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Misc. News : Non-f.ood Things Last Updated: Jan 31, 2007 - 8:47:17 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Should girls be forced to receive HPV vaccine? By Ben Wasserman - foodconsumer.org Jan 31, 2007 - 11:24:46 AM E.mail t.his a.rticle P.rinter f.riendly p.age Get n.ewsletter Merck is vigorously lobbying state lawmakers to pass legislation to add its new vaccine against cervical cancer in the list of vaccinations that children are required to receive to be admitted into school, according to news reports. Gardasil is the first vaccine the Food and Drug Administration approved in June 2006 for use in females ages 9-26 years to prevent cervical cancer, which in most cases results from infection of human papillomavirus or HPV. Trial results indicated that the recombinant vaccine is safe and effective against HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18, which are responsible for about 70 percent of the total cases of cervical cancer in women. The trials were conducted for a short term (a few years) though, meaning that the long-term efficacy and safety of the vaccine remain unknown, which concerns some people. Because there is no absolutely guarantee that the cervical cancer vaccine won't cause any serious problem in each and every female, the FDA requests that adverse reactions and other problems related to the vaccine be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System at www.vaers.hhs.gov. HPV is a collective name for more than 100 different types of the virus among which more than 30 can be passed from one person to another through sexual contact. In the overwhelming majority of women, the body's own defense system will clear the virus and they don't develop any serious condition. But, because of the HPV infection, 10,000 women are expected to be diagnosed with cervical cancer and 3,500 die from the disease each year in the U.S. Soon after the FDA approved the vaccine, the CDC's Advisory Committee made its recommendation on June 26, 2006 that "a newly licensed vaccine designed to protect against human papillomavirus virus (HPV) be routinely given to girls when they are 11-12 years old," paving the way for states to add the vaccine in their already crowded vaccination schedules for children. The recommendation of The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices "also allows for vaccination of girls beginning at nine years old as well as vaccination of girls and women 13-26 years old," according to the CDC. With the federal government's approval and recommendation for the vaccine, Merck has started its dollar-empowered lobbying effort nationwide to get as many states as possible to add its vaccine in the list of required vaccines. As many as 18 states are considering a bill that requires young girls to receive three shots of the vaccine, which would cost $360. But so far, no state has yet to add the vaccine to the list of vaccines children must receive to be enrolled in school. According to news reports, much of Merck's effort is invested in Women in Government which is an advocacy group of female state legislators around the country. "A top official from Merck's vaccine division sits on Women in Government's business council, and many of the bills around the country have been introduced by members of Women in Government," Seattle Post Intelligencer reported. Some watchdog accused Women in Government of being too cozy with Merck, which admitted it donated money to the organization. "Cervical cancer is of particular interest to our members because it represents the first opportunity that we have to actually eliminate a cancer," Women in Government President Susan Crosby was quoted as saying. But critics say that the point is not to eliminate cervical cancer, it is about whether or not girls should be forced to receive the vaccine. Some conservatives and parents'-rights groups that value premarital abstinence are concerned that this forceful vaccination would give girls an incorrect perception of sex safety and encourage girls to have premarital sex, which is discouraged or prohibited in many conservative families. The vaccine does not prevent sexually transmitted disease such as HIV other than some HPV infections. Some state lawmakers, republican and democrat alike, said that it would be the public interest to require that girls receive the HPV vaccine. "I look at this no different than vaccinating our children for polio," Rick Perry, the republican governor of Texas was quoted as saying. "If there are diseases in our society that are going to cost us large amounts of money, it just makes good economic sense, not to mention the health and well being of these individuals to have those vaccines available." Critics argued that HPV infection is in no way comparable to polio. People get HPV because of their own lifestyle. But in the case of polio, people get infected involuntarily. This means that individuals should personally be responsible for HPV infection and forceful vaccination of the cervical cancer vaccine in girls is not warranted. Dr. Joseph Mercola, a noted physician who promotes natural health, called the Merck’s vaccine worthless. He pointed out that HPV is behaviorally avoidable. He said “a New England Journal of Medicine study found the use of condoms reduces the incidence of HPV by 70 percent. By comparison, Gardasil counteracts four varieties of HPV that cause 70 percent of the cases of cervical cancer and 90 percent of genital warts.” Dr. Mercola also said on his web site that “cancer