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BlackRoad's blog: "My next book.."

created on 02/12/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-next-book/b54906
I thought on, why i not write a romantic book..I wrote till now horror, thriller, sci-fi, i know in hungarian language, but i thinking on now, i write a book in english..Not easy, i living in the usa only just half years ago..I make blogs in mí míspace, i make here now also, and send there the book's new chapter..I want to know, what you say all!:) Fight for your dreams! Written by Leslie Szalay Chapter 1. Arrived The plane just arrived to the terminal..slowly stopped, the airport is waited the new peoples from the passageway..The peoples came..Like always, the life is not stopped after the 2001 terrible things..Lot of reasons, who why came..But he don’t thinking on this..After the checking found a taxicab..He not was a Bond, never thought this..But his ideal was, hence he a man who is lived always like a gentleman..Leslie tried everything, to not see the driver don’t care, what said for him…He had new thoughts.. Leslie are you crazy?..firstly you came for a new work, you never met these peoples..And the championship?..New races..Jesus man, you are really crazy..And She? If you can’t find her?..Thought this but his thoughts is crashed, because heard.. -We are arrived! Said the taxi driver -Thank you! Here it is! Said and gave him $300 -Thanks man, call me if you like a driver..said the taxi driver and gave to Leslie his phone number..After went away.. Well im here..Thought and went in the big house.. Leslie is a young man was, 23 years old only but he always thought like a 35 years old man..He not was a dream man, he had brown eyes, and prown hair..But he knew he have a charm, that always made to him luck with the peoples..He knew this, but never used it..Leslie learnt the life is hard, but learnt you not needed to do like what do others..He never did like others, and never thought..Not after said yes to the Kurt here in Los Angeles, not did like others after he did everything to find one woman in the USA.. Only his 3 friend knew from this, and one is waited him in this house.. -Leslie! Thank God, good to see you again! Heard the voice and seen his one of his best friend.. -Ray, im glad i see you here! Said put down the packages, and huged his friend. Ray is a strong man was, body builder type, and really not same as Leslie..Leslie’s looks is not was a body builder, but he had lot of powers, the only thing is why not was like Ray, heritability..From his father, he also not was a strong looks man, was, beacause he died in Leslie’s childhood..After his life changed..Works, after the hacker life and the day the secret service found him..He not had choice, prison or they..And the races, his life..And now after 5 years he like to find a woman, girl here.. -Leslie i happy i see you, but you know what i thinking! Said ray and sat down on the black armchair.. -I know Ray..Im crazy, but you know not she the only reason i came here.. Said and he also sat down on the other armchair -And living here Leslie, and this is not Europe! Said Ray, and made a little hard face -I know what i do Ray! You know i never agreed the impossible things! Here is the work with Kurt, finally i have a chance to make my security system, and the EA, im so close for the place, and here the new races, i heard from a new championship in SLR..And she, you know im not a dating type, and i find her, anything is the price! Said and he seen with an i don’t like to hear stupid sentences face..His eyes always was the strongest point..Like now, almost fire came out..Ray saw this.. -Okay Leslie..Well i hope you make your luck here..How was the flight?..I know you hate the public planes! Seen with a little smile now -Yes not was too bad..i didn’t find Chris, hence i came with public plane..But i know for last..Do you know when arriving my car? -The Aston?..Only on Monday, and this is Friday my friend! You must relaxing on the weekend! -I know, but id like to call the SLR boss, and i make a call for Playboy.. Said and made a little smile -I knew it you thinking this..Leslie, why you not tried the chat?..Yout tried her friends, and workplace?.. Said ray with an interesting face.. -I tried Ray, but after the 2001?..Stupid terrorist security laws, i cant find any informations..Everybody say, sorry we cant help you..This is bad, but i trying the chat not bad thing..Thanks Ray! -I hope you find her..Really..After Jessica you must find a woman who love you, and make happy your life again! But i have fears Leslie, what you do if you not find or she not agree your feels?.. This is more than crazy! And Jesus why a Cybergirl?..You can’t find a simple girl?..Why not a Playmate?.. Well trying to find her on the messageboard, you can find there, i heard..And MySpace, i heard she have a site! Seen with a smile, but his eyes said, Leslie you are an idiot now! -I know what you thinking Ray, and