off quickly, and yet still they shifted so slowly over body and her breasts and between her legs and deep inside her, as if her pain was non-existent and her desire unimportant. A moist finger returned on her clit and she immediately realised she had been missing it for some time; now its slow motion was enough to trigger what she had been waiting for, hoping for, reaching for after so much time had passed. She was going to come. She was definitely going to come. She was coming. An explosion set off deep inside Becca’s pussy like a mushrooming cloud, slow and powerful and unstoppable as it spread across her body, blowing her apart from within. The final contraction of her body was as painful as they had been, and yet the pain was insignificant in comparison to the rapture that held her mind and soul in joyous suspension as every muscle in her body tensed and a jet of released desire sprayed out from under her clit. Two sharp points of cold pain were evident on her neck but she did not care; the only thing she could comprehend was the delightful orgasm that racked her body, on and on and on in one long contraction until it snapped within like a tight string. Becca let out a lungful of clenched air with a scream as her body spasmed rhythmically, squeezing every last drop of pleasure out of her insides, soaking the hands between her legs with her juice. The continual spasming seemed to last even longer than the first long contraction, sending her whole body twisting and contorting into a blissful, painful nexus of pleasure and agony. Gradually the spasms began to lessen and slow until she lay still, eyes closed under her blindfold, her whole body twitching from time to time as another contraction hit her unexpectedly. The hands withdrew immediately and the sounds of feet and breaths turned to shuffles on the silk blanket in the corner of the room and Becca was alone with Elly, who lay back on the bed tiredly, her sabre teeth red with blood behind her relaxed smile. Becca was already asleep when Elly pulled off her blindfold and took her into a tight embrace, closing her eyes so that she could not see the two trails of blood that ran slowly down her victim’s neck. Becca did not see the two short, sinewy girls standing beside the bed, their brown hair long and shaggy like hounds’ manes, hanging down their bare backs. The two characters reached up with shiny moist fingers to close the wooden shutters across the open window as the pale autumn sun began to tint the distant horizon with a blue-yellow glow. *** Becca opened her eyes slowly, blinking in the darkness. She shivered slightly with cold, and then with fear as she remembered where she was. The full moon shone through the open window, highlighting Elly who sat on her haunches at the foot of the bed, her left hand absently drawing circles around her exposed clit. She lifted her hand away slowly when she saw Becca looking up at her and she smiled back deeply, calmly, her face full of serene happiness. “Hey sweetie.” She said softly, moving her bare legs to sit sideways on the bed. “Hi.” Becca replied, too terrified of her memories to move, and yet for some reason calmed by Elly’s serene face. She looked away, looking down at her own body beneath the silk duvet, and wondered if Elly had put her to bed after she fell asleep. The silk duvet in the corner was empty, ruffled and covered with a light sheen of hairs where the wolves had slept. Becca wondered what had happened to the other girls who had pleasured her, and wondered if they had even existed: had she imagined it, or had Elly somehow created the sensations of many small female hands with her own expert fingers? She remembered the bite on her neck again even as she tried to forget it. She had been bitten by a vampyre. She had been drained of some of her blood at the point of orgasm, the most powerful, most exhilarating, most badly wanted and most painful orgasm of her life. She had been bitten by a vampyre. She tried to look away again and realised that she was already looking away. She had been bitten by a vampyre. “Are you OK, hon?” Elly asked as she watched Becca writhing in fear and confusion. “Is it, umm… Is it true that when you get bitten by a vampyre, you become one?” She asked nervously, already knowing the answer and yet fearing it all the same. “Yeah, honey.” Elly whispered as if soothing a child. “Don’t worry. It takes time.” “Can I stop it?” Becca replied, finally looking back into Elly’s green eyes and focusing on their serenity, her heart pounding in her head. “No.” Elly shook her head as she spoke. “How do you feel?” “Scared.” “Scared?” Elly tilted her head and waited, as if expecting more. “Yeah. And…” Becca said nervously, uncertain if she should continue. “And?” “And a little horny.” She said, her face blushing. “Just a little?” Elly crouched forwards on her elbows and grinned playfully up the bed at Becca, who began to smile back, forgetting her fear at her uncertain future for a moment. She could feel her body filling up slowly with sticky heat; a fire that she could not ignore was burning stronger inside her. “Well, a lot.” She finally replied. “Yeah, it happens. Your hormones are changing now. You’ll feel like it for a while, but it’ll pass. You want me to do something to help?” Elly moved up the bed slowly as she spoke, stopping when she lay between Becca’s legs, propping herself up on her elbows. “Can’t I just… Do it myself?” “No, please, let me.” Elly lowered her head between Becca’s legs and kissed her inner thigh sensually, drawing gentle patterns down her other thigh with her fingers. “Please, Elly… Don’t do what you did before. Can you just… Make me come?” Becca asked nervously. Her orgasm the previous night had been fantastic, but in her weakened state she didn’t feel she could cope with the epic build that preceded it. “Sure, hon. Don’t worry, yesterday was just your initiation.” Elly reached forwards with her mouth to take Becca’s clit between her lips, sucking gently on her little nub as her fingers reached Becca’s moist outer lips and toyed with them slowly before peeling them apart and slipping inside her. Becca reached up slowly to grab the iron rails at the head of the bed, sighing gently as Elly’s tongue worked delicately on her throbbing clit. She knew that it wasn’t going to take her long to reach orgasm, and as Elly’s tongue began to flick