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My personal female ordeal

I have to say that if there was anything that a woman could have wrong in their female reproductive organs, I have had it. For two years, I lived in pain that was the same as being in labor or worse because of military docs and Tricare not believing that I was REALLY in pain because things didn't show up on their very vague ultrasound. Tricare wouldn't allow me to have a "scope" done to see what the problem was because they didn't have enough paperwork to support it. Finally, after going basically nuts with the pain, my husband and I decided that the only way we could find to get them to allow a "scope" was to have my tubes tied. A female miliatary doctor broke some rules to take my case and went in. She found that not only did I have Endometriosis on my bladder but, a tangerine size uterine fibroid tumor on top of my uterus being feed by several arteries. She told my ex husband that was a double whammy and had every right to be in pain. But that wasn't the end of my nightmare. They sent me out to a radiologist that specialized in a procedure similar to a heart cath to go in and kill the arteries feeding the tumor. An MRI was performed. The radiologist was so amazed at what he saw that he himself pulled me into his office to show me all that was wrong. He said, "Ma'am I honestly don't know how you are able to stand up straight as this is showing that not only are those other things wrong but, you have polycystis and a thickening of the uterine wall. I can do this procedure but, it's not going to stop your pain. I recommend a full hysterectomy." So,I will tell all of you, if you or a woman you know is having missed periods, irregular periods, painful intercourse, or any pain at all during a period, tell them to continue to seek medical care until the situation is resolved. IT SHOULD NOT HURT to have a period at all.

I'm gone for the week

Ok everyone, I'll be leaving for Nashville in the morning so I just wanted to say bye. I left y'all some new pics to look at. I know we will have a blast! If you happen to live around Nashville or even Memphis which is our second stop let me know soon! I will be going to a Houston Myspace Party tonight so, see ya~ The Goddess CoverDBabe
I just have to make this clear. I like powertools! It never ceases to amaze me that every single man that I get involved with messes with my powertools and then either steals them, doesn't take care of them properly or just ruins them. In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not talking about sex toys! Yes, I have those too and use them quite often because some bastards just can't leave my tools alone so I don't even bring men around the house where they can even see my tools. lol Even when they have their own set of tools, they like my tools because I will spend the money to get good tools while they have the "crappy, cheap tools!" For example, my friend Chris borrowed my hydraulic jack with the stands to work on his buddy's truck. I haven't seen it again so I had to buy another one. gggggggrrrrrrrrr! He also put my stand up aircompressor in storage so it wouldn't get stolen and I haven't seen it again. He used my 96 piece tool set to help my son work on his truck and my drill and guess what? The drill is NOT back on the charger and my titanium bits aren't in the box...gggggrrrrrrrrr! My ex husband would use my tools and I would find my long handled screw drivers out in the yard rusting.........ggggggggrrrrrrr! DON'T TOUCH MY DAMN TOOLS UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THEM!!!! I may be female but I do know that tools are a wise investment and I do not appreciate people screwing them up!!

Are you an abused male?

