Had Laser surgery on the 17th December 2024 to repair a detached retina in right eye, well seems the laser has taken well enough but am dealing with some macular damage. Right eye gets a little blurry, not as strong as I hoped.
Way too many life changes over the years , many surgeries, illnesses, put on a lot of weight and now scared to take newer pictures even though I need to.
Fear that most if not all would be scarred .
fuMarriage gives you the ability to link yourself to another member in fubar. Once you have proposed to the person you wish to marry (by clicking propose fuMarriage on the link under their profile) and they have accepted, you are allowed to purchase a fuMarriage. You can do so through the yellow link that appears above your small Feed when you get engaged. A link to your spouse will then show on your profile and a link to you will show on theirs.
You will get your very special wedding ring's bling that will display on both of your profiles. This bling can only be gotten by becoming fuMarried. In addition to this, you share in 10% of each others pts and receive discounts on gift shop items.
What are ladies of Fubar expecting from a fu boyfriend or fu husband please and thanks.
SINGLE OR NOT, put this as your status and see what you get.. PM me the answer: Black = I want a relationship with you, Green = Im falling for you, Purple = I miss you, Orange = I actually like you, Red = I love you, Yellow = your amazing, BLUE = I want you!!
Am hoping that a few people read these and can help me out please.
Searching for a Mental Health Awareness Skin.
One for my year in Chinese Horoscope.
The Adelaide Crows - my afl team
One dedicated to Phillip Hughes - cricketer who died too soon.
Richie Benaud
Paul Walker
Any of the Fast n Furious Movies
Any of the NCIS TV Series
K9 The Movie.
Please let me know via a message if they are available or how much to create please.
Thanks in advance.
Would like to get some comments and opinions from other members of which achievements may be the easiest ones to get without needing to ask for much assistance.
Currently I have Total achievements completed: 38 / 400