teasingly over her nub she felt the first wave of heat travel up her spine from deep inside her pussy. Elly’s fingers found the magic g-spot inside her and worked slowly around it as her tongue’s lapping increased in pace and she felt her body tighten up already. Her pussy was still a little sore from her experience the previous night but she didn’t care; moans began to leave her mouth and she suddenly realised that she was coming already. A spasm wracked her body as she gasped her delight to the room and her pussy squeezed on Elly’s skilful fingers. She felt her pussy spasm for a few moments and then settle down as Elly’s fingers withdrew, leaving a trail of moisture down her thigh as Elly stroked her there. “That better hon?” Elly asked, lifting her moist lips from between Becca’s legs to smile up at her, her moistened chin glistening in the moonlight. Becca felt her heart begin to swell, partly with relief from the heat that she had felt trapped inside her since she awoke but mostly, she thought, with Elly’s sweet words. “Yeah, thanks. That was nice.” She said breathlessly, trying to catch her heart before it erupted from her chest. “Are you still scared?” Becca paused, uncertain of what to say. Her lust had subsided and she could feel fear inside her again, although it was not as terrifying as it had been. “A little.” “It’s OK. Don’t worry. I’m right here with you.” “Good.” Becca said without thinking, and realised that she meant it. No matter what, she could tell that Elly really cared for her, and besides, Elly was the only person in the world that was likely to understand what she was going through. “Aww, you mean that?” Elly said with a sudden smile, her eyes glassing slightly as if with a light sheen of tears. “Yes.” Becca replied, and smiled back at her contentedly. She reached down with her arms to take hold of Elly’s hands and pulled her up until they lay next to one another, then she took her into an embrace and kissed her neck, kissed Elly on the spot where she herself had been bitten the night before. She barely noticed when the faint patter of cold teardrops landed on her neck and began to run down her back to the bed. “You’re changing fast.” Elly said as she pulled away from the embrace to lay beside Becca, wiping her suddenly tear-stained cheeks on a pillow. “How do you mean?” “Your eyes. They’ve changed colour.” “Changed colour?” Becca asked, wondering if they had become like Elly’s. “Are they green?” “They’re purple.” Elly replied matter-of-factly. “Purple?” Becca replied, confused. “Like your hair.” “That’s dye.” “No it isn’t, hon.” Becca said nothing. Inside she was still afraid; she was losing so much, her mind told her – family, friends, life itself. But then, she remembered, she did not want her old life. She had always felt that she did not fit in anywhere, and on many occasions she had wanted to leave it all behind. She had wanted to shrug off life, and now she was both no longer alive, and undead. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Everything’s going to be OK, hon.” “Yeah.” Becca replied faintly, still crying inside for her memories, for her family, for what she was leaving behind. “Don’t worry. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s going to be OK. You’ll still remember your parents, and your family, and your friends, but they won’t matter.” Elly said quietly as she held Becca in a tight embrace, warming her in the chill air. Becca felt an unusual feeling of great loss and great joy in her heart as she held on to Elly, sad that she was losing her life, but glad that she was being born into another with someone who really cared for her. A few tears formed in her eyes as she struggled to come to terms with the conflicting emotions. “I was just like you once. Sad, nervous, shy. Soon nothing like that will matter any more. You’ll never feel lonely, or weak, or rejected ever again. Your upper canine teeth will fall out in a few days, and your fangs will come through in a few weeks. It’ll take a lot longer for your wings to grow, but by the time they come through, you won’t be afraid any more.” Elly stopped speaking to kiss Becca gently on her cheek, drawing a distant smile from the purple-haired girl. “You won’t be afraid of anything.”
fears were calmed. Elly’s face seemed to beckon her and she gulped nervously, gradually becoming more uncertain of what was suddenly rushing through her mind than she was afraid; she felt as if Elly’s eyes could take away all her fears, and just by staring into them she could recover that happy feeling she had felt, just before she had been swept away into the cold autumn sky. Becca’s heart jumped as Elly suddenly moved in towards her, holding her so tight that she could not pull free, and kissed her gently, sensually, passionately on her purple lips. “Are you still scared, hon?” Elly asked after she had pulled away from the kiss. She was gazing into Becca’s eyes again and Becca found herself sinking into the depth of green before her. Her lips still tingled where Elly had kissed them and her body began to sing with joy; the softness of Elly’s lips had woken something inside her that she had never felt before, but she wanted more. A sense of delicate arousal grew inside her, overcoming the last of her fears. “No.” Becca whispered quietly. “Good. Let’s go inside.” Elly gripped her tightly and beat her wings a few times, lifting into the air, then turned on her side to swoop down the tower, wings set half-back for aerodynamic efficiency as they hurtled towards the slate roofs below. As they approached the castle building Elly’s wings stretched out quickly and the girls pulled away from the tower and out across the crater; Elly pulled an elaborate half-loop and rolled a few times in the air before swooping in towards a glassless window at the base of the tower and disappearing into the darkness of the castle. *** Becca blinked a few times and opened her eyes, looking quickly around her. Something had made her fall asleep, or perhaps lose consciousness – the last thing she remembered was kissing Elly on the top of the tower. She felt a little afraid at that memory, after all Elly was a girl! But it had felt so good, and besides it was definitely not the strangest thing to have happened since she left the Halloween party. Becca’s knees and ankles were embedded in what looked like soft silk pillows scattered on