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Echo Angel's blog: "My thoughts..."

created on 11/06/2006  |  http://fubar.com/my-thoughts/b21937

My Point!!!

I would like to thank all that have read my past few blogs...stepped on the scale a little sooner than I should, I have now lost about 8 pounds!!! I can't wait!!! 32 more left to go!!! With the girls, Bre is doing better now, the insurance company of the pharmacy is supposed to be getting in touch with me now. It seems that they don't want this to go public, since it is a huge chain, I would say not. We will see what happens there. Peanut is doing good, tics are at a minimum right now. Her fathers side of the family is refusing to believe that, even now with the doctor diagnosing her, she has Tourettes. That's ok though, I think it gives her an added touch of personality. I have a video of her, that Jamie uploaded for me and the doctor, it is in my stash. If you would like to see it!!! Finally, for those that have read about my boyfriend and I breaking up. He is not a bad person, I never meant for it to sound that way. He is a great guy, and he brought it to my attention that it seemed that I was in a way attacking him. I am very sorry that I made him feel that way. He is not a mean person, he just believes that maybe we need some time apart and see how we feel about each other then. I know that it does appear that I am single, in my eyes I am not. Please don't ask me to hook up with you, or anything of the sort. I don't want a one night stand or to be in a relationship. I want to have friends, and only friends. I still love Jamie, and when I know that it is totally over, and I can get over him, I will move on. Til then, he still has my heart, and I love him dearly. ps the main on my profile looks as though it is dirested toward Jamie, while it does have to do with him, my heart is broken from all of the things that have happened to me recently. My kids, the loss of my uncle and the loss of my love. When I can make it 48 hours without crying , I will know then, that I am accepting it. ~Echo

My Friend

I have not seen you so happy in a while I am so happy for you, yet I can't smile I watched you with her, I could not help but stare It was the way you one were with me, only I am no longer there It hurts to know that is not me that makes you smile But now I know that you are happy and that is what makes it worth while I wish I knew how to turn off the way I feel Never knowing a love before, never feeling so real I try to hide my pain, so my pain no one can see For your happiness means the world to me The pain I feel inside, is like nothing I have ever felt Yet knowing that the I am not the reason you are happy makes my heart melt I wish I could change myself, and be all that you would want me to be Then we could be happy together, but then again, it wouldn't be me One day, long from now, I know I may find love again Til that time comes for me, I wish you all the best, my one true love, but now....My Friend


Well, I started on a new diet last week. While I did not fully stick with it, if you read my last blog you would know why. But it seems to have worked so far. I have lost 5 pounds so far!!! Not too many people knew that I was starting on the plan, and I know there will be some that say I don't need to, but the fact of the matter is, is that I am unhappy, I have gained 40 pounds in the past year, and I can't take it. I guess I was just comfortable with who I was because Jamie loved me the way I was...(I think he really liked the fact that my boobs got HUGE!!...lol...j/k) I have lost my comfort zone now, so its time for a change....for those that know me...I do not embrace change....it has to be gradual for me...The break up was a sudden change, and I have alot to think about. I still love him so much, and I have desire to be with anyone else for a while. I need to be happy with myself again before I try to be happy with someone else. Anyways I just thought I would brag a bit on myself, cause I am happy about the pounds going away!!!......Take care all....thanks for reading!!! ~Echo

Could It Be Any Worse?!?

Could It Be Any Worse!!! O.k. I may be speaking to soon about this being the worst week so far in my life. But at this point it seems like it may be!!! Lets recap. Monday: Started a new job(yahhh for me), took Bre to the doctors, got her script, she was getting ready for bed and took her meds, only to find out the pharmacy had given her the wrong meds. They told me that she would be ok. Tuesday: Bre wakes up in a state that I have never seen before. The easiest way to describe it, a falling down drunk on speed. We were in Children's Hospital that night. She is doing better now though, but it was an awful experience, that I never want to go through again. Wed: All went well. Bear had her hearing test, to find out by some miracle she came up three levels on her hearing test and neither I nor the doctor knows how that happened, when six months ago she was on the verge of needing hearing aides. Thursday: Peanut has her appointment with her neurologist. She was officially diagnosed with Tourettes. She has both motor and vocal tics. She is my sensitive child, and being made fun of is a very big issue for her. She did tell the doctor that some of her friends have noticed her tics, and have asked what is wrong, but she doesn't even know what exactly wrong. All she knows is that she does these crazy movements, and she can't control them. Her head jerking is starting to cause her to have headaches and pains in her neck too....she is just way too young for this. Then I get a phone call that my uncle passed away. Let me tell you, he was in the family before my own mom was, this has been a great loss. Friday: I thought it was a good day. I found out my friend came home from Iraq, (one less friend to worry about there). I had a good day at work. My ex bought a build a bear for Peanut, which really brightened her day.....then....my boyfriend of 15 months breaks up with me. I guess being apart so much is hard to handle. I am so busy with the kids and work now, I guess I had it coming. He still has my heart, and I will always love him. I guess it's just not the same anymore. So there....my week at a glance....and it is still not over!!! I have to work tomorrow so I will end this....I am sorry for using this as my "vent" but I had to do something. Hope everyone else has had a better week than me...talk to you soon!!! Take care.....~Echo~

Could It Get Any Worse?!?

