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I've lost my mumm privileges! WTF?! I see trash mumms posted up all day that does not follow the "GUIDELINES" Said guidelines are: What Guidelines should I follow for posting a MUMM? MUMM stands for Make Up My Mind. It is designed to be a platform to allow you to pose a question that has an A and B option. MUMMs are NOT designed to promote yourself or anyone else, GAIN POINTS (why give them?), advertise an event or commercialized product, or promote racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm against any group or individual. MUMMs must also NOT contain inappropriate conduct, phone numbers and contact information, nudity, violence, or offensive subject matter, nor can it provide links to adult websites. Any use of PHOTOS or VIDEOS posted in the MUMMs must be appropriate and relevant to that MUMM, or the MUMM will be deleted. fubar has the right in its sole discretion to delete a MUMM with or without notice if it contains any of the above material and/or deems it inappropriate content, and can thereby suspend your privileges of use for the feature for an undisclosed amount of time. So My MUMM IS. Should this reckless, chaotic clamor of dimwits be allowed to stay in a "reputable" website as Fubar when no one follows the posted rules? This is not only to to help me make up my mind why they are still here, but to educate those that can't find this info by themselves and post up BS while I posted an educated and researched "poll" that was removed! And yes, I am going to approve all comments as I see them. So if you don't like it. DON'T COMMENT!
"What some are wondering if it would be possible to have a symbol on the mumms that are comment approval so they can move along to the next one and not have time wasted making a comment that wont get thru if its not what the poster wanted to hear. It is amusing to note the ones that only approve comments that are the opinion they wanted in the first place" Actually, No. I turn it on only when I MUMM because of the assinign comments that distract from the topic of the MUMM. If you want to leave crude comment then I'm sure I am not the only one that wants you to move on. I would be willing to let all comments to be posted providing they were not personal attacks. It kills me to see a stupid poll or a question in a non mumm format. Believe me. I have been against those from the start and have championed to have those deleted as they appear. All it is, is pointwhoring. Yes. Or plain stupid idiots that cant proofread their own type. Done it a few times in haste, but do they deserve to be treated like a sick dog and be beat down? No, just move on to the next mumm. We arent here to provide you with a sick and twisted entertainment all because you are insensitive and twisted in your views and games. Grow up and join the civilized world. Just remeber. The mumm posted belongs to us and remains on our profile for other members to to see what plagues our minds and how we deal with it. How we phrased it. Being mis-spelled, incorrect grammar, or just plain stupid. Another way to see who the person is that you may want to have as a friend. Do we as the poster not have the "right" to keep the trash out of it? Remove the verbal insults by some crude troll who only wants to spew filth and hated? Yes we do. If you see that all of the comments are being screened then you should move on or think twice about how you word your opinion. Try and have your A-game on and contribute to the mumm. Then more than likely your comment will be approved. If only one side is presented. Then that shows the charater of the poster and move on. I can fully see Fubar's stance on this. If the mumms continue to follow the path they are running now, then they may remove them all together to prevent some emotionally sensitive member from injuring themselves like what has recently happed to a young woman in Myspace. She was slammed by many crude members until she took her own life. Who wants to be in on that? Do you think Fubar needs those kinds of ruthless actions being carried out within their site? I highly doubt it. Trolls in Mummville tarnish the fun for the majority that like the feature of posing questions to the Fubar community. The mumms are for everyone and not for a select group of crass individuals who claim that the mumms are exclusively thier own. Quite simply as Scrapper had put it. If you dont like it. Create your own site to bash members in or move on. How about you just take it to the street and not hide behind your closed doors and computer screens and see how people in real life approve of your comments. As I said before in my mumm on this topic. You may meet the wrong end of a knife, meet the bullet with your name on it, or be the individual being beat down by a group of that you are not apart of. Things will be totally different in those circumstances. One not to your approval. So who will you go and cry to then? Get a life trolls and do not infringe upon my right to not have your feces spread on me and others not deserving. Go somewhere else to play your little boy/girl games. Grow up and join the civilzed world!

Thank you!