a large round bed underneath the single window, green and purple, like her hair and Elly’s, and her wrists were tied together over her head. A momentary panic shook through Becca as she realised she was tied, although she doubted she would have been able to escape the room anyway. A tall arched door in the wall behind her looked very thick, and she doubted Elly would have left it unlocked, but Becca still felt uncomfortable about having her arms tied above her head. A chill wind blew in through the glassless window in front of her and Becca shivered in the cold; she looked down again and realised that her upper half was entirely naked and her legs were covered up to her waist with a skin-tight PVC type material, so smooth and sheer that it fitted like her own skin, although it was vaguely shiny and reflective. The material was green, the same calm bottle green of Elly’s hair and eyes, with the same cool texture that seemed to change as the light hit it at different angles. The room that held Becca was small and dark, with stone walls, floor and ceiling. Three of the walls were flat but the one directly in front of Becca had a slight curve and a wide glassless window looking out over the crater towards the fat white moon. On one side of the room was a thick purple silk-covered duvet in which slept a great number of what looked like young wolves – thin powerful bodies curled over one another as they slumbered in tangled embrace. One of the wolves woke while Becca watched their slumber; it raised its big-eared head and yawned lazily, flicking it ear a few times and rubbing its shiny black nose with an oversized paw. It regarded Becca curiously when it noticed her; Becca saw that the wolf was little older than a cub – its ears were too big for its head, and still very slightly floppy – they swung to touch one another when they were pricked up in interest. Its nose and jaw seemed slightly more delicate than Becca remembered from the wolves on the posters that lined her bedroom wall, and its coat was a little lighter in colour. The wolf shook its head, flapping its big ears about clumsily then rested its head on its paws, staring placidly at Becca through deep green eyes. The lock creaked behind Becca and she turned her head quickly, trying to see behind her as her heart began to race. The door whined as it opened and Elly walked in, closing the door again after her. She too was naked to the waist and wore her thin purple PVC trousers and black stilettos; her wings were furled behind her, shifting ominously as she stepped gently across the room to Becca’s bed. Becca’s breath became ragged and panicked as Elly knelt on the bed behind her, rocking the mattress as she closed in and let her hands close around Becca’s hips. “Don’t be afraid, sweetie.” Elly breathed as she pressed her naked chest against Becca’s back. “I’m not going to hurt you.” “Please…” Becca began, fighting to hold back tears that threatened to overwhelm her eyes. She could feel the soft warmth of Elly’s breasts pressing into her back and a strange sense of exhilaration threatened to overpower her fear. “I’m scared.” “Don’t be.” Elly pressed her mouth into Becca’s soft neck and kissed her sensually, delicately sucking on her skin as her tongue drew around in tight circles. She broke her kiss gently and whispered in Becca’s ear: “I’m not going to hurt you.” Becca let out a quiet sigh as Elly kissed her again further toward the nape of her neck. The softness of Elly’s lips and the delicate tickling of her tongue seemed to waken every nerve ending in her skin until it blazed with sensation and the rest of her neck, back and chest cried out that it was not receiving the same attention. Elly continued to move her kisses around and down Becca’s back, treating every inch of her skin with the same blend of licks, sucks and kisses all at once, so sensual that Becca could not help but roll her head back and sigh deeply with pleasure despite her fear. Elly reached Becca’s lower ribs and began to round her side slowly, still administering the same long kisses as she went. She came to Becca’s belly and began to climb slowly up her ribs, her body twisting around Becca’s like a snake as her mouth encroached upon her pert round breasts, tilting her head so that she avoided contact with her soft flesh for as long as possible. Becca watched in combined horror and delight as her nipples began to reach forth and she felt herself trying to lean her chest into Elly’s kisses, straining at her bonds as she instinctively sought to draw Elly’s mouth up onto her breasts. Soft moist circles slowly padded their way between Becca’s swaying orbs as Elly rose up towards her neck, ignoring her desire to be kissed on her hard nipples. Arousal grew within Becca like a smouldering fire as Elly’s kisses crossed her collarbone and travelled up her neck. Eventually they reached her cheek and then suddenly were on her lips, kissing her sensually, Elly’s dextrous tongue reaching into her mouth to tangle with her own as she gave in to lust and kissed back. Elly pulled away as Becca began to moan gently into her mouth and smiled at her with her big green eyes. “You are so beautiful, Becca. You are so special.” She whispered, before returning to Becca’s other cheek and continuing her sensual kisses, moving slowly back down her neck towards her breasts. A long sigh of pleasure left Becca’s mouth as Elly crossed her chest to kiss the top of her right breast, relaxing and withdrawing her lips until just the tip of her tongue was left on Becca’s soft skin. Slowly, delicately, her tongue rounded Becca’s breast, sliding underneath it across the flesh that had been screaming for attention. Becca’s sighs became whimpers as Elly’s tongue continued its circumnavigation, spiralling in slowly towards the budding peak at its summit. Elly withdrew her tongue before it reached Becca’s small red aureole, drawing a gasp of disappointment from the bonded girl’s lips. Elly moved across to Becca’s left breast and gave it the same delightful treatment, moving her tongue around in slow delicate spirals until she reached the smooth hard peak, this time letting her tongue curl up underneath Becca’s bud to flick its tip once before she withdrew. Becca responded with a quiet whimper, her chest visibly fluttering as Elly travelled back to her right breast and began the spirals again. Time and time