36 Year Old
From Austin, TX·
Joined on November 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 25th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
36 Year Old
From Austin, TX·
Joined on November 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 25th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Be a Best Friend, Tell the Truth, And overuse I love you, Go to work do youre best, Dont outsmart youre common sense, never let youre prayin knees get lazy, And Love Like Crazy. . .
She got her daddy's tongue and temper Sometimes her mouth could use a filter God shook his head the day he built her Oh, but I bet he smiled. She loves and lives her life unruly Tears up that dirt road up in a dualy Dangerous, absolutely. And in a little while... She'll be roundin' that corner on three wheels Ain't slowin down, yellin "Come on, jump in" Always up to somethin, crazy got nothin' on her She ain't right, she ain't right She ain't right, but she's just right for me She says she wants to meet my momma I said, I don't think you oughta Be like mixin' oil and water But by midnight she had momma on the coffee table dancin' Comin' unwound Good God I swear, can't take her anywhere What's the girl gonna do next She ain't right, she ain't right She ain't right, but she's just right for me Every once in a while she'll give me that smile and say, I just don't see somebody like you lovin' somebody like me She ain't right, naw she ain't right She ain't right She ain't right, she ain't right She's just right, she's just right, She's just right for me Mhhmmm she's just right, she's just right. She ain't right, she's just right for me.
My name is Emmie, I really dont think you would have guessed. The best word I could use to describe myself is spontaneous. You never know what I'm gonna do. Hell, half the time I dont even know what I'm gonna do, but i like it that way. I really dont have many things i would change about myself because i have learned to love the not so good things. I have a bad temper and come off sweeter than i really am most of the time. I love anyone and everyone. Im a flirt. I like attention but i dont need it. I dont expect much from people because of all the things iv been through in the past. I put my trust in very few to save myself from disappointment, and it actually works. I dont have a million friends because actual friends are something i think are hard to find. Im tough on choosing who i even consider friends because its something you need to earn, not just some label ill hand you. I would rather make my own mistakes and learn from them then to never experience the fall. I usually dont listen to other people when they warn me because the hurt makes you stronger and thats why its so hard to break me down. I dont steer clear of the problem, i take it on head first because chances are ill learn something from it, and the knowledge i gained is worth it all. Iv been in my share of fucked up relationships, trust me. Iv been pushed, and shoved. Iv had things thrown at me, been thrown out of cars, houses, you name it. Iv been stalked, threatened, talked down upon. Basically been to hell and back, then back again for more. I think my biggest problem is that i highly lack common sense, and i dont even know why because im a really smart girl. I dont think before i do something i know is probably gonna turn out bad. Even though that sounds like a bad thing i think its made me better in ways because i can deal with so many different situations that most people would just freak out about. You probably dont see it but im a strong girl. No, im not a hardass. No, i wont beat you up. But i do have the emotional strength to handle almost anything, and i know how to handle myself along with it. People take advantage of the fact that i care too much, and that sometimes im too nice. I say a lot of sarcastic things but if i give you a hard time that means i like you. Im genuinely caring at heart so its hard for me to hate. I dont like holding grudges and i love making people happy. I actually would rather go to the mall and shop for my best friends than shop for myself. Just cause i love how excited they get, lol. Everyone has always told me im too generous, but i love that about myself. I like to go out of my way for other people. I dont know why but iv never been an over the top girly girl. Yeah i tan, get my hair done and all that but i grew up fourwheeling with my dad and brothers. I used to ride around every day in trashy pick up trucks blaring country music so thats where im always kinda gonna be. Im not a hillbilly by any means though just for the record, and when im older im moving out the the city. Just dont expect me to always have a full line of makeup on wearing something cute from Abercrombie, cause half the time i like how i look without my face done up, and my tank tops work just fine. Im not hard to please. Tiny things make me the happiest girl in the world. I guess you could say im spoiled but only to a certain extent. The only reason i am is because im so close with my dad, and any girl who is as much of a daddys girl as i am gets everything she wants. The thing is i just dont want everything, but im still as independant as anyone, and never in my life will i act stuck up. I just got lucky that my dad has what he does to offer me, and i would still be just as close with him if he was homeless. I know for a fact that i could have a ton more than i already do. If i wanted him to buy me a new COACH purse tomorrow i could get one, and if i wanted to buy all my makeup at Sephora i could. But iv got the mall for all my stuff and WalMart is just down the road. Im perfectly fine with that. I will bet money that i smile and laugh more than anyone else i know. Sometimes when im just sitting at my computer all alone ill be smiling. My life really isnt that bad so whats the reason not to smile? I think everything is funny too, so thats why i laugh so much. Im good at laughing things off, but i guess thats a good thing. I know how to make fun of any situation and i do it. I like to make awkward situations and make myself look retarted because it gives me and my friends something to laugh about. Im reckless. I dont give a fuck about a lot of things. I dont consider consequences because i think i can always handle them. Im impatient. I can never sit still. I love people who can teach me new things. I would love to find someone who would make me more careful, and who i wouldnt mind waiting on. Someone who doesnt move at such a fast pace but can still keep up with me and help me slow down. Family has never been a huge part of my life, and i know thats really shitty to admit but its true. Me and my mom have never gotten along. Even when i was little. We have absolutely nothing in common and the things we do share, we just argue about. I dont look up to my mom, and theres nothing about her that i ever want to have show up in me. I do love her though, more than anything in the world and i give her credit for putting up with me. The only ones im close to are my dad and brothers. We have a lot more in common than anyone else. Me and my dad especially. Our personalities are exactly the same and its the funniest thing ever. I do party, but not so much anymore. I used to do it every day of every week and it eventually got old. I think iv grown up a little. I still like to have my fun iv just realized i dont need to always be drinking to do it. But dont get me wrong if a good party comes up ill be there! Im a beer kinda girl and im not picky.
36 Year Old
From Austin, TX·
Joined on November 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 25th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Hi there my new friend! I just came by to thank you for stopping by my page by leaving some Big Girl Luv on yours, so I rated you an 11 and fanned you while I was here. I hope you have an amazing weekend! Lots of Curvy Hugs and Luv for you. xoxo~Synful Syntra~
It's a romantic full moon, when Pedro said,"Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu."Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita.Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged."But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." replied Rosita.Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me."Rosita looked at Pedro and said,"OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu."Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang....."Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!