don’t care! Thanks the advices..I trying there..Her MySpace is private fully, the message sending also..And don’t ask why i not ask for Chris! Said Leslie, but he felt Ray ask.. He thought properly.. -Yes, i ask, why not?..He is a boss in the CIA or anything like that, or not?..And if you worked for them, they can make it!..Only little time, and you know everything from her! Why not you do this? -Because what she thinking after?!..Not Ray, i dont like any helps, and this thing is so dirty if i do this..you know im not a man like that! Seen Leslie with the face that say, Ray, no more questions! -Ok Leslie..After these, i hope you show for the USA, who is BlackRoad! Said Ray, made a friendly smile, and stood up, to go away -Thanks Ray, i hope you not angry now, you know im a crazy guy!..I believe i show for the USA who i am! And there is the works..They also big things..But now the biggest is to make this house my home! Leslie now laughted one..He not laughted so much from that 13th..He hate from that day the 13 number..He lost her love on the biggest day, he liked to ask her will be his wife or not, but the life is not was clement..She died in an accident on that day..After the races was everything..And he lost the happiness.. Ray knew this, he almost can’t believed after heard what happened..And now he had fears for his friend, and had a hope he found the happiness again.. -Im not angry Leslie, and i hope she will be like Jessica was! Have a great day and weekend my friend! Wellcome in Los Angeles! Said and huged his friend.. -I don’t think i can find woman like she was, but i know i found one i can believe to live with her, dating with her..Thats all i think! Have a great weekend Ray! Said and followed his friend to the front door..He went away after a goodbye sentence.. The ordination was till the night..Leslie so tired was…He made a shower, like everyday, but he alwasys loved..One place without any problems only the water and the feelings.. After he came out he went to the bed..He liked to sleeping, really tired was, but thought..See the net.. He made the contacts on the laptop, and went to the myspace..Some new comments, friendrequests, and messages..Answered the messages..Oh, a new message with the man, who say, not my car..thought with a smile, and answered the hard message..He not started today the racing..He was only 15 he started this..And made always the best, thanks for his teacher, Ronald..His aston was in magazines, and videos in Europe, and not much peoples knew this..Leslie never liked to say, he is famous, big or super driver..Never thought this, always said, im a good driver!..But not much people can say to raced with the Ferrari team in Italy, or raced in 9 championship, and won all.. He now thought, not was the best to gave the car for the web advertisement..Now peoples thinking, this is not his car.. He wrote some comments, and after log out..Went to the messageboard..lot of peoples was now on there..Yes, weekend..Thought, and made a simple chat with an user..Only for a little time, said goodbye, and off the laptop..He went away to sleep.. Must sleeping Leslie, tomorrow is a new day, and now a new night..alone..thought and was said..But not forever, thought and made a smile in.. ********** The sun is came up and the birds is began to sing…Leslie woke up and made a smile..Thank you God im here.. After the morning things he went out to jog one..Yes. Leslie always did in europe. And now here..is little crazy was to make this on the first morning, but he did..After not was easy to find the house again.. -Leslie you are really idiot..said after went to the shop, bought everything he want and went back again.. Not a crazy day, thought after set down to the computer with an orange juice.. New e-mail, saw..The SLR was..They said the rules and the things from the races.. Like FDR, thought Leslie, and thought on the past..he left now the FDR europe, and he dont know he hoow find here the FDR USA..He knew, the FDR find him, not he find the FDR.. He thought on the lot of races..Race with BMW vs Lamborghini.. Great race was, he showed what menas sleeper.. Now he begin almost everything here again..But he waited the races, his life was the races always..He made answer mail, and had chats with his friends..the day is boring was, like he thought..Nothing happened, and easily went away.. But the Sunday is sent a surprise for Leslie, only he don’t knew this on the night after went to sleep. The next day same was as Saturday..Leslie thought, Jesus this is a boring weekend..But his phone ringed..His one other friend was..One other best friend, who met him from the childhood..Jeff is invited him to the caffee bar..Why not. Thought and went to the meeting on the evening..Jeff is little lated..But other friend came..Scott Leslie almost not knew his friend was..A man with white shirt and black trousers and suit..This is not Scott’s style was.. -Scott?.. Asked after some minutes from the man near to him..He