prevention is not as simplistic as taking a vaccination. Maintaining a high level of immune integrity is the key, and this is done through the basics of emotional balancing, optimized nutrition, avoidance of toxins, proper sleep, exercise and hydration.” He suggested women better take care of general health and enhance their immune system to help the body to clear HPV infection naturally. There is no argument that women have a right to receive the vaccine to reduce their risk of cervical cancer should they be concerned about the disease because of the lifestyle they follow. But likewise, many agree that people have a right to reject injection of any drug in their vein for any purpose. Analysts said Merck can rake in 1 billion dollars in a year even without states’ requirement of the vaccine in young girls. With the states' requirement, the anti-cervical cancer vaccine can bring Merck much more business annually. Share this article on =>
Quickly "Qualify" & Attract Men On Dates >Note: If you feel afraid or uncomfortable asking a man the important questions that will tell you about who he is and how he thinks and feels, and you want to learn what it takes to get a man to communicate openly and honestly with you... then you need to read THIS: http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/11073/CommunicationSecrets/ I wouldn't bother reading this email unless you're: A) Single B) Tired or fed up with dating and men who don't know what they want C) Even the smallest bit uncertain about when, where, and how you'll meet the "right guy" in your life If any of this at all describes you, then I'd like to talk to you for a minute and share a few things that could be more valuable to you than anything you've learned about men and dating in the last several years. First, let me ask you... Do you ever feel frustrated that there just aren't many good men out there? At least not men who are looking for a real woman like you. And a real relationship. Sure - there seems to be lots of men who would love a fling, or to spend their time with a younger woman who will tell them how terrific they are and inflate their ego for a while. But I'm talking about men who are looking and capable of something better. Men of SUBSTANCE. Do you ever get the feeling that at this stage of your life, you might never find a real man like this you can really connect and share yourself with? If so, then let me also ask you... Do you ever meet other women who seem to have a kind of natural ability to meet and attract great men... and who seem to have "the pick of the litter" when it comes to guys who actually are the kind of men you could share something meaningful with? If you know a woman like this, then you know that it's almost like she's luckier than other women... as she seems to effortlessly attract men to her without even trying. If you don't know a woman like this, then let me strongly suggest that you meet one, because there are women are out there like this... and you could learn a TON from them. I'm talking about the kind of women who not only don't have to worry about if they're going to have a fun date on Friday night... I'm talking about the kind of women who know how, when, and where to find great guys who are fun, charming, successful, attractive, etc. And more importantly... I'm talking about the kind of women who know how to actually talk to, connect with, and EMOTIONALLY ENGAGE a great guy any time and any place she happens to run across him. How many times have you seen or met a guy who seemed like a real "catch", but you had no idea what to do or say in order to get his attention? You didn't even know where to start. And since he didn't "make a move" or do anything to start things off, nothing happened. You might have even had times in your life where there was one special guy you kept seeing and being around... but you were NEVER able to break the ice and take things out of the "friend zone" and into an intimate connection. Moments like these can be telling. The thing is, if you're single and you want to meet a great guy... Either you know how to talk to a man and get his attention and interest if he doesn't pursue you on his own... or you don't. And if you don't, guess what? It's time you did 2 things: 1) Stop avoiding the fact that you DON'T know how to make things come together and happen with a real man once you find him 2) Start looking for ways to find and meet a great guy instead of feeling frustrated or upset that you don't know any right now And now it's time for a some tough love- Here's what I believe is going on with you right now... I believe that part of the time that you feel like your love life isn't going anywhere, there really might not be any great guys around for you to meet and get to know. But I also believe that, if you're honest with yourself, then what's more important than there not being lots of great men around is the fact that YOU don't know how to identify, meet, date, and truly connect with men in order to create something that can be hard to come by in the first place- Real and lasting LOVE. Sure, you could wait around and hope that love finds you... and that a great guy is going to come along and everything is going to be easy and fall into place. But if you've been waiting a while for this to happen (maybe even years and years) ... you might not realize that for 99.8% of women out there, true love doesn't just fall into their laps. In other words, you might actually have to DO SOMETHING about your love life and your situation for yourself. I know it sounds EASIER for things