again Elly moved her administrations around Becca’s breasts as her arousal grew and grew inside her; sometimes Elly gently flicked her nipples once with her tongue before switching sides, sometimes she left them alone, making Becca wait for her pleasure. Becca’s sighs became light pants and her whimpers moans as Elly continued to tease her; her wrists tugged at her overhead restraint as she struggled to push her chest into Elly’s waiting mouth. Elly let her kisses wander down Becca’s taut belly, over her navel to the top of her trousers and Becca felt her pussy begin to tingle, anticipating Elly’s tongue on her moistening lips. For some reason the thought was not quite as wrong as she imagined it should be – her body was being aroused by Elly’s attention, and she wanted her touch, all over, anywhere, because it would feel good anywhere, but especially she wanted it on the parts of her body that were beginning to sing for her touch. Becca felt a series of soft points on her outer thighs and realised they were Elly’s fingers. They began to trace up her skin slowly like warm little legs, walking over the smooth surface of her trousers towards the valley of her inner thighs where they converged, delicately pushing Becca’s legs apart. The fingers began to wander upwards as Elly let her kisses creep lower down Becca’s belly to the very top of her trousers. Becca felt her sex moistening with desire as Elly’s fingers reached her crotch and began to rub her outer lips playfully, although Becca’s thin trousers reduced the pleasure she received. More whimpers left Becca’s mouth as Elly’s hungry lips moved back up her belly again towards her breasts, moving with deliberate delay. Becca’s body was on fire as Elly’s lips finally found her desperately outstretched nipple and took it into her mouth, toying with it playfully before suckling like a child on the seething bud. Elly continued to suckle her while her hands left the warmth of Becca’s legs and travelled delicately up her belly to play with her other breast, massaging and kneading and gently tweaking her nipple. Becca’s whimpers became moans and then groans of pleasure as Elly swapped sides and suckled her other nipple while tweaking Becca’s free bud with her other hand, rubbing in the moisture her tongue had left behind. A million thoughts swam inside Becca’s head but she could not grasp a single one as Elly continued to work her magic at the tips of her sensitive mounds; she knew that somewhere inside she was still afraid of the unnatural girl who suckled upon her expertly, she was afraid that she was so far from home and in the hands of what appeared to be a vampyre. Yet the bat-winged, sabre-toothed girl in front of her had shown her nothing but friendliness, and she was so good at what she was doing. So good that Becca’s breath was becoming laboured and her moans deep and insistent; the growing embers of her arousal had begun to sprout flames, and she knew she was being walked slowly along the first few steps of the path to orgasm. Elly’s fingers wandered slowly back down Becca’s belly to rest between her legs, delicately tracing patterns back and forth across her puffy lips hidden under their sheer cover. The light tickles drove Becca wild and she found herself rolling her hips left and right, trying to increase the pressure from Elly’s fingers and heighten her pleasure, but each time Becca thrust gently forwards Elly lifted her fingers away. Waves of hot arousal broke over Becca’s body as she tugged at her bonds, her mind lost to the pleasure that washed through it. Time and time again Elly swapped sides, never slowing her gentle kisses or stopping them, keeping up the same pace throughout that drove Becca to quiet groans of anticipation as the fire between her legs threatened to overwhelm her. Her pussy burned for Elly’s touch and her clit throbbed between her lips like a bruised thumb, crying out for attention, and yet still Elly ignored it, concentrating instead on her ticklish lower lips that dripped moisture into her PVC trousers to become trapped against her thighs by the tight material. Eventually, after longer than Becca felt she could fully appreciate, Elly broke contact with her tightly crinkled nipples and sat up, stretching her back slowly and smiling wryly at the bonded girl before her. Without saying a word she stood on the bed, rocking it with her motion and walked behind Becca to grip her wrists gently. She massaged them where they were tied, her touch sending bolts of joy down Becca’s arms and into her head, so skilled were her fingers. Becca’s closed eyes were covered quickly with a blindfold and she felt herself breathe in sharply; her fear and anticipation increased exponentially as one. Her other senses became more attuned with the lack of sight and she found the intensity of the cool air blowing gently across her skin was amplified, as if it was at once warmer and colder and harder and softer. The bed rocked as Elly moved upon it; she shifted to hold Becca from behind, her whole body pressing its warmth against Becca’s, the softness of her legs against Becca’s trousers giving away her complete nudity. Elly deftly unfastened Becca’s restraints and took hold of her wrists, holding them gently but firmly as she pulled and twisted, turning Becca around and lying down quickly on the bed with the blinded girl on top of her. Becca lay back into Elly’s warm body, relishing the feeling of skin on skin. She silently begged her hands to wander across her body but they remained locked delicately around her wrists, holding her arms open so that she was displayed to the moonlit room like an offering to the bright round globe above. Becca could feel Elly shifting underneath her as she lay still, her fingers clenching and unclenching with fear and arousal. Elly’s breasts were warm and soft on her shoulder blades as her fingers ran smoothly up and down her forearms, tickling the delicate flesh as she moved and yet holding her firmly so that she could not free her hands. Elly’s legs rose and sank underneath Becca’s, opening them and closing them rhythmically; Becca could feel the evidence of her arousal moving against her outer lips as the skin-tight trousers rubbed across her burning sex. She tensed as she heard a rustling from the silk blanket in the corner and wondered if the wolves were waking and leaving their bed. A draft swept