weared a green shirt and black moleskins..This is Leslie’s style..And the colours, blue, black, and green.. -Jesus Leslie?!..Jeff said i meeting here a good friend…But he lating thanks for the traffic! Good to se you Leslie…What are you doing here?..Works?..races?.. Asked and gave a drink for Leslie..whisky was, Leslie don’t like it, but this time thought he drink this, he don’t like to offend his friend.. -Both..Works, races, and woman, this is my reasons..But maybe i living here.. Said made a smile, and drank a little from the drink..He felt he now spew it, but not.. -Works, races ok..But woman?..Are you Leslie?..Said and drank his drink at once..Don’t keeping so much! Said and seen Leslie’s wihsky.. -No im Leslie..made a smile..The works is my goals, the races in SLR also..Why i say no?..and i found finally a girl, a can date with her i know.. He drank the whisky at once now..Hard was to not make any bad.. He seen Scott like to give a new, the only luck was, Jeff arrived.. -Sorry for this, but the traffic almost kill you here.. Said Jeff, and set down between Leslie and Scott.. -No problems, we are drinking, not Leslie?.. Said Scott, and gave other whisky to Leslie Jeff seen, Leslie not was happy for this.. -Yes we drinking one, but why we here?!.. Asked from Jeff, and seen, Jeff im in a trouble soon face.. -Great question Leslie..Do you see that house?..Showed a white and blue house on the left side.. -Yes, i see.. Said and seen.. -Ok, there is one office from the FDR USA..and you go there tomorrow! Said, and made a smile.. -What??.. Said Leslie voice of surprised.. -Yes , because Scott is a member of the FDR USA’s bosses in California, and the FDR said to him, BlackRoad here, they like to you like FDR races in the USA..Like iam.. Scott now seen to Leslie.. -You know the rules, and i heard the one thing you must do, win the SLR, and after the bonus race that makes by FDR..If you win you not be a simple racer more, you be a VIP racer..Leslie, this is a more dangerous world like in Europe, everything crazy, the rules everytimes changing, no laws, no rules sometimes, and you can dying not only injuring here! But one big good thing, here is no cops, we made a terms..you know, money talk, with the police.. -Wow sounds crazy, what type of the races..i meant this what style?.. Said with a little, i dont like to die voice.. -No not too dangerous, and you made some crazy races till now.. Like 007 films, Fast And Furious, and Knight Rider same time..without guns..this is the style.. Said and smlied one..BlackRoad not a little man.. -Yes. Followed Scott..Some stunts, some crashes, pushes, traffic everywhere, no tracks, we racing in the city, and jumpes.. Said and seen Leslie -Like a movie..And why is great this to me?..This is crazy way..too crazy.. Said Leslie and drank once the whisky..He thought, this is too hard, not the races.. He almost passed out, but Scott not seen this.. -Maybe crazy, but you can reach with this lot of things..SLR after the FDR USA, and after if you win, you have a chance to become the world’s best racer! Do you know what means this?..Lot of money, and i not say what means, you most know! Said and drank a new Whisky.. -I know..I say yes..not for the money, means nothing, but my one dream is to i be the best racer in the FDR..I say yes, and i do it, if i can reach my goal with this! Said Leslie, and seen to scott with the, business is business face. -I knew it you say yes..Great, you meet there one boss tomorrow 2 pm..Don’t lating, they hate that! After they make an administration, and you receiving after if a sponsor is like you..I bet on some sponsors know who is BlackRoad! Said Jeff, and stood up to leave the place.. -Its little late, not peoples?..Said..Hey Leslie, come with me, i take you home! Said and seen to Leslie, like he say come with me before you go to hospital!.. -Huh Jeff. Thank you so much! Well Scott, thanks the drinkings, and here it is my number! Bye scott, i bet on i see you soon! Said and went out with Jeff, after Scott also gave his number and said bye.. -Everything is ok? Asked Jeff after they jumped in the car.. -Yes im ok, but my head aching little..You know i not drinking alcohol too much.. -I know! I hope you now happy Leslie, you came to FDR, and you can reach your dreams..never forget, in the USA you can reach anything, only do for everything! Said and laughted one.. -I know jeff, and i know you saved my life! Made a big smile.. -Ok, don’t kiss me! Laughted Jeff.. You know Alice be more than happy, she see you soon..her Blacky came back.. Made a new smile Jeff -Oh Alice! Everything is ok with her?..I talked woth her on MSN every week.. -Yes i know.. Said Jeff.. -We are in peace and in love..Im a lucky guy with her! I hope you find a girl like she..but i think Tina not that girl.. Said and saw Leslie what answering.. -I know only what i thinking, nobody, only I..And id like to find her, this is the first..You and Alice, you are a lovely couple! -Thanks