Could It Be Any Worse!!! O.k. I may be speaking to soon about this being the worst week so far in my life. But at this point it seems like it may be!!! Lets recap. Monday: Started a new job(yahhh for me), took Bre to the doctors, got her script, she was getting ready for bed and took her meds, only to find out the pharmacy had given her the wrong meds. They told me that she would be ok. Tuesday: Bre wakes up in a state that I have never seen before. The easiest way to describe it, a falling down drunk on speed. We were in Children's Hospital that night. She is doing better now though, but it was an awful experience, that I never want to go through again. Wed: All went well. Bear had her hearing test, to find out by some miracle she came up three levels on her hearing test and neither I nor the doctor knows how that happened, when six months ago she was on the verge of needing hearing aides. Thursday: Peanut has her appointment with her neurologist. She was officially diagnosed with Tourettes. She has both motor and vocal tics. She is my sensitive child, and being made fun of is a very big issue for her. She did tell the doctor that some of her friends have noticed her tics, and have asked what is wrong, but she doesn't even know what exactly wrong. All she knows is that she does these crazy movements, and she can't control them. Her head jerking is starting to cause her to have headaches and pains in her neck too....she is just way too young for this. Then I get a phone call that my uncle passed away. Let me tell you, he was in the family before my own mom was, this has been a great loss. Friday: I thought it was a good day. I found out my friend came home from Iraq, (one less friend to worry about there). I had a good day at work. My ex bought a build a bear for Peanut, which really brightened her day.....then....my boyfriend of 15 months breaks up with me. I guess being apart so much is hard to handle. I am so busy with the kids and work now, I guess I had it coming. He still has my heart, and I will always love him. I guess it's just not the same anymore. So there....my week at a glance....and it is still not over!!! I have to work tomorrow so I will end this....I am sorry for using this as my "vent" but I had to do something. Hope everyone else has had a better week than me...talk to you soon!!! Take care.....~Echo~

Thanks to All!!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has sent me a get well card or any gift of the sort. I have been suffering from terrible migraines and anexity since my car was hit. I got injections today so now I am doing a bit better. The stress from this kid is really getting to me I guess. But hey life goes on.....just a quick favor...if anyone knows of a car for sale cheap but good running, would ya let me know?!? Thanks again!!! ~Echo

I have no luck!!!

So, there I was sitting in the courtroom, not ten foot away from this clean shaven kid. His name is called, his attorney pleads "not guilty" for him. I walk out steaming mad. Now, let me back this up. Early Sunday morning, we are getting ready to leave my friends house. All of a sudden we hear this loud boom, it shook the building. I look out in time to see a red car pulling off. I then realized that the car had hit my friends truck and slammed the truck into my car. On the phone with the cops, I am going into detail. I get a call back to ask me to come identify the car I seen drive off. Less than a mile away, we pull up to see a young kid standing outside the car with an officer. The other officer came over to talk to me. He said the kid was saying that it was not him. I told him that I have the kids front bumper, fog light and cell phone back where is wrecked. Yeah, you read that right, he hit so hard the cell phone flew out the window. After the kid realizes that I was there to bust his story, he confesses to the officer. I went back to my car and waited for the officer to come to see our cars. When he shows up I decided to ask him about the kid. I found out he was drunk and only 20 years old. Geez, what is this kid doing????? I got his name, and decided to look into him. What I found out made me despise this kid so much more than I already did. It's one thing to drink and drive. It's another thing when daddy bails you out of everything, and gets it expunged from your record. I find out that according to public records, this is his first offence. I find out otherwise on the internet. This is at least his second DUI. Not omitting the fact the he brags about getting drunk and driving, doing drugs, and having naked "bitches" at his house when parents are not home. I have never wished jail on anyone. Until now. It's been over a week now and finally his dad's insurance calls me. Nothing I did not already know but the damage is more than my car is worth. What sucks is they want to total out my car, and leave me with nothing. I don't know what to do. I think his dad is just as responsible for this as he is at this point. If you know that you are only going to get the minimum charges every time you get in trouble, are you going to stop?? He knows daddy is going to come get him out of any charges or at least get it off his record. I am trying right now to make sure that this charge will stay on his record. I would love to see him in jail. I am working on that too. My biggest fear is that next time it's going to be a family that he hits. Maybe even killing them…..will daddy still be there to get him off then?? In the mean time, I have to look for another car. I will keep updating the next court date in the 17th of July. Oh yeah it must be in the air. A little over 24 hours after all this happens, my sister is side swiped by a Home City Ice truck. The accident closed down the 471 bridge down during rush hour. She was not hurt to bad, but her car was totaled too. Just hope the LUCK stops here. Lol Ok thanks for reading my rant. Hope you are all doing good. Ttyl ~Echo

I have no luck!!!

