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40 Year Old · Female · From Davenport, IA · Joined on July 1, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
40 Year Old · Female · From Davenport, IA · Joined on July 1, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

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I am a 23 year old female from the midwest (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), I actually grew up in Davenport, Iowa though. I enjoy music, actually I CAN'T live without it nor will I try to live without it because it has helped me through so much drama and shit in my past, and the fact that I take music for more than what it is , I can identify with the words and meanings of songs, you see music is soooo much more than words and the beat, it goes so much deeper than that if you just sit and listen to the lyrics and take them in. I LOVE to write poetry but I am VERY sensitive about my poetry so I hardly ever share it with anyone else, and the fact that I DON'T take criticism very well at all! I absolutely HATE drama so if you've got drama PLEASE don't bring it here to me because I've just recently gotten rid of all the drama in my life and I DO NOT want or need anymore of it!! I am a very friendly person so if you want to be my friend just ask and I would be more than happy to be yours!!

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40 Year Old · Female · From Davenport, IA · Joined on July 1, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
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Well, what do you want to know about me?? Well first of all my name is Hollie Nichole and I'm 24 and will be 25 on July 31st......yay, I was born and raised in Davenport, Iowa and about 2 years ago back in 2006 I moved to Cedar Rapids for a man but it didn't work out and so now in 2009 I had no choice but to move back in with my parents in Davenport, Iowa cuz I can't really afford to live on my own, I know It know stupid of me but oh well, we live and we learn I guess. I got married to the love of my life at the age of 21 and ended up losing him the same year 9 months after we got married, he was a firefighter and died from a lifelong terminal illness and we had only been married for 9 moths before he passed. He was only 27 at the time that he passed away but he had also done a LOT of things during his life that was taken way to soon. I always ask "Why is it always the good ones that's lives are cut way to short?" But I guess that's just something that we will never know. We both worked as volunteer firefighters for the Village of Hampton, Illinois. After I lost him I couldn't ever bring myself to go back to firefighting since then. I'm 5'11, have almost to the middle of my back length blond hair, green eyes, very long legs, I have a GREAT sense of humor and an awesome personality, I'm a great people person, I LOVE to listen to music and write poetry. I LOVE Music, without my music I honestly would NOT have made it this far in life and also Poetry, I love writing poetry to help me cope with all the shit in my life! My family is my life, and my friends are awesome!! Well I think that pretty much sums it up if there's anything else you'd like to know just let me know what it is and I'd be more than happy to tell you.


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I LOVE MUSIC!!! I don't just stick to one genre I like a little bit of everything!


Ladder 49, Backdraft, ATL, Angel Eyes, Crazy Beautiful, The Longest Yard, Firehouse Dog, anything by Tyler Perry he is just so damm hilarious!! Pretty much anything comical, Self-help, Romance, I like some horror movies like all of the saw movies and definatly ANYTHING that has to do with firefighting!! I love medical shows like E.R., Grey's Anatomy and House.


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Well since I'm grown now I honestly don't have many idols but there are three people that I idolize the most and they are my mom and dad because they raised me and I know it wasn't easy at all raising me because I grew up all of my life since I was a year and half old I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and every year older I got the worse it got and with my parents there for me by my side and them sitting hours after hours at doctors appointments with me, driving hours and hours just to see a doctor for less than 20 minutes, at the beginning when I know it drove you both crazy because no doctor could figure out what was wrong with me so you had to take me to what it seemed like 50 million doctors just to get a straight answer out of one damm doctor and my dad giving me injections once a week and I know it wasn't easy for him to do that knowing that it hurt me and he never wanted to hurt me or to see me cry in pain. Mom and Dad I Love You and I could NEVER repay you for everything you've ever done for me or show you how much it means to me that you were supportive of me in everything I've ever done and I love you both for that! And now that I am going to be 24 at the end of this month and the disease has only gotten worse over the years and for every year that goes by you both know the worse it's gonna get yet both of you are still there for me in every way and that means so much to me I Love You Mom and Dad!!

And of course my wonderful, loving and the BEST man ever my late husband David, he was a very sweet and supportive man that loved me with everything he had and stood behind me, next and beside me but he NEVER stood in front of me and that's a huge reason why I loved him so much. And for the fact that he showed me that if I believe in myself that I could do anything I put my mind into and that's how I became a firefighter just like him because I always thought oh I could never do that my body isn't physically able to do something like that but he showed me that I can either let my disability walk all over me or I could walk right over it! When I was down and depressed and in pain he was always there to comfort me. He always treated me like a queen and I didn't think that I deserved that because of all my past relationships made me feel like I was nothing and I didn't deserve anything and he showed me that I was better than that and that's why I love him and miss him sooooo much!!



Video Games

I Love Playing games on Pogo.com and Winster.com. They're both really fun to play on but I like Winster.com the best because when you play on there you can actually turn in your points for REAL PRIZES! If anyone is interested in playing on Winster.com please let me know and I'll send you an invite cuz for every person that I refer to Winster.com I get points for so just let me know and I'll hook ya up!


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