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TheBeautifulOne's blog: "My Thoughts"

created on 11/09/2006  |  http://fubar.com/my-thoughts/b22756
Hmm? do u Beileve in Spirit Guides Animal Spirit Guides Ghost Spirits Angels Fairies and i dont mean gay Faries if i Offened any one didnt mean to hugs. My guides call me The Wind Child, i am connected to the wind the Earth Elements and the earth , Fire earth wind air water and theres some more in there My cats name was Moriah and his name is an ancient name for the wind i love the Wind Moriah is always around me i feel when the winds Near I feel Safe shes so beautiful the Wind that is My friend also said when we was talking about the wind good you have the wind to work with i can Expline if u ask, The Wind child means a friend said = The eternally silent one and a Friend said the eternally silent one means = would be creator, god if you like and in some tradiltions, elohim, counsel, those around the throne, spritual higher hierarchy of light. I dont really Notice it people do in me i dont make a big deal out of it i just Accept it and dont let it go to my head i keep the Ego away from me i wont let that come within me at all. i wanted to see what every one would think in say. Grandfather blessings hugs

Kiss of October Rain

Watch the Naked Colors of Autumn... Drip from the Big Grandfather Trees walk in my Inchanting Words run with the trickling Dew of the Water That falls from your window Sills see the Children play with the October rains Watch Autumn Seasons Bloom and Paint the Seasons on the Leaves of October love raining from the Skys.
This was originally posted on myspace and trust me, it caused quite a stir. Once again....ADULT WARNING....STRONG LANGUAGE and SEX************************************************************ Ok, I know the shit-storm this is gonna bring down on me. I'm gonna get letters from perverts, called names, prayed at, and worse yet...sympathy. But like I said in an earlier blog, it's just words on a screen. But maybe if I talk about this others will too, and it will help them. Trust me, there's lots of others..more than you can imagine. And we all think it's our fault and are ashamed..or afraid of what a lot of people will say to/about us. Fuck that, I'm not ashamed and I don't give a rats ass what anyone says. Lots of adults like to fuck children, often their own children. So I'm gonna write about this and repost it alot. And if you even think to ask me if I got any pleasure out of getting fucked by my father, you're as big a sicko as he is...seek help u asshole. When I was eleven years old I pretty much knew I was gay. I come from a strict Christian family and my Dad is a cold controlling man. My Mom is cold and docile. So I went to my priest and told him and he told me to tell my parents. He said it would be ok (he was an idiot. I still go to confession but usually the priest just reads me my Miranda rights and sends me home). He said I MUST tell my parents before I went any further down that road.This was before we all knew that priests were deviated perverts anyways. So I went home and talked to my Dad alone. His face turned into something that came out of a cuisinart. Daddy told me I needed to pray...apparently, he thought I could pray better with a black eye to help me along. So I went in the corner and prayed on my knees. I prayed that someday I would get to see my friend Jennie naked, is what. I figured God could arrange that easier than fixing whatever demon had got hold of me.and made me evil. My Dad changed the sleeping arrangements around. I couldn't share a room with any of my sisters anymore (being evil) and got put in the basement. I got put in the little laundry room/pantry. My Dad put a cross on the wall the size or the original one and I got a Bible and a bed is all. Other stuff happened but I don't want to make this too long. After about a week Daddy decided he needed to effect a better cure than just prayer. So in the midle of the night he came down wearing is robe. He woke me up and said he wanted to show me something. He showed me something. Daddy said it was what I should want and God wanted me to want (Daddy was NOT all that God-spouting religious before this all started..this God talk all the time was pretty new)..He said this was the 'life' connection and it was beautiful. I thought it was the ugliest damned thing I ever saw, but I put a proper look of AWE on my face. Then Daddy told me to touch the magic battering ram of life. Now when you're eleven..or even older..and your Daddy tells you to do something, you do it. Daddy is all powerful, you know. It looks like a fat dead old snake to me so I touched it. Daddy said don't be afraid, and showed me how to pet it the right way. From the look on his face he was definately having a religious experience of some kind. And guess what? Mr. snake wasn't dead at all! Mr. Snake woke right up and looked at me..and then the little fucker spit right in my eye!! Well, Daddy (once his knees stopped buckling) apologized and cleaned me up with my own dirty sock (thanks asshole) and hugged me. Then he told me I was gonna be ok except if I told anybody in which case I'd go to reform school in hell with my ass on fire. I felt sick and the last thing I wanted to do was tell anybody...ever! Well, if you didn't guess, Daddy and mr. snake came back a few nights later (after being certain I had not told anyone, I think). Daddy was so sweet. He put a little rain hat on Mr Snake so he could't spit at me again. He hugged me and held me and told me he loved me sooooo much and he was gonna help me for my own good. But it was our little secret or he wouldn't love me anymore and would love (go after?) my sisters instead. Don't be sitting there with your hand in your pants waiting for me to describe it. He undressed me, and he fucked me. It hurt, I bled, I cried, I barfed, I cried some more, and I kept my mouth shut about it. I went to school the next day like nothing happened. I pretended to myself nothing did. and guess what? I wasn't cured..after all Daddy's hard work and sacrifice...I was still looking at girls. What I wasn't doing was looking at