As a victim of abuse, I can instantly spot the "Battered Woman's" Syndrome in MEN. I have seen at least 5 cases of males being abused by women. I have since become an advocate for many men who are being abused. MEN have become the silent victims. Society as a whole says, "Never raise your hand to a woman" then turns right around and says, "What's the matter boy? Can't control your woman?" when he talks about how she abused him. The first case of male abuse was on a military base. I witnessed first hand how manipulative an abusive woman can be. After that, I started watching people a little more carefully. Women will first start by calling the cops on the man and then laughing when they go to jail saying, "I told you that they would believe me over you." She now has control over him. The last case that I had dealt with was with my own ex-husband. I tried to show him that their could be a saner life. The problem was, he didn't know how to deal with that. He had been so severely abused by his ex-wife that he didn't know how to have a healthy relationship without all the drama. He eventually left me for yet another abusive woman not long after my father died and I became too weak spiritually at the time to "fight" her off. If any of this sounds like a situation that you are in or have been in, please click on my picture and send me a private message. I am writing a book about the stories of abused men and why they allow themselves to be abused. I can tell you that so far the #1 reason is, they feel that they have to stay to protect their children and THERE ARE NO ABUSE SHELTERS SET UP FOR MEN IN THIS COUNTRY!! Now you may ask yourself, "Why would a woman claiming to have dominant tendencies or claim to be a dominatrix say things about abuse?" Because as I said above, I was also abused and I can truly understand what it was like and how I got to the point I'm at. After 15 years, I still live in fear of that man and I know that others do too.
MEN LIKE MY DAD! My dad had many occupations in my life time. If he didn't know something, he'd go to school to find out. You name it, he knew how to do it and if he didn't, he knew who to call. My dad was not one to sit around the house to often. He was always doing something or talking to someone. Anyway, here are just some of the occupations he had while I was growing up: Fireman Gas station owner In charge maintenance for the main post office downtown Houston Offshore drilling rig mud logger Paint contractor School bus driver He worked at Brown Oil Tools- I don't know what he did there but, he worked there and went to college full time. Was a route sales rep for Curtiss Candy Co. Owner of a tool store. (I ran it for him as a senior in high school) When he wasn't working, he was volunteering his time in non profit organizations such as: Being a coach for little league baseball and football Being an umpire for little league VFW - Commander for two years. - Organizer of their Chili Cookoffs for 5 years - In charge of the bingo commitee - In charge of Christmas baskets to needy families. Singabun(sp) German singing group in Houston SPJST- A fraternal group that sold insurance and had lodges here in TX where people could gathered to have meetings and recreational things like camping, dancing, volleyball, swimming and all kinds of activities together. Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo - Member of the Swine Committee. Member of the Amigos Del Campos BBQ cook off team.- They not only competed but provided catering for the former TX Governor Dolph Briscoe's and Sherriff "Squatty" Lyons re-election campaign. When he wasn't doing all of that, my parents were working on their rent houses together along with us kids. Whatever needed to be done, we all did it. Painting, plumbing, rewiring, wallpapering, reroofing, etc...we only hired out if the job was something that neither one of them knew how to do or it was too time consuming. My dad was a very attractive, smart, outgoing and loving man who never met a stranger. He loved, laughed and lived. He helped out where ever he could without being asked sometimes. And I was his shadow and sometimes partner in crime. Where ever he was, you would find me. Never did the words, "I'm bored" ever come out of his mouth. Now my dad cheated on my mom throughout their marriage but he always came back to her. She knew it but didn't let her bother her too much because he never ever allowed the other women to mess with my mom. The only thing that broke them up was him becoming so depressed and started really becoming an alcoholic. She said, "I can fight another woman but I can't fight the bottle." Of the three men that I was married to, my second husband was the only one that came close to being anything like my dad. The biggest reason we didn't last is that he had the most depressive personality I had ever encountered in my life. I don't mind being a cheerleader and bringing someone's spirits up when they are down until they can go on their own but damn I can't always be the one dragging the "dead body" around. He gave whole new meaning to the term ball and chain. The last one came close too. He just had way too much baby momma drama that I spent a lot of my time and thousands of dollars trying to clean up so that we could have a decent life. And no sooner did I get that cleared up and my dad died that another woman saw all the work that went into creating the new man and stopped at nothing to get him. She convinced him to leave me just 2 months after my dad died. I was like WTF? Anyway, the one thing that I loved about my dad was his great love of his family and my mom. Almost every woman he dated after my mom was jealous as hell of her. My mom and dad were soulmates and no one that ever met them could deny that. I will never forget for as long as I live my dad coming to visit her in the hospital shortly after finding out she was dying. I had just gotten mom moved to her bedside commode when the phone rang. It was her doctor and I had been trying to get a hold of him for a couple of days so I was listening to him when I saw dad. He came in on his walker almost sprinting like a teenager (you just would have had to be there to understand) Once, mom realized it was him, she sort of struck a pose and smiled. I don't know how to describe it other than she tried to be sexy for him. She was so out of it that I don't think she realized she was on the commode but you could see the connection as plain as day. After being divorced for twenty years, here they were being the soulmates of 49 years. My dad was angry at me for being on the phone when she was trying to talk to him. She was giving me dirty looks but, as I had tried to explain to dad since then, her brain was so swollen that she wasn't able to make coherent sentences anyway. Daddy died two and a half years after she did. I believe in my heart of hearts that even though he had been living with another woman for six years, his heart broke when she died and he didn't want to live anymore. That is what I want in my life. A deep down love that can not be broken no matter who or what comes in and out of our lives. Are you that man for me?
HUGE PARTY NEXT MONTH!! Suit up and show up!! When: Saturday Mar 10, 2007 at 9:00 PM Where: Drink Houston 713-290-0041 I-10 & Silber Houston, TX 77024 United States Please RSVP to THE GODDESS COVERDBABE! Out of town folks will have some lodging options close to this location. We want it to be one of the biggest internet gathering of people who want to gain friends. It's one of the best times to meet people that you have been wanting to meet but were sort of scared to meet them alone. You have nothing to loose but time and some cash and the benefits of having met new people that you wouldn't have ordinarily met. So, come on and let's get our party on!