across her skin, but under the blindfold Becca could see nothing, only feel what her heightened senses were telling her. She jumped and whimpered suddenly when she felt a number of small warm hands touch her belly gently, tickling her as she tensed to their touch. “Ssh, baby, it’s OK.” Becca heard Elly whisper in her ear as the hands began to slide across her skin, around her belly, down her arms, up and down her legs, over her bare feet and across her exposed neck. Fingers combed at her hair and massaged her scalp until her whole body was under the touch of hands or skin, all except her face and her breasts and her sex. Delicate fingers found the waistband to Becca’s tight trousers and tugged them free. Despite their tight fit they slipped away as if they were oiled, sliding off of her legs as she instinctively kicked them free. Chilly air immediately swam around her legs and her moist sex and she felt herself shiver with lust and anticipation and fear, all together, blocking out the feeling of cold. Some of the hands returned their attention to her now bare legs and began to stroke them again, up and down, round and around, matching the slow rhythm of the other hands on her belly and shoulders and arms. Cold moist fingers found Becca’s breasts and massaged their undersides slowly as her nipples began to bud again, aroused by the attention on her over-sensitive flesh. Back and forth and round and round the fingers worked, continually altering their pleasurable stroking but never reaching Becca’s nipples no matter how hard she willed them to. Lust had overpowered her fear and quashed it completely as she gave herself in to the intensity of the moment, held firmly down under a blanket of attentive hands. Two hands grasped firmly at each of Becca’s ankles as two more massaged her feet and she realised that she would not be able to escape. Massaging fingers on her inner thighs worked slowly up towards her moist sex and touched her outer lips gently, making her gasp with excitement. The hands moved away again, back down her legs, but still her lips cried for their attention; one touch had been enough to send her arousal to new heights and she felt her sex begin to burn with the need to be pleasured. The hands on Becca’s breasts gradually found her nipples and tweaked them delicately, again Becca gasped, whimpering quietly in disappointed arousal as they moved away. Her body burned all over with the need for pleasure and the roaming hands succeeded only in increasing her lust, which was steadily turning to torment. Two fingers rose up Becca’s right leg slowly, tightly massaging her inner thigh as they continued to climb, onwards and upwards towards her tingling sex until they touched her outer lips and stroked them gently, rubbing her moisture into the sensitive skin. Becca felt her chest flutter as the fingers massaged her outer lips, the pulling-pushing sensation transmitted indirectly into her clit, which throbbed for attention and began to rise between her upper lips. Inside her mind Becca begged for the gentle fingers to find her clit, but they remained on her wet lips despite her urgent moans. Round and round they moved in time with the fingers that found her nipples again, pushing her slowly up through the stages of arousal, so slowly that she could barely perceive it, although she knew it was constantly increasing, never dropping, never easing the hot sticky torment that began to slip around like grease inside her body. Becca’s chest tightened as one finger pushed gently between her lips, opening her up to the room and massaging the puffy wet flesh beyond. Her arousal leaked messily from her throbbing pussy and ran between her buttocks as a finger pushed very slightly into her entrance and teased it with delicate movements. Little whimpers of tormented delight sprang from Becca’s lips as the finger toyed with her hole, and yet her clit still throbbed for attention, crying out loud into her mind – touch me, touch me. Elly’s moist tongue lapped gently at Becca’s shoulder as one of the hands on her belly began to move lower, across her small patch of hair, stroking it and scratching it lightly, moving ever lower towards her throbbing bud with each circle or stroke. Becca’s clit became a blazing nub of tingling fire between two soothing hands, one between her lips, teasing her pussy and another on her mound moving ever lower, until the two hands were almost touching, and then were touching, their fingers joining to make a circle around her clit. Still it stood proud, enraged and raw and over-sensitised as the two hands massaged around it, sending Becca through levels of anticipation she had never before imagined. Becca writhed on the bed, moaning in torment as she tried to move her hips so that her clit ran under one of the hands, yet they moved expertly with her, predicting her movements or following as they happened, never allowing Becca’s clit to receive the attention it yearned for. After more anticipation than Becca thought she could bear, the hand across her mound twisted slightly until one finger brushed across her clit, making her yelp suddenly in surprised pleasure.

Kiss of the Vampyre

The sounds of the Brinton St. Michael Halloween Party died to a distant chatter as Becca stepped out of the old building, tears beginning to appear at the tops of her cheeks. Her thick soles clattered loudly on the flagstones as she walked, echoing around the courtyard in the moonlight until she disappeared through the open gateway and pat-patted down the road. Becca’s wet cheeks reflected the light from the full moon high above in the cloudless sky as it gazed down upon her, spreading its pale blue light across the countryside. At first the clap-clap-clap of Becca’s careless footsteps and her painful sobs were the only sounds she noticed, but as she walked further she tired of walking entirely, content that she was at least some distance from the party, and stopped to rest against the high stone wall of the church yard, drying her tears to look out across the moonlit fields. The sounds of the countryside began to creep unnoticed into Becca’s mind; the gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the beeches in the church yard, horses in the field opposite crunched on crisp grass and blew misty air through their nostrils, an owl hooted in the woods across the fields. Becca began to