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The fist public blog.Valentine day..14th of February..A day that means love, feels in heart, you in love, and you try to make this day perfect for your love..Be beauty if means this, but till today, the day is changed..Valentine day now a MUST day, i must send card, i must buy flower, i must buy big present! The first is so sad, but the money..But who make this?..We..We are accepting this..I not! I not say, not buy present, flower, and make the day perfect..But not only tomorrow, not only on 14th of February! You love him or her? REALLY?..Show it every day and every way! Not the money make happy your love! The feels make her him happy, to feel it, you love him or her! What i say?..A kiss, a minute to see in the eyes and whispering: I love you! This is more than any diamond or 100 rose! A poem, a message, mail you write her him what she he means for you, if you write it trully, means everything! And a dance with him her in home, maybe in the garden, why not, under the skys,dancing for his her favorite romantic song, that means the all universe! Believe it, if you try this tomorrow, you never forget this Valentine day! And if you can, like, buy her him a present, but present that sweet and lovely, not present that expensive and trendy thing..And never forget onew thing..The love is a flower, that NEVER DIES, if you watering and you ensure, protect it! The love neverending! No no, i not say, love is easy, or you not have obstacles, not have fights..I KNOW IT, believe me! Till now i lost my head like i tried two times to kill myself for my love, and was time she not said any words because i made a misstake..I never chated her, and this is the first thing you never can do if you really love your love! The fights and conflicts also needed in the relationship, or how you know, she he what hating in your life, what is it that he or she don't like to see, feel?..We are peoples, human..We are not same in everything! You can say, im an idiot, a crazy man i tried to sdie for her..Maybe i am, i never said im not, i never say im perfect..Sure, im not good, im a man, who trying to live like a gentleman..Im mysterious, because im not a photo maker man, i meant with this, i not have so much pictures from me!..I know why, and i know one day this is changing..I know i made misstakes and bad choises in my life, but i know, i say lies, if i say, i not do these things again if i can go back..This is a nice thing to say, but lies! Thinking on, if you not do, maybe you not there like now! Maybe if do other, you now in worse situation like now, if you now have problems..Who not have?..No pink clouds in the life, pay the price! My cars..Easily you can say, not yours, because these and there the pictures..And?..Who cares? I share my pictures, you believe it believe if not not, i know i have them! I know i paid the price maximally! If you thinking not, read my book's chapter! Only friends can read it, but not long time, and i send it public..I know how many times i risked my life, how many times i was there i finish it, i can't do, but not, if i fall dawn, i stand up, and go along, you must go, or you lose your dreams! I reached today, i have more big friends, i have a rental plane, and lot of cars..Can you believe it, i don't know how many?..I have money, but i collect it to make my goals id like to reach..I have five flat or house in the world, and some room in hotels thats only for me! Oh yes, im rich, but i don't like to say this..Till today if i not had 1000!!! request from please give me money for this or for that, i not had one! I kie to help on peoples, but only if i feel this, not he she say, help me! And the reasons..Huh, sometimes i there to make my profile private, but i not have secrets front of peoples..Send me 5000$ i need it really, i not have only 120$ qnd i have 10000$ debt! I thought i help on him, but i went to his profile, and see..A new car he bought..No thanks, if you need help, not play you have 200000000$ if you not have! Andmy favorite is please do it for the USA, do it for american peoples..JESUS, why who are you? Politics? The president? Or his one people?..LOL..I don't like the politic..After these thinking on, what i say, if i see a new message that only say with one word: money.. If i have a goal i fight to rieach it, and i always reach it! Till now i never regret! Why? Im a dreamer, yes, and i living my dreams! I always have big goals, and believe it, if you like to reach it, you can do! The sky is not so far! My dear dad teached me in my childhood..Maybe he felt he not be with me after, and hence i learnt almost everything i was only 11! He died after:( I miss him:( He teached me, everything started with a dream! Dream it plan it, and reach it! He said always, dreaming my son, never have fears to dream! He made me first like iam now! And my dear mother, he teched me, the money is nothing, the love is everything, he made me, i have a heart that feel so deep every feelings.. And my race teacher, Robert, he teached me, never regret, if you not risking, you not win! Pay the price, but always see, what can you do!If you did everything, and maybe you lost that goal, you won that goal, because not your fault was, you did everything to reach it! He made to me, i have bigger and bigger goals, and i never give up! He was my second father, after he died, i lost my second father:( You see it, everybody have problems, and we are not same! I feel now not one of you thinking on, oh yes, you have lot of money, cars, and power, and a love.. What i say, my love is secret! Lot of peoples asked the question, she is she is?..I