5 years ago

I'm not asking anyone to care. I'm not asking anyone to love me. I just needed to write about this. 5 years ago, I was told my mom had liver cancer that had several lesions (mets) on her brain. The cancer had never been seen before, they didn't know how to treat it and the prognosis wasn't good. They asked what did we want to do or what her wishes were. From my own experience of working 15 years in the medical field, I knew the odds. I had to make the toughest decision of my life and told them to make her a "DNR comfort measures only." She died a week later on 1/31/02 There were 2 other incidents that happened around that time that really would have shaken many people up. I had them hit all at once. My best friend at the time said she was amazed that I didn't put a bullet through my head having to deal with all of it. I didn't deal with it all. I went into "Auto Pilot". I just shut down and turned to the internet. I met some really wonderful people that helped me a lot. One of which had dealt with the same thing with his father. He and I gave each other permission to be irresponsible and have fun when ever we were together for the first time. Some people may understand that and some won't. 4 years ago, it was apparent that my immediate family needed help to deal with it. We went to a program designed especially for kids to deal with grief at their level of understanding. It was called "Wings" and it was facilitated by Houston Hospice. 3 years ago, my dad had a major stroke. His g/f of 8 years dumped him while he was in the hospital. I was like damn here we go again. I wasn't ready to deal with that either. It was also when I met my now ex husband. 2 years ago, I was dealing with my dad having pneumonia following bypass surgery that he only had a 50% chance of surviving. My husband wasn't working and so the support of 6 people fell on my shoulders. Not to mention the fact that we were having to deal with his ex-wife still harrassing us and a motion she filed in the court to have a change in how much child support she would have to pay. 1 year ago, I couldn't deal with the loss of my father, my godmother, two of my childhood friends, my mother's best friend, my marriage, going to school, the kids, work, bancruptcy and finally broke down. I could take no more. My school counselors told me I could take a leave of absence if I went to a professional counselor. So, I did. This year, I feel so much better about me. I'm still not 100%. I still shake inside at meeting new people because of the way the seperation and divorce was handled by the other parties involved. It was a nasty betrayal. I do know these 5 years were meant to teach me things and to be more aware of how precious time is. My experiences have taught me what others need during their time of grief and what they don't. I have more people that understand me better then I did back 5 years ago. Until you have gone through the death of a parent(s). You can't relate to what I or anyone else goes through. I have also learned that no one is going to save me but me. I have read a lot. Done tons of research on different types of cancer causing things like crank case oil. If people really did the research that I have, I would venture to say that people would think twice about a vehicle running on the road that needed repairs. If you are one of those people that is an adament non-smoker who likes to tell smokers they are so bad, you might want to look at a 200 page toxicology report on what's all in used motor oil and how toxic it is just to sit at a red light! If there were no one on the face of this planet that smoked a cigarette, people would still be dying of cancer. Do your own research folks. Death is a part of life. It's guaranteed! I didn't just sit and be totally numb. I did try to find out what really killed my mom. It wasn't only cigarettes. It was a total toxic smoking cocktail from cigarettes to pollution from others too! You see each time I write this all out. It shows me where I have been and how far I have come. It comes out of my mind where it might dwell and out of my finger tips to go somewhere else. And this is how I get over it. And so I AM living my life. By having the serenity to accept the things I can not change. Courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.