sob again as her mind span with the evenings events and she turned her head, staring fiercely through her tears back towards the courtyard, flooded with light from the party. Part of her wanted to go back, part of her wished that she hadn’t got upset and ran from the table; but there was no way to go back, no way to face her family and friends and have as much fun as she’d been hoping to have. Becca’s heart felt like it was filled with lead as she gazed sightlessly around the moonlit lane, her mind’s eye deep inside her memories, replaying every time her family or friends had laughed at her, laughed when she was being deadly serious, laughed over things that she had thought about long and hard. Why did nobody ever take her seriously? All they ever did was laugh at her. Sniffling loudly, Becca picked herself up from the wall and began to walk further down the road, wondering if it was possible to get lost in the countryside and never return home. She wondered if her family would miss her, and decided that they probably would, although she knew she would end up back home sooner or later and have to face their anger at her for running away. Becca stopped when she reached the old wooden bench beside the church gate, brushed aside the dust and leaves and sat down slowly under the single white halogen lamp outside the church. A horse wandered slowly towards the fence opposite Becca and regarded her curiously, seeing one of the slow biped creatures, short and slim and made of curves. Purple hair hung messily over shiny rounded cheeks, across white cotton-covered shoulders and onto round breasts, pale pink in the moonlight; baggy blue jeans covered curvy legs. Becca’s purple hair was just another thing her parents had laughed at. She had wanted to dye her naturally brown hair a deep blue-black and wear black lipstick and make-up like her friends did when they went into town, but they had refused to let her; they told her she would look silly. No daughter of theirs was ever going into town looking like a zombie, her mother had told her dismissively when she had found Becca dressing herself in her bedroom mirror several months previously. She had hoped that she would be allowed to join her friends on Halloween, dressed how she wanted to be dressed, telling her parents she was going to a fancy dress party, but they had seen past her plan and again they blankly refused. Instead they had agreed that she could dye her hair purple with a wash-out colour for the weekend, but by that time Becca had already declined the invitation to a Halloween’s night with friends and was dragged along to the boring countryside party by her mother. That was how she came to be at the party, listening to their stupid conversation, listening to what was being said and saying little herself. Then Becca had said something, something she had been thinking about throughout the conversation, something she thought would be a valid contribution. Then her father had laughed out loud, smashing her thought into a thousand pieces so that as she cried on the church bench she could not even remember what the conversation had really been about. Becca folded her arms across her knees and leant forwards, looking back at the horse that still held her in its wide glassy gaze. It bowed its head to sniff the grass as it stared sidelong at her, turning its attention to the tasty crops around its feet when it finally lost interest in the red-eyed biped. It eventually padded across the field as Becca watched it with little enthusiasm; she was trying not to think, trying to lose herself in the calm of the clear autumnal eve, trying to empty her mind, trying to think of nothing, as if every thought had the potential to worsen her pain. Gradually the sounds of the night began to quieten, so slowly that Becca did not notice inside her crying mind. A dark shadow cast quickly overhead, blocking out the moonlight for a split second as it passed over Becca’s prone form, closely followed by a sound like a giant sheet of card flapping once in a single strong gust. Becca turned her head in the direction of the sound, over her shoulder in the graveyard, but could see nothing. A slender shadow moved in the distant courtyard and she turned her attention there: someone was leaving the party alone, walking quietly towards the gate. The silhouette of a girl appeared against the gate to the courtyard, outlined in the light from the party. Becca did not recognise her, although the old building had been very full and she had not been there long before she left. The girl was wearing fancy dress, as were many of the other partygoers, although Becca thought that this girl’s costume was very impressive, even from such distance – two big bat wings stood proud behind her shoulders and rose high above her head. They were furled, although Becca thought that was just as well – their wingspan would have been over twenty feet. The girl continued down the road towards Becca and she wondered if the girl was walking home, or coming to talk to her. She wished the girl would just walk past without saying anything; she was not in the mood to talk to anyone. She wanted to think, about her life and its importance, and she thought so much more clearly when she was alone. Becca gazed at the girl as she approached, even though she did not want to attract her attention. Her face looked as pale as the full moon above her and as soft as the snow that Becca remembered from her childhood, and her lips, although full and deep in colour, seemed not out of place under her small pinched nose. Her long hair was straight and green, a deep bottle green, and like a glass bottle the colour seemed to change depending on how the light hit it. Under the blue-tinged halogen streetlamp and the paler globe of the moon it shone with a surreal darkness, as if her hair was radiating dark light to spite the lamp and the moon above. The girl’s hair really put her own cheap bottle colour to shame, Becca thought absently to herself. The girl walked with a gentle sway that made her wings furl and unfurl gently; Becca marvelled at the ingenuity of the costume. The wing skin was a rich dark purple as sheer and smooth as silk and the texture of leather – not the thick heavy hide that most of her friends wore to their Goth clubs, but a soft lightweight skin that flowed in the draft of her motion. Just as fascinating