not answered till now, i answer if yhe allow this..I extremely agree everything she say, do! Im romantic man, i won waltz and tango championship i was only 13 and 15..I had the first love i was 13 and i was 14 she died in sickness. I was 16 i met in Hungary a sweet girl who showed me what means the love really after the terrible lose..Jennifer is my really big love was, and i loved her so so much..But the life crashing everything..She died with my friend in an accident..Not was accident, my rival killed them..The worst was, on that day i tried to ask her be my wife.. After i never was the Leslie that was till that day..The only thing in my life the races and cars was, and fears fears to ill be alone..I was:(..And if you feel everything so black, you can make easily misstake,that take you in danger! I seen a cybergirl, and i thought, i love her..Not, only a lust was, an escape from the dark, a try..And everything bad was, she only played with me, and i almost died..I thought after she said I destroyed her life, after said, i lost my workplace, almost pushed me my carclub, and some FBI fans tried to kill me, she say, i crashed, destroyed her life...I lost the control, and thought i kill myself on my next race..But after the race began, i felt no, i not loved her, and why i kill myself now?..But i had too much thoughts and feels, my rivel used this, he pushed my car, i lost the control and crashed..I almost died..After this i said myself, i never be in love more, i finished, ill be single forever..said, but my head, not my heart, and what happened?..I seen her on playboy, and my heart said on that minute, she is, she is you tried to find in your all life! What i seen?..Oh, i almost hear, what what, in playboy?..Her body!.. NOT! I seen her eyes, her smile, after heard her voice, and my heart is crashed... I meant with this, the big and hard shield that was on my heart is crashed forever.. From that minute i loved her, and love now, and love her always, till the end of times, till the end of the all world, and after! After i send to her, and received from her the first message, i knew, she is a lovely girl, who have a sweet gold heart, and i living only for her from now! almost 5th month ago i love her, i love her, and living for her! be 5th on 18th..till now she is not my girlfriend, and i not met her lively! Can you believe it?..She said after i asked her, she not ready now to make relationship, she young, i must wait.. I said, and i never only say, if i say, i do, i agreed, and said i wait..and i waiting now also, and don't care the times..2months, 5, 1 year, or 3m sure, if i must wait 10 years, NOT easy, but i'll do for her! Like my one sweet friend said, Carmella, she is my real friend, this is my ONE and REAL GOAL IN MY LIFE NOW: SHE is THE LOVE of my life, no if's and's or but's. I am engaged to her and I cannot wait to marry her! This is the true, she know this, i know, and i can't love any woman! I can't find woman like she is! She sweet, nice, beauty, she is my true and one love! More people use the words, i can't live without you..REALLY?..You can jump in the bullet to protect her him?..You can die if you see, she he not love you, she he love other?..I did this! first time i remember, i thought she said lies, she was with a guy..That idiot sent comments, and message that said..I tried to kill myself on a race, but i only injured little..I was really angry i not died, i left the car, but on that minute blew up..My one rival was again..C4 on the car..My only luck was, the controller not worked, hence the bomb detonation is was too late.. And the second time, I NEVER, NEVER FORGET, THE WORST DAYS OF MY LIFE! Christmas!!! That same idiot sent coment about she will be his wife, and sent comments that said this..Before you thinking im crazy, i must say maybe, but my love myspace is have comment allows..Till today i don't know why she agreed these comments, i think because she have lot of comments, accidently not seen what he wrote..I felt deeper and deeper i lost her, forever..And on Christmas, 25, i seen the worst comment of my life..I sent her just one day before, what is my goal, and my one dream is children from her..and what i seen?.. Her one childpicture said: how cute. your going to have beautiful kids one day. actually i ment to say we are going to have beautiful kids one day. Americans have a great sentence for this..This is a pain in ass! This is was the last, i seen and after a wifey comment, i lost every controls, bought a Lamborghini Diablo GT, i tuned, and crashed in a truck with 400km/h..I really can't live without her, and i wanted one thing: i die! I was in coma 4 days..And i died for 5 minutes after 2 days..Why im here? I felt her, i heard her, this is so crazy, lot of peoples never understand it..I just wanted to say with this, never thinking, the love is easy, or im in an easy situation..Now i have a great Valentine week, she not online these weeks, and i can't talk with her only one words..Hard, but im so happy, and love her! She sent me a Valentine card, after i not feel hard this day..I sent her and send her always presents, and this valentine not was so easy to send it...I thought i send some desserts with the other presents, i was in Hungary, why i not send, hungarian dessert! What happened?..I made the package, call FedEx, and they say, sorry, but you can't send any sweet, chocolate, dessert, or food to the USA! WHY?..THE IDIOT POLITICS! One new law say, not allowed any food to the usa..I called my friend in CIA, he said, he can help me, but the food arrive to the bordar, and stand there forever..One other friend sent a truck with