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68 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 11th · I have a crush on someone!
68 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 11th · I have a crush on someone!

My Heritage:

Swedish Flag Pictures, Images and Photos British Pictures, Images and Photos
Chippewa chief. Pictures, Images and Photos
Talk to the animals Pictures, Images and Photos

My Respect:

defenders Pictures, Images and Photos

About Me:

I am here to meet new people and hopefully come away with some new friends. I enjoy diverse groups. It's not so much the exterior as it is the interior that interests me. I do get along with most everyone as long as they respect others and their opinions. Young or old, is all relative to me. It's the character of a person that makes them attractive and easy to converse with. Do you agree? I am also an old-fashioned hopeless romantic. Please don't be offended.

I enjoy people that aren't afraid to speak their minds, as long as they aren't condescending. And ladies, chivalry is not dead, as long as I'm alive. I am an old-fashioned gentleman and have a kind and gentle soul. But, I can be mean and ruthless if I find anyone disrespecting me, family or friends. Sorry, as a Gemini, I tend to have 2 sides. I'm pretty much in control of emotions.

Speaking of friends. I use my "family" file as a special area. To get into there, you have to be special. I don't just hand these out. You have to be able to message me often and you have to be a special person as well. One way conversing isn't fun to you or me. So, look at my "family" and give them some love. They are special friends and I love them to death.

I am a retired US Navy man that has traveled to many places and met people from all walks of life. From the down-troddened to the famous. All tend to speak the same language when it comes to wants and desires.

Be sure to check out my stash. You'll enjoy browsing it!


This page in memory of my cousin
George Michael Binns
Birth 27APR49 Rank SP4 Date of Death 03MAR69 Service: Army Place: Vinh Long, S. Vietnam
Unit: 9th Inf Div, HHB, 6th Bn, 77th Arty
Death Code: Non-Hostile, Died; Helicopter - NonCrew; Air Loss, Crash - Land

You'll often find me in the Mumms, where I enjoy utilizing various personalities.

Quote: Success is not measured with materialism. It is not measured by others, but within one's soul. If at the end of your life, you can look back and feel that all you could do to help others has been accomplished, only then will you be successful. DMB

Family: Sometimes you need to go thru hell, to find your piece of heaven. DMB

68 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 11th · I have a crush on someone!

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Here are just some of my interests/hobbies:
Cooking, Sketching, Movies, Meeting People.

Some things I'd like to do:
Paint, Write novels, Woodworking.

Some things I've done:
Repairing mainframe computers, limo driving, event planning, starting and operating a city motor pool, fraud investigation, handyman work, acting, singing, amateur boxing, HS Football star, martial arts.

I tend to be a flirt, but only if I know someone. Friends have a better chance at that. I can be serious as well. However, I will not put anyone down and never result to name-calling. I respect others too much for that, and I require the same. I can get into debates in just about any subject.


Best quote: "I will not be insulted. I will not be made a fool of. I will not be laid a hand on. I would not do these things to others and I require the same."
- John Wayne from "The Shootist"

These are words I live by.

by Anne Pictures, Images and Photos

by Liv Pictures, Images and Photos




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The Dark Knight Pictures, Images and Photos

wolverine Pictures, Images and Photos

Romeo and Juliet Pictures, Images and Photos

True Grit Pictures, Images and Photos

John Wayne Pictures, Images and Photos

Cary Grant Pictures, Images and Photos

John Astin As Gomez Addams Pictures, Images and Photos

Video Games

911 Pictures, Images and Photos

To the families of our fallen heroes, I offer my deepest sympathy and respect.

Check out my stash. You'll find things such as these:



motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos

For our soldiers:
Never Alone Pictures, Images and Photos

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