were the bones inside the skin, long and slender and dark, each as thin as a finger but longer than a leg, jointed with slight knuckles and tipped with sharp points that threatened to break through the delicate purple skin. As the girl approached Becca found herself looking at her slender body, her shoulders bare, pale in the moonlight, the curves of her breasts disappearing into her low-cut purple halter-top, her defined belly narrow above her slim hips. Tight PVC trousers fitted her legs perfectly, their colour matching her halter-top and wings so that the girl was a vision of purple punctuated only by her pale skin and her green hair, and her shiny black stilettos. The girl appeared quite tall as she stopped in front of Becca and smiled down at her, showing two seamlessly-fitted sabre teeth, although the weeping girl could see that she would be short to average out of her high-heeled shoes. “Hey.” The girl said in a cheery voice, tilting her head to one side as Becca turned to look down at the floor. “Hey, what’s up?” Becca felt her heart sink as the girl sat down next to her, reaching across to take hold of her hand. “Nothing.” Becca mumbled as she continued to stare at the ground. “Nothing? That’s a lot of tears over nothing. No use crying over nothing, eh?” Becca pulled her hand free and shrugged. “It’s nothing. I just wanna be alone.” “No you don’t, hon.” The girl said quietly, leaning forwards to look at Becca’s face. “Nobody wants to be alone.” “I do. I’m only happy when I’m alone.” Becca replied darkly, willing it to be true even though she knew deep inside it was not so. “Well, you don’t look happy.” The girl said again, her voice still full of enthusiastic cheer. “Would you be happy if I went away?” Becca paused for a moment, thinking about what the girl had said, replying with nothing but a long sigh. “I bet I can make you happy.” The green-haired girl suggested. “I bet I can make you smile.” Again Becca said nothing. The girl took a deep breath and tried a different approach. “You’re sat out here all alone under a full moon by a graveyard, on Halloween, aren’t you scared?” The girl said in mock awe, leaning in towards Becca. “No.” She replied, forcing a short chuckle to out of her lips. The girl was only trying to help, she told herself, and she admitted that it actually felt nice to have some company. “Why should I be?” The girl gave an overstated gasp and widened her eyes in mock horror. “There could be ghosts!” Becca turned to look at her and frowned, as if suggesting that she was not a child any more, and wondered why the girl wanted to cheer her up. She looked as if she was in her early twenties, a little older than Becca, but her manner was that of a much older woman. She had a motherly sentiment that cheered Becca up even as she had tried to ignore her – a skill only mothers seemed to have. “Or zombies!” The girl said again, turning on the seat to face Becca. Her arms tensed for a moment next to her sides; Becca gave a startled yelp as the girl quickly lunged forwards with a mock growl, her slender fingers tickling Becca under her ribs for a split second then recoiling back to her sides. Becca slid backwards on the seat as she laughed, so surprised by the girl’s sudden attack that she could not prevent a grin forming on her face. “Oops! That was definitely a smile!” Becca laughed at the girl as she turned on the seat to face her, suddenly darting out with her left hand to tickle her bare belly. The girl laughed as she stood and Becca followed; the pair erupted into giggles as they parried playfully, trying to block each other’s roaming fingers as they tickled one another. Eventually the girls became breathless and they stopped tickling, standing up straight as they both pushed their hair back out of their eyes, panting for breath. “See, you feel better for some company, don’t you?” “Yeah.” Becca replied, smiling widely. “Thanks.” “Oh, don’t worry. It made me happy just to make you smile.” “Really?” “Yeah. My name’s Elly. What’s yours?” “Becca. I like your costume.” “I like your hair.” Elly replied with a smile. “It matches my wings.” She beamed as if she had only just realised. “Can I see them?” Becca asked with enthusiasm; the wings had fascinated her since she had first seen them. “Yeah, sure.” Elly turned her shoulders so that Becca could reach the thin leathery folds. Becca gently took hold of the outer bone and lifted it slowly, watching as the wing unfurled around it. She had only pulled it a few inches from Elly’s shoulder, and yet the tip of the wing was already several feet away from Elly’s knees, the purple skin shining in the moonlight. “Wow! They’re great!” Becca exclaimed as she let the bone drop, watching as it returned slowly to Elly’s back and rocked steadily, shifting the opposite wing with its momentum. Becca reached behind Elly to touch the skin, running her fingers slowly up and down the smooth leather; she barely noticed when Elly gasped inwards with a quiet shiver, blinking several times as her eyes glassed over in the moonlight. “That feels really nice.” Becca said as she stroked the skin, delighting in its softness. “Yeah, it does…” Elly said in a breathy voice as she leant her shoulder into Becca’s touch. “What?” Becca said suddenly, turning her eyes from the great wings to look Elly in the face. “Nothing.” She replied, shaking her head quickly. “Hey, you wanna go back inside for a bit? We could get a drink.” Becca let her hand fall away from Elly’s wing as she gazed back towards the courtyard sullenly. “No, I don’t think so. I’ve drunk enough tonight.” “Oh, OK.” Elly shrugged, turning to look down the lane. “You wanna come back with me for a bit?” “Where are you going?” “Well, I don’t wanna leave you alone again, and if you won’t go back to the party you could come to my place.” “Um, no, it’s OK…” Becca began, shrugging her shoulders and lifting her coat up onto them as if she was about to leave. She did not really want to be alone again but somehow felt that she would be a burden if she dragged Elly away from the party. “I guess I’ll go back home.” “Hey, no, it’s alright – come back to mine!” “No, I don’t wanna drag you away from your party, honestly, I can watch telly or something.” “Hell, I wasn’t really enjoying it anyway!” Elly said, shrugging her shoulders and scrunching her nose momentarily. “Come on, me and you – it’ll be fun!” Elly