Last day of the year

This going to be a long read but I needed to let it all out so I could let go of the old and ring in the new. This year has been a total journey of lost and found for me. I have to back up a little here to sort of explain to my new readers what has happened. In 2004, I met and married a man with children. They all came to live with me and my children in June of that same year along with my dad. At one point I was supporting 7 people under my roof. The love that the man and I shared was great, it was his baggage from his former marriage that haunted us. BADLY!!! He couldn't get a job because his police record state that he had been CONVICTED of domestic assault 3 times in 5 years. Even though he had been an Immigration Agent that quit, he was told that when his 5 year review came up, they would have recommended that he be removed from service. No body would hire him because of his record. I spent the majority of my time researching laws, making phone calls, typing out transcripts of phone conversations with his ex wife and going to every single extra curricular game that I could for all of our 4 kids on top of being a Girl Scout leader and working. In 2005, I was still the sole support of our household. HE finally got a job at the end of April. Unfortunately, the money he made went toward a truck that was not in his name and any other bill that was in his name but NOTHING went toward the support of our family financially. This was also when he met his now live in girlfriend. On June 3rd, 2005, my father died. We had the funeral and the next day we drove to MS. to drop off my children for there court awarded time with their father. We had to turn around and drive all the way to KS so that he could appear in court on a frivilous motion that his ex wife had filed. I was mentally, emotionally, and finacially exhausted. The new woman saw all of this and put her moves on my now ex husband. Within two months, she had him packing up and moving home to VA with his momma. She took something I said to him way out of context and twisted it to serve her. To say I went nuts is putting it mildly. Our 4 children were just as baffled as I was. They never saw us get into an argument or anything. In fact, every single person including his own mother was trying to figure it out. He lied to all of us because of her. I spent all that time building up the man and his children instead of spending time with my father. My dad dies and he walks out on me two months later knowing full well that I had no means in which to pay my bills. Not only that but he refused to talk to me on the phone. He said it confused him. We had to send e-mails only and as I found out, it was because they had to go through someone else before he replied. He was talking to everyone else except me. So, I stopped sending him e-mails. Oh yeah, I forgot; one e-mail she said was a threat and took all of it to HPD! I think it was because she knew full well she needed the ass kicking. Ha! Ha! She sat here scared to death that I was going to hurt her while she lived out the rest of her lease. That's freaking hilarious. I don't even have to lay one hand on her because she hangs herself. Even with all of that, I still loved him enough to drive all the way up to VA at the end of last year to try to talk to him. He was my husband and we did have a lot to discuss but little did I know his ex-wife was there with the kids and I made a fool of myself because HE was a chicken shit and didn't bother to tell me she was there. Yeah, Gary you deserve all the bashing my friends have given you. You are a piece of shit! I wanted to kill myself because of you and what Catherine and Christine set up. I came so close...so close. Luckily for me, my son must have felt the pain I was in and called my cellphone. My 16 year old talked to me for hours. And by a total blessing I got a phone call from a very old friend that said, "Leave and come spend NYE with us!" I packed up my stuff and drove to SC. It was great. We cammed with all of our old friends and basically had a virtual New Years Eve Party. We all talked for hours until I fell asleep. lol New Years day was spent traveling to Georgia to pick up my kids from their visit with their dad. Coming home to the house and it really hitting me that the marriage was over, I was bancrupt and still not able to get back on my feet eventually led me to a break down when I received the divorce papers. I couldn't even concentrate on my school work and my counselors at school told me that I had to go back to my psych doc to get a leave of absence from school. I had to go to a different psych doc because my ins had changed. I just let go of everything in her office and when I did her eyes got as big as saucers. She was writing scripts for anti-depressants, anxiety pills, sleep pills and anything else she could think of. I was like damn! The freaking drug dealers would love to heist me coming from the drug store! It did help. I'm not going to lie. My dad died and my husband basically ran off when the money ran out..why not? But it really wasn't the drugs that helped me totally. I had a lot of people come into my life and come back into my life. My brother and I formed a stronger better bond as well as my aunt. That was a total surprise. Even my 85 year old neighbor told me things that blew my mind that she had never told anyone. She said, "I saw him out in your front yard sometimes and I just wanted to shake and say what is wrong with you boy?" lol The other surprise was the paramor's ex boyfriend, his brother and his new g/f befriending me and telling me that it truly was her bs and not what she was trying to make me into some crazy