Leslie, i agreed..ok, here we are! Take care my friend! Said and stopped with the car.. -thanks Jeff..Goodnight, and we talking tomorrow.. Said and went in the house Leslie.. He made a Soup, and a new juice..After made a shower, and he sat down to his laptop.. -Ok..New messages, comments.. This time is too tired was, he not answered them… Went to the forum..New topic..Tina?..Asked and seen the one topic title I see what thinking from her.. Thought and went in..Lot of peoples there..And stupid comments also..not only nice comments..He thought he not reading them, but after he seen a comment.. -Thanks Tina, you are always sexy, and we love you! Seen the comment, and the comment that was before..Tina?!.. Leslie cant believed it, he found her, and he have an account in the forum..He made a sweet letter for her, and after went to sleep.. Before he went to sleep thought.. -This is a so good day! I found you Tina! He happily slept now, but he didn’t knew the truth from her..and he went with this letter in a big play, big trap.. ********** Chapter 2. Dream and Bad dream The next day Leslie woke up on 6am.. -Oh yes, maybe this is a big day!:) Said till he made his breakfast..Ate his toast, and drank a juice.. Well i call Jeff because maybe i not have time on the afternoon..thought, and before called him, made some message to Tina’s friends he wrote a message for her, and please hope she read it…Not was any bad in the message, formal request from a guy, who like to contact with her..Jeff not was so happy for the phonecall.. -Yes, who the hell are you?.. Asked in the phone not with little angry voice..Leslie on now realized too early the time.. -Sorry Jeff, i lost my head for a minute..Can you make me a meeting now in the morning with the boss?..Because i must go in the Kurt today, my Aston also arriving, and Maybe i make a meeting with EA.. Said Leslie confused.. -Thats all?.. Asked Jeff with waiting.. -And i found Tima yesterday.. Confessed to Jeff with little voice.. -Why you not began with this?..I make some call, be ready my friend, and i call you back, and take you to the new meeting place.. Said John and put the phone down.. Great, thought Leslie, and chose a black trousers and his blue shirt..and put on his head his favourite green baseballcap.. -You, make me luck! Laughted one for the cap after laid on his head..Well now im a racer, im the best from europe..Thought in..This is not was only words, he won every championships in the europe..The cops is afraid if heard the name of BlackRoad..Nobody catched him, only two times was in a jail for an evening, and they not found evidence..After every fans and races said to Leslie, he is the king.. He never agreed this, never said he is the king, nobody better than he..And he not was unbeatable..But always did everything to win…His teacher Ronald teched him, and he learnt..The only thing is, you do everything to win, and after happening anything, you are the winner, becuase you did everything for win that..He always did..But sometimes not enough, because there is the luck! The luck is your first friend but first enemy..Said always..Sometimes the worst enemy was..He thought on the crashes..After crashed on a tree, because his rival pushed it, or the race his car’s tyres blew up, and he flip 3 times and crashed in a building..Or the worst, his car engine’s failed and he lost the race before 4 meters from the finish..He knew what means losing and wins..And always did the best.. -Can i win this races?.. Asked himself..and remembered..The other time he flew down 8 meters on the road, but he did it and his car is still mobile was.. His rival almost crashed, after seen, Black is in front off him, with a half crashed car..Or the other time he lost his one tyre, and won with three..He did always everything to win.. Now he smiled one.. -But the traffic, innocent peoples?.. Thought again..The time he crashed almost in the bus, but he turned his car on the right, and risked to flip up, but evaded the crash..Or his rival lost the control before the finish, and he crashed in him before crashed in the peoples on the race..Not the winning was the first, evade the injures, or if impossible, evade the death.. -You can make itt! Said to himself, and heard the carhorn..He went out and closed the house..went to the car.. -Hi Jeff, sorry again.. Said Leslie -Sorry for my voice..I forgot what means to wake up early..Maybe i learn it again..smiled one to Leslie..After said.. -Well the meeting place now the clubhouse, almost out of the city, we have terms with the police, but we must be careful..Hence there -Ok! Said Leslie with i agree voice.. -She reading your message today Leslie, or maybe tomorrow..Don’t forget, these girls not casual peoples, maybe hard to find time for anything.. Said and seen what saying his friend.. -I know Jeff..After the meeting can you take me to the airport?..The Aston waiting there..Would be great if i can go with my car to the Kurt.. Asked from Jeff.. -Hey why