If you havent noticed yet. You have the option of approving all comments made within your mumm. I hear the death screams of the Mummville trolls. Go into your Privacy Settings and right on top is the Spear of Troll Slaying. Select option "YES" and be rid of dumbass, off topic comments from losers that only shovel out shit and not needed wisdom. Also while approving comments. You have the option of blocking right then and there. No worries. LOVE IT!!!
"Many of you email me day in and day out about your MuMMs. I could spend all day turning back on MuMMs only for you to abuse them and loose them in an hour. Everyone MuMMs are a privilege. If you get them turned off, you are still able to make Friends MuMMs. Once a month we will turn everyone back on. If you have lost your everyone mumms, you will have to be patient and wait until that day. I will not respond to any email about MuMMs. Please read: MUMM Guidelines MUMM stands for Make Up My Mind. It is designed to be a platform to allow you to pose a question that has an A and B option. MUMMs are NOT designed to promote yourself or anyone else, gain points, advertise an event or commercialized product, or promote racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm against any group or individual. MUMMs must also NOT contain inappropriate conduct, phone numbers and contact information, nudity, violence, or offensive subject matter, nor can it provide links to adult websites. Any use of PHOTOS or VIDEOS posted in the MUMMs must be appropriate and relevant to that MUMM, or the MUMM will be deleted. MuMM comments must not contain NSFW or any inappropriate material or you will lose your comment privileges indefinitely. fubar has the right in its sole discretion to delete a MUMM with or without notice if it contains any of the above material and/or deems it inappropriate content, and can thereby suspend your privileges of use for the feature for an undisclosed amount of time." Updated MuMM Policy My Comment to Scrapper: So these rules are actually going to be enforced now? Great! The MUMMs are full of trolls that post off topic slams against the mummer. Are they going to be busted down for their misdeeds? I see MUMMs posted daily that do not comply to the rules above. Ask The Geek In Pink. He is well aware of my concerns. I was blocked from posting new MUMMS, then told that the same type of MUMM others were posting were legit. Even the original MUMMs from way back by BabyJ do not comply to these guidelines. Do what you can to straighten up this dark shadow that defiles Fubar. Clear out this "Trollville" or just do away with the MUMMs all together. Solve alot of BS that you all have to go through and eliminate 80% of the online bullying within the house of Fubar. Sure would be a better place to visit. My 2 cents..again ;-)


http://fubar.com/topmums.php How many non MuMMs can you spot? Market man and BabyJ plus at least 12 more. BULLSHIT I SAY!!!


My 1st MuMM I posted up and what do I get but a bunch of BS from crying babies. SNAKES OF CHRIST!!! ->~Smokin Dj...: its gone and so is my VIC. thank you please G33K 1N 73H P1NK: thanks ->~Smokin Dj...: GODS. GET OFF MY CASE PLEASE> I understand. G33K 1N 73H P1NK: please do keep in mind the mumm format, if it is phrased as a mumm a lot will get through ->~Smokin Dj...: I did it. THANX! G33K 1N 73H P1NK: you dont want me to do it for you ;) G33K 1N 73H P1NK: please delete your existing mumm here: fubar.com... G33K 1N 73H P1NK: and mumms are rarely flagged for actual NSFW, its usually because its not a real mumm G33K 1N 73H P1NK: thats all that is asked ->~Smokin Dj...: working on that G33K 1N 73H P1NK: if you are careful, you can word a poll into a valid mumm G33K 1N 73H P1NK: I dont make the rules, I have been asked to keep mumms true G33K 1N 73H P1NK: mumm is not a poll G33K 1N 73H P1NK: mumm = make up my mind ->~Smokin Dj...: Thanks again for the warning. I'm about done with this site! ->~Smokin Dj...: Jeez. This so blowwws! Screw the Mumms. Nobody acually aswers. they are just grabbing for pooints! G33K 1N 73H P1NK: please repost your question in the form of a mumm G33K 1N 73H P1NK: mumm = make up my mind G33K 1N 73H P1NK: it is a survey G33K 1N 73H P1NK: this is not a valid mumm: fubar.com...