So, there I was sitting in the courtroom, not ten foot away from this clean shaven kid. His name is called, his attorney pleads "not guilty" for him. I walk out steaming mad. Now, let me back this up. Early Sunday morning, we are getting ready to leave my friends house. All of a sudden we hear this loud boom, it shook the building. I look out in time to see a red car pulling off. I then realized that the car had hit my friends truck and slammed the truck into my car. On the phone with the cops, I am going into detail. I get a call back to ask me to come identify the car I seen drive off. Less than a mile away, we pull up to see a young kid standing outside the car with an officer. The other officer came over to talk to me. He said the kid was saying that it was not him. I told him that I have the kids front bumper, fog light and cell phone back where is wrecked. Yeah, you read that right, he hit so hard the cell phone flew out the window. After the kid realizes that I was there to bust his story, he confesses to the officer. I went back to my car and waited for the officer to come to see our cars. When he shows up I decided to ask him about the kid. I found out he was drunk and only 20 years old. Geez, what is this kid doing????? I got his name, and decided to look into him. What I found out made me despise this kid so much more than I already did. It's one thing to drink and drive. It's another thing when daddy bails you out of everything, and gets it expunged from your record. I find out that according to public records, this is his first offence. I find out otherwise on the internet. This is at least his second DUI. Not omitting the fact the he brags about getting drunk and driving, doing drugs, and having naked "bitches" at his house when parents are not home. I have never wished jail on anyone. Until now. It's been over a week now and finally his dad's insurance calls me. Nothing I did not already know but the damage is more than my car is worth. What sucks is they want to total out my car, and leave me with nothing. I don't know what to do. I think his dad is just as responsible for this as he is at this point. If you know that you are only going to get the minimum charges every time you get in trouble, are you going to stop?? He knows daddy is going to come get him out of any charges or at least get it off his record. I am trying right now to make sure that this charge will stay on his record. I would love to see him in jail. I am working on that too. My biggest fear is that next time it's going to be a family that he hits. Maybe even killing them…..will daddy still be there to get him off then?? In the mean time, I have to look for another car. I will keep updating the next court date in the 17th of July. Oh yeah it must be in the air. A little over 24 hours after all this happens, my sister is side swiped by a Home City Ice truck. The accident closed down the 471 bridge down during rush hour. She was not hurt to bad, but her car was totaled too. Just hope the LUCK stops here. Lol Ok thanks for reading my rant. Hope you are all doing good. Ttyl ~Echo
As most of you may know, my girls have been out selling raffle tickets. I have found out the hard way that Peanut does not handle rejection well, which is why we are doing this. But I have to say there are people that just walk by as if nothing is being said to them. Now I understand that they are little, but let them know you hear them. Even if you don't want what they are selling just say "no thanks". Pea did not get upset when she was told no it was when so many people just walked past without saying anything. She actually sat down and started crying...God love her. She is so sensitive. So my reason for typing this is to ask everyone to PLEASE! PLEASE! Acknowledge kids when they approach you, even if you don't want it, they work hard to get out there and ask total strangers for help with their cause, the least people can do is take one minute of their time to listen to them. Let them know that they have a voice. Thanks for reading my rant!!! ~Echo~