not?..I hope they not damaged the car! Laughted one, but seen Leslie made a little angry face for this.. -Sorry i know thats your favourite car type..but Mercedes also.. Why you not bought till now?.. -Great question Jeff..I don’t know..But i ordering this week some cars, and maybe a limousin..oh yes, and my friend come with my Escalade here..You know i lived in New York for a little time, im not first here now.. Said with a do you understand?..voice. -I know..The Escalade from HIN..You are rich Leslie, and you never showed..I never understand this..Buy 2 limousin my friend, here is that normal..In FDR full normal..Buy some casual cars, not be good if you drive a racecar in a city if you not racing..The cops hate that..And one more thing..Always did that the FDR say, or you be in trouble! You easily can lose everything, your cars also! Do you agree?.. -Yes i know Jeff..And i do what you said..I thought the cops hate the racers here also, only they not catch you firstly.. Said and seen they arrived..The house is a big house was..pale green..French windows, and a beauty big ashlar fence..before the house two palmtree, and he not seen this, he seen the cars..Some Chevrolette on the left, there is the words: FDR VIP CLUB! FDR, means Free Deadly Races..The races that crazy, dangerous, without rules..Two rules only..Win and survive! The other race is the SLR was, like the game, Street Illegal Race.. Illegal races, almost like FDR, but in this races not was impossible to find cops..And sometimes needed to crash them, push them out..in europe needed really, the european cops first shot after asked the question..Leslie went in..A pretty girl sat at the desk..She smiled one for Leslie, and said please wait a minute.. Really a minute was, and after Leslie went in..Jeff is not, he still stood at the desk and talked with the girl.. The boss is little looks like old..Blue eyes, black hair, but some place is seen a little white..Tall man was, seems like strong, his face said, im the boss, you do what i say..He sat doown to his black chair and said to Leslie -Sit down! -Thank you.. -My name is Brandon Steel..Don’t joking with my name! Im the FDR USA Californian boss.. new racer..Yes? Said and seen Leslie without any face..Leslie hated this always..The poker face.. -Yes iam..I don’t like to joking with your name, and im not a beginner.. Said and tried to see with, i know who am i face.. -This is good..I thought firstly i see you know who are you..We have some informations..You began the races in 15..16 you won the first championship..17-18 5more..After your girlfriend died you not raced till half year, after go back and won won won..This is what we want, the best racers in the world..This is not a simple FDR club, if you here, you do we what say..If we say you racing now, you racing, if we call you at night you are racing on 2 am, you go and racing!..You do what we say..Do you understand?.. -And what you give me?.. Said Leslie like not heard the question.. -Chance to become the world’s best..And money, sponsors..Now if you agree this, 5 sponsors is like to make with you contracts..The contracts till 2007 January! If you offend any terms, you lose everything! We give you 50,000 for a race, and bonus for the specials..The money is from 50,000 till 2-3 million for a race.. The normal is 150-200,000..But you must make everything to reach this! We not have rules, sometimes hard rules, we can change anything anytime! Be ready if you win much, you racing more, and racing in more dangerous races, and we call you before the races only..Before some hours..Hard things, but you must fight for your money..Said and waited Leslie’s answer..he surprised from the answer.. -I don’t care the money, id like to fight for my dreams, not for my money..Im not a beginner, i racing almost 8 years ago, and i reached the top..Please don’t see me like a beginner, who not have money..Id like to know more from the club, and races..Where i racing, why i racing, and who is the rivals..What means this championships?.. Said and now seen with full power to the boss..He lost his words for a minute.. -Yes..Yes..The club not have terms with the media, we hate it, the rivals is other FDR club members..You racing in Los Angeles only, now..The SLR is a race and thwe racers come from the all USA, like after in the FDR first class..But the FDR First class is closed place, you must reach first the things to go in! What you say?.. Said and made now a little smile friendly.. -I like things like closed places, now i see a new goals..If i not se goals in the things, don’t care, without goals bored the all races! I say yes, i agreed.. Said and wait what say the boss.. They talked a little, Leslie wrote the contracts and came out..Jeff still talked from the races for a girl.. -What happened? Asked after seen Leslie -Im an FDR VIP racer Smiled to Jeff.. -Congratulation.. Said the girl.. -Thanks..yes.. Said Leslie confused.. -Call me Kim! Said to Leslie with a smile.. Well