36 Year Old
From Philadelphia, PA·
Joined on June 25, 2007
Born on November 20th
I have a crush on someone!
im a klutz,ima pothead & i think i have an addiction :] i have bitchy tendencies :] so be careful kimberly noel kardashian = love. im the 7th letter of the alphabet [im a G ] ima welcome mat to the world feel free to use me [(everybody else does)] muzik = life.. without it im nothing i have no problem making new friends :] but please come correct or dont come at all gracias.. have a nice day pZ
36 Year Old
From Philadelphia, PA·
Joined on June 25, 2007
Born on November 20th
I have a crush on someone!
ima gangster .. G'z ↑ N_UNiT F0R LiFE [BxTCHES] ♥♥♥♥ H00DiESz kokonutt phillies smoking lighters fire ..mm socks gummi worms tinkerbell fairies TASSELS♥ jewelery lipgloss tiara's.. cuz IM A PRiNCESSSSSSS
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