to come to you and work out the way you want them to... but I can promise you that life is a whole lot HARDER if you wait around and things never happen for you. You know this somewhere inside. So tell me something... You've probably had the experience where you've met a guy and at first you felt kind of indifferent to him, or hardly interested. But as you got to know him "accidentally", or because of some specific circumstance such as work or friends in common, you got to know him and started to see was an amazing guy. Not only that... but you started to see that he was really ATTRACTIVE and interesting. But by then it was too late, and you were either stuck being his "friend", or he was dating another woman. To make a long story short, you missed out and you knew it. The point is... if you don't know how to recognize a great guy when you first meet him, then your odds of bringing a great guy like this into your life go down DRAMATICALLY. First impressions are important. For some men they're EVERYTHING. And if you don't make the right first impression, it's as though a door swings shuts in their mind that will never open again. Nothing is going to make up for the reality that you're likely to stay alone and unloved if you can't get a man to take notice, open up to you, and become interested and attracted to you for the right reasons. The good news is... a couple of my more successful women friends and I can help you. But if, and only if, you're willing to take the time to learn what really works. (Of course, if you want to keep doing what you've been doing, and keep getting the same outcomes with men... go right ahead) Speaking of which... what if I told you I knew a woman who had more of that "natural ability" to meet, attract, and connect with great guys than almost any other woman I had ever met? And what if I told you that she has spent hundreds of hours helping and coaching women one on one and successfully teaching them exactly how to make their love lives come true - from scratch. And what if I also told you that I had spent several hours with her getting all of her very best real-world tips and secrets that other women had paid thousands of dollars over days and weeks to hear and understand? And that these were truly the things you needed to know if you wanted to literally jump-start your love life and identify, meet and attract great guys from today forward? Would you be interested in knowing about it? Would you be interested in learning how to feel 100% confident in your ability to talk to and connect with a great guy? And to know what he was thinking and what he said or did around you really meant? And would being able to capture a man's interest in just a few moments of conversation sound like something you'd want to know about? And how about being able to do this anywhere you were, and at any time... with any man you were interested in? Do I have your attention? Good - because I want you to learn all of these amazing things that tons of women never learn in their lives... and so they go on living in a world of UNCERTAINTY and INSECURITY when it comes to men, dating, and relationships. Don't let that be you for another day. I can help you jump-start your love life TODAY... and here's how: I've just interviewed this amazing woman I've been talking about - Lauren Frances. And she just shared with me all of her very best secrets to what she calls "Dating, Mating, And Manhandling..." In fact, let me tell you a few of the details about my Interview with Lauren and what you will learn by listening to it: -How to know if a man is single and interested in you in the FIRST TEN SECONDS of talking to him -How to flirt effectively without seeming aggresive, too obvious, or desperate -The SINGLE MOST COMMON FEAR that keeps good men from approaching women -What to say to a man that lets him know you're interested but doesn't sound canned or cheesy -The best LOW-RISK way to ask a man on a date that doesn't seem pushy or desperate -What animal most closely resembles men in behavior, and how using and understanding this can instantly help you understand why men get DISTANT - and what to do about it -When men fall in love... and when and why they don't -A super effective way to find out on a FIRST DATE whether or not the man is relationship and commitment-ready -The biggest misperception a women can have about a man on a first date that could cause you to let a GOOD GUY slip by -The BEST question to ask a man to learn if he has "issues" that would prevent him from wanting a meaningful, committed relationship with you - while building the level of interest and attraction he feels for you -The little known secret to sparking incredible CHEMISTRY on the first date that lasts -Specific moves you can do with your body that will make a man feel you UNDERSTAND him and have a connection with him -A fun and flirtatious "game" you can play with a man on a date that he'll love to play and will tell you almost all the IMPORTANT things you need to know about a his character -Why a man will reveal his DARKEST SECRETS before he even gets to know you... and how to listen so you don't miss out on this valuable information -The actual QUALITIES in a woman that men fall in love with -The key difference between the "hardened bachelor" and the "marrying type", and how to spot one from the other immediately -What it means when a man starts PULLING AWAY after he's been "romancing" you for weeks -The ULTIMATE heartache prevention question every woman should ask every man on the first date -What sex REALLY means to a man, and