you are a racer , we talking much i think..Im the boss’s secretary.. -I thought Kim.. Said Leslie with a smile.. Jeff, i must like to go for my car! Said with a waiting voice.. Ok Leslie, just a minute!.. Said Jeff, and still talked with Kim.. Leslie’s mobile ringed.. -Sorry! A minute please! Said for Jeff and Kim and went out from the house..The Kurt was.. -Leslie you must come in now..We must talking.. Heard his boss’s voice..His boss from Hungary.. -Richard?..What are you doing here?...Yes i go in as soon as possible.. Said to the boss..He was friendly with his boss..The peoples always felt Leslie is appreciate every words, and never say bad after the peoples back.. -Not soon! NOW! Heard Leslie his boss voice before he put the phone.. Leslie felt something wrong, bad happened..He almost ran into the house.. -Jeff, take me to the Kurt now! Said and waited Jeff’s answer.. -Kurt?..Not the airport?..Ok.. Jeff seen Leslie’s face, something happened.. -Bye Kim Said Leslie and Jeff for Kim and after they went to the car.. After Jeff started the engine asked.. -Something bad happened?.. Said and seen with a worried face to Leslie -I don’t know, but i think..My boss called me, my boss from Hungary is here now..I think if he here something happened.. Said with a worried voice to Jeff.. -Ok, we are there soon, i drive fast as i can..said and drove the car..They not talked, and the travel not was short, almost an hour was thanks to the traffic.. -We are here, i waiting you! Said to Leslie Jeff till he seen his friend almost ran in the building.. Leslie never joked with the works..He was lucky, after the high school he found the Kurt and the EA also…He not have papers, but he said, i can do anything without papers like anybody here! And more! I have experience!..They tested, he did..And now he really worried was..He forgot to say hi for anybody, and after went to the office only asked: -Im here. What happened?.. Two boss was in..They said Leslie close the door..he did.. The unnamed boss is weard a suit and a golden glasses.. Richard also was in suit, but henot wore glasses.. They not said anything for a minute..Leslie asked again.. -What happened?..Something with the system?..Hacker attack, or what?.. Said and was really worried, almost scared.. -Not, not happened..He is the boss in the Kurt here in LA..Please sit down Leslie, something other happened.. Said with a bad voice.. -Ok..What i did?.. -So..You know?.. Asked the other boss, he not said his name.. -I know something happened, and if not the project, i did something bad i think.. Said Leslie with an angry voice.. -Leslie we talked everything, and we must say, sorry, but we are pushing out from now! Please give back everything we gave to you to working, and we give you now back your project.. With this sentences Richard dropped a CD on the table.. -What?..This is a Joke, or what?.. Said Leslie, and cant believed what happened. -Not joke! You did the worst! You offent a Cyber Girl, and and you threated her, and molestated her, and her friends..And now we had a call, we pushing you out or the people who called, said he bankrupting the Kurt! This happened! You are a great worker, programmer, but we not risking the company, and you did something bad, not we! Said Richard with angry voice.. -This is a Joke?..I never said any bad for anybody, firstly not for a woman..And if you thinking, i did bad, i say thanks for God, i can meave this place! Said Leslie with angry voice..He picked up his project CD, and papers, dropped down the things from Kurt, and without anything, went out and pushed the door with full power..Almost crashed..He went with angry steps to the secretary and said with angry voice.. -I send on post the documents and every papers in this week! Have a nice day! Not waited..he went out, and walked, left behind Jeff and the car.. -Oh oh..Something really bad happened.. Ran Jeff to Leslie and said..He seen his friend with a worried face.. -Yes..The pushed me out! Pushed me out with 2-3 sentences after 4 years! I did for this idiot place everything! If i not did to repair the last project, the Kurt now is destroyed!..And they pushed me out! Said with angry voice.. -Why?..Why they did this?.. Asked Jeff.. -Why?..Tina..Tina’s one idiot friend or fan did this..He said i molestated her, and threated..Jesus i sent her one message only till now, and i did anything?..What an idiot law here in the USA??? I don’t care anything..don’t care, i hate this world, this place, i hate Los Angeles! Said, and his angry voice is went to almost crying voice.. -My friend, they are idiots, and too bad they believed in one people..Ignore them! This is a wolf world Leslie! You bite and kicking, or they eating you! And the fans..Peoples..Be ready for fight Leslie, the peoples easily can envy on you, and they do anything to make bad to you..Fans is really dangerous..They do anything to protect his her ideal, God, Goddess, hero..They can do anything! Leslie, the world changed. This