Bouncer feedback...lol ;-)

A I posted earlier. One of my MUMMs was flagged NSFW then deleted. Followed by a week of banishment from the MUMM until I frakin beg Scrapper for my privileges back which I totally think is BS. Especially because some non-saluted hater can slam my shit and screw me for a week when I'm a paying VIC. OH, well on to new news. This bulletin passed my way yesterday...... How they killed the Mumms. Just saw this. Yes, good idea. Yes, they are killing this place. I might comment more, but will hold for now. With Scrapper's new rules about banning people for marking their own Mumms as NSFW to avoid them being reported by the assholes that are just marking certain peoples mumms for no reason we need to teach Scrapper and company that its bad business to piss off the customers. So this is what I propose of all mummers.... 1. Do not post mumms. 2. Do not comment mumms. 3. Mark any and all mumms as NSFW that aren't already marked. If those of us that bash and have witty comments for everyone that entertains the masses just quit doing it then the mumms will become so boring that even the noobs will quit going in them. Let them see what the mumms are like without the ones that made the mumms what they are. Now repost this shit and get the word out so we can take back OUR mumms. Being a vengeful SOB I can be. I was flagging all that didnt meet my idea of NSFW. The body and content of the posted comments. Well, today I get a love note from one of our friendly bouncers. He actually was. I'm not knocking him in any way but I'm posting this to record another lame attempt at FuBar Customer no-Support and insufficient communication amongst the staff. Their priorities need to be reconfigured. ->~Smokin Dj...: I'm curious. What other special super powers do you Bouncers posess? ->~Smokin Dj...: so you see my side of things and I do see yours. I'll keep my nose clean and sanitary but then thats why I gave Myspace the finger when they deleted my 5k member nudists group. G33K 1N 73H P1NK: lol that will vary a bit yes ->~Smokin Dj...: sorry, resturaunts and adult entertainment. G33K 1N 73H P1NK: I work in a cube farm... ->~Smokin Dj...: most of my close friends do only because their work NSFW isnt the same as others. lol G33K 1N 73H P1NK: thats why I dont surf the fu at work >~Smokin Dj...: all in all. Fubar isnt very NSFW. Most of the shouts me and my friends receive unsolicited are really obscene and the way topics go in the mumms may start out harmless but swing widely. shrugs ;-) G33K 1N 73H P1NK: mumms arent only flagged for obsenity, I think that is not publicized enough ->~Smokin Dj...: it keeps both parties fair, and yes. I am very paranoid. See, thats the BS part. My Mumm wasnt obscene and was unfairly flagged. Leaves a very bad taste in FuBar's member's mouths. G33K 1N 73H P1NK: please do flag if the body of a mumm is NSFW, but if it has off color COMMENTS, please do not flag the mumm itself, let a bouncer know instead. thanks G33K 1N 73H P1NK: I cant really comment on the current state of mumms, you record too much ;) ->~Smokin Dj...: but to cut this short. I'll stop flagging non-NSFW mumms but will continue to flag ones that are NSFW and are going in unclean directions. Thank you for the warning. G33K 1N 73H P1NK: excessive NSFW flagging of legit content does get you noticed ->~Smokin Dj...: Cool. thought I would help ya stay up to speed. I know they keep the Bouncers in the dark on important stuff. Do feel free to check out my blogs. I have all of my interactions with CT non-Support chronicled within. PLus, my firewall records all IMs and the shoutbox for later reference. G33K 1N 73H P1NK: I am very well aware of the mumm situation but thanks for the link ->~Smokin Dj...: Go to this bulletin going around. May shed some light on the MUMM situation. http:... ->~Smokin Dj...: Oh, yes. I've seen those. They are posted in my blogs. Scrapper asks for us to bed for our mumms back. My pix arent copyrighted so I'm SOL, and TOS 5 should be reviewed by more staff. Thanks for the info tho. G33K 1N 73H P1NK: if you have questions about any of that ask in here: http:... G33K 1N 73H P1NK: regarding fake profiles or user disputes, read 7 here: http:... G33K 1N 73H P1NK: regarding mumm suspension read here: http:... ->~Smokin Dj...: at least I'm not going around and stealing ppls pix to create bogus profiles as was done to me. Can you help me with that? ->~Smokin Dj...: Like my Mumms were flagged and deleted, and now I cant post Mumms anymore? G33K 1N 73H P1NK: it seems like you are flagging every mumm All fun and games...man, I do need to get laid. LMAO!
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