how to use that knowledge to create the kind of LASTING and NATURAL attraction that will lead to a more fulfilling love life -Specific TIPS and things to say to a man to allow a natural flow toward an EXCLUSIVE, long-term relationship. -Why casually dating more than one man changes everything about how the man you might really like sees you... and when to become exclusive with that one man -Why so many women SETTLE for a guy who's never going to want what they want... and how to avoid this trap in the first place before you fall for a guy who isn't ready -The KEY SIGNS that tell you he's serious about you... and what to do next when you see these signs -A great technique to SLOWING things down without seeming like a "prude", and actually intensifying his feelings for you as a result -And more. Now, that's just off the top of my head. There is a TON of value just waiting for you to put to use and change your love life forever. The thing is... you need to actually HEAR Lauren is on this Interview, what she's saying, and the way she says it, to really get how amazing what she shared in our interview is, and to get the full value from it. With that said, here's what I'd like to do for you... I really want you to have a copy of this audio interview on CD. Why? Because I kNOW it's going to DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE your love life when it comes to men and dating. ...And do it almost instantly. Which is why... right now I'm going to make a commitment to helping you... and to bringing the love, the romance, and the man you want and deserve into your life. I'm going to do something a little risky on my part- I'm going to send you what I think is the ultimate dating and success with men "boot camp". This boot camp won't "hurt" much like it might sound, but it will start with the more hands-on and real world learning that has to take place for you to start getting different results with men, dating, and relationships. And then, once you've got some of the basics down... I'm going to follow up with you at least once a month to make sure you start having the kind of success and experiences you want. If you want to go from being single and not having a great guy in your life... to being confident and secure in your ability to meet, attract, and really get close to and understand a great guys... then here's what you need to get started: 1) A copy of this latest interview I did with Lauren Frances 2) A copy of my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" CD/DVD program Now, here's where this starts to get really good... If you're ready to move on in your life and grow into a "new you" who feels great because she knows how to get what she wants with men... and gets it... then I'm going to send you BOTH of these free for you to try out for a full 30 days. If you haven't realized it... the reason a man becomes interested in a woman, starts dating and seeing her... and chooses to spend his time and attention with her is NOT because she is nice. And it's not because she's polite, or she's smarter, better dressed, or even a better person than another woman. It's because the man feels the FEELING OF ATTRACTION for her. If you don't know what it takes to make a man feel intensely attracted to you (it's different for a man that it is for a woman)... and you don't know how to make him feel MORE than a PHYSICAL ATTRACTION for you... Then odds are things aren't going to get very far. Maybe not even further than the bedroom. But... If you know how to create the INTENSE FEELING OF "EMOTIONAL ATTRACTION" in a man, along with physical attraction... then there's almost nothing anyone can say that will convince him that you AREN'T as desirable and as irresistible as he sees you. My "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program can show you exactly how to do this with a man and make him feel literally addicted and drawn to you on all levels. Details about this program are below, and you can get yourself a free copy of this Interview just for trying this CD/DVD program out at no risk. It's here: http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/11073/NALA/ Now, here's where this really gets good... Not only will I send you both of these dating "essentials" at no risk free for a full 30 days... I'll do it at my own risk and pay for the shipping to get it to you. That's right. On my own dime, I'll send you both of these amazing dating resources to let you try them out. Are you wondering why I would do that? Well.... first, I'm that confident you're going to get even more out of these than you expected to get. And that after spending at least 30 days with these materials that you're going to want to keep them around and keep learning and growing from them for months to come. Of course, if you don't get everything you want out of your dating "bootcamp", you can keep the interview, and simply send me back the "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program, and you won't have to pay a thing. Nothing. And if you decide that all the things you learned from these are worth it, then keep your love life evolving as you keep working with the materials, and I'll bill you in a few small easy monthly payments. It's really that easy. No hassles. And yeah, I know that in this day and age there are a lot of "scams" out there online where people try to get your money and you don't know who they are and if you can trust them. I'll just say that I've been here for years, I'm going to keep sending you my newsletters for as long as you keep reading them... and I've already helped