lunatic. I knew that someone else out there had to know how she really was besides me. They confirmed what I had known from first meeting her, she is truly a sick, deviant woman behind her "angel" facade. People came to me and pulled me up. They surrounded me with love, comfort and a safety net. Even people that didn't even like me found compasion for me because they saw with their own eyes what I was doing to try and better myself. On August 28th, I was released from one of the biggest mistakes of my life. With all of the love that I had for that man and his children, I let him go to his new prison. The one set up on lies and deceit of a desperate woman. I PAID for the divorce because he wanted to represent himself and had NO divorce papers in hand when it came to trial. So, I have every right to say I divorced him. Rumor has it that the feds are watching her closely and I had nothing to do with it. My little psychic dream shows them busting down the door, taking the items in question and her in handcuffs. Bahahahahaha! While her profile said she was taking a break for vocal challenges, rumor has it she came to Houston to hide for a while just like she is doing now. I am so lmao at all that I have learned about her. But that's his choice of sickness. As I have told him all along, I stand and deliver. I do not have to hide behind lies, deceit, locked gates, guards, fake screen names, and fake police reports to live my life. I choose to live my life, happy, healthy and free of the drama that is his life. Even in my worst days, I never sank as low as that homewrecker he is with. That mistake has cost me over $100,000.00. He added insult to injury by calling the IRS and saying I shouldn't be able to take his child as a deduction since I didn't give birth to him. Actually, I fully supported him and his children, have all the receipts where I paid their living expenses for a full 8 months of 2005. They did an audit of 2004 and he is claiming innocent spouse. Funny thing is, it was his retirement that is screwing it up. He was the one that should have called about the 1099s AND I did enter what I KNEW about correctly. Personally, I think he should be a man and take care of the taxes because HE is the one that withdrew the money in question long before he ever met me instead of being a little mouse hiding behind women playing a victim. I spent all the time fixing his screw ups and basically handed them to him on a silver platter because I knew that without doing so, we could never have a good life. But no, he threw it all back in my face and chose to degrade me for doing it and live in more drama. Not only did he do it, but his little girlfriend made a whole damn webpage seperate from either of your profiles in which she chose to slam me with crap that she made up. I sat back and just laughed at it all biting my tongue to what I really wanted to say. Which is, "Hey Anti-Christ! Really you don't have a clue to what you have gotten yourself into but, you want to call me a slob and a terrible person to make yourself feel better so that you can sleep at night, go ahead! You two make a great looking pile of shit together. IT was extremely funny to see you post of pic of you kissing Gary in your apartment in Houston. YOU made all of what I said the truth despite your little webpage denying it all. You got yourself a real prize there! Yeah even the IRS didn't buy the sob story you helped Gary make up." I can't tell you how priceless it was to get the letter from the IRS saying they weren't releasing him from the debt. That, was the best Christmas present anyone ever gave me. The other great Christmas presents that I received was hearing my former renter's voice on the phone and knowing that they picked up the guy that broke into my house. YES! the ending of this year is showing that 2007 is going to be fantastic! Chris and I have made a friendship pact. We will have each other to lean on for the rest of our lives. Any man that wants to date me will have to undergo the "The Chris shake down" and if they don't pass, they are out. Same for any of his women. If they don't meet my standards, the are gone. It's funny as hell to walk into a place and people say, "Who's that?" And we will tell them, "Oh that's my brother." or "That's my sister" Even though he and I dated years ago. We just know that we can trust each other. Especially, after his last marriage because I told him she was going to screw him up and she did. Just like I know what is going to happen with the other 2 mentioned in this blog. So what have I learned this year? A lot. I have learned to let go of things. I have learned that no matter how much I try to protect persons, places or things, I have to allow things to happen. It's hard as hell to watch sometimes but my lessons were learned the hard way too. All I can do is stay steady, honest and true to myself and to the people that care the most about me. I found that people have watched me and have used my strength as a pattern to greater understanding of themselves. Even if it is to say, "Man, I wouldn't want to have to live in her shoes for the day." I found that I am proud of ME! I never thought I could make it on my own with 2 kids but I can. We do without a lot and even more now that it got ripped off but we can do it. I may be on the verge of bancruptcy, about to loose my childhood home but I'm happy with what I have accomplished and what I will accomplish this year. I'm truly proud to call many of you my friends. You have no idea how much just saying, "I'm thinking about you girl" has lifted me up. So to all of those who have really stood by me and been my friend, I wish you the best New Years ever. To those of you just here to see what I'm about happy new year to you too. To those of you who are here to spy, well all I have to say to you is here I am! I haven't wavered. I haven't been full of jealousy and hate. I just tell it like it is. Deal with it and try to have a decent life. Oh and when they come to arrest you, have some respect for the kids and have them cuff you outside away from the children's eyes.
