My latest collection of "Homeland Defense Weapons". Gotta love the Second Admendment.
SKS Norinco w/ 5,10,30,&55rnd clips*
Taurus 24/7 9mm 4-10,1-17rnd clips*
Brazilian Side by side 12g. sawn-off shotgun*
AR-7 .22lr Survival*
Ornamental Saber (Not for BU)*
Fiskers ax*
Smith&Wesson hand-ax/skinning knife combo*
Spec-One Fighting Tanto*
Gerber: Mark1, (2)Pocket, Multi-tool*

1080- 7.62x39 Wolf FMJ*
500rds 9mm Winchester HP*
300rds .22lr Yellowjackets*
20slug Remminton 12g*
80 shot Remmington 12g*
Various pyrotechnical devises (smoke,rockets,missles,crackers=)*

Two more are in the skunkworks. A .22 revolver and an old 12g pump shotgun.
Future purchases: Taurus .357 Titanium revolver, .308 bolt action rifle.