Here are just some of my interests/hobbies:
Cooking, Sketching, Movies, Meeting People.
Some things I'd like to do:
Paint, Write novels, Woodworking.
Some things I've done:
Repairing mainframe computers, limo driving, event planning, starting and operating a city motor pool, fraud investigation, handyman work, acting, singing, amateur boxing, HS Football star, martial arts.
I tend to be a flirt, but only if I know someone. Friends have a better chance at that. I can be serious as well. However, I will not put anyone down and never result to name-calling. I respect others too much for that, and I require the same. I can get into debates in just about any subject.

Best quote: "I will not be insulted. I will not be made a fool of. I will not be laid a hand on. I would not do these things to others and I require the same."
- John Wayne from "The Shootist"
These are words I live by.

Video Games

To the families of our fallen heroes, I offer my deepest sympathy and respect.
Check out my stash. You'll find things such as these:


For our soldiers: