I look deep into hazel your eyes,I see, in them, what I feel inside.
We share something between us,Neither one of us can hide.
We have fought it for so long
I thought I would just die.
I feel your lips touch mine,
I loose all my control,All it took was a look and a kiss,To know that you are part of my soul.
The heart that keeps my vessel alive.
I see your hands on my skin,I want and need you to do more,
The passionate look you give me,Tells me that heaven is in store.
I do not want to live another day without you,
I feel your need against my thigh,I know you will fulfill my every wish,
We were made to fit together,
Like pieces of a giant puzzle,
All it took was a look and a kiss.
I look deep in your hazel eyes,And I see heaven there inside,
It feels like I have finally come home,
I can peel away my walls, I can be free, I can finally
Be "The Me" I have always wanted to be.
You make me feel so beautiful,What I feel for you I cannot hide.
I know this is Heaven.