guys AT ALL without feeling sick. Well, I was a hard case. Daddy had to come back three times a week or more. He told Mom he and I were reading the bible and praying...except it seemed I was the only one who ever got on their knees. By the way, if this happened to you..and you think your Mom didn't know...you're so fucking stupid you should wear a pork-pie hat with a propeller on it..and I'll betcha when Mom 'officially' found out she told you she didn't believe you or it was all your fault. Never fails. Well Daddy tried every way he could think of to cure me from being a lesbian. He seemed to have the most faith in the 'doggy style' cure...but he tried them all. This went on for four years. When you get abused it becomes a part of you. It's always there, it affects every second of every day. And at some point you figure out it isn't love. What you never figure out is that it isn't your fault, or how to stop it. When I was 15 I was taken to Omaha for an abortion. Daddy took me and told the doctor what a fucking slut I was and asked about getting my tubes tied. Apparently Daddy had given up on God's plan that I make more life from some magic whammer somewhere. But they said I was too young. By this time I was an alchoholic and a drug abuser. The school told my parents I was getting fucked up but damnit..Daddy was human and could only deal with one thing at a time. For that shit I REALLY had to pray...alone though. Well about that time I got into a relationship with an older girl named Toni (Smurf to you) and told her what was happening. She set me straight about lotsa things..and kept working on me to tell someone. Over about a year I came more and more to understand that Daddy was a sick fuck, is all. And you wouldn't know. He's nice looking, well dressed, educated, popular, successful...and a sick fuck. About this time I felt soo bad I used to burn myself with cigarettes just to feel better. Then one night something new happened. I was multi-tasking..on my knees praying and sucking my father. But this time Mr. Snake was not shrink wrapped..and yep, he let it all fly right into my head (while Daddy held my head in place and and gave God a shout-out). I started choking and gagging, couldn't breathe and threw up on the floor. Daddy apologized..it wasn't his fault..apparently I'd finally learned to use my tongue the way God intended...so he couldn't help it. What else was different this time is that Daddy didn't hold me or tell me he loved me. He just laughed at me like I was a child who fell off her tricycle and landed on her ass. I felt rage, horrible rage, but my face was stone cold. I told Daddy I needed to go up to the kitchen and get a drink. I planned to get a knife and kill him. But when I got there I saw that someone had put a pot of hot coffee on the stove. I grabbed it without even a mitt (still got the burns on my hand but I didn't feel it at all then). I went back downstairs. Daddy was lying on the bed with his robe on, reading the bible (what else?). I walked over and dumped the whole pot of hot coffee on Mr, Snake and yelled 'Wake up! I'm ready to go Again!' Daddy roarred like a lion, sat up and tired to grab me, and I hit him square in the face with the coffe pot! Ok, I grabbed my clothes and ran out the door. I was not yet 16. Over the next three years I survived as a thief, drug dealer, and yes...prostitute...blowjobs only..with rubber. I got busted for assault, shoplifting, drugs, dui..lotsa stuff. Do I blame Daddy for what I did AFTER I left home? Fuck no, we're all responsible for ourselves. I'd be dead now if not for a kind person who helped me....the same kind person who helped me write this cause any idiot can tell this is a tad too literate for me alone. He doesn't want me to say who he is. As for Daddy? Well, he won't be bothering my sisters..not ever..or anyone else from what I hear. But guess what I found out just yesterday?? Before me, Daddy did go after one of my sisters...she fought back..and he gave up. No, she isn't a lesbian..I think he wanted to clear up her skin or something. Imagine that. So here's the deal. Repost this, everyone. And maybe it'll help somebody. And if this happened to you...tell the fucking world God Damnit. If nobody else loves ya..I will. Kerrilynn Mary McCarthy Ps this happened to some one eles this wasnt me but really Touched me was a Sad Story :( i hate when people do this to a Child!!
They Dance this life long Dance for the rest of Their Lives the Day he said my Sweet rose; your Like a breath of life to me May i have this Honor of Taking Your hand in Marriage She said Yes... and so it was he Kneeled Down on one Knee and held out a yet Tinny But Oh! So Beautiful ring and how She gazed at its Glow But to him her Beauty couldnt Compare The ring fit So right and Perfect; See them Old and its been 60 Long years When they meet it plays a Dance in Their minds A tail of Love this is how I see it Through my eyes.. Thats how I want to be.
Feathers Of Grandfather Seasons Golden Yellow as the Grandfather sun Shines Down on us Keeps Us Warm Every fall and Winter the Cool winds of Mother earth keeps us cool when we are too warm in winter and summer Feathers fall from the tree Tops of the Long Oaks and Wise old trees all around us; Dancing in the Golden feathers Hear the Indians Dance Dancing around the Warm fire Grandfather; Father Spirit of our feather Seasons.

Shimmer Of Light

Shimmering Glimmer of light Glows in your Heart See the Light Shine Off from the Fire Flys As we chase the Little Glimer of sun thats Left in the Sky Until the Moon Tucks us in to go to Sleep; See the Shimmer Child Still in Silence As he Jumps On the Water Stones Runs After the Beautiful Lily Fairies playing Seeing the Silent Spirit Child the Light Gets Brighter And the Glowing FireFlys come out Once Again.
Can I Eat Your Heart Play Your Mind With this Guitar Of mine on my Lap Let me Know your Words like i do Those Sweet kisses of your Soul I sit here in Play In Nothing but my Naked Heart Like you Asked me to So dont be Shy or be Pulled away from that I sit here in Nothing Playing my Musical Heart Away.
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