To my regular readers, I must apologize to you for this but I'm going to speak my mind here and straighten a "friend" out real quick like. I'm really angry and I need to vent. First of all if you read my profile, you would have read that I am a 100% INDEPENDANT NATIVE TEXAN WOMAN. I shoot straight from the hip and I tell it like it is with me. If you have never dealth with a Texas woman, I can tell you it's a whole different ballgame. Being from ________, you don't know what that means so I'm going to explain so you understand what that means to me. IT means: I answer to NO ONE except the person that is paying my bills. As a child, I took direction from my parents or their designated authority care giver. At the age of 18, I became my own person and therefore only allowed direction with someone who was clearly someone I paid to educate me or a judicial entity. Thus, my first husband tried to beat me when I refused to conform to his control. He belittled me, kept me a hostage in my own home, stalked me, harrassed me, bent and broke a stainless steal knife in half as an example of his strength, threatened me with a gun, and financially ruined me. NEVER AGAIN will I allow someone to touch me without my consent and if you do, I will hurt you badly. Mentally, emotionally, physically or monetarily, you will feel my wrath! It may not be today, tomorrow, or five years from now but you will feel it. My first husband felt it just 2 days before our son's 8th birthday when his parental rights were removed and the judge ordered him to pay $16,000.00 in back child support without being able to see or call that child his any longer. With that being said, let me restate who is allowed to tell me what to do; my direct line supervisors at work, anyone that I have a negotiated contract with, persons upholding the law set up by the United States Government. NO OTHER PERSON has the power to control me or express their will over me unless I feel they are WORTHY to do so. Now, I am willing to listen to other people's opinions when I ask for them. I do not mind people giving me constructive criticism however, I WILL NOT TOLERATE someone being condescending to me and acting as if I don't have the sense enough to poor piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel! What brought all of this on? I got a phone call tonight from a person who has "interest" in me and when I started to talk about talking to my lover and how he brought my spirits up, the person started telling me how concerned he was for my safety and telling me I should do this and that,etc...like I'm some stupid blonde that doesn't know any better or screws any person that thought about me. If that were the case with me, I would have been with well over 20,000 men and women that thought enough of me to check me out, drop me a line or send me an e-mail!!! That's right! My profile on Myspace has been viewed over 20,000 times as well as this one that has been viewed 5,000 times just since I signed on in October! There are people from all over the world that have checked me out. And just because I allowed YOU to have my phone number does not mean you have a line to my bedroom either. It just meant that I found you interesting enough to talk to offline. Even if you made it to the point of actually meeting me in person, that still does not put you in line of being in my bed! I go through a rigorous screening process for anyone that is allowed in my bed! The lover that you questioned me about waited FOUR(4) YEARS to sleep with me. I'm not saying that every that I have an interest in has to wait that long but, I don't just sleep with someone that I don't know well! Do not ever interrupt me when I am trying to explain something to you and try to finish my sentence with what YOU think is the ending. You were very smart for feeling that the phone call needed to be ended because I was really holding back my anger toward you. If you feel that you want to take yourself off of my friends list as a result of this blog, please do so. I have already removed you from my family list. Granted, when I get excited and/or nervous I do tend to get long winded but surely you should have picked up somewhere in our conversations that I was not stupid! If I needed to know options on what I should do or education on the said topic of conversation, I would have said, "Gosh! I really don't know what I should do here." Did you hear me say that? Did you hear me say anything in our conversation that would say that I felt any concern? NO! YOUR mind went into how it MAY EFFECT YOU if something wasn't said. I have never gave any indication that I WOULD ever meet you somewhere down the line. In fact, I have been very, very clear that I may not ever meet you haven't I? Just because YOU WANT it to happen, doesn't mean it will! OK, now for the rest of you that might be still reading this, the reason that I posted this in my blogs instead of writing this person an e-mail is simply that I have had a similar type situation happen almost every single month with various people. It is very frustrating to have to repeat myself over and over again. The Goddess has spoken!!

Happy Holidays!

May your days be Merry and bright....and may all your Christmas'be white!
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