is not that world that was..Lose your past!!! Said with big voice Jeff, and don’t cared lot of peoples seen them.. -Say it Jeff! Say it! Jessica is the reason im not kill peoples, i helping to peoples, and i cant do anything..I lost with her my past, you think this, not???..I loved her, but fuck it, i was always a gentleman, and i don’t like to change myself!!! And don’t care who what saying, or thinking, but this is not was fair!!! Said Leslie, and kicked up a dumpster..He not was angry type, and he hate the bad words..Jeff knew this..He felt his friend almost crashed.. -Leslie, come to the car, your Aston vaiting, and you have a great work in EA, and you find other work later..More better than these idiots..come before the cops catching you for kicked the dumpster.. Said and laughted one..Leslie made a smile..Ok..But i drop this system out from the window..Stupid IT.. Said and tried to crashing the CD..But he heard a voice.. -Excuse me, i seen, and heard..What happened?.. Said a people in a suit..He went out from a limousin.. -Nothing, i just..nothing..sorry for this.. Said Leslie with sad voice.. -Maybe i can help on you! Said the man and waited.. -Helping?..A wonder maybe, they only pushed me out and my project i worked on 4 years ago.. -I heard IT..Maybe a security project?.. Asked the man, and he was interested.. -Yes a security system..And now nothing, only a CD, and some documents, plans..Everything lost.. Said and tried to drop in other dumpster the papers.. -Please don’t do that..Id like to see that papers.. Said and waited.. -See? Here it is!.. Gave the papers to the man..Jeff only seen what happening, and waited without voices.. -Wow..Really interesting..You know im from the Microsoft, Kurt only a little part, and i heard from a system that protecting any computers..I see, this is..They don’t know what they did now.. Said with a little angry voice and asked.. Can you give me this papers?..I show this to some peoples what they thinking..Here it is my card, there is my number, and my email..Can you give me a number?.. Asked again..Leslie can’t believed..seen Jeff, Jeff seen with a, what are you waiting now face..He gave his card to the man.. -Great..I call you what we say, i think the best, this is more than good…Hungarian number? Asked after seen the number.. -This is not easy, i have hungarian phone, and i have a security thing to protecting my identify.. -Oh a protector system..Hmm..Interesting, i heard from, but from the secret service..Never mind, i call you if we know the answer! Have a nice day, and leave this idiot place! Said to Leslie, and went away with the limousin.. Leslie only stood there, Jeff came to him.. -Leslie, the Aston waiting! I think maybe you made with this dumpster kick your luck! Laughted one, and hoped Leslie make a smile.. -Yes, i think.. Said and made a smile.. ********** They talked a little till not arrived to the airport..Everything is ok was, Leslie paid the price, wrote the papers, and his Aston is waited..Blue Aston, Leslie painted to blue, He thought, blue Aston is not much in the world.. He had two Astons..One Aston DB7 from his teacher, Ronald, and one Aston from a racer who not racing more..He sold it to Leslie the car for friendly price..400,000 but the car full tuned..And now a really sleeper..Aston Martin V12 S Vanquish..3,2 sec to 60mph, and 280Mph..The fastest Aston in the world if we ignoring the Super category with 450Mph! Leslie loved the Astons..Whats this if not a really car, said always..And he have a goal..Colecting the world’s best Aston Martin types..Leslie always thinking in big.. Thought Jeff till Leslie checked the car..Everything worked.. -Well Jeff, i go alone from here..Thanks everything! Said leslie and started the engine.. -Beauty voice Black! Talk you soon! Said Jeff and went away.. Leslie drove safely and keep the laws..He offend any rules and laws, but only in races..He always felt he free if he drove the cars, and in races..Freedom, thing you never know till you not trying to drive as fast as you can…The wind, the car, the road, nothing other..He loved this..And now this thing like a medicine..leslie made a sigh..The phone ringed..He pushed on the speakerphone.. -Yes?.. Asked.. -Leslie, Chris here! Sorry for the travels, i hope everything ok.. Heard his friend from the CIA.. -Chris..Good to hear you alive! How are you..Everything ok?..Im fine not was too hard the flight… Said Leslie happily.. -Im glad you are ok..Here is not good everything...But you know, peoples don’t loving our works Said and waited.. -I know..I hope no missions..I have some new races.. Said Leslie and thought on this is good or bad he have friend from there.. For a minute…Why working for CIA a racer?..Money?..Or secret works?..No..Leslie after his dad died, he went in the worst world..He was a hacker, till the day they crashing the CIA and FBI sites..Only a contest was, who can go in less time…Leslie won..But the CIA found him..And they said..He working