pointed down the lane, away from the courtyard and the party. Becca smiled, turned and began to walk in the direction Elly had pointed. “Hey, you can see my wings properly.” “Can I try them on?” Becca asked, beaming. “Of course.” Elly replied as she positioned herself behind Becca, her eyes widening momentarily as she whispered breathily to herself: “Baby, I’ll give you your own.” Quickly she stepped forwards, reaching out to grasp Becca’s wrists and bound them around her chest despite her sudden screams. The bright pavement turned to shadow as Elly’s wings unfurled above them and with a sound like tearing thunder lifted her powerfully up into the sky. *** Becca held her eyes shut against the howling wind, whipping past her ears and stinging her cheeks with its harsh chill. Her legs dangled in the blast, held out like streamers behind her as she rushed forwards through the air, screaming silently as the wind was drawn from her lungs. Elly still held her tightly, her body a cold comfort close behind, moving rhythmically against her back. Fear pounded through Becca’s heart as her mind swam with terror, desperately trying to wake up, convinced she was stuck in a terrifying nightmare. She could barely hear her blood pumping through her head over the noise of the wind but she could feel it, pounding in her skull like a drum. Becca felt Elly’s body shift momentarily and her heart skipped a beat as she feared she would slip from her grasp and fall through the cold air into whatever black nothing her nightmare took her across. “Becca, open your eyes.” Elly’s voice said in her ear. Becca tried to scream, tried to beg Elly to put her down, but the wind tore away her voice before it even left her throat. “Open your eyes, I want you to see this.” Elly said gently, her voice cool and calm and clear in her head despite the rush of air around them. Again Becca tried to scream for mercy, No, No, No, but she could hear no sound escaping her lips. “Please?” Becca found her eyes twitching slightly, then they popped open, wide with terror and almost immediately filling with moisture as the cold air stung them. Pale countryside dashed past far below, rolling hilly grassland, so dark and empty: no houses or farms, no cattle, no sheep, no horses. No fences separated the grasses into fields, only copses and woods and streams and rivers divided the dark land as they passed over it. Becca looked upwards to the horizon, her face frozen wide in petrified fear. A forested hillside rose up over the grassy carpet, rising to meet the girls as they flew towards it. Becca fought the urge to clamp her eyes shut again as the tips of the first trees whipped past beneath her, only inches beneath her nose; her feet began to burn in her mind as she feared they would catch on the branches and tear her free of Elly’s firm grip. Elly continued to climb the hillside until it dropped away suddenly into a steep wide crater, almost black in the moonlight. Dead ahead, in the centre of the forested hole rose a rough pillar of jagged rock, pale white against the darkness of the trees. It rose almost to the height of the summit of the surrounding crater before it gave way to wide plateau on which perched a huge ornate castle made from deep grey stone. Tall pillars rose irregularly from the jagged fortress-like building, capped with dark slate spires, but all were dwarfed by one single tower that stood high above the rest, topped with a wide slate cone over a battlemented balcony hanging out around the tower. The moon hung fat behind the summit, highlighting the balcony as if it was a floodlit patio. Diving into the crater, Elly swooped almost to the dark floor before rising suddenly, straight up the jagged face of the cliff, past its summit and the base of the castle, up the central tower towards the very top. Becca felt her stomach rise in her belly as the winged girl suddenly braked her ascent and alighted gently on the balcony around the tower, letting go of Becca and retracting her wings in one smooth motion. Becca ran forwards quickly and peered over the battlements, feeling her head begin to swim with dizzy vertigo. The castle building stood far below, its slate roofs shining in the moonlight; below it the jagged summit of the cliff stuck out like a spiked collar around the castle base. Tiny dark shadows frolicked in the eaves of the castle and the lower pillars; bats, Becca assumed. Lots of them. Tears began to stream down Becca’s face again as she turned back to look at Elly, eyes wide with terror. “It’s OK, Becca, don’t be afraid.” Elly said calmly as she stepped forwards; Becca crouched against the wall and twisted, as if preparing to jump and run away as Elly approached. With a sound darker and sharper than Becca had ever heard Elly’s wings shot towards her and touched the battlements, locking her into an ever-encroaching circle as Elly walked slowly towards her. “I’m not going to hurt you. Trust me, I just want you to be happy.” “Get away from me! Get away!” Becca screamed as she sank against the wall, pulling her hands in front of her face and becoming limp. Elly withdrew her wings as she reached the prone girl, crouching down in front of her and taking her wrists gently in her hands. She eased Becca’s arms away from her face and locked them around her shoulders, then reached down to cradle Becca’s waist and lifted her onto her feet, holding her in a gentle embrace. “See, it’s OK. I’m not going to hurt you.” Elly soothed, rocking Becca gently back and forth. Becca cried into Elly’s shoulder as she returned the embrace, her petrified mind so confused that she was drawn to Elly’s human form and friendly voice. “I’m scared.” Becca managed to say in between pitiful sobs as she buried her face into Elly’s milky neck. Elly pulled Becca’s head gently away and gazed into her eyes for a moment, locking their sight to one another, Becca’s blue eyes staring widely into the green tranquillity of Elly’s until her fears were calmed. Elly’s face seemed to beckon her and she gulped nervously, gradually becoming more uncertain of what was suddenly rushing through her mind than she was afraid; she felt as if Elly’s eyes could take away all her fears, and just by staring into them she could recover that happy feeling she had felt, just before she had been swept away into the cold autumn sky.
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