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51 Year Old · Female · From Carneys Point Township, NJ · Owned by ISTALKUnUnU and is worth 10,000 fuBucks. · Joined on June 12, 2017 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on July 16th · 9 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 19 different people have a crush on me!




Now that I have your attention, let's go over some fucking things... Before you ask, NO, I am NOT single and I am happy & completely in love with my man. I do NOT cheat! It Definitely means I do NOT want to be your Friday, Saturday, Sunday or any other day booty call. Let me inform you now, it does not matter what you say, how many times you say it or for ever how long you say it, it will Not change my feelings for him or my LOYALTY to him. The only person who can change my feelings & loyalty to my man is MY MAN & you best believe he will NEVER risk losing my love, Just like I will never risk losing him with some casual affair so STEP OFF if you have bad intentions.
Next up... Let's put it out there now... yes I have big Boobs. I do not need to be reminded under every picture. If you continue to do so you will be blocked. Yes, I wear a lot of low cut shirts. Deal with it, block me or start paying for my clothes because that is the only way you have a say in what I wear. and no that still will not get u any play with me.
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR NUDE PICTURES. I DO NOT HAVE NUDE PICTURES OF MYSELF. NONE, ZILCH, ZERO, NADA. I do NOT want to talk dirty with you, to you, or for you. For the thick headed people that means any conversations that includes key words such as cocks, dicks, pussy, vagina, boobs, breast, lick, suck. Which means, basically anything that stimulates the mind into thinking S-E-X. If you message me with any of the above you will be blocked with NO WARNING. If you would not say it to your Mother, Daughter, Boss Do NOT SAY IT TO ME OR POST IT ON MY PROFILE.. Piss me off, you'll be gone. I am here to socialize, reconnect with old friends and new make FRIENDS. I am not here to find love, lust, a get it and go, a boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, wife, an internet pretend life with you or anything along that line. If you are nice to me, I will be nice to you. That DOES NOT MEAN I want you. If you want to to be friends, do it because you want to get to know me, NOT because you think it will make me fall to my knees and worship you, Because that will NEVER happen. I am extremely perceptive and will know it is bullshit before you even get the first sentence out of your mouth. I can tell the difference between genuine and being fake because they think they will get something in return. Got it? Good. Please read this several times so you know this is how it goes. If you are going to whine, complain or be negative then click unfriend now. Be nice or shut the fuck up.

General Information.

So, now that we got that out of the way...while in line to ride The Crazy Train, please note that by reading this information section you are WAIVING all rights to be offended by what is posted . Please do not sit, stand or lean on the handrails. Stay behind the red line until it is your turn to ride. Once seated, keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times. There is no insurance so basically, if you choose not to follow the directions, you are fucked. Grit your teeth, bear the load and enjoy your ride down The Crazy Train.










Youtube player code generated @ http://gaf210.imvustylez.net

I Loves my Fubar Fu Family!!!! :P .


Hello my wonderful fufamily yes each and every1 of u that like , rate, comment, f/r help and what ever else u do for me.~ Renee Richards Temptation Is Yours ~

Special thanks to My Fu-Family... Thanks for all your help!!! :P .

51 Year Old · Female · From Carneys Point Township, NJ · Owned by ISTALKUnUnU and is worth 10,000 fuBucks. · Joined on June 12, 2017 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on July 16th · 9 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 19 different people have a crush on me!
I am an extremely creative person. I am an out of the box thinker, a problem solver... I love playing with and editing pictures. If you ever need help with editing, let me know and I will do my best to help you or make it for you. I am silly, funny, smart and a bit sarcastic Slurp.gif I am a girly girl. I LOVE pink and sparkly things. I am good to those that are good to me, sometimes a little to good but once some1 pushes me over that line... When I am done, I am done for good. I am leader, not a follower. If you push me... I will push back... As for drama and talking shit, I would not suggest it, because karma is a good friend of mine... I
do not take part in it because it is not my job to judge others... I am here to have fun and make friends. I DO NOT SEXT, SO DO NOT TRY IT! I will give you one warning, if you continue there afterwards I WILL BLOCK YOU!

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