sometimes, or he went in the jail for 25 years..Leslie was only 13, who say it, i choose the jail?...Nobody.. He did everything, and after left the works..But he make something for them, they doing to Leslie anything for this.. -Great..Good luck in the races Leslie! Call me if i can help you! Bye! Heard Leslie and heard Chris put down the phone.. Almost was in home he heard the phone again.. -Yes Chris?.. Asked Leslie -Chris?..Kim here! Dont ask how i know, but i warning you the SLR make the championship in this week! The all championship in this week! Bye! Heard Kim’s voice.. -Thank you! Bye! Said Leslie before Kim put down the phone.. -Great, they like to make a trap.. Said to himself..He stopped the car at the garage, and went in..parked the car, and closed the garage..He seen a gray car parking on the street..Leslie not was beginner.. -FBI?.. Asked.. He went in, but the door is opened was.. Two people stood in with suit..The style, the looks, said, they are from FBI.. -What a hell is happening?..What want from me the FBI?.. Asked clean Leslie from the two man.. -You must come with us..We must go now to the office, and we asking some questions from Tina Travis.. Said and they went out and waited for Leslie.. -Wait..I not did anything..An idiot fan did this with me, not i did..My only sin is i kicked up a dumpster today! Said Leslie and was really surprised.. -Did, not did, you must come with us now! They said, and one is cought Leslie’s hand.. No thanks, i can walking..Ok, go to the office! Said Leslie and went out.. ********** The Car stopped they went in the office..A door, real steel door.. -Interrogation room?.. Said Leslie but he felt an ache on his neck, and heard the one agent.. -Here it is the idiot.. He cant standed up because felt a new ache in his stomach.. -Now..Mr Leslie, Would you like to contact with Tina?.. Heard an agent in, and felt a new aches in his rib.. -Do you know, we are her fans?.. Some new beats and kicks.. -Ok, try it.. Heard it Leslie, but he almost passed out.. -well idiot, now call your attorney, and say him, you did, and you ready to go in jail for this..Said one agent and pushed with a gun Leslie to the table..He picked up the phone..He not had attorney, but he knew, they kill him after the call..The table is blody was..His blood everywhere, he felt he dying now.. The only chance is Chris..He called him.. -Yes Leslie?.. Heard Chris’s voice.. Leslie said everything he can did, till the one agent is not picked up the phone from Leslie.. -Idiot! Kill it! Heard the agent..He heard the Gun’s voice..The gun ready now..He received all power and seen the agent and the phone.. -Kill me, but you not living after tomorrow! You don’t know who am i?..Talk in the phone, ask him who is it! He is a CIA boss, my one friend..I was an agent stupid idiots! Said and all power who hed droped the table away.. -What?.. Asked one agent and asked in the phone.. -Who are you there?.. Leslie heard.. -Your worst dream! Leslie passed out..Approx half hour later Chris said him wake up.. They are really friends was..Leslie saved his life 3 times..Now Chris saved Leslie’s life.. -What happened?..Where am i?.. Asked Leslie and woke up..Hi felt the aches, hence knew not only dream was.. -Everything okay, they no be more agents, and they pay for this! They go in jail, i promise..We now in the building’s medical part..You are really lucky, you not broke your bones! Said and helped to Leslie.. -Great..Thanks Chris..But id like to go home..now.. Said Leslie, but his steps not was safe.. -I know you hate the hospital, but better if you we take you in!.. Said Chris and hoped Leslie say yes..He knew the answer.. -No, i go back home now! Said Leslie with full voice.. -Ok, but my men take you home!..Please be careful, USA is crazy place sometimes! Said before the two agent went away with his friend.. The car is stopped, and the agents helped for Leslie to go in..They said goodnight, after went away.. He now alone was..And felt alone..Real alone in the world, that give only bad things..Fight for your dreams, heard it his dad’s voice in his head.. -But dad, i dying for my dreams?.. Asked and cried.. He slept one from the crying, and because was really tired..Why not?..3am was he woke up..He on the computer..Leslie felt his power come back..He looks weak, but his enduring the strongest.. He seen the mails..New message..Maybe the guy from the chat.. Thought Leslie and opened…He thought this is a joke, or dream..Tina wrote back..She agreed Leslie’s feels and she like to know more from him..wrote.. Leslie wrote back, not wrote from what happened, he thought thats not good..He made a shower, but this time carefully..His aches big was..Aches, and injures..This is my life?..Not, not my! Said to himself before went to sleeping.. His dreams is not was good, he dreamt again what happened.. And the circle is closed, he was in the nett.. ********** Chapter 3. Race and Plays
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