Female Ejaculation

Female Ejaculation Paul The following assumes you have already an understanding of the G-spot. W omen lactate, men ejaculate, or so the old saying goes. Turns out some women, maybe most women, actually do both. Reports of women experiencing a gush of fluid at orgasm go back many centuries, but it's only fairly recently that (Western) science has taken these stories seriously. The fluid comes through the urethra, but NOT from the bladder. Many still explain away the fluid some women eject from the urethra at climax as urine resulting from momentary loss of bladder control. While this might occur in a very small number of women, it does not explain the experience shared by some women: the fluid doesn't look like urine, doesn't smell like urine, and it has been proven in many chemical analyses that it is not urine. These women produce a small amount of clear fluid which has only trace amounts of uric acid; this indicates the fluid comes through the urethra, but does not come from the bladder. Chemically the fluid is very similar to the fluid from the male prostate. Study has shown that the fluid comes from the "female prostate", more properly known as the paraurethral glands, and often referred to as the G-Spot. During gestation the male and female start with the same tissues, it's only after sex differentiation at about 40 days that the genitals begin to look different in the male and female fetus. The tissue which becomes the prostate in the male does not just disappear in the female, it becomes the paraurethral glands which surround the urethra. Based on postmortem dissections, we know that the amount of glandular tissue varies from woman to woman, and some women have no discernible glandular tissue in their G-spot. In some women the paraurethral glands produce fluid when the woman is highly aroused. Because the paraurethral glands open into the urethra, the muscle contractions of orgasm force this fluid into the urethra, and out of the body, creating an ejaculation of sorts. There are those who claim all women can "learn" how to ejaculate, but biology suggests otherwise; women who don't have any glandular tissue can't produce anything to ejaculate. Other woman may produce such a small amount of fluid that it's not noticed when mixed in with the other fluids that sex produces. Small amounts of fluid might not "squirt" out, but rather drip out after orgasm, much as semen does when a man has an almost-dry climax. It's also possible that the fluid may leak out before orgasm; men have a sphincter (valve) "downstream" of the prostate that keeps fluid from leaking, but women have no such sphincter. It has also been speculated that in some women the fluid is sent "upstream" and into the bladder. A few studies have shown some indication of female ejaculate in urine after orgasm, but it's not known if this is the result of a retrograde ejaculation or just the urine washing a small amount of fluid out Worried that she is urinating, a woman may find the only way to avoid ejaculating is to not orgasm. of the urethra. In a recent study done by Dr. Santamaría Cabello1, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was found in the post orgasm urine samples of 75% of the women studied. The PSA could only come from the paraurethral glands, indicating apparent ejaculation. Most of these women did not report an ejaculation, suggesting the amount of fluid was either small, or the ejaculation went into the bladder. With only 24 participants the study is somewhat limited, but it does suggest that most women ejaculate at least a little bit. Lack of understanding of this phenomenon has caused some women great anguish. Worried that she is urinating, or accused of such by her husband, a woman may find the only way to avoid ejaculating is to not orgasm at all. Finding out they are normal, and convincing their husbands they are not "peeing" can make a world of difference. Ironically, growing awareness of female ejaculation has created another problem; women (or their husbands) who worry that there is something wrong with them because they don't ejaculate. Some folks have become "female ejaculation evangelists" claiming that all women can, and those who don't are missing out on the best sex they can have. A part of the zeal these folks exhibit may be based on a bad assumption about cause and effect. Some women who ejaculate say their ejaculatory orgasms are better than their non-ejaculatory ones, and some seem to think the ejaculation causes the orgasm to be better. A more likely hypothesis is that only strong orgasms cause ejaculation in those women who have the tissue to do so. The idea that the best "dry orgasm" of an non-ejaculator is inferior to the " wet orgasms" of ejaculators is not supported scientifically. Additionally some women say their dry and ejaculatory orgasms are very different, and some of these women say they feel unsatisfied without a "real" or dry orgasm at the end. Bottom line: no woman should feel she is being cheated because she doesn't need a pile of towels under her when she has sex. Another factor in all this is that the porn industry has gotten into female ejaculation. As with everything they do, they have distorted and enlarged reality to a ridiculous point. Pornography and borderline pornography have encouraged the idea that all woman can ejaculate. The porn industry has gotten into female ejaculation, distorting and enlarged reality to a ridiculous point. They have also greatly exaggerated the quantity of fluid that is ejected. Stories of putting out a quart or more of fluid in an hour or so are just that; stories. There's no way for the body to produce that much fluid that quickly. That said, some women do ejaculate much more than others. This has long been a topic of argument on Dr. Perry's (co-author of The G-spot) "G-spot list". Dr. Perry has said that "Whipple and I continue to reserve the term "ejaculate" for the fluid that comes from the homologous prostate glands in the female. It is only a few teaspoons at best. " Perry and others suggest that release of larger amounts of fluid are a different phenomenon and from another source. The best current theory, and one that fits various studies and chemical analysis, is that prolonged high levels of arousal cause some people's kidneys to rapidly produce a very dilute urine. One study by Dr. Gary Schubach found that at least half of the women had a combination of this dilute urine and the "regular" female ejaculation. Perhaps both these fluids have some common biological trigger, or maybe only women who experience "regular" female ejaculation release the dilute urine. Whatever the facts are, just enjoy everything God made you to enjoy! Even if a woman has a small ejaculation, it can be messy. The amount of semen a man ejaculates can make an incredibly large mess; and since female ejaculate is thinner than male ejaculate it can spread even more. Being subject to gravity it can quickly soak through several layers of towels and leave a wet spot on the bed. Some couples resort to waterproof mattress covers, but this is probably more extreme than necessary; a single towel with a layer of plastic under it is sufficient. (Just keep a piece of an old shower curtain in the night table drawer!).
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