candy, and the candy on the borders from 2 months ago! Sure, nowhere, the idiots eat them! The FDA is a stupid idiot, with stupid idiot peoples! I was angry and sad, i can't send the dessert, i bought other present for the package, and send it..I thought maybe the security..But i made a test..AFTER 30! minutes i had a paper to send to the USA any toxic things! SUPER! Said to me, maybe if i wait 2 weeks i have paper to allow to send dessert, and after 30 minutes i had paper to send toxics.. Where is the security after this?..The USA menat freedom till now, from now means prison????..I hope anybody read this who can do anything against this! I had permission from the CIA, i make fake profile, to see testing the security..Hah, and see it, 30 minutes, and the terrorist with fake profile that have true datas, but not owned, can send any toxic weapon to the USA! SUPER, THIS IS THE SECURITY, CONGRATULATIONS! You find after 24 hours the datas fake was?..TOO LATE, if terrorist was, the weapon go to the USA now, they won! And Jesus, who can put any weapon and poison in ORIGINAL CLOSED desserts???..AND on Valentine week??.. This is is an idiot and terrible thing was that made my Monday so sad in Hungary before i went back to the USA..After this i must say, say thanks for God, you have him/her, you can together with him / her, and not see the peoples, or the day..Sure, evade the places on Valentine day, the restaurants, clubs and cinemas be like the metro on monday morning..Not romantic! More romantic, if you make a dinner for him/her, make a romantic bathroom, you can't believe it, how romantic be a bath with candellights and rose leaves in the water! No lamps, only candles, no tv, only music, maybe later a movie, but not on tv, on dvd or video..be a romantic movie, but not drama! And don't forget the rose leaves on the floor! Thats also make the all place is so romantic! Don't forget off the mails callers, off the phones and everything that can crash the romantic times! Great if you bought present for him her, but i have a great idea for you, to make this day super! buy two present be a little, but sweet, and a sweet and bigger present! Give it the present on valentine, but only the little! What about the other? Give to him, her on the morning only! He she not waiting present there, and she he be so so surprised and happy for this! For men a little ideas! Give her with breakfeast on the morning in her bed! Maybe you not working after:) And if you not bought her present till now, and you have more for this, i have an idea! Buy for her necklacle. that so romantic, if you put in her neck, kiss her neck softly, and wishper in her ear she is the most beautiful in the world! Believe me, thats more for her than 200 diamond! And if you not gave till now, this is the time, buy a locket, make in description engrave about you and her, not too long, only little, and thats a great and sweet present, if you like a big expensive present for her! But i said, not the money the first! And roses, and candles not so expensive, and worth it:) Oh yes, the flowers..Crash it, not buy her Rose, every woman now wait Rose! Buy for her other and rare flower, like Orchids! Roses draws be on the package paper, yes make package with the present, more great if he she have package, and not see firstly what he she received from you! Don't forget to buy anyplace a heart! plush heart means my heart is sweet, nice, and yours! And means his her heart is sweet nice, and my..This is a great thing for present! Other great thing, if you forget the flower, and buy for him her a plush figure! Buy animal, the best is the dog! Means, i always here, i love you, i faithfull for you always! Please love me, and never leave me! Perfect present! And some ideas for women:) If you like to give him a big present buy a watch, and write a description on the back..engrave a sentence that is with the times like: I always love you, till the end of times or Please lose always the times with me! or times go away, but our love never! If you like a hot description do it!:) Best a question, and 100% the answer:) I think he be surprised if he read description like this: How many hours like to be with me in bed? How many kiss and touch will be in the next 24 hours? Show me how many minutes you can kiss me! Men if have present and say anything like these, after you can't scrape off from you more:D The other thing is important, the parfume! We men can't believe it the Valentine day without parfume..Be sweet and nice, not be hard, or strong flavor! A nice and perfect parfume is be like the bee and the flower..The man is can't stop to not feel it closer the parfume's flavor! One more thing! This day, the woman is the first, hence allow to make everything your love! If he make a dinner, not make in anything..Maybe not be like your food, but he made with his heart, you can eat it once or not?:) Always wait the next step. but always answer back..Or he starting to feel, you don't like to be there with him..Valentine day have a really big weakness! The people's heart so weak this day, also men's heart, hence if you not answer back a kiss, he easily can feel, you not love him! Valentine menas TOGETHER, not you, or he/ She! This is the first! I hope i can help with this blog a little, and i wait the messages, and comments here, how was your Valentine!:) If after you read this in public blog, and you like to be my friend, send me only a request, i always accept the request till i see that people is fair! Have a sweet and beautiful Valentine day everybody! Big hug, and much love, Leslie Szalay - Black
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