literally thousands of other women like you to start living the love life they've always wanted with a man. Oh, and I keep my promises. That's why I want you to go to the link below right now and let me send you this entire "dating bootcamp". It's all here for you to try out free for a full month. http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/11073/NALA/ Simply go to the link and let me know you want me to send you both of these by ordering my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program... and as you're checking out select to take me up on my "Interviews With Dating & Relationship Experts" free 30 day trial. And just to sweeten the deal even more, in case you're still not sure... Not only will I send you a free trial copy of my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program, along with this latest Interview I did with Lauren... I'll also add in the following: -A free bonus Interviews "Starter Kit" that contains two of the very best interviews I've ever done with 2 amazing experts. This is over 5 hours of learning you can't find anywhere else and is going to get you up to speed FAST -A new monthly Interview each month to keep you learning, growing and improving your life, your love life, and your relationships on an ongoing basis The interviews in my Starter Kit are worth at least $100 on their own... and right now I'll throw them in for free. And if you love Lauren's interview, and all the free bonus interviews you're going to get, then you can stay on my Monthly Interview Series and get a brand new interview chock full of incredibly new learning and lessons. It's absolutely free for this first month and a small fee of less than $20 each month after that if you want to stay on. Of course, there's no obligation for you to keep getting my Interviews. Listen to as many as you want, and cancel at any time, for any reason. Really. But with all this at your fingertips, and the rest of your love life in front of you, I can't see how at least trying all this out wouldn't be worth it... if not one of the best things you could do for yourself in the New Year. So let me ship you this amazing set of materials risk free. And be on your way to the dating life and the relationship you know is possible with the right guy. Just order my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" CD or DVD program now, or at least before midnight on January 8th (PST) when my interview with Lauren "goes to press"... and I'll send you all these amazing materials for you to use and start putting to work with men. Start living the love life you want. Your simple next step is right in front of you just by going here and trying out this amazing "dating bootcamp". It's here: http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/11073/NALA/ Of course, if you'd like to read all about my "Interviews with Dating & Relationship Experts" Monthly Interview Series... you can do that on my site at the next link below. And if you just want to get the Lauren Interview, and not everything else I'm willing to send you right now, then simply go here and get your copy now: http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/11073/InterviewSeries/ And of course, if you haven't read my eBook "Catch Him & Keep Him, it's a must read and the best place to get started with all my material. You can download a free trial copy to your computer in just a minute or two and be on your way to a better love life or relationship in no time. Get your copy here: http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/11073/eBook/ And I'll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love! Your Friend, Christian Carter ****Special Reminder**** P.S. If you want to take me up on the offer for my interview with Lauren and all the other goodies in this dating success "boot camp", you need to do so BEFORE MIDNIGHT January 8th. So let me know now. And remember, ALL THIS MATERIAL is risk free for a full 30 days. To recap, here's what you'll get if you take me up on this risk free offer right now: 1) My Natural & Lasting Attraction program 2) The Lauren Frances Interview I just did 3) A free bonus Starter Kit with 2 great interviews 4)A brand new Interview mailed to you each month, if you choose to stay with the monthly interviews I'd suggest at least trying all this out for free before I change my mind or it's too late. I'll ship all this out to you immediately, and risk free if you go here now: http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/11073/NALA/ Remember, you need to order BEFORE MIDNIGHT on January 8th in order to get all of these amazing materials. Don't miss it! P.P.S. Feel free to email me with any questions about this email, my Interview Series, my free 30 day trial offers... or just to get an answer back before you order to know if I'm for real or not. I'll be happy to respond and clear up anything you want to know. Email me at Support@CatchHimAndKeepHim.com and I'll make sure your question gets answered quickly. ------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2006, Catch Him Inc., All Rights Reserved. Catch Him And Keep Him And Christian Carter are trademarks of Catch Him Inc. All emails sent to Christian Carter become the exclusive property of Catch Him & Keep Him, Inc. If you are under the age of 18, please go to the link at the end of this e-letter to stop receiving it or send mail to "Catch Him Inc." 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89109. By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. 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